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A very good morning to headmistress, Senior Assistant Teachers, teachers.

I’m as

the teacher's representative, would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to

speak on this beautiful morning. I am also thankful to God for giving me the

opportunity to live even though the world is now hit by the covid 19 epidemic season.

My purpose in standing here is to share a little bit about the Covid 19 epidemic in our

teaching world. In the face of this critical situation, as educators we should

understand all the challenges that will be faced and ways to overcome them.

Dear, educators,

The covid-19 pandemic season had a lot of impact on various fields, especially the

field of education. Home teaching and learning sessions were first introduced by the

government when children's education was affected as a result of just staying at

home. Teachers are asked to prepare teaching materials from home and share them

through certain lines such as Google Classroom. Students are asked to always look

at the Google Classroom link to find out the assignments given by the teacher.

However, this method was initially only as a way to ignore the teacher -student

relationship. After that, improvements were made so that the teaching and learning

from home session ran smoothly, namely face -to -face meetings in online classes

such as Google Meet. However, there will still be problems that arise and create a

tense situation.

Various challenges are still faced by teachers in schools. For students who do not

have gadgets to use to access the internet they are unable to know the progress and

assignments given by the teacher in the online classroom. After all, the internet is

also one of the common problems during teaching and learning from home that is,
not all students have the youth to access the internet. If so, sometimes there is a

problem of a relatively low line during the class. English is a second language that

must be learned by students but with the unstable teaching and learning from home

classroom situation, English teachers face constraints in delivering content or skills

efficiently compared to teaching in the classroom. The subject of English is a subject

that needs to be given full attention because it is a second language where most

students need more attention during the class. teaching and learning from home

classes give a lot of problems to English teachers because they cannot assess or

know to what extent the students have mastered a skill that can be learned by the

students. In addition, it is easier for students to skip teaching and learning from home

classes by giving various reasons such as no gadgets, lack of internet and many

more. As an English teacher, what can be done to address the problems faced by

English teachers in handling teaching and learning from home without any

problems? Effective measures should be sought so that the delivery of English

subjects can be done better during teaching and learning from home during a



The government is the backbone at the top of the education sector. The government

needs to provide the technological facilities needed by students to cope with the

teaching and learning from home situation easily so as not to be left behind in

lessons. In other words, the government should provide free internet access and

unlimited data to all students. In addition, the government should donate electronic

gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and computers to students who cannot afford

them because most Malaysians are experiencing economic problems during the

covid-19 pandemic season. The government's move to donate electronic gadgets to

students will ease the burden of low -income parents. Thus, there is no barrier for

students to use online learning technology while at home during movement control


Therefore, the government introduced the teaching and learning from home 2020

Manual as a guide for teachers to implement teaching and learning from home

effectively. However, it is not enough because most students do not know how to

use technology such as using Delima Id and the use of gadgets. Therefore, the

government should provide a simple usage guide or module to the students so that

they easily know how to use Delima Id, Google Claassroom, Google Meet and

Whatsapp application. Based on the usage module, students can find out how to log

in to Delima id and use various links through Delima id such as Google Classroom,

Google Drive, Jam Board, Google Meet and so on. In addition, students will learn

how to download materials from the internet and also upload their assignments upon

completion. Therefore, the user manual helps students in the effectiveness of

teaching and learning from home more effectively.

Dear audience,

As a teacher in this era which is the age of technology, teachers should always

improve their knowledge in the field of education, especially using technology to

teach students. Teachers must know how to use technology such as video

production, audio, green screan to attract the attention of students during online

classes. Using relevant animation elements during teaching and learning from home

will increase students' level of understanding of the content of the lesson easily.

In addition, appropriate approaches, techniques and methods for teaching and

learning from home will also help teachers to increase student involvement in
teaching and learning from home sessions. For example, teachers use links such as

Quziz, Kahoot and Google Form to hold quizzes for students as practice for them.

Therefore, they will not feel bored in this way as it gives them space to search for

answers using the internet widely. Teachers can also hold spontaneous quizzes

during Google Meet so that students answer more actively which reduces the

nervousness gap of students when facing teaching and learning from home alone at

home. Thus, the use of Youtube and Power Point Slides to be shown to students

during online classes will also reduce their level of boredom during PdPR.

Dear teachers,

Nor is it forgotten that the difficulty of students accepting the fact that learning in a

state of new norms must be changed by the teacher himself. The tactic is indeed in

the hands of the teacher himself. Teachers need to inculcate the minds of students

in the habit of students facing PdPR. Teachers need to remind students to prepare

early before entering an online class. They need to be open -minded and have

studied the topics they want to learn first to minimize surprises. Teachers need to

ensure that students engage themselves in the class and do not be passive or silent

when attending the class. Teachers need to create a healthy social atmosphere even

for online classes only.

Next, to reduce the problem of students ’difficulty focusing during PdPR the teacher

can tell the students to train themselves to sit in a quiet atmosphere such as their

room to focus in teaching and learning from home In addition, teachers can tell

students to set their mobile phones to silent mode to their smartphone notifications

so that there is no interference from other social media apps while learning
Therefore, such ways can increase focus and not be distracted by entertainment and

social media apps.

In addition, teachers can train students to practice To do List habits for each day.

Teachers train them to break down large student assignments into small tasks to get

better learning outcomes. There are several To do List applications that can be

found in smartphones as well as computers. Students can install the Microsoft To Do

List software from the Microsoft Store or install the application in their smartphones.

Habits like this not only facilitate the work of mala students to produce students who

are disciplined and have a high sense of self.

In addition, classroom control is an important factor for one’s teaching and learning.

Not only traditional classes need class control but teaching and learning from home

also needs unique class control tactics in order for the teaching and learning from

home process to run smoothly. For example, teachers use host control to control

teaching and learning from home sessions more efficiently. In this case the teacher

only needs to allow students who want to answer questions or tell ideas while the

teacher gives the opportunity to speak by clicking mute all and unmute. This will help

avoid noisy or noisy atmosphere that will most likely result in disrupted teaching and

learning from home sessions and make teachers feel stressed to control students.

Teachers who are competent in this regard will help address the problem of teaching

and learning from home classroom control. In addition, teaching techniques will also

help reduce stressful situations during PdPR sessions.

Thus, to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning from home, giving virtual

teaching tokens can increase students' interest and performance in lessons. Just like

the element in 21st century learning is the giving of reward tokens. However, this
method can be applied in virtual form where the teacher provides a reward site in the

computer and displayed during the online class. Teachers can give reward tokens to

students who show an improvement in performance or positive involvement during

PdPR, teachers can place reward tokens in the reward site. Indirectly it will increase

the intrinsic motivation of the students. Furthermore, the awarding of certificates of

achievement or digital awards to students who successfully perform tasks or achieve

targets in any of the tasks given will also increase the effectiveness of teaching and

learning from home. . In addition, say teachers themselves can take initiative steps

to teach students who are less savvy in the use of technological facilities for teaching

and learning from home. Here, respondents said that this method can be

implemented during teaching and learning from home or contact students via

telephone line and teach about how to use Delima id as well as how to use Google


Ladies and gentlemen

In tackling the challenges of education in the new norm, a big challenge for

educators is the problem of students' behavior when faced with teaching and

learning from home situations. Naturally students who are less disciplined will show

behavior problems and for students who are used to behavior problems will get

worse. Among the examples of problems identified in this study are cases of

skipping teaching and learning from home, students refused to answer when the

teacher called and students could not be detected during the course of the teaching

and learning from home session. Problems like this can be overcome with the

actions of the school by implementing a merit system. Pupils who want to skip or

show low personality during teaching and learning from home should be deducted

merit marks so that they are always vigilant to maintain their behavior even when on
the online classroom platform. Thus, this merit system will be able to bring the

effectiveness of teaching and learning from home towards excellence because

students will think of PdPR as the same as attending school every day.

In addition, the school should appoint a counseling teacher to monitor the

teaching and learning from home, so that all students successfully involve

themselves in sesion. The counseling teacher can monitor the student's attendance

and if a student is absent without a reason the counseling teacher can contact the

student or the student's parents to find out the reason for the student's absence.

Counseling teachers are also able to find out the problems of students when they do

not attend the lesson and find ways to help the students. So that they do not drop out

of teaching and learning process.

Thus, the field of education is a very important field for a country. Educators

are human beings who play a very important role in the formation of an educated

and prestigious nation. Therefore, as educators we should be prepared to meet

various challenges and be able to compete globally in any situation.

Thank you.

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