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PHS, CEBU CITY 2019-2020

July 7, 2020

We now come to an end of our tertianship journey. I feel grateful and enrich
as I travelled back my memory of our companionship that was full of
aliveness, beauty, surprises, and challenges. I marvelled at how I have been
sustain by the great grace of God who is life that I feel I am accompanied with
as I learn to entrust myself of the gift of life that awakens my being the
BELOVED in my relationships and encounters. As Ralph Ellison said, “When
I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” Yes, there is that appreciation of inner
freedom in me when I notice myself to learn in owning the gift of my true self
which is the attribute of the God-given life in me. Our over-all activities like
classes/individual sessions, regular apostolate and exposure have given me a
glimpse to connect with life and be grateful every moment. It taught me to
become more aware and be able to respond in the present moment. I feel
awe and wonder that in our community we strive to practice in living gratefully
in the here and now. I gain more knowledge about myself and that of others
as I learn to attune myself to experience newness in the way I do and relate in
the areas of:

Anthony de Mello said, Spirituality means “waking up.” How does one wake
up?…“understand the loveliness and the beauty of the human existence..,
Attitude of openness,…of willingness to discover something new,…unlearning
almost everything you’ve been taught,…willingness to unlearn...” These are
the few words that remain in me when I listen to the talk of the said author. In
the light with these words, I feel the invitation of a new perspective of seeing
at myself at this stage of my life. I am thankful that there are tools that guides
me to enhance my own spirituality with hope that I will be able to live my life to
the full.
1. What have you experienced as most life-giving in:
 Personal/community centering prayer- This is one of my favourite methods
in prayer. I feel at home in learning to relax, calm and quiet. I developed a
sense of gratitude, as I come to know how the practice of deep breathing that
help me being aware of the present moment. As Joseph Campbell said:
“There’s a center of quietness within, which has to be known and held. If you
lose that center, you are in tension and begin to fall apart.” I strive to find
ways to be creative in looking for appropriate materials for prayer when it is
my turn to lead the community in our scheduled prayer time. Listening to
music and other meditation guide provide me to attune myself to prayer and
solitude and come to the fullness of the present moment in whatever I do.

 Spiritual reading of Congregational materials and other books-I notice

that as a community, I lack the initiative and courage to have much time to
make available for spiritual reading. As for me, I try to help myself to get in
touch in listening to the teachings of some spiritual authors like Echart Tolle,
Anthony de Mello, and in youtube channel.

 Eucharistic celebrations- The Eucharist expands my awareness of God’s

presence as I listen to priest’s homily, in the readings, and in the songs. I
strive to express myself in creativity to celebrate the Eucharist in our
community prayers like the experience when we are lock down because of
these pandemic. I feel I am inspired to look for resources to celebrate the
Eucharist with simplicity and united as a community. Eventhough we were
not able to go to the parish, our community have experience a more
meaningful Eucharistic celebration as we learn to attune ourselves in the
social media.
 Adoration-Just like centering prayer, spending time in solitude, rest and quiet
facilitates me to make an effort to be in intimacy with God in Jesus.
 Faith sharing-This deepens my faith journey, dependence and trust in the
abiding presence of God in my daily life encounters, this allows me to
appreciate the deep faith of my companions as I listen to their life in sharing
their reliance and confidence of the God of our journey.
 Personal prayer and meditation (breathing consciously)-I find this
effective tool for me to quietly communicate, accept and acknowledge God
who is life in nature, in the gospel that I take time to read, finding a
comfortable place sit in a relax manner and slowly being conscious of that I
am breathing. I expand my imagination to be less thinking, judging and
complaining but more attune of being engage who God is in my life.
 Personal Accompaniment/Spiritual Direction-I learn to be open, trust and
confident to articulate in sharing my stories, struggles and strong emotions to
our Spiritual companion and directress, Sr. Ewa. I am enlightened and being
grateful of her patience for her time in listening and for journeying with me as I
am being helped in terms of handling and understanding my emotions, self-
acceptance and owning of my true self. Our sessions on The Work, the
teachings of Echart Tolle and other Spiritual authors stirred in me to look at
myself with appreciation, respect, dignity and beauty beyond what is
conditioned and being defined of my past.
 Reflection/Integration-Through the reflection guide that was given every
week, I have gained more knowledge, understanding and wonder about
myself. I feel that inner freedom to be with myself, I am grateful that those
guides motivates me to see myself differently in the life of now, that there is
more than what I believe that I was conditioned and defined by my stories in
the past. My view of myself expanded as I come across to live in the present
moment connecting with life in what I do. I gained more creativity that
enables me to respond what is in the moment. It gives me the opportunity to
rest in quiet recalling of the presence of God in daily life encounters.
 30-day Retreat-The best retreat ever! I feel enriched and equipped with
different methods and ways of praying like breathing, meditation and
contemplation that facilitates me to encounter God personally in the scripture
text given, I gained trust and the grace of inner seeing as I learn to focus on
who God is and come to the present moment of realizing that profound
experience of being God’s Beloved and miracle child. It widened my
awareness to be courageous to commit myself wholeheartedly to the mission
as SSpS disciple.
 Journal of gratitude- Just as word of saying “Thank You” brought me to
appreciation and admiration of the gift of life that makes me feel blessed with
of recognizing God in everything.
2. What is your image of God at this time of your journey?
God is life that I experience in the beauty of creation, in the stories of my life
(past and present) that led me to accept God’s graciousness and faithfulness.
It unfolds my way of thinking and believing of a God who is punishing and
distant to a God who is always recreates and brings fullness in the present
moment. I gained confidence to lean on God who is always at work in the
now where I feel God’s nearness of God’s blessings every moment.
1. What “newness” have you recognized about yourself in the community
Uniqueness that everyone is different and has her own way of being and
doing. It amazes me to get interested in the way they do things which is
totally different from mine. Creativity is one way of expressing myself to
discover new ways of doing and seeing things. I strive to cultivate the value of
respect, patience and understanding in lessening my being judgmental
realizing that it is not only me who is capable. I took notice of myself by
humbly turning around and accept my gifts and woundedness. I learn accept
the giftedness and space of each one knowing that each of us has its own
pace for growth and healing toward wholeness.
2. What have you realized through the following:
 Sharing of individual uniqueness and personal life stories- Our life stories
are sacred and unique. It shapes our identity in our journey of who we are in
past and in the present. Our reactions, emotions, attitudes and behaviors that
surfaces every moment has a story corresponding story to be revealed.
Through the aid of our class in The Work, Enneagram, Human Sexuality,
teachings of Echart Tolle and Anthony de Mello, have enlighten me to
understand more of myself and see it differently. As I listen to the stories of
my companions in the community, I come to know to appreciate and
understand their situation, moods and their ways of doing and being. I notice
that the more I understand myself and my story, I become less judgmental
and complaining. I stretch out to be patient and forgiving with myself and with
the other.
 Tasking in the community (liturgy, cooking, marketing) - Whenever its my
turn to be the prayer leader, cook and marketing, I seek to explore,
resourceful and be creative with what I do. I find the joy and purposefulness
of discovering new ways which increases my interest of learning to do things.
 Cultural days –The presentation of our cultural day expresses beauty. I
appreciate beauty and creativity in the way one prepares for the presentation
of food, wearing of costumes, dance, rituals, traditions and decorations. I find
cooperation and enthusiasm that each one has contributed when their help is
needed. I see the expression of uniqueness, wonder and deep faith of my
culture and those other sisters who presents their culture and way of doing
 Faith sharing/at-the-table sharing-I cherish the value of our togetherness.
We mingle with joyfulness, cheerfulness, and openness that we share
together as a community especially at table meals together with the other
sisters inside our compound. We develop spontaneity, humor, healthy jokes,
and cheerfulness when moments allows us to do so. It cannot be avoided
that at times we may have conflicts and individual differences, but we have
learn to manage them and establish an atmosphere of respect, love and
 Masses and celebrations in Kasambagan/SVD/Pink sisters? One of the
significance of our Arnorld Janssen Family was the togetherness that the
three congregation and our lay partners regularly met especially on occasions
like Christmas, Feastdays, and other important events that call us to be united
at the Eucharistic celebration and table fellowship. I am touched by the
generosity and concern of our SVD brothers and Pink Sisters in inviting us in
these occasions. I admire the goodness and faithfulness of our (SSpSA) lay
partners and the caring support of our co-workers/staff in Kasambagan when
we are there for class.
3. What values have you learned by living in the international/intercultural
Our congregation is enriched with diverse cultures and international identity. I
am blessed that I lived with Sisters coming from different countries with
different cultural backgrounds. I am amazed that our community lives in unity
even if at times I experience in conflict with, petty quarrels and comparison.
We show our uniqueness in the way we do things. I begin to respect and
understand realizing that it is not only who is capable of doing. I try to be less
complaining and judging. Our sessions on Intercultural living, NVC and the
Vows inspired me to accept and relate the other with patience and
1. How do you feel about being a friend with the poor and the
I feel grateful that I encounter and make some friends with poor in our
neighborhood. I see their smiling faces when I pass by them in going to the
parish. I feel helpless when they beg and I don’t have nothing to give. I am
also inspired by seeing their misery, they taught to live in contentment and
simplicity, I am encourage to be mindful of the things I have, bought and used.
I feel contentment they taught me to put my total dependence on the
providence of God.
 Apostolate – at Balay Samaritano, with Badjao and street families- I
gained friends as I dared to interact with the children and the elderly at Balay
Samaritano sa Sugbo (BSS). I admire the friendliness, welcoming attitude
and gesture of self-giving acts of the staffs and volunteers as they show
compassion and playfulness being at home with the children, youth and
elderly. I am amused of our lay mission partners/benefactors by their
compassion, generosity and willingness to sharing their blessings. I feel
happy toward our Badjao family when they come to our home. I get excited
and show interest to learn from their language in our Saturday class. I feel
enriched being with them because even though they are materially poor, they
are filled with delight in what they have and they put their total dependence on
God by our presence and the generosity of our lay mission partners.
 Sharing of/listening to the mission stories of other missionaries-I am
glad to hear the experiences of our missionary sisters from foreign countries.
I am inspired by their zeal, loving service and commitment. Their optimism
encourages me to become an effective missionary too. I admire their
readiness to be sent living behind their comforts, their loved ones and
homeland. I am strengthened by their perseverance, faith and prayerfulness
when they experience loneliness, hardships, challenges and difficulties.
 Exposure experiences during COVID-19 pandemic-Our exposure was
unique and was very different. We had a chance to be in this new normal to
ventures new ways of doing in this pandemic situation. We are confronted
with realities that has seemingly no structure of what should be done
according to the plan. We encounter with what is in front of us and we just
respond in our own creative way to be in solidarity with our brothers and
sisters in need. I have gained sensibility, creativity, resourcefulness and
availability when it is my turn to go out, walking on the wide, empty and lonely
streets of Colon to distribute foods to the people particularly to the “TAONG

My profound experience of God during our 30 day retreat deepened my

awareness of being the beloved disciple has motivated me to be curious and
yearned to go out and see what is happening in the street. My fears and
worries were turned into joy, courage and creativity to respond to what is in
front of me. I am overwhelmed that I have receive so many blessings, God’s
generosity is pouring out to each individual that they cannot contain but gladly
share it. It is like a web of connection, of shared aims, of collective efforts,
roles and kindness of individuals who cheerfully give out their pieces of good
fortune to us.

I become aware that the more I am open and welcoming to these realities, the
more possibilities are coming into my senses that have motivate me more to
be available, resourceful and friendly person. I found out to be less
complaining and accepted the blessings that had come to me every day. I
feel the joy being with my companions of working together as a community.
Our teamwork makes easier and lighter when we allowed ourselves to trust
each ones giftedness, space and capacity to express ourselves lovingly in the
way we do. I turned up being grateful entrusting myself to the leading of the
Spirit in every situation.

2. What are your insights/realizations/values that you have learned in the

The apostolate is a moment for me to ponder and appreciate the gift of
circumstance and realities that I am called to act in responding to the present
situation and feel every moment, every creature and every person I encounter
as God’s gift of life. This lead to allow myself in surrender and acceptance to
the mysteries and surprises of the now, to value and be grateful of the gift of
every moment, respond generously to what is as God’s manifold blessings of
every moment.



 MIND (creative mind and egoic mind)-

 BODY (psycho-somatic connection/body-prayer)
 SPIRIT (the Breath of Life)
 GRATITUDE (opportunity in every given moment)
 CREATION (communion))

Please, use your drawing books and mark each topic with a color.
What does each particular color mean to you? (how is your mind, body
and so on… in the here and now?)
Draw a symbol or image (of your mind) using that color (you may also
use many colors - listen to the Spirit and express yourself spontaneously
without analyzing…)

Apply the same process to the below questions.

What attitudes of Christ attract you most? (ex. healing, compassion, love,
forgiveness, friendship …)
What values of Christ have you internalized more deeply in this journey
of tertianship?
How have you experienced the human companionship in this journey?
What are you grateful for?
Give a name to your tertianship journey.

CONTENT: Seminar-Workshops
 River of life-sharing –flow of life
 Prayer – Sr. Celestina Tangan, SSpS- venue/ways to prepare
creative liturgy
 Founding Generation – Fr. Heinz Kulueke, SVD Br. Carlos Wob,
SVD- appreciate the life of our founding generations
 Grateful Living - Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB-grateful that in every
moment is a beautiful encounter of God in creation, with one
another, with the Eucharist and daily encounters with the
 The work - Byron Katie-less judgmental of others, turning around
on the self, and accept myself.
 Vows for Non-violence – Sr. Ewa Lidia Mazur, SSpS- lif-giving
 Non-violent communications – Sr. Celestina Tangan, SSpS -
 Enneagram – Fr. Al Villasante, SVD- accepting and going beyond
my personality dynamics and that of others.
 Human Sexuality – Sr. Ewa Lidia Mazur, SSpS
 The Vows – Sr. Celestina Tangan, SSpS- ways of looking at things,
people and events
 Levels of Human Consciousness – Sr. Ewa Lidia Mazur, SSpS
 Meditation – Br. David, Eckhart Tolle-be in the now, now is
precious, unfolding
 SSpS Constitutions and Directory – Sr. Ewa lidia Mazur, SSpS-
generosity of our congregation
 Awareness – Anthony de Melo-awakened self from judgement
 Sessions on human trafficking-understand and appreciate the
struggles of women who are abuse.



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