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CE-408: Cryptography & Network Security SSUET/QR/114

Modern Encryption Techniques
Simplified DES (S-DES)

The purpose of this lab is to implement SDES encryption and decryption in MATLAB.

• Encryption: It takes an 8-bit block of plain text and a 10-bit key as input and produces an
8-bit block of cipher text as output.
• Decryption: It takes an 8-bit block of cipher text and the same 10-bit key used to produce
that ciphertext as input and produces the original 8-bit block of plaintext.
• Algorithm involves 5 functions:
1. An initial permutation (IP).
2. A complex function, fK , that involves both permutation and substitution operations and
depends on the sub key input. In the first fK block, sub key 1 is used.
3. A simple permutation function that switches the two halves of the data (SW).
4. The function fK again with sub key 2 being used in this case.
5. A permutation function that is the inverse of the initial one (IP-1) as shown below

C = (IP -1
fK 2
SW fK 1

Ciphertext = IP -1(fK (SW(f (IP(plaint ext)))))

where 2

K1 = P8(Left Shift - 1 (P10(key)) )

K 2 = P8(Left Shift - 2(Left Shift - 1(P10(key) )))


Plaintext = IP -1(fK 1 (SW(f K2 (IP(cipher text)))))

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• Refer to the detailed figure for encryption and decryption from the lecture notes.
• The reference figures are shown below for encryption and key generation:

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Matlab Code:

• The constants being used are hard coded first in MATLAB.

• Create three functions, main, key generator and fk function. The key and fk functions are
going to be called from the main body.
• Define the constants within the main body and pass them to the appropriate functions.
• The format for basic function is as follows:

function [parm1,parm2,…] = Function_name(passing_parm1, passing_parm2,…)

• Where parm1,parm2,… are the returned values stored in these variables. The file name and
the name of the function should be same.

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Lab Tasks:
1. Write the program for the main code for encryption through which the key and fk function
are called. Perform Initial permutation, switching and inverse permutation here. Display the
final ciphertext along with key and plaintext.
clear all

% Permutation Formulae
P10 = [ 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6];
P8 = [ 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9];
P4 = [ 2 4 3 1];
EP = [ 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1];
IP = [ 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7];
IP_INV = [ 4 1 3 5 7 2 8 6];
S0 = [ 1 0 3 2;
3 2 1 0;
0 2 1 3;
3 1 3 2 ];
S1 = [ 0 1 2 3;
2 0 1 3;
3 0 1 0;
2 1 0 3 ];

% Plain Text
PT = [ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0];
disp(strcat('Plain Text :', int2str(PT)))

%S-DES Key Gen

% Input Key
KEY = [ 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0];
disp(strcat('Input Key :', int2str(KEY)))

% P10(Key) Applying P10 permutation on Key

KEY_P10 = KEY(P10);
% Separating Left and Right from P10(Key)
L = KEY_P10(1:5);
R = KEY_P10(6:10);
% Performing Circular Left Shift on both L and R
L = circshift(L, [1, -1]);
R = circshift(R, [1, -1]);
% Combining L and R
K1 = [L R];
% P8(K) Applying P8 permutation on K
K1 = K1(P8); % K1 Ans Generated
disp(strcat('K1 Output Key :', int2str(K1)))
% Applying double circular left shift on L and R separately
L = circshift(circshift(L, [1, -1]), [1, -1]);
R = circshift(circshift(R, [1, -1]), [1, -1]);
% Combining L and R
K2 = [L R];
% P8(K) Applying P8 permutation on K
K2 = K2(P8); % K2 Ans Generated
disp(strcat('K2 Output Key :', int2str(K2)))
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% Encryption

% Apply IP permutation on Plain Text

% Separate IP(Plain_Text) into L and R
PT_L = PT_IP(1:4);
PT_R = PT_IP(5:8);
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
% Perform F(R, K1)
R_EP = PT_R(EP); % EP permutation on R
PT_K1 = bitxor(R_EP, K1); % XORing EP(R) with K1
PT_K1_L = PT_K1(1:4); % Separating L
PT_K1_R = PT_K1(5:8); % Separating R
% SBoxes Part L
RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_L(1)), int2str(PT_K1_L(4))); % RR Combination from L
S0_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_L(2)), int2str(PT_K1_L(3))); % CC Combination from L
S0_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
S0_K1 = dec2bin(S0(S0_ROW, S0_COL),2) - '0'; % finding 2 bit digit from S0 using
RR and CC
% SBoxes Part R
RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_R(1)), int2str(PT_K1_R(4))); % RR for R
S1_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_R(2)), int2str(PT_K1_R(3))); % CC for R
S1_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S1_K1 = dec2bin(S1(S1_ROW, S1_COL),2) - '0';
% Finalizing F(R, SK)
SB = [S0_K1 S1_K1];
PT_P4 = SB(P4);
% L xor F(R, SK)
PT_L = bitxor(PT_L, PT_P4);
% SW Switch
Temp = PT_L;
PT_L = PT_R;
PT_R = Temp;
% fk2(L xor F(R, K2), R)
% Applying F(R, K2)
PT_K2 = bitxor(PT_EP, K2);
PT_K2_L = PT_K2(1:4);
PT_K2_R = PT_K2(5:8);

RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K2_L(1)), int2str(PT_K2_L(4)));
S0_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K2_L(2)), int2str(PT_K2_L(3)));
S0_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S0_K2 = dec2bin(S0(S0_ROW, S0_COL),2) - '0';

RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K2_R(1)), int2str(PT_K2_R(4)));
S1_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K2_R(2)), int2str(PT_K2_R(3)));
S1_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S1_K2 = dec2bin(S1(S1_ROW, S1_COL),2) - '0';

SB = [S0_K2 S1_K2];
PT_P4 = SB(P4);
PT_L = bitxor(PT_L, PT_P4);
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% Combining L and R
PT_Cipher = [PT_L, PT_R];
% Applying IP-1 permutation
PT_C_IP_INV = PT_Cipher(IP_INV);
disp(strjoin({'Encrypted Plain Text :',int2str(PT_C_IP_INV)},' '))

% Decryption
% Apply IP permutation on Plain Text
% Separate IP(Plain_Text) into L and R
CT_L = CT_IP(1:4);
CT_R = CT_IP(5:8);
% fk2(L xor F(R, K2), R)
% Applying F(R, K2)
CT_K2 = bitxor(CT_EP, K2);
CT_K2_L = CT_K2(1:4);
CT_K2_R = CT_K2(5:8);

RR = strcat(int2str(CT_K2_L(1)), int2str(CT_K2_L(4)));
S0_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(CT_K2_L(2)), int2str(CT_K2_L(3)));
S0_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S0_K2 = dec2bin(S0(S0_ROW, S0_COL),2) - '0';

RR = strcat(int2str(CT_K2_R(1)), int2str(CT_K2_R(4)));
S1_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(CT_K2_R(2)), int2str(CT_K2_R(3)));
S1_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S1_K2 = dec2bin(S1(S1_ROW, S1_COL),2) - '0';

SB = [S0_K2 S1_K2];
CT_P4 = SB(P4);
CT_L = bitxor(CT_L, CT_P4);
% SW Switch
Temp = CT_L;
CT_L = CT_R;
CT_R = Temp;
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
% Perform F(R, K1)
R_EP = CT_R(EP); % EP permutation on R
CT_K1 = bitxor(R_EP, K1); % XORing EP(R) with K1
CT_K1_L = CT_K1(1:4); % Separating L
CT_K1_R = CT_K1(5:8); % Separating R
% SBoxes Part L
RR = strcat(int2str(CT_K1_L(1)), int2str(CT_K1_L(4))); % RR Combination from L
S0_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
CC = strcat(int2str(CT_K1_L(2)), int2str(CT_K1_L(3))); % CC Combination from L
S0_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
S0_K1 = dec2bin(S0(S0_ROW, S0_COL),2) - '0'; % finding 2 bit digit from S0 using
RR and CC
% SBoxes Part R
RR = strcat(int2str(CT_K1_R(1)), int2str(CT_K1_R(4))); % RR for R
S1_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(CT_K1_R(2)), int2str(CT_K1_R(3))); % CC for R
S1_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S1_K1 = dec2bin(S1(S1_ROW, S1_COL),2) - '0';
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%Finalizing F(R, SK)

SB = [S0_K1 S1_K1];
CT_P4 = SB(P4);
% L xor F(R, SK)
CT_L = bitxor(CT_L, CT_P4);
% Combining L and R
CT_Decrypted = [CT_L, CT_R];
% Applying IP-1 permutation
CT_C_IP_INV = CT_Decrypted(IP_INV);
disp(strjoin({'Decrypted Cipher Text :',int2str(CT_C_IP_INV)},' '))


Plain Text :0 0 1 0 1
Input Key :1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
K1 Output Key :1 1 1 0 0 1
K2 Output Key :1 0 1 0 1 1
Encrypted Plain Text : 1 0 1 0 1 0
Decrypted Cipher Text : 0 0 1 0

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2. Write the program for sub key generation.


% Write the program for sub key generation.

function [ K1, K2 ] = KGen( KEY, P10, P8 )
disp(strcat('Input Key :', int2str(KEY)))
% P10(Key) Applying P10 permutation on Key
KEY_P10 = KEY(P10);
% Separating Left and Right from P10(Key)
L = KEY_P10(1:5);
R = KEY_P10(6:10);
% Performing Circular Left Shift on both L and R
L = circshift(L, [1, -1]);
R = circshift(R, [1, -1]);
% Combining L and R
K1 = [L R];
% P8(K) Applying P8 permutation on K
K1 = K1(P8); % K1 Ans Generated
disp(strcat('K1 Output Key :', int2str(K1)))
% Applying double circular left shift on L and R separately
L = circshift(circshift(L, [1, -1]), [1, -1]);
R = circshift(circshift(R, [1, -1]), [1, -1]);
% Combining L and R
K2 = [L R];
% P8(K) Applying P8 permutation on K
K2 = K2(P8); % K2 Ans Generated
disp(strcat('K2 Output Key :', int2str(K2)))
>> clear all
>> P10 = [ 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6];
>> P8 = [ 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9];
>> KEY = [ 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0];
>> [K1, K2] = KGen(KEY, P10, P8)
Input Key :1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
K1 Output Key :1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
K2 Output Key :1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

K1 =

K2 =

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3. Write the program for the fk function.



% Write the program for the fk function.

function [PT_L, PT_R] = fK(PT_L, PT_R, SK, EP, P4, S0, S1)
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
% Perform F(R, K1)
R_EP = PT_R(EP); % EP permutation on R
PT_K1 = bitxor(R_EP, SK); % XORing EP(R) with SK
PT_K1_L = PT_K1(1:4); % Separating L
PT_K1_R = PT_K1(5:8); % Separating R
% SBoxes Part L
RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_L(1)), int2str(PT_K1_L(4))); % RR CombinationfromL
S0_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_L(2)), int2str(PT_K1_L(3))); % CC CombinationfromL
S0_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1; % Bin Index to Dec Index conversion
S0_K1 = dec2bin(S0(S0_ROW, S0_COL),2) - '0'; % finding 2 bit digit from S0 using RR
and CC
% SBoxes Part R
RR = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_R(1)), int2str(PT_K1_R(4))); % RR for R
S1_ROW = bin2dec(RR)+1;
CC = strcat(int2str(PT_K1_R(2)), int2str(PT_K1_R(3))); % CC for R
S1_COL = bin2dec(CC)+1;
S1_K1 = dec2bin(S1(S1_ROW, S1_COL),2) - '0';
% Finalizing F(R, SK)
SB = [S0_K1 S1_K1];
PT_P4 = SB(P4);
% L xor F(R, SK)
PT_L = bitxor(PT_L, PT_P4);


clear all
% Permutation Formulae
P10 = [ 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6];
P8 = [ 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9];
P4 = [ 2 4 3 1];
EP = [ 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1];
IP = [ 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7];
S0 = [ 1 0 3 2;
3 2 1 0;
0 2 1 3;
3 1 3 2 ];
S1 = [ 0 1 2 3;
2 0 1 3;
3 0 1 0;
2 1 0 3 ];
% Plain Text

PT = [ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0];
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%S-DES Key Gen

% Input Key

KEY = [ 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0];
[K1, K2] = KGen(KEY, P10,P8);
% Apply IP permutation on Plain Text
% Separate IP(Plain_Text) into L and R
PT_L = PT_IP(1:4);
PT_R = PT_IP(5:8);
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
[PT_L, PT_R] = fK(PT_L, PT_R, K1, EP, P4, S0, S1)


Input Key :1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
K1 Output Key : 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
K2 Output Key : 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

PT_L =

0 0 1 1

PT_R =

0 0 1 0

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4. Write the program for the main code for decryption through which the key and fk function
are called. Perform Initial permutation, switching and inverse permutation here. Display the
final plaintext along with key and plaintext.
% Write the program for the main code for decryption through which the key
% and fk function are called. Perform Initial permutation, switching and
% inverse permutation here. Display the final plaintext along with key and
clear all

% Permutation Formulae
P10 = [ 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6];
P8 = [ 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9];
P4 = [ 2 4 3 1];
EP = [ 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1];
IP = [ 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7];
IP_INV = [ 4 1 3 5 7 2 8 6];
S0 = [ 1 0 3 2;
3 2 1 0;
0 2 1 3;
3 1 3 2 ];
S1 = [ 0 1 2 3;
2 0 1 3;
3 0 1 0;
2 1 0 3 ];

% Plain Text
PT = [ 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0];
disp(strcat('Plain Text :', int2str(PT)))

%S-DES Key Gen

% Input Key
KEY = [ 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0];
[K1, K2] = KGen(KEY, P10, P8)
% Encryption

% Apply IP permutation on Plain Text

% Separate IP(Plain_Text) into L and R
PT_L = PT_IP(1:4);
PT_R = PT_IP(5:8);
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
[PT_L, PT_R] = fK(PT_L, PT_R, K1, EP, P4, S0, S1);
% SW Switch
Temp = PT_L;
PT_L = PT_R;
PT_R = Temp;
% fk2(L xor F(R, K2), R)
[PT_L, PT_R] = fK(PT_L, PT_R, K2, EP, P4, S0, S1)
PT_Cipher = [PT_L, PT_R];
% Applying IP-1 permutation
PT_C_IP_INV = PT_Cipher(IP_INV);
disp(strjoin({'Encrypted Plain Text :',int2str(PT_C_IP_INV)},' '))

% Decryption
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% Apply IP permutation on Plain Text
% Separate IP(Plain_Text) into L and R
CT_L = CT_IP(1:4);
CT_R = CT_IP(5:8);
% fk2(L xor F(R, K2), R)
[CT_L, CT_R] = fK(CT_L, CT_R, K2, EP, P4, S0, S1);
% SW Switch
Temp = CT_L;
CT_L = CT_R;
CT_R = Temp;
% fk1(L xor F(R, K1), R)
[CT_L, CT_R] = fK(CT_L, CT_R, K1, EP, P4, S0, S1)
CT_Decrypted = [CT_L, CT_R];
% Applying IP-1 permutation
CT_C_IP_INV = CT_Decrypted(IP_INV);
disp(strjoin({'Decrypted Cipher Text :',int2str(CT_C_IP_INV)},' '))
Plain Text :0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Input Key :1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
K1 Output Key :1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
K2 Output Key :1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

K1 =

1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

K2 =

1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

PT_L =

0 0 0 1

PT_R =

0 0 1 1

Encrypted Plain Text : 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

CT_L =

0 0 1 0

CT_R =

0 0 1 0

Decrypted Cipher Text : 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

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