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The Tree of Life in your Daily Walk

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
I and the

Universal Consciousness are One

You and the

Universal Consciousness are One


You and I are One

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Table of Contents
The Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk.........................................................................................................4
Lesson 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................4
The Framework.................................................................................................................................4
The Source -– Universal Consciousness, Ein Sof, ‫אין סוף‬.............................................................5
Meditation is the Key........................................................................................................................5
The Practice of Meditation...............................................................................................................6
Expectations and Actuality...............................................................................................................6
Touching the Universal Consciousness – A Meditation...................................................................6
Lesson 2 The Tree of Life – Etz Chaim ‫ עץ חיים‬.................................................................................8
Rabbi Isaac Luria (AriZal) ‫ יצחק לוריא‬.........................................................................................8
The Spherot ‫ ספירות‬......................................................................................................................9
Connecting to the Spherot – A Meditation.....................................................................................12
Lesson 3 The Three Columns and the Elements................................................................................13
Gender of the Columns...................................................................................................................13
The Triangles within the columns...................................................................................................14
The Last of the Spherot...................................................................................................................15
The World that we Feel and See.....................................................................................................15
Elemental and Gender Correspondences and the 4 Triangles........................................................16
The Diamonds.................................................................................................................................17
The Three Column System.............................................................................................................18
The Three Columns – A Meditation...............................................................................................19
Lesson 4 The Primordial Man , Adam Kadmon , the Daily Walk.......................................................20
Walk the Walk.................................................................................................................................21
Where to Go from Here..................................................................................................................22
Internet Resources...............................................................................................................................24
Course Offerings by Rev. Alfred Willowhawk....................................................................................24
Services Offered by Rev. Alfred Willowhawk....................................................................................24
About the Instructor.................................................................................................................................25
Appendix – The Diagrams......................................................................................................................26
The Tree of Life..............................................................................................................................27
Spherot – Elemental – Adam Kadmon...........................................................................................28
The Primordial Man – Adam Kadmon...........................................................................................29

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk

Lesson 1 Introduction

The Framework

We begin this course by discussing the Tree of Life from a Kabbalistic perspective. A quick
Google on the Tree of Life will bring the reader a plethora of sources. These sources run from
Hebraic to New Age. The primary source for this discussion is “The Tree of Life”, by Rabbi
Chaim Vital a disciple of the AriZal, , and are the result of 2 years of intense study and 10 years
of practice of the method that is this course.

The course itself is based on the Hebraic premise that the universe exists as a thought in the
mind of the Divine. This means that if the Divine stopped thinking about the Creation for a
second, like a thought in our human minds, it would cease to exist.

Many individuals in pagan traditions, verbalize this as well, in the sense that they feel that the
Goddesses and Gods, need humans to be in contact with them as much as humans need to
be in contact with the Goddesses and Gods. This symbiotic relationship has been one of the
many sources that have been utilized to persecute pagans through the ages. It may even be
part of the reason why those who followed the Hebraic faith were also persecuted as infidels
during the burning times.

Please notice that I use the term Hebraic, rather than Jewish, as being Jewish, does not
guarantee being Hebraic. Hebrews were a tribe of individuals who trace their blood back to
Abraham the “patriarch” and Sarah the “matriarch”. Modern day Kabbalists like Rav Yehuda
Ashlag, Rav Fieval Berg, Rav Aryeh Kaplan, utilize this differentiation without
acknowledgement. Each of these individuals would be considered Orthodox followers of
Judaism and followed the 19th century dictates of what is today Judaism while also practicing
the meditation, and trance work that is brought to light by such works as “The Zohar”, written
by Rav Shimon bar Yochai in the 10th century, and of course “The Tree of Life”, as indicated

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Source -– Universal Consciousness, Ein Sof, ‫אין סוף‬

The Zohar, written by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai is a “how to” manual for human interaction
with the Source. This is because it embraces not merely the origin of the world, but likewise
speculates on the essence of God and the properties of man; in other words it combines
theology, cosmology and anthropology. In this and much of Kabbalah, the Ein Sof, ‫אין סוף‬,
has no definable form. Instead it is viewed as evolving together and emanating from one
source or Universal Consciousness. According to metaphysics, everything exists within the
Universal Consciousness and all life is part of it. As an individual it is necessary to connect
with this consciousness that is both within and without the human body.
To the Kabbalist, it is both simple and complex, nothing and everything, both hidden and
revealed, creator of man and created BY man. As we study, and hence, begin to perceive it, it
progresses from “nothing” (ayin) to everything (ratzon). This perception is actually a
“creation”, and recognition of the concept that if we do not perceive something, it does not
exist for us. Therefore, this creation should become manifest in humans as they become more
and more aware of it. This is actually perfected in the expression of art, music, ethics, and
spiritual activities. Since the Ein Sof, ‫אין סוף‬, is the infinite Universal Consciousness, Goddess,
God, whatever, it is perceivable only with practice and continued focus. Therefore, in order to
help us to understand it, looking to the creation of the world, we see the totality of the
This is fine, yet, the world is also an complex system, and hence, we study of the attributes or
mediums, the ten Sephiroth, or intelligences, radiations, emanations, emanating from the En
Soph, and which in their totality represent and are called the Adam Kadmon, the "Primordial
or Archetypal Man." note: more on this later in the course.

Meditation is the Key

In order to learn any Meditation Technique let us first define the term. According to Wikipedia
Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive,
"thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often
involves turning attention to a single point of reference... which may emphasize
different goals -- from achievement of a higher state of consciousness, to greater focus,
creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.
Giving this sense of relaxation and peace, meditation ultimately leads people to find
peace within themselves.
The word discipline can be unsettling if not downright scary to individuals who are just
beginning to choose to utilize this great tool. Not to worry, this is not the military or school.
Discipline in this usage is a “practice” or 'thing that one does with purpose.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Practice of Meditation
This practice has been utilized by individuals in all parts of the globe. It is beneficial for
individuals of at any level of their spiritual or religious life. It is a great technique for
relaxation, and general health. Like anything that one desires to do, it takes concentration and
persistence to get the maximum benefit. This being said, individuals who begin with the
greatest intentions can become frustrated, angry, and hurt as they do not seem to be “doing
it right”. Know that there is no RIGHT or WRONG way to meditate, what ever works for you is

Expectations and Actuality

Your expectations are where everything begins and ends. If you expect to be very
successful immediately, and you are not, then see above. So, the first instruction is to set
realistic goals. While some individuals may feel tremendous results when they first start
meditating, others are disappointed. It is all up to you. If you have great difficulty
concentrating, staying focused, or generally staying on task, then in the beginning you will
experience all these same things when starting a meditation practice.
So, be real, baby steps is the answer. Set realistic goals. Five minutes of good silence in your
head is GOOD for a beginner. If you are the type of person who has the ability to concentrate
on one task even if the house is on fire, then, set a goal at fifteen minutes of sitting still or
longer if you feel you can realistically perform this action. This being said, let us begin
with the first meditation.

Touching the Universal Consciousness – A Meditation

1. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed

2. Turn off your cell phone
3. Wear comfortable clothing
4. Play some soft NON-vocal music or nature sounds
5. Close your eyes
6. Look at the after image behind your eyelids
7. Take and hold a big breath , place all your thoughts, anxieties, stress, into this breath while holding
8.Release the breath
9.Take and hold another big breath while visualizing a clear or white light coming in with the breath.
This is a POSITIVE calming energy.
10.Release this breath
11.Take and hold a third breath while visualizing a pure white or gold light coming in at the same time

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
12.Place your being-ness into this energy
13.Imagine this energy going throughout your entire body
14.Send this energy out with your consciousness through your crown and out of your body.
15.Exhale and breathe normally
16.Send your consciousness out to space
17.Notice the house below you then the entire area
18.Continue extending your consciousness into the sky until you can visualize the curvature of the
19.Picture yourself arching your back and looking up
20.See a spiral of light with a black circle in the center
21.Extend yourself into the center black circle – remember you are perfectly safe
22.As you enter the center of the spiral it is warm and inviting
23.As you extend into the center of the spiral, it becomes a roller coaster type movement, going down
and to the left.
24.Spiraling lower and lower at a safe speed.
25.After a time, notice a light at the end of the tunnel
26.You get closer and closer to it
27.Soon, you realize it is an opening or door.
28.You stop at the door, the doorway has a gold frame, notice the details
29.Look out onto a peaceful meadow, see the flowers, and smell the grass, trees, and ground.
30.Step out to the meadow, sit down and feel the sunshine on your body.
31.After a time, you get up, stretch, and feel refreshed.
32.Notice that there is a Silver Door in the distance
33.Walk toward it, when you get there, look back and know that you can return here at any time.
34.Step through the door, and find yourself back in your own body.


Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Lesson 2 The Tree of Life – Etz Chaim ‫עץ חיים‬

Rabbi Isaac Luria (AriZal) ‫יצחק לוריא‬

Rabbi Isaac Luria, ( ‫ ) יצ חק לוריא‬was born in 1534 in Jerusalem and died in 1572 in Safed. He
was one of the participants in the mystic school in Safed during the Ottoman Empire.
According to Wikipedia, While still a child he lost his father, and was brought up by his rich
uncle Mordecai Francis, tax-farmer at Cairo, Egypt, who placed him under the best Jewish
teachers. Luria showed himself a diligent student of rabbinical literature; and, under the
guidance of his uncle, Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi (best known as the author of Shita
Mikubetzet), he, while quite young, became proficient in that branch of Jewish learning.

At the age of fifteen he married his cousin and, being amply provided for financially, was able
to continue his studies. Though he initially may have pursued a career in business, he soon
turned to asceticism and mysticism. About the age of twenty-two , he became engrossed in
the study of the Zohar, a major work of the Kabbalah that had recently been printed for the
first time, and adopted the life of a recluse. He retreated to the banks of the Nile, and for
seven years secluded himself in an isolated cottage, giving himself up entirely to meditation.
He visited his family only on the Shabbat, speaking very seldom, and always in Hebrew. Many
Hassidism say that he had frequent interviews with the prophet Elijah through this ascetic life,
by whom he was initiated into sublime doctrines.

In 1569, the AriZal moved to Safed and began teaching his Kabbalistic system of connection
to Divine. He gathered many disciples including Rabbi Moses ben Jacob Cordovero, Rabbi
Shlomo Alkabetz, Rabbi Joseph Caro, Rabbi Moses Alshech, Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas, Rabbi
Joseph Hagiz, Rabbi Elisha Galadoa, and Rabbi Moses Bassola. They would meet for Sabbaths,
(Friday sundown until Saturday sundown), and studied and practiced his system. Word
spread, and many individuals sought them out.

The AriZal and his fellow teachers began teaching the system and divided these individuals
into two types. The first were novices, to whom he expounded the elementary Kabbalah, and
the second he called initiates, who became well versed in the actual teachings of the system.
This is no different than many earlier and current mystery school systems that divide
individuals into seekers, postulates, and initiates or priest(ess)s.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Spherot ‫ספירות‬

The Spherot, exist, and are restrictions,Tzimtzum, ( ‫ ) צמצום‬according to Kabbalah, in the Ein
Sof. ( ‫) אין סוף‬, or Universal Consciousness. The Ein Sof, then “creates” the spherot in order to
bring this Universal Consciousness to the world. Notice also that you can form three columns,
(left, right, and center), as well as a series of triangles and other geometric figures. Both of
these revelations are utilized in the understanding of the metaphysical concepts of Universal
Consciousness, Divine, or God(dess). These Tzimzum are the way that the Infinite Source,
(Universal Consciousness), can be manifested or aspect-ed on the physical plane.

The eleven Spherot, are as follows:

1. Keter Crown; (‫)כתר‬

2. Chokhmah Knowledge; (‫)חכמה‬
3. Binah Wisdom; (‫)בינה‬
4. Da'at Understanding; ( ‫)דעת‬
5. Chesed Loving Kindness or Mercy; (‫)חסד‬
6. Gevurah Judgment; (‫)גבורה‬
7. Tiferet Beauty; (‫)תפארת‬
8. Netzach Triumph; (‫)נצח‬
9. Hod Majesty; (‫)הוד‬
10.Yesod Foundation; (‫)יסוד‬
11.Malchut Kingdom; (‫)מלכות‬

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Remembering that each of these are representations of aspects of the One source. The “Sefer
Yetzirah”, “ The Zohar ”, and “ The Ten Spherot”, attach the names of the Hebraic patriarchs to
Spherot 5 through 11. These are as follows:

1. Chesed (Abraham)
2. Gevurah (Isaac)
3. Tiferet (Jacob)
4. Netzach (Moses)
5. Hod (Aaron)
6. Yesod (Joseph)
7. Malkut (David)

Even if one does not follow a Judeo-Christian path, one can relate to the individual patriarchs
and their stories, (dare I say myths?), to see the aspect that each of these represent.

Chesed (Abraham)

Abraham's door was always open, and he was the faithful servant of God, according to
the Hebrew Scriptures. Even with his failings, he still served his God. As his door was
always open, he always served guests, and was a marvelous host. He did his utmost to
help everyone that came to him and was quick to go the extra mile. This gives us a
good definition of the aspect of loving-kindness.

Gevurah (Isaac)

One of the most outstanding stories, that is also one of the most misunderstood, is
what is called the Akaides Yitzhak, or Sacrifice of Isaac. The Hebraic Scriptures show us
that Isaac, was 37 years old, while he and his very old father climbed that mountain to
the sacrifice. This places things in an interesting perspective. It was no small boy that
was asking Abraham questions, but a full adult. He was very aware, that HE was the
sacrifice and when his life was spared, one can only imagine his relief. In these same
scriptures, the substitution of the ram for the man is called, Corbon, or Substitutionary
Sacrifice. ( I leave the connections to other Substitutionary Sacrifices and Blood
offerings to other theologians of various religions). Remember that Gevurah is
Judgment, so, Isaac was to be the payment of the judgment of God. Again, not
something for this work, yet this act in itself clarifies, judgment.

Tiferet (Jacob)

The son of Isaac is purportedly the “father” of the twelve tribes of Israel. He represents
beauty. If one accepts the premise that the Spherot are manifestations or aspects of
Divine then, what better beauty is there than the creation of twelve children.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Netzach (Moses)

Moses as the one who took Israel out of captivity, shows the triumph of this group of
individuals, (from their perspective). Read the story of the exodus objectively and you
may find that there is more here than meets the eye.

Hod (Aaron)

Aaron, the High Priest, is the individual that has been attached to this aspect. Aaron,
the brother of Moses, was, unassuming, yet determined, and able to follow instructions
to the letter without letting his ego in the way. This is a great definition of majesty.

Yesod (Joseph)

Joseph, is the individual chosen to represent this aspect. Here was a young man who
was egotistical, overbearing, and spoiled who later became, (after much work on
himself), the individual who saved his family and all of Egypt from famine and led to
the eventual restoration of said family, (no mater what they did with it in later
centuries). Therefore becoming the foundation of the physical dynasty that was Israel.

Malkut (David)

David, the King, is the individual reflecting this aspect. David, a boy who had no way to
be king in Israel, became king, and wrote some of the most amazing, heartfelt, poetry,
(the Psalms), to any person, or deity. He truly, (after much trial), came to love his
perception of the divine, and walked his walk, for the most part. How is this Kingdom?
The AriZal states, that the Kingdom, is when the Divine is manifest in all of creation,
and is the culmination of ALL the other aspects. While much Judeo-Christian teaching
seems to indicate otherwise, the kingdom that David set up, ruled in peace by his son
Solomon, was indeed a great reflection of all the aspects of the divine.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Connecting to the Spherot – A Meditation

Utilize the steps 1-29 from the first meditation and then continue as below:

30. In front of you appears a glowing orb. Inside this orb is the Tree of Life
31. Notice the color, and movement of the energy through it.
32. Extend your consciousness in Love and Trust to Malkut.
33. Allow your consciousness to expand upward.
34. As you flow through the system feel the two way energy both Up and Down within/to
the Universal Consciousness.
35. Sit in this for a time.
36. When you are ready, return through MALKUT to the meadow.
37. After a time, you get up, stretch and feel refreshed
38. Notice that there is a Silver Door in the Distance
39. Walk toward it, when you get there, look back and know that you can return here at
any time.
40. Step through the door, and find yourself back in your own body.


Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Lesson 3 The Three Columns and the Elements

The chart below shows the Hebrew and English names of the Spherot and their elemental

Taking the position of each of the Spherot we see that Keter, Da'at, Teferet, and Yesod and
Malkut are the center column, Chochma, Gevurah, and Netzach are the right column, and
Binah, Gevurah, and Hod are the left column.

Each of these columns also have names, the right column is known as the Pillar of Mercy, the
left column is the Pillar of Severity, and the center column is the Pillar of Balance.

Just like people, energy flows through the Spherot, and their columns. Therefore, each
column, according to Rabbi Isaac Luria, (the father of the system), as the name infers creates a
different flavor to the energy that flows through the column. The Pillar of Mercy is outgoing,
and embracing. The Pillar of Severity, is restrictive, applying limits to the outpouring from the
right column. As with any energy system, these, like Yin and Yang, are in equilibrium, and if
left on their own, would stagnate and no energy would move. The center column, is the
combination of both, and therefore creates the equilibrium necessary to allow for the flow of
energy in BOTH directions.

Gender of the Columns

Kabbalists, utilize sexual imagery, like other systems, to elaborate on the characteristics of
each column. These are archetypes, not physical manifestations of each gender, therefore in
their understanding they established that the male is the “giver” of seed and the female is the
“receiver”, nurturer, grower of that seed. Hence, the right column is male, and the left column
is female. Therefore, the center column is the balancing column that actually manifests the
creation or the energy flow.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Triangles within the columns

Examining the spherot as left, right, center, we find that Keter, Chochmah and Binah form an
upright triangle. As Keter is the crown, it “splits” in two to create the first separation into male
and female. In Kabbalah this is known as the first restriction of the “light”, or divine

Chesed, Gevurah, and Tifereth, form the first downward pointing triangle but unlike the
triangle spoken of above, this one results in a unification or manifestation of center column
balanced energy.

Tifereth, Netzach and Hod result in another Upright triangle that is a “reflection” or second
manifestation of the separation of the male and female aspects of the energy. This separation

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
like the first separation “creates” or sets the stage for the second “balancing” or conjoining of
the spherot.

Netzach, Hod, and Yesod, form yet another downward pointing triangle resulting in yet
another balanced outpouring of energy.

So, we have two upward and two downward pointing triangles within the Tree of Life. These
triangles are utilized by certain groups within Wicca, to signify the different degrees an
individual has obtained.

The Last of the Spherot

Malkut is represented either as being directly connected or not connected to Yesod in most
diagrams of the Ten Spherot. This Spherot is the actual manifestation of the physical
world. This leads to an interesting philosophical discussion on the “universe” or “universes”
that the energy both emanates from and is returned .

According to the AriZal, (Rabbi Luria), when one receives the energy of the universe one
should “return” it as manifestation both in one's daily life, and as “thanksgiving” to the
universe. This is the same thing that we discuss in Reiki and other holistic healing disciplines.
In Reiki the “Universal Energy”, is all around us and is in us. The practitioner of this particular
discipline, utilizes the ability, with training, to channel this energy to self-heal and heal others.
This is a similar process that the Kabbalist uses to “connect with God”. The dictum commonly
known as “The Golden Rule”, do unto others as you would have done to you, is another
manifestation of the same practice of “showing forth” the universal consciousness, universal
energy, etc.

The World that we Feel and See

In the first chart we see that each or the spherot has an elemental correspondence. The first or
what I call the Upper Triangle is comprised of Keter, Chochma, and Binah. This triangle, is
above what is known as the Great Divide. According to Sefer Yetzirah, purportedly to have
been written by Abraham the Patriarch, and translated and explained by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan,
states that these spherot are located within the Universal Consciousness.

The “restriction” or birth of the next triangle, Chesed, Gevurah, Tifereth, is the first
manifestation within the perceived universe. This perceived universe is not the manifested
physical universe, but the INNER Spiritual one, or True Self.

The next triangle, Tifereth, Netzach, Hod is the second birth, and is the second manifestation
within the perceived universe. It is the EMOTIONAL/LOGICAL self. This is the seat of emotion,

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
and manifests as Ego.

The last triangle of Netzach, Hod, Yesod, is the third birth or the Physical Self.
Malkut, according to Kabbalah is actually the reflection and return of the Divine oneness, or as
the Judeo-Christians say prayer, Hindu's utilize the term Nirvana, Buddhists the term
Enlightenment, and Wiccans spells, magick or workings. As we think on this as a definition of
Kingdom, we see that it behooves us to honor and respect the world around us, as well as
each other as a reflection of the Universal Consciousness in all its manifestations. The
Goddess as the Divine Mother, whatever name one uses, IS the Kingdom and we are all Her

Elemental and Gender Correspondences and the 4 Triangles

The First Birthing

The Upper Triangle of Keter, Chochma, and Binah, are the Root of Air, Water, and Fire
respectively. Air is the element of the East, connected to spirit. Water is the element in the
West a feminine energy , and connected with passion and emotion. Fire is the element in the
South a masculine energy, and connected to strong will and energy. Utilizing our “birth”
analogy, we see that Air in this case gives “birth” to Fire and Water. Fire heats water, water
puts out fire. As these are the “roots” of these elements, Air then which feeds fire and can
carry water, could indeed be the “birther” of both Fire and Water. Notice also, that Fire is
traditionally thought of as male and water is traditionally thought of as female.

The Second Birthing

The Second Birthing, or second triangle, of Chesed, Gevurah, Tifereth are Water, Fire, and Air.
Notice that it is consistent with the Upper Triangle, the CENTER COLUMN, is AIR, and is a
result of the coming together of the very elements, (Fire and Water), that were “birthed” by

The Third Birthing

The Third Birthing, or third triangle of Netzach, Hod, Yesod, are Fire, Water, Air. This is a
crossing over of sides of the elements of Fire and Water. This shows that there is a female
aspect to fire, and a male aspect to water. Veronica Cummer in her work Sorgitzak , discusses
the God and Goddess aspects of each element in detail. This is important to remember in our
workings within these elements as this shows that the balance is maintained within each
element as well as the spherot.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Diamonds

The Upper Diamond

The upper four Spherot, Keter, Hokhmah, Binah, and Da'at are sometimes referred to by
the shape they represent, a Diamond, or two triangles, one facing up and one facing
down. Unlike the lower seven, these do not have any human representatives within this
system. They are all called the First Restriction. This means that this occurs within the
source At the source, BEFORE, any creation on a physical plane takes place.


Keter is called the Crown, a crown is that which shows kingship or leadership. This is
not a gender specific title. Even finally in our own society, leaders are called by their
title regardless of their gender.


This is KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is defined by as : acquaintance

with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation; general erudition:
knowledge of many things. So, within this realm, this is the KNOWLEDGE of the source.


This is WISDOM, Wisdom is defined by as : knowledge of what is true or

right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. So, as
above this is the WISDOM of the source.


Da'at is UNDERSTANDING. Understanding is defined by as: mental

process of a person who comprehends . Again, think of this within the confines of the
source. One last thing, Da'at in most depictions of the Tree of Life, is faded, or in a dotted line.
The AriZal says that Da'at is granted after much contemplation but is shrouded in mystery
and can never be fully realized until one fully reflects the Source back to it. However, it is
there, and through UNDERSTANDING, we feed the lower seven Spherot, or pass through it to
manifest our world.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Three Column System

As stated in introduction to this section, I pointed out that there is are three columns to
the Tree of Life. The far right column has Hokhmah, Chesed, and Netzach, the far left
has Binah, gevurah, and Hod, and the center column has keter, Da'at, Tifereth, Yesod,
and Malkut. According to the AriZal, and other later Kabbalists, the Right Column is MALE, the
left column is FEMALE, and the center column is BOTH or NEUTER.

The Divine Male

A particular look at these aspects together as a Divine Male aspect would show an
individual who has obtained many facts, is soft spoken, and caring for everyone around
them, and able to lead when necessary, and overcome their own doubts and faults. This
is a pretty good definition of what many women have told me is an “ideal” male. This in
itself is not surprising, as taking our current premise, then this WOULD be the perfect
male. It certainly is one that is worth striving toward.

In the course, The Warrior Within, we take a hard look at this aspect of maleness, (again
NOT gender specific), and utilize this to begin the process of becoming a better male.

The Divine Female

As above, when we look at these aspects together we show an individual who has the
ability to synthesize data correctly, can see the truth of the world around them, and is
not egotistic, but able to connect on a deep level with others and themselves. This then
according to this system is the “ideal” female, (again not gender specific).

The Center Column

The “perfect” individual here is the melding of both male and female while yet being
neither male nor female. In some Pagan traditions this is represented as the Ancient
Ones, and the Sacred Fool. So, performing the same action as we have for the Male and
Female aspects we come up with the “perfect individual” as one who has learned many
things, has integrated them into themselves, and has the ability to synthesize
information and speak it out in a non judgmental, safe, caring way while maintaining
the boundaries that they have determined are correct. THIS is the definition of the
Warrior of Spirit, and the perfect balanced manifestation of all that humans can

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Three Columns – A Meditation
Utilize the steps 1-29 from the first meditation and then continue as below:
41. In front of you appears a glowing orb. Inside this orb is the Tree of Life
42. Notice the color, and movement of the energy through it.
43. Extend your consciousness in Love and Trust to Malkut.
44. Allow your consciousness to expand upward.
45. As you flow feel the two way energy within/to the Universal Consciousness.
46. Sit in this for a time.
47. Extend your consciousness to the RIGHT column
48. Feel the energy of the MALE side of the Tree of Life
49. Take this energy into yourself
50. Feel the connection to the CENTER Column
51. Flow from Chesed to Tiferet
52. Feel the essence of Tiferet both Up and Down
53. Extend your consciousness to Gevurah
54. Feel the energy of the FEMALE side of the Tree of Life
55. Extend again to Tiferet
56. Feel the movement from Tiferet to Netzach and Hod
57. Feel how you are still center column while being both Netzach and Hod
58. Flow to Yesod
59. Feel the balance and the energy of transition to the Physical (Malkut)
60. Extend your consciousness to Malkut while maintaining your connection to Yesod
61. Return in THANKSGIVING the energy you are channeling up the center column to Da'at
62. From Da'at follow the THANKSGIVING energy back to Keter.
63. Feel the return flow of LOVE through the entire system
64. When you are ready, return through MALKUT to the meadow.
65. After a time, you get up, stretch and feel refreshed
66. Notice that there is a Silver Door in the Distance
67. Walk toward it, look back and know that you can return here at any time.
68. Step through the door, and find yourself back in your own body.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Lesson 4 The Primordial Man , Adam Kadmon , the Daily Walk

As we now have an understanding of the relationship between the Spherot and the physical
world, it is time to examine their relationship to the INDIVIDUAL human. The figure above is
the Primordial Man. The Baal Shem Tov, the father of Chassidim, an eastern European Jewish
philosophy of “joy” in God, learned the linkages between the tree of life and man through a
study of Sefer Yetzirah, (The Book of Formations, or Book of Creation). This book which has
been translated by Aryeh Kaplan, discusses the nature of the Hebrew alphabet. Utilizing
combinations of letters into “power” words that have been adapted by some magical
traditions in their relationship with the physical and metaphysical world.

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Walk the Walk
Refer to the chart below. It is a representation of the spherot as they correspond to the
Elements and the Adam Kadmon. In Sefer Yetzirah, the author utilizes this knowledge to assist
in the self healing process. This process is referred to as “creation”. If we accept that we are all
part of the Universal Consciousness then indeed this can be utilized as a “key” to walking the

Hebrew English Elemental Correspondence Adam Kadmon

Keter Crown Root of Air Head (Creative)
Binah Wisdom Root of Water Shoulders
Chochma Knowledge Root of Fire Brain (Logical)
Da'at Understanding Root of Earth Universe (Spirit)
Chesed Loving Kindness Water Right Arm
Gevurah Sacrifice Fire Left Arm
Teferet Beauty Air Heart
Netzach Victory Fire Right Leg
Hod Glory Water Left Leg
Yessod Foundation Air Genitals
Malkut Kingdom Earth Earth

By now you have done the meditations in this course. Repeat them, as often as you can. Let
them become more intense as you connect more and more with the system. Any information
that you have utilized in the past with the elements can be incorporated here as well.

As an example, the element FIRE is utilized for purification. If we notice, on the physical, pain
in the right leg, left arm, and a “head ache”, may be sometimes related to some purification
that is going on or needs to go on in your life. Let your body as the PHYSICAL
MANIFESTATION of the Adam Kadmon, help you.

If an individual suffers from heart pain that does not seem to go away, while it might be
heartburn or as serious as a heart attack, sometimes when there is no apparent physical
cause, is there something related to TEFERETH that they are working through?

On a more spiritual level, if an individual has difficulty “seeing” in meditation, how is

KNOWLEDGE interfering? What is the status of their SELF-LOVE? What is the status of their
relationships with others?

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
These questions are all part of the decoding that one does as one reaches the understanding
of how the Tree of Life works in daily life.

Where to Go from Here

Keep meditating.
Keep analyzing the signals your body gives you.
Seek, communion with the ENTIRE TREE OF LIFE.
Start to analyze situations as your interaction with other parts of the Tree of Life. NOT separate
Enhance and feed the “LACKS” in your own life by connecting to the Infinite Source as
manifested by the Center Column.


After All

YOU and the Tree of Life are ONE

I and the Tree of Life are ONE



Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk


Covensense, Patrica Crowther, ROBERT HALE LTD (29 May 2009 - United Kingdom
777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley, Aleister Crowley, Samuel Weiser
Inc, York Beach Maine, 1997
Sorgitzak Old Forest Gods, Veronica Cummer, Pendraig Publishing, Sunland, CA, 2008
A Witches' Bible, The Complete Witches' Handbook, Janet and Stewart Farrar, Phoenix
Publishing, Blaine WA, 1984
Witchcraft, A Mystery Tradition, Raven Grimassi, Llewellyn Publishing, 2004
The Mabinogion, Translated by Lady Charlotte Guest, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Sefer Yetzirah The Book or Creation, In Theory and Practice, Aryeh Kaplan, Weiser Inc,
York Beach Maine, 1997
The Living Torah, Aryeh Kaplan, MOZNAIM - 1981
The Pri Etz Chaim, Isaac Luria, Chevrat Ahavat Chinam , 1999
Shaar HaKavanot , Isaac Luria, Public Domain
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom, Catlin and John Matthews, ELEMENT PUBLISHER – 1994
The Cabala Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity, Bernard Pick, 1913, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Bhagavad Gita, Ramananda Prasad, gita4free, 2004
Tetrabiblos, by Claudius Ptolemy, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, Sir Walter Scott, Folklore Society Books - 2001
Astrological chart interpretation, Morin de Villefranche, PUBLIC DOMAIN
Arianrhod Silver Wheel, Alfred Willowhawk, Willowhawk Press, 2009
The Tree of Life in Wicca, Alfred Willowhawk, 2009
The Zohar. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, PUBLIC DOMAIN

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Internet Resources

Course Offerings by Rev. Alfred Willowhawk

Celtic Transformational Healing ©

Core Shamanism, (Metaphysical)
How to Read your Tarot Cards Intuitively
Meditation Dynamics ©, Dr Paul L. Masters
Soul Retrieval
Usui Reiki Royo, I, II, III
The Warrior Within

Services Offered by Rev. Alfred Willowhawk

Celtic Transformational Healing

Intuitive Tarot Readings
Spiritual Counseling

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
About the Instructor

Reverend Alfred Willowhawk is ordained by the International Metaphysical Ministry and

has a Bachelors of Metaphysical Science (BMsc) from the University of Sedona. He is a
registered Spiritual Counselor and his work in Metaphysics, Spiritual Health, and Spiritual
Paths is a compendium of his own spiritual growth, research and instruction in a wide variety
of traditions within the Craft of the Wise, Judaism, Kabbalah, and Christianity. He also holds a
Bachelors of Arts in Social Psychology from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
He is a Reiki Master, a Certified Tarot Professional Reader,( Tarot Master), utilizes Kriya Yoga,
meditation, and is High Priest of the Wite Rayvn Clan in the Midwestern United States. He
offers courses in the path of the spiritual warrior, metaphysical shamanism, Reiki, and is the
founder of the healing discipline, Celtic Transformational Healing ©
His published works include articles on choosing and following one's spiritual path, stumbling
blocks to following one's spiritual path, choosing a spiritual counselor or traditional
psychotherapist, various alternative healing techniques, poetry, and articles on various
Goddesses and Gods. His collection of shamanic poetry, Hawk Sighting, has been translated
many languages and is available in these languages internationally.
He is also a champion for green economics and has published consistently through the
Internet and in print on ecologically sound practices.
He is currently completing his Masters of Metaphysical Science, University of Sedona, and has
been accepted into the Doctoral program at the University of Sedona.
He has been a speaker at several festivals including the Heartland Pagan Festival, and the
Minnesota Beltane Gathering. His workshops include a wide variety of topics from Ethical
Behavior within the Community, Eco-shamanism, and spiritual development and are offered
on-line and in person at several venues in the United States.
He can be reached through his website:
or by e-mail at

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Appendix – The Diagrams

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Tree of Life

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
Spherot – Elemental – Adam Kadmon

H e b r e wE n g l i s Eh l e m e n t a l C oA rdr ae ms p oK na dd emn
K e t e r C ro w n R o o t o f A ir H e a d (C re a t iv
B i n a h W i s d o m R o o t o f W a t e rS h o u l d e r s
C h o c h Km n ao w l e d Rg eo o t o f F i r e B r a i n ( L o g i c a l
D a 'a t U n d e r s t aRn od oi nt go f E a r t h U n i v e r s e
C h e s e Ld o v i n g K Wi n da nt e rs s R ig h t A rm
G e v u r aS h a c r i f i c e F i r e L e ft A r m
T e f e r e tB e a u t y A i r H e a rt
N e t z a cV hi c t o r y F i r e R ig h t L e g
H o d G lo ry W a te r L e ft L e g
Y e s s o Fd o u n d a t iAo ni r G e n it a ls
M a l k u tK i n g d o m E a r t h E a rth

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk
The Primordial Man – Adam Kadmon

Tree of Life in Your Daily Walk All Rights Reserved © 2009 Alfred Willowhawk

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