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Blended Learning Lesson Plan Lesson Title:

Different Ways to Read Sentences
Students will be able to…
Effectively read sentences properly
Students will be able to…
Compose their own, complete sentences
State Standards:
1.1 Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and front to back.
Why are you teaching this particular lesson? What comes before this lesson in thelarger unit?
What previous knowledge will students be bringing into the lesson? What comesafter this lesson
in the larger unit? What are you teaching in order to prepare students for thenext lesson topic?
I am teaching this particular lesson in order for students to learn a basic and important aspect
oflife. Being able to properly read sentences from all directions helps their speech, composing
their own sentences, and obviously, their reading abilities. If I am in a kindergarten classroom,
theonly prior knowledge they would have is from what they have learned at home. Every
studentvaries because some parents do and some do not begin teaching their children at home.
This is a pivotal lesson that every student needs to know because it will help in every subject and
everyaspect of life in order to compose completes and read completed sentences.
  How will students be grouped in this lesson? What hypothetical data will these groupingsbe
based on? How will data be collected in this lesson for future groupings and teaching?
I will group my students in fours and different tables. I will pick which student goes where
basedupon prior knowledge and their background strengths and weakness on the topic that I will
onlyhave access too. Doing this is better for the students because I can have some students that
needassistance with some thay understand in order to have help from a friend. I can also put all
thesame students together and see if the ones struggling can help figure it out as a group effort
andif not, I can come over to assist.
  List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets,diagrams,
textbooks, etc.)
Paper and pencil; I would like my students to rewrite these sentences a few times
becausereptation can benefit them.Premade laminated papers with word on them; these will be
used to maneuver the words tocompose sentences and put them in different formations i.e. Left
to right, right to left, verticaland horizontal.Smart Board; I will display a video/song about the
topic letting the students get engaged andexcited on the lesson in a fun way.

Detailed paragraphs
 from here on down.
  Introduction ( 10 minutes ):
 When class begins I will ask the students to sit in theirassigned seats. I will begin with a brief
discussion of how everyone is, how their day is, takeattendance, etc. and then quickly start in the
lesson. I put on the Smart board the YouTube videoof choice about sentences having the students
get an idea about what we will be discussingtoday.
Teacher Directed ( 20-25 minutes ):
 After this introduction I will explain what they had just watched and explain what will be going
down for the day. I will go over the directions forthe lesson and the activity that they will be
completing. Once everything is explained I will beginassigning my students to their new tables
for the activity. This creates movement and change ofscenery to get them out of their comfort
zone. I will hand out paper and pencils as well as the pile of words for each group. Before I take
it upon myself to hand the materials out, I will ask for volunteers to help pass them out. Then I
will ask if there are any questions and let the students begin.
Collaborative ( 10-15minutes ):
 This is where the students actually complete theirassignment. I will be calling out which
direction to format the words. Students will all helpmoving the words into the row I call out. (ex.
Left to write). When everyone puts all of theirwords in that order, they all will read the sentence
that way in a group and write that sentencedown five times in a row. Every table will have
different sentences so after when we come backto discuss they have their work at hand.
  Independent Digital ( 10-15 minutes ):
 When the groups are all done, I will tell thestudents to return to their seats with their paper
and pencil. I will then ask if there are anyvolunteers to pick up the piles of words. I will ask for
volunteers to read the sentences theycompleted and read and tell me which direction was the
hardest to read out of their sentences.Then I will go to my smart board and there will be a similar
activity on the board that I made andask for volunteers to come to the board and organize the
words and read in the direction I choose(ex. Vertically)
Closure (  --minutes  ):
I will collect the sheets and evaluate what I saw and see whostruggles and succeeded. I also will
put into consideration volunteering and class participation.Ill ask if there are follow up questions
and proceed with the next lesson.
  Multimedia 1= App or website ): Why this piece of multimedia? How  does it support  student
learning and your standards and objectives? How do you know it is of high-quality? Refer to the
8 bullet points in the Evaluating Multimedia PowerPoint to support your rationale. How does
this multimedia choice differentiate instruction for
learners(consider differentiation and assistive technologies)?

My Smart Board. This supports the lesson because it is similar to the activity at hand.Utilizing
this after the lesson is a good way to get an idea of who really understood thelesson and is a little
different then the traditional paper and pencil lesson. Using this andletting the students volunteer
makes them feel good being ‘the center of attention’ andgetting a different opportunity then
sitting at the table.
  Multimedia 2= App, website, video, educational game, song, podcast, etc. )
Why this piece of multimedia? How does it support student learning and your standards
andobjectives? How do you know it is of high-quality? Refer to the 8 bullet points in
the Evaluating Multimedia PowerPoint to support your rationale. How does this
multimediachoice differentiate instruction for
learners (consider differentiation and assistivetechnologies)?
This is the YouTube video. This is used in the opener and begins the lesson on a positiveand fun
note. This also is an intro and gives the students an idea as to what we are goingto be going over
and working with for the days lesson. It also is informational sohopefully they can
take something from the video and retain it. It is a fun way anddifferent way the students can
learn so it is good to put it in the beginning of the class.

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