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which middle school did you study in? (was it close to your home?

how did you get

to school every day?)
Well, I studied at AT middle school, a school close to where I lived, even though it
was not a very good school, primarily because, it helped me save a lot of time and
energy. Besides, my parents didn’t want me to go to a school, far from my home,
because it would have created a sense of “insecurity” in the mind of my parents
since I was their only child. Since the school is close to where I live, I often walk
to school with my friends.
what did you like the best about that school?
I think that I spent some of my best years at my middle school because I made so
many friends there, and I gained so many life-changing experiences. I also can’t
forget about the beautiful lake with crystal clear water in it next to my high school
which just made me feel very close to “Mother Nature”.
is there anything you didn't like about your school?
There were a number of things about my middle
school which I didn’t like. For example, it was a really old school, comprising of
mostly old building structures, with rustic exteriors and many cracks on them.
Besides, as I come to remember it, the school didn’t have enough staffs either to
run and manage its day to day affairs in an efficient manner.
if you were the president of your school, what changes would you like to make?
If possible, I will renovate the school so that it is more and more materially perfect.
Next is to provide pure drinking water,so that everyone need not carry water
everyday to school. Give equal importance to outdoor activities. Encourage them
to read books on general knowledge, train them in public speaking. Teach them the
value of time.
what did you think of teachers there?
Well, to be honest, I respect teachers enormously. They allow children to grow into
educated and intelligent people, ready to understand the world and succeed in it.
Without teachers, we would all be ignorant

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