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Created by :

Devitra Lyniarosa


Lecturer :


The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Teaching Process

for Teachers and Students

I took the theme to be discussed in order to see the impact of the covid-19 pandemic
on teaching for teachers and students. I explained some of the impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic on the learning process for teachers, students and parents as
well as the obstacles faced by teachers in teaching. In addition, I also want to see
the positive side of the COVID-19 pandemic on the teaching process for teachers
and students. The impact of Covid-19 on the world of education is very large and is
felt by various parties, especially teachers, school principals, students and parents.
Due to the high spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, other universities and colleges
were closed, including elementary schools. With the closure of schools, the
government takes steps so that the learning process is not left behind and students
continue to receive the right to gain knowledge. Therefore, the government's next
decision is that the learning process continues but not face-to-face but online.

There are several impacts, namely:

 Impact on students

The COVID-19 pandemic requires students to study remotely and study at

home with guidance from parents. Due to this pandemic, students are lacking
in preparing themselves. Such as the lack of motivation of students in
participating in online learning because learning becomes less effective.
Students who usually take part in learning in class with friends must be faced
with studying at home alone so that students feel bored. Then a long vacation
that is too long makes students bored and bored, making them want to leave
the house. Inadequate facilities are one of the causes of students being less
motivated in participating in online learning.

 Impact on teacher
A prominent impact for teachers is that not all teachers are proficient in using
technology, especially in rural environments. Teachers must be able to carry
out learning using online methods, teacher competence in the use of
technology greatly affects the quality of learning and outcomes for students.
Therefore, teachers need to attend previous training so that teachers have
preparation in conducting online learning. Another impact for the teacher is
that before the teacher conducts learning by directly interacting with students
so that they are familiar with the situation, then being faced with learning
situations at home makes the teacher feel bored. What teachers usually meet
and socialize with other teachers, now teachers have to teach at home.
 Impact on parents
The obstacle faced by parents is the addition of internet quota fees for their
children. Learning that is carried out for several months requires a large
quota, so parental expenses will also increase. Apart from spending money,
parents also have to spend extra time for their children. Parents must guide
their children when online learning takes place and must be able to divide
time with daily routine activities. Usually teachers will participate in learning
and do assignments with their children. Online learning also forces teachers
to master technology. Parents must be able to use technology to help their
children in learning. but sometimes teachers do not understand the use of the
internet so that children's learning is hampered by parents.
Conclusion The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the learning
process for teachers and students as well as parents. The ability to use
technology is a major obstacle for all parties to participate in online learning.
Without initial training, teachers will feel alien to the conditions that require
learning from home. The impact of covid-19 for teachers, students and
parents is very large where in situations like this it is necessary and must
spend extra time for students and children so that learning objectives can be
achieved. The most basic obstacle is inadequate facilities because usually
teachers and students carry out the learning process with adequate facilities
but are faced with facilities that only depend on the internet. Teacher
competence in using technology in the learning process must be adequate.
Teachers must be proficient in the use of technology because it affects the
quality of learning. teachers must be able to design appropriate and
appropriate methods in the online learning process. Communication is also an
important aspect in the success of online learning.

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