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I’m disagree with the statement that some student believe that the education
sector should continue with online learning. The education of this workforce is broad
and demanding due to the complex nature of healthcare professionals' duties and
obligations. It draws on a variety of learning sources, including teachers, peers, and
patients, and may emphases Work-Integrated Learning (WIL). Many of these learning
opportunities have been disrupted by the COVID-19 epidemic, particularly those in
large groups or involving in-person interaction with colleagues and patients. Much of
the curriculum has been converted to an online format, with unknown long-term
consequences. The new style is expected to have an effect on learning methods,
affecting both students and teachers. In comparison to the previous format, when in-
person education may have been the focus, this necessitates a methodical strategy to
evaluating online teaching and learning adaptation. So, there’s a few factors why I
disagree about education sector continue with online learning.

First and foremost is, students will lack of human interaction. With the current
corona-virus pandemic, many kids are discovering that school is not only crucial for
learning, but also for social connection, which explains why many students report
missing face-to-face collaboration with their peers and teachers. For some pupils, the
lack of social interaction might lead to feelings of isolation. One of the most difficult
aspects of studying online and passing their courses is a lack of communication with
teachers and friends. Besides, the students cannot experience how group work happen
physically because they only connecting with each other through online. Plus, An
online session frequently lacks the dynamic and happy atmosphere of a classroom.
Teachers and students only interact on a one-on-one basis on topic matters. In short,
online learning still offer human interaction but not same physically.

In addition, online learning means the student have to use their gadget such as
handphone, laptop, computer and tablet. All those gadget are multi function because
we can do lot of things in only one gadget so the next factor of the disadvantages of
online learning is the students will not be able to focus on screen. This is because,
since it is an online learning so they assume as long as they get into the class by
google meet or Microsoft teams they will be counted as attending the class but instead
playing social media and not focus on the class at all. It can be the students use laptop
to attend the class and playing with their phone. Therefore, the students will
completely missed the learning session and important notes from their teachers. So
because of this factors, it will give a huge impact on students who already
comfortable with online learning and they cannot perform physically at school. As a
result, it is critical for professors to make their online lessons concise, engaging, and
interactive in order to keep students focused on the subject.

Additionally, online learning is a huge challenge for all the teachers because
some of the teachers maybe in late 50 so they have to learn how to do online learning
and use online platform to teach their students. Because of that, all teacher need to
training to use online platform to give an effective education to their students. But a
teacher with no basic understanding in technology will not perform well in their
online class and this might effect student understanding. So, basic technology is very
important whether old or young.

Nothing is flawless, and neither is the online learning technique. It certainly

has its drawbacks, yet it can be extremely useful in certain essential situations. For
example, the lockdown that followed the COVID-19 outbreak was a blessing in
disguise for many schools and their pupils.

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