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"Source Separation and Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks"

Mentored by Prof. Resh Hegde, llT Kanpur (May 2012 - April 2019)
Proposed an eigenvector based itemtive null beamformer for multi-source separation and
localization. Method can be applied to a random geometry and gives optimal source estimates. Also
implemented a multi-modal Wireless Sensor Network !or performance evaluation. Work done has
been presented at COMSNETS'l3 and Asilomar' 13

"Energy-Efficient Localization using a Mobile Beacon"

Mentored by Prof. Rajesh Hegde, IIT Kanpur (.January 201,9 - April 2019}
Proposed a single mobile beacon bMed mel.hod to localize nodes bMed on RSS measurements. Novelty
lies in optimal placement of mobile beacon to achieve energy efficient localization e.nd localization of
aU nodes using prior location of only three nodes. Work done has been presented at

Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio
Tm-m paper, EE602(Statistical Signal Proce..aing), Prof. A JagannaU•am, lf T Kanpur (.July 2019-Nuv
201,9) Surveyed techniques for the spectrum sensing problem such as energy detector based sensing,
wave form based sensing, cyclostationary based sensing, multitaper metbod, matched filtering and
cooper ative sensing. Compared these methods and analysed advantages and cl.isa.dvanta.ges.

Survey of Information Theoretic Security

Term paper, EE62,4(Inf11m1atlon and Coding Theory), Prof. A Banerjee, IIT Kanpur (July 1',019-Nuv 1',013)
Studied transmission of confidentia.l de.ta. in broadcast channels, multiple access channels and inter
ference channels. Also researched protocols for information theoretic security in wireless networks.

''Parallel Iterative Algorithms"-Talk for 11tb lndo-German Winter Academy

Guide: Prof. Ulricll Rude, University of Erlangen -Nuremberg (October-December flOJJ!)
Researched performance metrics of parallel algorithms and analysed various methods of improving
their performance like optimal domain decomposition, spatial blocking and temporal blocking. Also
designed a parallel implementation of Jacobi solver using MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox.

"Wireless Microcontrolter Programmer"-Programming microcontrollers from an Android phone

Independent project for Techkriti'l2, IIT Ko.pur (Mo.y 2011 - July 2011)
Made a portable programmer based on A&1llel AVR platform capable of programming ATmega
series microcontrollers directly from a SD card, via Bluetooth from a remote Comput-er or from an
Android phone. Stood fi rst in Strive, Tech.kriti '12, one of the biggest open college

Design of Artificial Neural Networks

As part of EE698B{Tntelligent Contrnl Systems), Prof. Laxmidhar Behero, JJT Kanpur {July-December £012)
Designed multilayered neural networks ui:ing back propagation algorithm. RBFN along with BPTT,
RTRL were used for system identification with RMS tracking errors of the order of 0.001 and Jess.
Communication and Signal Processing: Wireless Communications", Information and Coding
Theory' , Statistical Signal Processing", Principles of Communications, Communication Systems,
Dig ital Signal Processing, Signals Systems and Networks
Mathematics: Advanced Topics in Stochastic processes .., Statistical Simulation & Data
Analysis.., Representation & Analysis of Random Signals (Probability Theory)·, Real Analysis' ,
Applied Stochas tic Processes, Probability and Statistics, Linear Algebra., Complex Analysis,
Differential Equations Algorithms: Randomized Algorithms •, Data. Structures and Algorithms
Control Systems: Intelligent Control Systems, Control System Analysis
"tobe done next semester, • ongoing C011,rse
Programming Languages - C, C++, Java, Python, Verilog, VHDL, HTML
Other Tools - MATLAB, OpenCV, Microcap, LabVIEW, AutoCAD, ]}'!
EX Developmen t Platforms - dsPIC, Atmet AYR, Ard uino
Coordinator, Counselling Service - Coordinating e. team of 200 students and activities like the
Orien tation Programme of the freshers to provide academic, fine.ncia.l and emotional assistance to
students. Academic Mentor & Link Student - Took remedial classes for Electrodynamics(PHY1 03)
and Cal culus(MTHlOl) and did incl.ividua.l tutoring and mentoring for academically deficient
Club -
students in
, took
electron ics
lectures for
freshers and
on basics!Cs

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