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STUDENT ID: 02-100181-017

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelors in Sciences (English Literature)




November 2021


Scholar's Name: MIR NAYAB

Registration No.: 54216
Program of Study: BS (English Literature)
It is to certify that the above scholar's thesis has been completed to my
satisfaction and, to my belief, its standard is appropriate for submission for examination.
I have also conducted plagiarism test of this thesis using HEC prescribed software and
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HEC for the BS degree thesis. I have also found the thesis in a format recognized by the
BU for the BS thesis.

Principal Supervisor’s Signature: _______________________

Date: November 2021


I, MIR NAYAB, hereby state that my BS thesis titled “FINDING ELEMENTS

LIGHT OF TRANCENDENTALISM” is my own work and has not been submitted
previously by me for taking any degree from this university Bahria University Karachi
or anywhere else in the country/world.
At any time if my statement is found to be incorrect even after my graduation,
the University has the right to withdraw/cancel my BS degree.

Name of scholar: MIR NAYAB

November 2021


I, solemnly declare that research work presented in the thesis titled “FINDING
IN THE LIGHT OF TRANCENDENTALISM” is solely my research work with no
significant contribution from any other person. Small contribution / help wherever taken
has been duly acknowledged and that complete thesis has been written by me.
I understand the zero tolerance policy of the HEC and Bahria University
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I undertake that if I am found guilty of any formal plagiarism in the above titled
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placed who submitted plagiarized thesis.

Scholar / Author’s Sign: ________________________

Name of the Scholar: MIR NAYAB


Dedicated to my beloved mother and my friends



In preparing this thesis, I was in contact with many people, researchers,

academicians, and practitioners. They have contributed towards my understanding and
thoughts. In particular, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my main thesis
supervisor, Professor Summaiya Aslam, for her encouragement. I am also very thankful
to my co-supervisor Professor Zehra Shah for her guidance, advices and motivation.
Without her continued support and interest, this thesis would not have been the same as
presented here.

Librarians at Bahria University also deserve special thanks for their assistance in
supplying the relevant literatures. My fellow under-graduate students should also be
recognized for their support. My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues
and others who have provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and tips are
useful indeed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to list all of them in this limited space. I
am grateful to all my family members.


In a world where we follow a path that everyone is following, no matter how

stressful it may seem to one, no matter how stressful it may be to you, we forget to
satisfy our inner self, and we forget whence unique we can be. Sometimes we suppress
our individual qualities for society and the sake of people around us. In the book Dead
Poet Society the elements of individualism are traced under the light of the
transcendentalist movement through the characters. The term individualism is perceived
as simple, but it is still hard for us to accept it for ourselves and for some to accept it for
others. I believe it takes courage for one to believe in themself and be their one genuine
individual, in a society where being unique, different is considered problematic .in a
world like this being an individualistic can be harsh but it takes guts for one to be who
they truly are, because then we may follow our selves and not the group of people
.being an individualist means to embrace the identity of your one true self.

POET’S SOCIETY IN THE LIGHT OF TRANCENDENTALISM................................i
APPROVAL STATEMENT SHEET....................................................................ii
AUTHOR’S DECLARATION :..........................................................................iii
PLAGIRISM UNDERTAKING.......................................................................iv
CHAPTER 1.........................................................................................................2
1.1 Background............................................................................................2
1.2 Literature review:......................................................................................4
1.3 Key Studies.................................................................................................5
1.4 Research Gap.............................................................................................8
1.5 Research Questions:..................................................................................8
1.6 Objective of the Study..............................................................................8
1.7 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:.........................................................10
Chapter 2............................................................................................................11
KEATING AND HIS STYLE OF TEACHING.....................................................11
CHAPTER 3........................................................................................................14
MAJOR THEMES PRESENT IN THE NOVEL............................................14
CHAPTER 4.......................................................................................................16
Izzudin.N(2019) an analysis of speech act in dead poet society


1.1 Background

Dead Poet Society is a story, about a group of boys at the Walton Academy. The
story starts when the ceremony is being held and the four boys enter with banners and
each banner described the four pillars of Walton Academy that were Discipline,
Honour, Excellence, and Tradition. Todd Anderson who is a new student at the Walton
Academy suffers from low self-esteem, is constantly reminded that he has to do better,
and has shoes to fill in; he is compared to his brother Jeffery who used to be a great
student at the Welton academy. Neil is Todd’s roommate, he is a positive young boy,
but his parents dictate his whole life and they have decided his career. Charlie Dalton
was popular among his group, later he has the guts to dare authority with his wit, and he
has a strong personality, and later becomes mature withholding his identity. Knox
Overstreet is a smart boy who is focused on his studies and does not let his parents walk
on him. Cameron who is Richard Cameron and is a conformist and likes to live his life
according to the rules, which are governed by the Walton Academy. John Keating is the
English teacher. John Keating is the new English teacher who used to be a former
student at the Welton Academy. The new English teachers He uses his unorthodox
teaching method and teaches the students how poetry is applied to real-life; he asides
the school curriculum. He teaches them with passion, not only as just a teacher who is
doing his job. He encourages them to relinquish the tradition and be nonconformists and
free thinkers. when a teacher points out marketing’s teaching method and says he may
be setting boys for disappointment because not everyone can be an artist, to which he
replies he is not making everyone he and an artist missed the point, he is causing them
to be free thinkers,

The students at the Welton academy get to know about the secret society, the
dead poet society. They wanted to learn more about this society; Mr. Keating formed
the club, the English teacher back when he used to be a student .he He tells the students

that his friends met in a cave and vowed to suck the marrow out of life, the boys start
the club and meet like the old times .when the school administration gets to know about
the activity, the dean gets furious since something has been done against the rules .and
soon he regrets hiring Mr. Keating. Keating is terminated over many reasons, and in the
end, the boys stand on the desk in solidarity with him, and they believed he was not the
one to be blamed, and they shout o captain, my captain, as he leaves.

The author of this book, Nancy.N.Hkleinbaum was born on August 30th, 1948,
she is an American journalist and author, and she earned a degree in journalism from
North-Western University and a master’s from Columbia University in literature and
history. She is the author of the novel dead poet society, which is based on the movie.
Kleinbaum has written many novels, which are mostly based on dramas and films; she
got famous for her novel dead poet society. She wrote the following books, the doctor
do-little, the magnificent seven, ‘Storwaryzen’, ‘Daryl’, doctor do little journey, ghost
story, and cop and a half. After the great success of the dead poet society, Kleinbaum
was asked to write more novelization, including the magnificent seven and the
authorized story of American gold. After the great success of the dead poet society,
Kleinbaum was asked to write more novelization, including the magnificent seven and
the authorized story of American gold.

According to the good reads all of us, which we feel when we read this book,
consider this book favorite, because it depicts poets and wise words and how passion,
love and youth are the thing, which make life beautiful. Many things in this novel is
realized and felt. (Ivana simanungkalit) (2007)

1.2 Literature review:

The author N.H Kleinbaum wrote her first novel “Dead Poet Society" which was
published in 1989, and became instantly famous for that. Kleinbaum work of fiction is
written in the third person from the perspective of the key characters. There is limited
omniscience in her writings, which allow the reader to learn from the private thoughts,
intentions, and motivations of characters like Doctor John Dolittle from the book The
Voyages of Doctor Dolittle or Mr. Keating from the book Dead Poet’s Society.These
protagonists maintain a mystique that mimics an element in the story (Ariyani, 2015).

Transcendentalism is an underlying theme in the novel Dead Poet’s Society; the

concepts of individualism and nonconformity are illustrated through the
transcendentalist teacher "John Keating." Transcendentalism is a movement that started
in the 19th century that focuses on spiritual thinking rather than scientific reasoning.
The transcendentalist movement encircled many beliefs, but the central premises of this
movement is individualism, idealism, and divinity. it is a term that means people, men,
and women, have ideas and knowledge about themselves, and this knowledge comes
through intuition and imagination, and that only comes through senses ;This philosophy
also believes that people should trust themselves and know and choose what is right for
them. Instead of choosing the authority or the society, they should count on themselves
to understand what is right and wrong. Transcendentalism started as a objection upon
the culture and society.Individualism comes under Transcendentalism. It basically
means to focus oneself rather than the choices of others. Emerson however in his words
states that "The importance of individualism and it concerns the happiness of oneself.
He believes people should lead their life with bravery and courage. Moreover, he
considers individual choices and actions benefit us more than just conforming to
society's choices and actions" Ralph Waldo Emerson who was from America is
considrered as an striking poet, essayist , and a philospher .he is recognized as one of
the key figures of the transcendentalist movement , it empahasis on the importance of
individual , equality and hard work. His famous works are self reliance , Nature , the
American Scholar ,the over soul .

Keating aims to inspire his students to do extraordinary and original things

instead of merely imitating others. He frequently uses the power of romanticism and
individualism in English literature to articulate his message. As an academic, Keating
does not follow the traditional way of teaching students, and he does not believe in
living the life as other people's expectations. In other words, Keating has an unorthodox
way to go about all matters in life. During his academic period at Walton academy. He
aspires his students to collect knowledge in a way that does not burden young minds.
Keating does not believe in teachers or parents berating their children for what they
want to be and do in their life. Through English literature, he sparks imagination,
individuality, and intuition amongst his students, as he believes that the pressure and the
dictation would be no good for them.

1.3 Key Studies

Individualism is one of the most significant themes of the literature because it

pursues human dignity. It is a moral stance and a philosophical concept that stresses the
moral worth and the supreme and intrinsic value of human beings (Nebbou, 2015). Luke
(as cited in Realo et al. 2002) has argued that "Individualism" has a rich semantic
history despite being a 19th-century expression. It has been used in literature in different
contexts and with a notable lack of precision. The first uses of the term grew out of the
"Romantic Movement" during the early 19th century when neoclassicism, the factory
system, and very political movements like the French revolution diminished individuals'
accomplishment. Many writers began to see such developments in society as a threat to
individualism. In reaction, the Romantic Movement in the literature and arts
emphasized the "individuality" of the artist's expression, a personal relationship with
nature, trust in emotion, and subjective experience (Anamika, 2013). These ideas are
evident in Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables,” written during France's century-long social
upheaval. The focal points of Hugo's writing were Imagination, emotion, personal
expression, freedom, and enlightenment; these are the unique qualities that evolved
Hugo's protagonist Jean Valjean from a convict to innovator and town's mayor
(Naibaho, 2008).

Individualism has been cropped up here and there throughout history; for
instance, the American philosophical and literary movement that challenged orthodox
Calvinism and questioned the prejudiced constraints of heritage gave birth to

(MC Namara 2019)"Transcendentalism focused on the importance of being an

individual and on individualism, It was a break from formalised religion. The
transcendentalists like Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Whitman all were inspired
by European romanticism. As a result, in their writings, there is a strong emphasis on
individualism, self-reliance, and rejection of traditional authority. In the essay "Self-
Reliance," In his essay “Self Reliance,” Ralph Waldo Emerson revealed his opinions on
the importance of individualism as it pertains to the happiness of oneself, as well as the
importance of upholding an individualistic identity in society. Emerson encourages his
readers to live their lives with courage, bravery, and inconsistency, while paying no

attention to antagonists who try to influence their actions and decisions based off
societal constraints. Emerson believes that individual choices and actions all benefit
society in a greater way than conformed choices and actions. (Schesser) (2016)

Among the authors who explored the concept of individualism in her novel is
Ayan Rand; in her novella "Anthem", Rand’s protagonist evolves from an indoctrinated,
faceless human in a bleak authoritarian state; to a self-sufficient, creative, and confident
individual living outside of the system that oppressed him. Individualism is the core
theme of Ayaan rand's work; she has discussed that one can genuinely liberate
himself/herself and triumph over collectivist oppression by embracing concepts like
self-reliance and self-interest (Shoshan,2016).

The advocates of individualism maintain that in places where conformity is

required, often individuality is completely lost. Margaret Atwood delineated this
concept in the Novel “The Handmaid's Tale”, where socially circumscribed roles
subjugate women in a dystopian male chauvinist society. The oppressive patriarchal
regime restricts women's individuality by denying women self-identity, subjectivity,
self-esteem, and power (Gayret, 2019).

Individualism is featured throughout the novel Dead Poet’s Society. Arifin

(2008) assessed the fate of two characters, Neil Perry and Todd Anderson. Neil commits
suicide after going through psychological trauma due to his father's high expectations
from him. In contrast, Todd remained resilient as he brought his true self forward by
adapting nonconformity and self-respect. He decided not to subscribe to popular
thought, which allowed him to move towards self-actualization. Yan li (2019), who
explored the elements of romanticism in the Dead Poet’s Society, found that the lessons
on emotions rather than reason or logic from his teacher Mr. Keating inspired Todd
Anderson to come out of his shell express his opinion and feelings.

Cross (1995), while analysing The Dead Poet’s Society, called the Walton
Academy a traditional school where freedom of choice was restricted; he argues that the
school represented restrictions while some of the characters represented freedom. He
also focused on characterization in his paper for instance he indicated how characters
like Todd Anderson were dynamic who changed from realism and romanticism

(Hermens, 2015) while others remained realistic and sceptical of the radical ideas of Mr.

Augustine (2017), in his review for Dead Poet’s Society, argued that teachers
and the academic environment could affect the personality of the students. He believes
that schools can shape a future generation with charismatic teachers like John Keating,
who can inspire students to do extraordinary things in life. According to Augustine,
Keating is a nonconformist and freethinker who idealizes transcendentalists like Ralph
Waldo Emerson and Whitman.

Yan li (2019) has established that Mr. Keating was a trailblazer who opened the
idea of Romanticism to a school that had forever been realistic. Author identified
constant tug-a-war of philosophy in the Dead Poet's Society; for instance, Mr. Keating
was transcendentalist in a realistic Walton’s academy where imagination, intuition, and
emotions were rejected. It is worth mentioning that Walton’s academy was founded on
the principles of honour, tradition, and discipline. The individualism of Keating
challenged these values. Hence, throughout the book, the progression of romanticism is
flawlessly shown through scepticism, distinctiveness, and self-reliance.
Moreland (2014) analysis identified leadership patterns in dead poet society
focusing on the two characters of the Welton Academy. For instance, Mr. Nolan, a strict
principle, authoritative figure, an autocratic leader who lives by the rules and submits to
the traditionalist teaching system. While the Protagonist Mr. Keating on the other hand,
has a Free-Rein Leadership approach, his teaching style is unorthodox, that is
convincing, and appealing to students who are tired of carrying the burden of
Khadijah (2012) explores the elements of individualism in the dead poet society.
He analysed how characters evolve and take a step for their own choices and take back
their authority by not obeying the traditional values and traditional authoritative figures.
Khadijah furthermore explores the examples of existentialism by Neil Perry’s suicide
and another character Knox Overstreet; through Knox’s character, the concept of
transcendentalism and romanticism is given. Throughout the book, characters are
depicted as some people who act individually after the unorthodox teaching style of Mr.
Keating. The article further focuses on the importance of self-discovery and the perks of

1.4 Research Gap

Concisely, previous research and book reviews explored ideas of existentialism,

transcendentalism, self-interest strain, pressure, elements of nature, and nonconformity.
However, there is a research gap in the portrayal of individualism through Mr. Keating's
character. My research aims to fill this gap by analysing Keating's unique teaching
styles, literature lessons, and transcendental ideals. Furthermore, this research also aims

to uncover how Mr Keating’s teaching style helps students gain independence and self-

1.5 Research Questions:

Q1. Can the elements of individualism be seen in the character of Mr Keating?

Q2. What are the themes present in the book?

1.6 Objective of the Study

This research focuses on the movement of transcendentalism , It is a term

that means human beings have idea and knowledge about themselves, and this
knowledge comes through intuition and imagination, and that only comes through
senses; This philosophy also believes that people should trust themselves and
know and choose what is right for them. Instead of choosing the authority or the
society, they should count on themselves to understand what is right and
wrong.Furthermore, individualism which is one of the elements of
transcendentalism is found in the character of Mr. Keating in the novel dead poet
society. Mr. Keating portrays an unconventional way of teaching, especially
something as crucial as learning, which is still done in quite a traditional way in
the 21st century. Mr. Keating, however, proposed a new track, especially in that
time and era. The story starts with the orientation, where the Dean explains the
four pillars. Four students are focused on in the story: Neil Perry, Knox
Overstreet, Richard Cameron, Charlie Dalton, and Steven Meek. By the end of the
story, we see the students are influenced by the teaching style of Mr. Keating and
his individualistic personality and how he pushed the students to find their inner
voice. Before Mr. Keating, they were clueless about how it felt to be their one true
self and celebrate their individuality.The objective of the study is the novel Dead
Poet Society written by Nancy Kleinbaum, an American author. The book was
published in 1989. This book consists of 176 pages, and it is divided into 14

chapters; it was based on the movie Tom Schulman produced. The literary
writings of N.Hkleinbaum are dead poet society; doctor do little his animal family,
voyages of doctor do little, and doctor do little meets the pushmi-pullyu. Nancy
Horowitz, an American journalist, born on August 30th, 1948, got her bachelor's
degree from a North-Western university, and later she completed her master's
from Columbia.

Dead poet society is a story about a group of boys at the Walton Academy. The
story starts when the ceremony is being held, and the four boys enter with banners.
Todd Anderson, a new student at the Walton Academy, suffers from low self-esteem, is
constantly reminded that he has to do better, and has shoes to fill in; he is compared to
his brother Jeffery, who used to be a great student at the Walton academy. Neil is
Todd’s roommate; he is an enthusiastic young boy, but his parents dictate his whole life,
and they have decided his career. Charlie Dalton was popular among his group; later, he
has the guts to dare authority with his wit; he had a strong personality. Knox Overstreet
is a bright boy focused on his studies and did not let his parents walk on him.

The new English teacher uses his unorthodox teaching method and teaches the
students with passion. He encourages them to relinquish the tradition and be non-
conformist and free thinkers. The students at the Welton academy get to know about the
secret society, the dead poet society. They wanted to learn more about this society; Mr.
Keating formed the secret society back when he was a student at Welton academy.

He tells the students that his friends used to meet in a cave and vowed to suck
the marrow out of life; the boys start the club and meet like the old times .when the
school administration gets to know about the activity, then things start to fall apart.

The study reveals the portrayal of individualism through the character by using
the Transcendentalists movement. Furthermore, it discusses how a teacher and students'
friendship help in the development of students' self-confidence and individualism in the


This research is qualitative, and the articles and research papers have done the
tool of textual analysis.

Chapter 2



Mr. Keating had a positive influence on his students; when he entered the class
first time “wearing a shirt and tie but no jacket, sat at the front of the room, staring out
the window.”(Kleinbaum, pg 28). He was wearing different kinds of clothes, and he
enters the class smiling and whistling his first lessons ignited the spark in students as it
was about the idea that we all should live the life we want and not the life others want
us to live .his first lesson to the students was carpe diem, seize the day after their first
lessons with Mr. Keating the students are surprised and convinced that he is different
from other teachers and his teaching methodologies seem to fascinate them. Mr. Keating
has a unique teaching style because his teaching method is different from the rest of the
teachers in Welton. The students could not resist his lectures, his lessons, and that way;
he influenced all students. He wanted them to be free thinkers and individualists who
could think for themselves and pursue their passion.

Welton Academy is a place that is known for its rigid rules. In a place like this,
the students felt pressured by their families and the Academy too; Mr. Keating was like
a father figure of the students to whom they could discuss their concerns, and he was the
one they could trust. Todd Anderson was a student of Welton Academy. He was the
kind of person who was shy, reserved, and just embarrassed by himself and never
believed in his self. Like his friend Neil, Todd was squashed under the burden of
expectations from his family and teachers because his elder brother was the brightest
student at Welton academy. Hence, he was constantly told how

he had shoes to fill in. Mr. Keating has a unique teaching style because his
teaching method is different from Welton's other teachers. The students could not resist
his lectures, his lessons, and that way; he influenced all students. He wanted them to be
free thinkers and individualists who could think for themselves and pursue their passion.
Keating was the kind of teacher who tried his best to pay attention to every student
individually, find their best interest, and help them shape it.

todd is a kind of shy student who thinks less of himself, as he is compared to his
brother, which makes him believe he is less. But Mr. Keating can see a spark inside
todd, and he pushes him to believe in himself. Todd Anderson had a way with words
and was poetic, but due to no mentor, he never thought it, until one day Mr. Keating
pushes him forward in front of the class, and todd, with his eyes closed with the help of

Keating, utters a piece of poetry. Mr. Keating made todd confident and gallant. Todd as
a character evolved because of Mr. Keating and his unique teaching style; he helped
Todd to contribute his verse because of him, Todd learned to believe in himself, and the
accurate depiction of this dynamic character is seen at the end of the book when Todd
breaks free and stands on the desk and utter the words “O Captain my  Oh Captain,” to
pay tribute to him when Mr. Keating was let go because of his unusual teaching
manners. Todd’s courage inspired other students to stand on the desk and pay tribute to
their teacher. Todd finally emerged as a true transcendentalist and an individual.

“Todd shook his head.

“Mr. Anderson believes that everything he has inside of him is worthless and
embarrassing. Correct, Todd? Isn’t that your fear?”

Todd nodded jerkily.”“Then today we will see that what is inside of you is worth
a great deal.” Keating took long strides to the blackboard and rapidly wrote, “I

He turned to the class. “A yawp, for those of you who don’t know, is a loud cry
or yell, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric yawp.”

“A yawp?” Todd repeated, barely audible.

“A barbaric yawp.”“All right! Very good, Anderson. There’s a barbarian in there

after all.” Keating clapped, and the class joined in. Red-faced, Todd relaxed a bit.

“Todd, there’s a picture of Whitman over the door. What does he remind you of?
Quickly, Anderson, don’t think about it.”

“A madman,” Todd said.

“A madman. What kind of madman? Don’t think! Answer!”

“A... crazy madman!“

“Use your (76)





The story also showcases how the students are stressed out by their parents'
high expectations for them, and some scenes also tell us that their parents dictate
their lives for them as a result these students are unable to expresses their true self.
world where people are accustomed to following specific set of rules set by society
and walking around with given standards, a world where people halt their dreams by
the pressure of society. So many times, we see people not pursuing a career they
want to, and they do not because they are too afraid to chase their hearts and dreams.

This same idea is depicted in the book through Neil Perry's character, who
attempts suicide because he lives a miserable life that his father had designed for
him. As shown in the book, Neil was moved and determined about being an actor,
but his father, Thomas Perry, never asked his son what he wanted in life, what does
he want to achieve? Instead, what made his father happier was to give him an order
to be a doctor, a career that he did not want to pursue, a career that would never
have satisfied him. By doing this, his individuality was seized from him and because
of all his unfulfilled wishes, one-day Neil Perry decided to end his suffering once
and for all; to stop the endless cycle to please his father.

“Neil, I’ve decided that you’re taking too many extracurricular activities.
I’ve spoken to Mr. Nolan about it, and he’s agreed to let you work on the school
annual next year,” he said, and then walked toward the door.

“But, Father,” Neil cried. “I’m the assistant editor!”

“I’m sorry, Neil,” Mr. Perry replied stiffly.

But, Father, it’s not fair. I...”

(Kleinbaum, pg 22)

Neil wanted to stand up for himself, be a man that that was separate from his
father’s constant directions but the fear of disappointing him was too much.
Although he had interests of his, he did not feel that that he would be happy learning
or practicing being a doctor but his father would hear none of it and wanted him to
follow a path that he modelled for his child. Nothing less or more would and
according to him should matter.

“So I’m gonna act!” Neil shouted, jumping onto his bed. “Ever since I can
remember I’ve wanted to try it. Last summer I even tried to go to summer stock
auditions, but of course my father wouldn’t let me. (Kleinbaum, pg 66)

The theme of friendship can be identified in the Dead Poet Society because the
relationship boys built in Welton is impeccable. The boys always supported each other
and helped each other by lifting each other. for instance, they encouraged and supported
Neil is doing a play.

Friends are always there for each other this is depicted at the end of the book
when Charlie writes in the annual that they want girls as well in the Welton since
Welton was an all-boys school, .and then he publishes that in the name of dead poet

Moreover, later when Mr. Nolan asks about dead poet society. Charlie, instead
of turning everyone, takes the blame on himself.

" what is the dead poets society?' i want names. Nolan shouted. feeling faint
Charlie hoarsely replied, it's only me, Mr. Nolan, i swear i made it up." ( Kleinbaum, pg
107). Here, Mr. Nolan asked Charlie to give names and who else was part of this
society; not only this, Mr. Nolan also threatens Charlie if he does not give names, he
will expel him. If he does, he will let him stay in Welton and expel the rest .even then,
Charlie did not give any name and did not disclose what dead poet society is. He lied to
save other students his friends, which is one example of how they had each other's back.
Charlie lied to save them all from getting in trouble. He lied to save the other students
from getting in trouble. Finally, when Neil died, all of his friends mourned for him,
showing that friends are evermore there for each other.

The plot in Nancy Kleinbaum book "The Dead Poet Society" revolves around a
teacher and a group of students at Welton Academy. The story starts with the ceremony
where four boys enter in the school hall with the banner that has four pillars of the
Welton Academy written: Discipline, Honour, Excellence, and Tradition. The Academy
is known for its ancient traditions and values. However, our subject Mr. Keating a
newly hired English teacher, is known for his unorthodox teaching method; Keating is a
non-conformist who wants to inspire his students with individualism, hence there is
clash of ideologies between the teacher and the Academy. The story also showcases
how the students are stressed out by their parents' high expectations for them, and some
scenes also tell us that their parents dictate their lives for them as a result these students
are unable to expresses their true self.

Neil Perry son of Thomas Perry was full of life and was a visionary student at
Welton Academy who was passionate about being an actor in his life. But
unfortunately, his dictatorial father had different plans for him. His father wanted him to
be a doctor and wanted Neil to take his life seriously because, in his eyes, what Neil was
passionate about was not necessary to him. At the start of the story, Neil is asked to give
up his extracurricular activities as an assistant editor. His father overpowered him to
stop doing so that he could only focus on medical school; this goes to show that Neil’s
individuality and identity was under threat in his environment. With conflicting view
about his career, Neil started to see Mr Keating as a father figure and used to take a
piece of advice from him after Mr Keating came and taught his students about following
their passion and made them believe in the idea of carpe diem. Neil also took a chance
to follow his heart, but following his heart cost him his life, and since he understood his
father never cared about his dreams and imposed his plans on him, he decided to end his
dreams by taking his own life.

Another character who was influenced and encouraged by Keating was Todd,
Anderson. He was the kind of person who was shy, reserved, and just embarrassed by
himself and never believed in his self. Todd like his friend Neil was squashed under the
burden of expectations from his family and teachers because his elder brother was the
brightest student at Welton academy. Hence, he was constantly told how he had shoes to

fill in. Todd as a character evolved because of Mr Keating and his unique teaching style;
he helped Todd to contribute his verse because of him, Todd learned to believe in
himself, and the accurate depiction of this dynamic character is seen at the end of the
book when Todd breaks free and stands on the desk and utter the words “O Captain my
Oh Captain”, to pay tribute to him when Mr Keating when he was expelled from.
Todd’s courage inspired other students stand on the desk and pay tribute to their
teacher. Todd finally emerged as a true transcendentalist and an individual. The theme
of friendship can be identified in the Dead Poet Society because the relationship boys
built in Welton is impeccable. The boys always supported each other and helped each
other by lifting each other. for instance, they encouraged and supported Neil is doing a
play.Friendship which is another theme depicted in the book .Friends are always there
for each other this is depicted at the end of the book when Charlie writes in the annual
that they want girls as well in the Welton since Welton was an all-boys school, .and then
he publishes that in the name of dead poet society.

Moreover, later when Mr. Nolan asks about dead poet society. Charlie, instead
of turning everyone, takes the blame on himself.

" what is the dead poets society?' i want names. Nolan shouted. feeling faint
Charlie hoarsely replied, it's only me, Mr. Nolan, i swear i made it up." ( Kleinbaum, pg
107). Here, Mr. Nolan asked Charlie to give names and who else was part of this
society; not only this, Mr. Nolan also threatens Charlie if he does not give names, he
will expel him. If he does, he will let him stay in Welton and expel the rest .even then,
Charlie did not give any name and did not disclose what dead poet society is. He lied to
save other students his friends, which is one example of how they had each other's back.
Charlie lied to save them all from getting in trouble. He lied to save the other students
from getting in trouble. Finally, when Neil died, all of his friends mourned for him,
showing that friends are evermore there for each other.

Mr Keating who is at the centre and focal point of this of this research is a non-
conformist; a round peg in a square hole, he is misfit in the environment of Welton
academy where compliance is necessity. He is rebellious, independent, and inspiring
individual who inspired his students to believe in themselves. Keating was not afraid to
go against the authoritarian rules of the conventional education system. Mr Keating was
not only teaching the students, but he was preparing them for life, the external world,
and the real world, where they must endure. He was preparing them for the real world.

Jhon Charles Keating inspired his students to embrace the idea of “Carpe-diem” (Seize
the day), every day he pushed his student to be more open-minded. He taught them to
think for themselves and try to find what they want to achieve in life, try to see what
they truly love and what moves them, and made them understand that their future is in
their hands; Keating believed that students are supposed to have their opinion to reach
their full potential. Moreover, he felt for students to be influential individuals and gave
them a chance to express themselves. He helped Neil to find what he was passionate
about. Keating also helped Todd a shy student come out of his shell and find out the
hidden poet inside him.

The elements of individualism can be seen through Mr Keating’s character in the

book. Through many scenes it can be depicted that Mr Keating was an individual and he
pushed his students to be one, while looking at the pictures of old students he told his

“Did most of them not wait until it was too late before making their lives into
even one iota of what they were capable? In chasing the almighty deity of success, did
they not squander their boyhood dreams? Most of those gentlemen are fertilizing
daffodils now! However, if you get very close, boys, you can hear them whisper. Go
ahead,” he urged, “lean in. Go on. Hear it? Can you?” The boys were quiet, some of
them leaned hesitantly toward the photographs. “Carpe Diem,” Keating whispered
loudly. “Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary” (pg. 32).

He urges them to take their direction in life before it's too late and be their one
actual individual. Only then can they make their lives remarkable. Keating compels
them to be their individual, pursue dreams before it is too late, and teach them the value
of individuality. Another example from the textual analysis shows Mr Keating focused
on individuality is

“This is battle, boys,” he cried. “War! You are souls at a critical juncture. Either
you will succumb to the will of academic hoi polloi, and the fruit will die on the vine—
or you will triumph as individuals” (pg. 44).

These inspirational words are uttered by Mr Keating when he enters the class
and asks the student to read the introduction of how Dr. J Evans Pitchard measures good
poetry, and then he asks students to rip that page! Indicating he does not conform to the
academic definition of Evans and his criteria of good poetry. At this point Keating is

demonstrating the dangers of traditional ideas to his students; instead, he encourages to

students to think freely and express themselves when interpreting poetry rather than
following the guidelines of good poetry by Evans Pitchard. His individualistic ideas can
be analysed by his advice to students as tells them.

“When you read, don't consider only what the author thinks, but take time to
consider what you think.You must strive to find your own voice, boys, and the longer
you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.” (pg63).

During the first lecture Mr Keating inspires his students in poetic way by saying;
“The powerful play goes on, and asks them “What will your verse be?” (pg.46). By
powerful play Keating means life and by asking they’re about their verse he means how
they wish to create a legacy, leave a mark behind do something what they love, and they
are thrilled about. Keating tells his students that in the crowd we may forget who we are
but that does not mean we should stop, because we have a voice, and we have a choice.

Keating’s ideas of individualism are sometimes subtle for instance in another

montage he stands on his deck as asks his students.

Why do I stand here?"

"To feel taller?" Charlie (student) suggested.

He then tells his students that I stand on my desk to remind myself that we must
constantly force ourselves to look at things differently which in this case is the
classroom. Keating, message for students here is to have their own perspective about
life and world. Just by standing on the desk, Keating gave his readers valuable lesson on
individualism and how we should always strive to look at things differently. He guides
them to see the world from a different point of view and dares them to go against the
traditions and stereotypes to be free and a complete, true individual. Furthermore, he
inspires the students by quoting a transcendentalist writer Thoreau, 'Most men lead lives
of quiet desperation.' Why be resigned to that? Risk walking new ground. Now." (pg.
63). Here, he is asking his students to challenge the established ideas and thoughts
handed to us and instead follow are instincts, He said

“Most of us cannot say no, and sometimes we follow the path just because
everyone is following that. We are told to follow that, deep down, we know that this

path is not for us, but we are too scared to live as an individual, and that is how we live
in desperation”.

"Keating said as the boys gathered around him.”A dangerous element of

conformity has been seeping into your work. Mister Pitts, Cameron, Overstreet, and
Chapman, line up over here, please." He pointed to the four boys to stand near him. "On
the count of four, I want you to begin walking together around the courtyard. Nothing to
think about. No grade here. One, two, three, go!” The boys began walking. They walked
down one side of the courtyard, across the back, up the other and across the front,
completing the square". Now, this experiment was not to single out Pitts or Overstreet.
It demonstrates how difficult it is for any of us to listen to our voice or maintain our
own beliefs in the presence of others. If any of you think you would have marched
differently, then ask yourself why you were clapping. Lads, there is a great need in all
of us to be accepted, but you must trust what is unique or different about yourself, even
if it is odd or unpopular. As Frost said, "'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the
one less travelled by /and that has made all the difference” (pg. 86-87)

This scene from the novel demonstrates the theme of conformity, where Mr.
Keating asks his students to walk on the ground. He explains to them the message of
conformity that how one should not conform to the norms and stick to them believes no
matter how silly they sound. To be free and break free from chains of norms and
stereotypes, one should be a non-conformist because conformity only limits sometimes,
around us, we unconsciously label people who do not conform as mavericks and
deviate. Moreover, I believe it takes much strength to go against the tides and swim
alone while everyone will tell you to move in one direction, which would be society's
direction, Hence, to follow the passion, not following the norms, and doing priorities,
one should take a step towards non-conformity and be fearless.

The book also focuses on how teacher-student friendships help develop students'
self-confidence and individualism in the novel.

“Todd sat on his bed, one elbow leaning on a pad of paper. He started to write
something, scratched it out, ripped off the page, and threw it in the trash. He covered his
face in frustration” (pg.65).

Todd Anderson was the kind of student who was shy and different, who did not
believe in himself, and did not know that he had the potential to do anything, but he
needed to believe in himself more.

"Keating looked around, but no one volunteered. He walked toward Todd and
grinned. "Look at Mr. Anderson. In such agony. Step up, lad, and let's put you out of
your misery. The students all eyed Todd. He stood nervously and walked slowly to the
front of the class, his face the mask of a condemned man on his way to execution.
“Todd, have you prepared your poem?" Mr. Keating asked. Todd shook his head." Mr.
Anderson believes that everything he has inside of him is worthless and embarrassing.
Correct, Todd? Isn't that your fear?” Todd nodded jerkily. "Now there's the poet
speaking," Keating cheered. (pg. 75).

Mr. Keating individually concentrated on a student who never came out of his
comfort zone and showed him what he is capable of. I think it should be a teacher's job
to urge their students to discover what they do best and reassure them to keep doing
that. Because of Mr. Keating, Todd gained his lost confidence, started believing in
himself, learned to stand for himself.



This research primarily focused on individualism under the light of the

transcendentalism movement. The idea of individualism, according to Ralph Waldo
Emerson, has been concentrated in the study. The novel on which this research is based
on; Dead Poet Society, it is written by an American writer and journalist. Nancy
Kleinbaum presents the story and the characters through which some of us in our lives
have related at some point. The story revolves around an English teacher who constantly
inspires his students through his unorthodox teaching style. He every day pushed them
forward to be their individual; Mr. Keating believed that one should genuinely express
themselves and hold on to their opinion. Moreover, he helped students to find out what
they were passionate about. However, this research focuses on the main character of the
teacher Mr. Keating and through his character individualism is depicted and how he
teaches his students to be an individual. The definition of individualism used in the
research is from the transcendentalist philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. This research
also showcases the book’s theme, which is conformity and how teachers’ and students’
relationship positively affects the student’s self-esteem. The research also answers how
students are depressed due to preassure to conform and their parents and the society
around them forces them to conform to the things they don’t want to .

The research findings were that how teachers, teaching style, and students’
relationships could boost the self-confidence of the student. It was shown through the
character of Todd Anderson, who did not believe in himself. Still, a little effort of the

teacher got him knowing what he was good at and what he was capable of; another
reason for this research is to highlight the themes and showcase the individualism
through Keating’s character because, through individualism, creative expression of the
students was found which was lost. After all, their individuality was seized.

Because individualism also helps one express their ideas and opinions openly, it
simply means one should not follow the crowd and be genuine to themselves.


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