Nikola Tesla

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Born in Smiljan on July 10, 1856,
Croatia, Nikola Tesla studied
engineering, physics, and fell in
love with electricity. In 1873 he
began studying electrical
engineering at the Polytechnic
Institute of Graz, Austria, where
he studied mainly physics and
mathematics. in 1880 graduated
from the University of Prague.
Polytechnic Institute of Graz,
Born into a humble family,
he worked at the telephone
company, and soon moved to
the United States. Years
later, he was invited to work
at Thomas Edison's firm in
New York, where he moved.

Thomas Edison
He designed a complex motor that used
a movement called alternating current.
Despite their brilliant ideas they
contradicted the ideas of another
scientist, Thomas Edison. This decision
caused the entrepreneurs to resign, and
Tesla lost most of his patents, driving
Tesla into bankruptcy. He developed
another company, Westing House.
This company announced its
products, which were successful
among other companies, except
Edison's company. Despite this
current war, Westing House won, and
alternating current became a
phenomenon and today we use
various devices that take advantage
of this, such as refrigerators,
microwaves, stoves, etc.
Nikola Tesla was just brilliant.
He spoke 8 languages, had an
incredible photographic
memory and had the ability to
visualize the most complex
machines. He memorized
books and solved calculations
and equations in his head in
an impressive way.
Tesla provided inventions such as:
The tesla coil, an energy booster;
The induction motor that transforms
energy into electrical energy
The tesla valve that makes a liquid go
down and down through the same pipe
through pumps; Tower.
Neon lamps; W

Undersea trackers;
Found the x-ray;
Distance communication;
Tesla C
The Wardenclyffe Tower. oil.
Despite his genius,
tesla was never a
millionaire, much
less recognized,
and because of
that, he lived from
hotel to hotel until
his old age.
The death of Nikola Tesla
On January 7, 1943, aged 86, Tesla
died alone in a room at the New
Yorker Hotel. His body was later
found by a housekeeper after she
entered Tesla's room, ignoring the
"do not disturb" sign he had
placed on her door two days
earlier. Cause of death was
coronary thrombosis.
We, members of our group,
chose to talk about Nicola Tesla
as he was the most wronged
inventor in history. But in 1943
he was recognized for the first
radio broadcast, a deserved
recognition, but too late as he
had already passed away.
"The present is theirs; the future,
for which I have really worked, is
- Nikola Tesla

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