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Pros of Online Learning

The implementation of e-learning is a new method in Malaysia, especially since the COVID-19
pandemic hit the world. All schools have implemented Home Teaching and Learning (PdPR) so that
learning can continue. Online learning is now a necessity as it has its own advantages. Nevertheless,
there are disadvantages during online teaching and learning

Easy and comfortable during learning

The e-learning method is easier and more comfortable because students can learn at home or
anywhere as long as they have a computer and can access the Internet. In addition, students can
save money because they do not have to commute to school and the learning schedule is flexible.

A learning method that can communicate

Pupils can also learn new learning methods such as video conferencing, quizzes, games and so on. In
addition, they also get immediate feedback from teachers. Pupils and teachers can communicate in
cyberspace to ensure that the teaching syllabus can be delivered and learning is not delayed.

No computer and Internet access

However, e-learning is difficult to implement by students who do not have computers and Internet
access. This is experienced by a handful of students who are less able and live in rural or rural areas.
They will fall behind in lessons and will certainly not be able to keep up with this learning. The
purchase of computers and applications for Internet access will be a huge burden on these poor

Do not interact face to face

In addition, not all learning information uploaded by teachers can be understood by students. Pupils
may find it difficult to ask questions because they do not interact with the teacher face-to-face. This
causes some students not to master the lesson.

E-Learning Essay Cover

In conclusion, online learning benefits and also brings disadvantages to students. Relevant efforts
need to be carried out by various parties so that all students can undergo e-learning in accordance
with the demands of current learning.
Cons Of Online Learning

Lost Focus

Since online learning is free without a teacher in front as in the classroom, it is very easy for students
to lose focus. Maybe in 15 or 30 minutes of learning, students can still focus. However, if it
continues, some students will start to feel bored and they will not be able to follow the rhythm of
learning well. Therefore, instructors need to take this into account when doing online classes to
avoid students feeling bored and losing focus.

Internet Data

There is no denying that learning this online will consume a very large amount of internet data.
Students have to spend a lot to buy powerful internet data so that learning can take place without
online interruption. Many students are unable to attend online classes due to the lack of strong
internet data. Students need to choose the appropriate internet package to launch the learning

Easily distracted

Learning online will make students easily distracted by other things. For example, being disturbed by
messages from WhatsApp, attracted to social media and may even be disturbed by a noisy
atmosphere in the house. These distracted students are certainly not able to capture the learning
sessions well and make them more influenced by other things.

Difficult to understand

Some students prefer to study in school or university because they will be able to understand the
subject better. Learning online will slow down comprehension even more if the instructor does not
provide good examples and explanations. This will make it difficult for students to better understand
what is being taught. Therefore, instructors need to be better prepared with complete learning
materials in order to help students better understand.

Lack of supervision

Students will be more independent if they study online because the instructors cannot monitor in
person as in class. With a lack of supervision, students will be more motivated to do other things
while learning is done. Instructors need to make sure all students are present in the online class by
asking them to open the laptop or voice camera. Some students may be unhappy with this situation,
but it is important to do so that students can focus and understand what is being taught.

If you are a student you need to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of studying
online to get better results. Instructors also need to understand their duties in more detail. Learning
in the classroom and learning online are different. Therefore, both parties need to carry out their
respective duties so that teaching and learning can be done successfully. Many students are likely to
fail if they do not take this into account. Education is very important and students need to
understand their role well. If the students are diligent, of course that fading success can be achieved
Pros Of Learning Face To Face

After nearly two months of schools being closed following an increase in Covid-19 cases, average
students and parents began to express hope that students who will sit for this year's main
examination will be given priority to attend face-to-face teaching and learning (PdP) sessions when
the school opens on 25 and this July 26th.

The hope was voiced by the students after several states had moved to the Second Phase of the
National Rehabilitation Plan (PPN) which saw some flexibility given to the states including the
opening of more economic sectors.

face -to -face learning with teachers in schools can actually further increase their focus on the
subjects being taught. Face -to -face learning is more fun and more importantly can continue to ask
the teacher without any interruption. It’s difficult to focus 100 percent on online learning sessions
for several reasons.“Apart from the atmosphere of a house with many occupants, some easily feel
dizzy when facing mobile phone or laptop for too long. If studying face to face with the teacher, they
can keep asking and of course the understanding is much better

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