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Since the emergence of the corona virus outbreak, various problems have arisen. Because the virus
does not only attack humans, but also has an impact on the world economy, and affects social life in
various countries. One of them is in the world of education in Indonesia, where previously learning
was done face-to-face (offline).
• Impact on personnel and students
With the implementation of rules that require schools to be closed, teachers must be able to carry
out the learning process effectively online at home. Every teacher to be able to carry out the
teaching process online or online to students and teachers who really need skills in information
technology. Teachers must find ways and re-plan the learning process with bold methods and must
consider effectiveness during teaching and learning so that students receive the material well. The
Covid-19 pandemic not only has an impact on teachers or educators but also has an impact on
students. The teaching and learning process which is usually carried out in a classroom with a
crowded atmosphere and can meet with many friends must be reversed by studying at home. The
learning process using the online method is considered to be able to reduce students' learning
achievement and interest due to changes in methods because each student has different abilities
and willingness in terms of learning.
Learning with the bold method is considered very less effective for educators, especially for
students with elementary school age, because learning that is carried out boldly or distance learning
that is carried out at home makes educators less than optimal in providing learning materials. So
that it makes the material incomplete and not well received by students and the use of learning
media in bold learning is also considered not optimal. This results in students also feeling very bored
with bold learning and will also quickly get bored with giving assignments every day online.
The impact of the Covid-19 outbreak can also affect and reduce the mentality of students. Because
during this pandemic, students are required to stay at home indefinitely. So that each student will
lose time and opportunity to interact with friends and can reduce social interaction.

In our opinion, in the distance learning system recommended by the government, there are still
many obstacles such as problems with the network, difficulty in understanding the material received
or captured by students and students, and many complaints such as being given a lot of
However, besides that, there are positive sides to the online learning system, one of which is that
people who previously did not understand using technology such as cellphones or laptops, have
understood since the implementation of online learning and work from home, because people in
Indonesia are required to use technology.

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