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Regression Analysis: Estimating Relationships

(slide 1 of 2)
Regression analysis is the study of relationships between variables.
There are two potential objectives of regression analysis: to understand
how the world operates and to make predictions.
Two basic types of data are analyzed:
◦ Cross-sectional data are usually data gathered from approximately
the same period of time from a population.
◦ Time series data involve one or more variables that are observed at
several, usually equally spaced, points in time.
◦ Time series variables are usually related to their own past values—
a property called autocorrelation—which adds complications to the
(slide 2 of 2)
In every regression study, there is a single variable that we are trying to
explain or predict, called the dependent variable.
◦ It is also called the response variable or the target variable.
To help explain or predict the dependent variable, we use one or more
explanatory variables.
◦ They are also called independent or predictor variables.
If there is a single explanatory variable, the analysis is called simple
If there are several explanatory variables, it is called multiple regression.
Regression can be linear (straight-line relationships) or nonlinear (curved
◦ Many nonlinear relationships can be linearized mathematically.
Graphing Relationships
Drawing scatterplots is a good way to begin regression analysis.
A scatterplot is a graphical plot of two variables, an X and a Y.
If there is any relationship between the two variables, it is usually
apparent from the scatterplot.
Example 10.1:
Drugstore Sales.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)

Objective: To use a scatterplot to examine the relationship between

promotional expenditures and sales at Pharmex.
Solution: Pharmex has collected data from 50 randomly selected
metropolitan regions.
There are two variables: Pharmex’s promotional expenditures as a percentage
of those of the leading competitor (“Promote”) and Pharmex’s sales as a
percentage of those of the leading competitor (“Sales”).
A partial listing of the data is shown below.
Example 10.1:
Drugstore Sales.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)

Use Excel’s ® Chart Wizard or the StatTools Scatterplot procedure to create a

◦ Sales is on the vertical axis and Promote is on the horizontal axis because the store
believes that large promotional expenditures tend to “cause” larger values of sales.
Example 10.2:
Overhead Costs.xlsx (slide 1 of 3)

Objective: To use scatterplots to examine the relationships among overhead,

machine hours, and production runs at Bendrix.
Solution: Data file contains observations of overhead costs, machine hours,
and number of production runs at Bendrix.
Each observation (row) corresponds to a single month.
Example 10.2:
Overhead Costs.xlsx (slide 2 of 3)

◦ Examine scatterplots between each explanatory variable (Machine Hours

and Production Runs) and the dependent variable (Overhead).
Example 10.2:
Overhead Costs.xlsx (slide 3 of 3)

◦ Check for possible time series patterns, by creating a time series graph for
any of the variables.
◦ Check for relationships among the multiple explanatory variables (Machine
Hours versus Production Runs).
Linear versus Nonlinear
Scatterplots are useful for detecting relationships that may not be obvious
The typical relationship you hope to see is a straight-line, or linear, relationship.
◦ This doesn’t mean that all points lie on a straight line, but that the points tend to
cluster around a straight line.

The scatterplot below illustrates a relationship that is clearly nonlinear.

(slide 1 of 2)
Scatterplots are especially useful for identifying outliers—observations
that fall outside of the general pattern of the rest of the observations.
◦ If an outlier is clearly not a member of the population of interest,
then it is probably best to delete it from the analysis.
◦ If it isn’t clear whether outliers are members of the relevant
population, run the regression analysis with them and again without
◦ If the results are practically the same in both cases, then it is
probably best to report the results with the outliers included.
◦ Otherwise, you can report both sets of results with a verbal
explanation of the outliers.
(slide 2 of 2)
In the figure below, the outlier (the point at the top right) is the
company CEO, whose salary is well above that of all of the other
Unequal Variance
Occasionally, the variance of the dependent variable depends on the value of
the explanatory variable.
The figure below illustrates an example of this.
◦ There is a clear upward relationship, but the variability of amount spent increases
as salary increases—which is evident from the fan shape.

This unequal variance violates one of the assumptions of linear regression

analysis, but there are ways to deal with it.
No Relationship
A scatterplot can also indicate that there is no relationship between a
pair of variables.
◦ This is usually the case when the scatterplot appears as a shapeless
swarm of points.
Correlations: Indicators of déjà vu…
Linear Relationships (slide 1 of 2)
Correlations are numerical summary measures that indicate the
strength of linear relationships between pairs of variables.
◦ A correlation between a pair of variables is a single number that
summarizes the information in a scatterplot.
◦ It measures the strength of linear relationships only.
◦ The usual notation for a correlation between variables X and Y is rxy.
Formula for Correlation:
The numerator of the equation is also a measure of association
between X and Y, called the covariance between X and Y.
◦ The magnitude of a covariance is difficult to interpret because it
depends on the units of measurement.
Correlations: Indicators of déjà vu…
Linear Relationships (slide 2 of 2)
By looking at the sign of the covariance or correlation—plus or minus—you
can tell whether the two variables are positively or negatively related.
Unlike covariances, correlations are completely unaffected by the units of
◦ A correlation equal to 0 or near 0 indicates practically no linear
◦ A correlation with magnitude close to 1 indicates a strong linear
◦ A correlation equal to -1 (negative correlation) or
+1 (positive correlation) occurs only when the linear relationship
between the two variables is perfect.
Be careful when interpreting correlations—they are relevant descriptors
only for linear relationships.
Simple Linear Regression
Scatterplots and correlations indicate linear relationships and the
strengths of these relationships, but they do not quantify them.
Simple linear regression quantifies the relationship where there is a
single explanatory variable.
A straight line is fitted through the scatterplot of the dependent
variable Y versus the explanatory variable X.
Least Squares Estimation
(slide 1 of 2)
When fitting a straight line through a scatterplot, choose the
line that makes the vertical distance from the points to the line
as small as possible.
A fitted value is the predicted value of the dependent variable.
◦ Graphically, it is the height of the line above a given explanatory
Least Squares Estimation
(slide 2 of 2)
The residual is the difference between the actual and fitted values of
the dependent variable.
Fundamental Equation for Regression:
Observed Value = Fitted Value + Residual
The best-fitting line through the points of a scatterplot is the line with
the smallest sum of squared residuals.
◦ This is called the least squares line.
◦ It is the line quoted in regression outputs.
The least squares line is specified completely by its slope and intercept.
◦ Equation for Slope and Intercept in Simple Linear Regression:
Example 10.1 (continued):
Drugstore Sales.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)
Objective: To use StatTools’s Regression procedure to find the least squares
line for sales as a function of promotional expenses at Pharmex.
Solution: Select Regression from the StatTools Regression and Classification
dropdown list.
Use Sales as the dependent variable and Promote as the explanatory variable.
The regression output is shown below and on the next slide.
Example 10.1 (continued):
Drugstore Sales.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)

The equation for the least squares line is:

Predicted Sales = 25.1264 + 0.7623Promote
Example 10.2 (continued):
Overhead Costs.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)
Objective: To use the StatTools Regression procedure to regress overhead
expenses at Bendrix against machine hours and then against production runs.
Solution: The Bendrix manufacturing data set has two potential explanatory
variables, Machine Hours and Production Runs.
The regression output for Overhead with Machine Hours as the single
explanatory variable is shown below.
Example 10.2 (continued):
Overhead Costs.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)
The output when Production Runs is the only explanatory variable is
shown below.

The two least squares lines are therefore:

Predicted Overhead = 48621 + 34.7MachineHours
Predicted Overhead = 75606 + 655.1ProductionRuns
Standard Error of Estimate
The magnitude of the residuals provide a good indication of how useful the
regression line is for predicting Y values from X values.
Because there are numerous residuals, it is useful to summarize them with a
single numerical measure.
◦ This measure is called the standard error of estimate and is denoted se.
◦ It is essentially the standard deviation of the residuals.
◦ It is given by this equation:

The usual empirical rules for standard deviation can be applied to the standard
error of estimate.
In general, the standard error of estimate indicates the level of accuracy of
predictions made from the regression equation.
◦ The smaller it is, the more accurate predictions tend to be.
The Percentage of Variation
Explained: R-Square
R2 is an important measure of the goodness of fit of the least squares
◦ It is the percentage of variation of the dependent variable explained by the
◦ It always ranges between 0 and 1.
◦ The better the linear fit is, the closer R2 is to 1.
◦ Formula for R2:

◦ In simple linear regression, R2 is the square of the correlation between the

dependent variable and the explanatory variable.
Multiple Regression
To obtain improved fits in regression, several explanatory variables
could be included in the regression equation. This is the realm of
multiple regression.
◦ Graphically, you are no longer fitting a line to a set of points. If there
are two explanatory variables, you are fitting a plane to the data in
three-dimensional space.
◦ The regression equation is still estimated by the least squares
method, but it is not practical to do this by hand.
◦ There is a slope term for each explanatory variable in the equation,
but the interpretation of these terms is different.
◦ The standard error of estimate and R2 summary measures are almost
exactly as in simple regression.
◦ Many types of explanatory variables can be included in the
regression equation.
Interpretation of Regression
If Y is the dependent variable, and X1 through Xk are the explanatory
variables, then a typical multiple regression equation has the form
shown below, where a is the Y-intercept, and b1 through bk are the
General Multiple Regression Equation:
Predicted Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + … + bkXk
Collectively, a the bs in the equation are called the regression
Each slope coefficient is the expected change in Y when this particular X
increases by one unit and the other Xs in the equation remain constant.
◦ This means that the estimates of the bs depend on which other Xs
are included in the regression equation.
Example 10.2 (continued):
Overhead Costs.xlsx
Objective: To use StatTools’s Regression procedure to estimate the equation
for overhead costs at Bendrix as a function of machine hours and production
Solution: Select Regression from the StatTools Regression and Classification
dropdown list. Then choose the Multiple option and specify the single D
variable and the two I variables.
The coefficients in the output below indicate that the estimated regression
equation is: Predicted Overhead = 3997 + 43.54Machine Hours +
883.62Production Runs.
Interpretation of Standard
Error of Estimate and R-Square
The multiple regression output is very similar to simple regression output.
The standard error of estimate is essentially the standard deviation of
residuals, but it is now given by the equation below, where n is the number of
observations and k is the number of explanatory variables:

The R2 value is again the percentage of variation of the dependent variable

explained by the combined set of explanatory variables, but it has a serious
drawback: It can only increase when extra explanatory variables are added to
an equation.
Adjusted R2 is an alternative measure that adjusts R2 for the number of
explanatory variables in the equation.
◦ It is used primarily to monitor whether extra explanatory variables really
belong in the equation.
Modelling Possibilities
Several types of explanatory variables can be included in regression
◦ Dummy variables
◦ Interaction variables
◦ Nonlinear transformations
There are many alternative approaches to modeling the relationship
between a dependent variable and potential explanatory variables.
◦ In many applications, these techniques produce much better fits
than you could obtain without them.
Dummy Variables
Some potential explanatory variables are categorical and cannot be
measured on a quantitative scale.
◦ However, these categorical variables are often related to the dependent
variable, so they need to be included in the regression equation.

The trick is to use dummy variables.

◦ A dummy variable is a variable with possible values of 0 and 1.
◦ It is also called a 0-1 variable or an indicator variable.
◦ It equals 1 if the observation is in a particular category, and 0 if it is not.

Categorical variables are used in two situations:

◦ When there are only two categories (example: gender)
◦ When there are more than two categories (example: quarters)
◦ In this case, multiple dummy variables must be created.
Example 10.3:
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 1 of 3)

Objective: To use the StatTools Regression procedure to analyze whether the

bank discriminates against females in terms of salary.
Solution: Data set includes the following variables for each of the 208
employees of the bank: Education (categorical), Grade (categorical), Years1
(years with this bank), Years2 (years of previous work experience), Age,
Gender (categorical with two values), PCJob (categorical yes/no), Salary.
Example 10.3:
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 2 of 3)

Create dummy variables for the various categorical variables, using IF

functions or the StatTools Dummy procedure.
Then run a regression analysis with Salary as the dependent variable, using
any combination of numerical and dummy explanatory variables.
◦ Don’t use any of the original categories (such as Education) that the
dummies are based on.
◦ Always use one fewer dummy than the number of categories for any
categorical variable.
Example 10.3:
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 3 of 3)

The regression output with all variables appears below.

Interaction Variables
General Equation with No Interaction:

When you include only a dummy variable in a regression equation, like

the one above, you are allowing the intercepts of the two lines to differ,
but you are forcing the lines to be parallel.
To be more realistic, you might want to allow them to have different
You can do this by including an interaction variable.
◦ An interaction variable is the product of two explanatory variables.
◦ Include an interaction variable in a regression equation if you believe
the effect of one explanatory variable on Y depends on the value of
another explanatory variable.
Example 10.3 (continued):
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 1 of 3)
Objective: To use multiple regression with an interaction variable to see
whether the effect of years of experience on salary is different across the two
Solution: First, form an interaction variable that is the product of Years 1and
Female, using an Excel formula or the Interaction option from the StatTools
Data Utilities dropdown menu.
Include the interaction variable in addition to the other variables in the
regression equation.
The multiple regression
output appears below.
Example 10.3 (continued):
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 2 of 3)
From the regression outputs Regression Table

Constant 30430.02774
Years1 1527.761719
Female 4098.251879
Interaction(Years1,Female) -1247.798369

We have the regression equations (rounded coef.):

Salary = 30430 + 1527 Years1 + 4098 Female – 1247 Years1 x Female, i.e.
if Female = 1
Salary = (30430 + 4098) + (1527-1247) Years1
i.e. Salary = 34528 + 280 Years1
if Female = 0 (i.e. male)
Salary = 30430 + 1527 Years1
Example 10.3 (continued):
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 3 of 3)
The previous regression equations for Female and Male are shown
graphically below.
Nonlinear Transformations
The general linear regression equation has the form:
Predicted Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + … + bkXk
It is linear in the sense that the right side of the equation
is a constant plus a sum of products of constants and
The variables can be transformations of original variables.
◦ Nonlinear transformations of variables are often used because of
curvature detected in scatterplots.
◦ You can transform the dependent variable Y or any of the explanatory
variables, the Xs. Or you can do both.
◦ Typical nonlinear transformations include: the natural logarithm, the
square root, the reciprocal, and the square.
Example 10.4:
Cost of Power.xlsx (slide 1 of 3)
Objective: To see whether the cost of supplying electricity is a nonlinear
function of demand, and if it is, what form the nonlinearity takes.
Solution: The data set lists the number of units of electricity produced (Units)
and the total cost of producing these (Cost) for a 36-month period.
Start with a scatterplot of Cost versus Units.
Example 10.4:
Cost of Power.xlsx (slide 2 of 3)
Next, request a scatterplot of the residuals versus the fitted values.
The negative-positive-negative behavior of residuals suggests a parabola—
that is, a quadratic relationship with the square of Units included in the
Create a new variable (Units)^2 in the data set and then use multiple
regression to estimate the equation for Cost with both Units and (Units)^2
Example 10.4:
Cost of Power.xlsx (slide 3 of 3)
Use Excel’s Trendline option to superimpose a quadratic curve on the
scatterplot. This curve is shown below, on the left.
Finally, try a logarithmic fit by creating a new variable, Log(Units), and then
regressing Cost against this variable. This curve is shown below, on the right.
◦ One reason logarithmic transformations of variables are used so widely in regression
analysis is that they are fairly easy to interpret.
◦ A logarithmic transformation of Y is often useful when the distribution of Y values is
skewed to the right.
Example 10.3 (continued):
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 1 of 2)
Objective: To reanalyze the bank salary data, now using the logarithm of
salary as the dependent variable.
Solution: The distribution of salaries of the 208 employees shows some
skewness to the right.
First, create the Log(Salary) variable.
Then run the regression, with Log(Salary) as the dependent variable and
Female and Years 1 as the explanatory variables.
Example 10.3 (continued):
Bank Salaries.xlsx (slide 2 of 2)
The lessons from this example are important in general:
◦ The R2 values with Y and Log(Y) as dependent variables are not directly
comparable. They are percentages explained of different variables.
◦ The se values with Y and Log(Y) as dependent variables are usually of
totally different magnitudes. To make the se from the log equation
comparable, you need to go through the procedure described in the
example so that the residuals are in original units.
◦ To interpret any term of the form bX in the log equation, you should first
express b as a percentage. Then when X increases by one unit, the
expected percentage change in Y is approximately this percentage b.

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