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Distance Learning vs.

Conventional Learning

What is the difference between Distance Learning and Conventional Learning? Let’s
discuss together. This topic would be very interesting in this world condition. As we can
feel the COVID-19 vibes that can affect all aspects especially education sector. Distance
learning is being the best choice for teacher in this situation. Regarding the problem to
the situation. I would like to compare both distance learning and conventional learning.
What are the advantages and also the example of affection for the teachers and the

Well, Distance learning can be defined as Online learning through internet connection
without meeting face to face directly. While Conventional learning can be defined as
traditional learning through face to face directly with the teacher and all the students in
the classroom. So, which is better? Online students are expected to be self-directed in
achieving their goals in studying. While in conventional learning will make the
atmosphere of the classroom with collaborative learning style. It makes them easier to
reach the goals in studying.

A benefit to taking online learning is that the teachers offer flexibility to the students.
Online learning can avoid many reasons for students for not to come to the classroom.
For example, distance and time problem. In conventional learning, the students can
gather at the classroom, discuss everything regarding the school subject and also the
learning is better organized.

Furthermore, Distance learning needs a great technology for the students to use. All
students need to have a basic computer literacy. Likewise, teachers need to provide the
instruction for the students to access the materials given. While in conventional
learning, teachers and students do not need to have much effort in using technology
because the materials frequently given through text book. Even though the distance
learning can make its convenient for the students, the unorganized material would make
students unfocused to what the teacher explaining about.

Therefore, Distance learning make a self-discipline and responsibility for the students.
On the other hand, the students can choose the comfort place to learn. But, conventional
learning can help students interact with other individuals, follow a regular schedule and
improve their physical fitness and mental alertness. Most of text books are very useful
for studying and passing exams, rather than online learning that every material is
provided through online. In conventional learning, the students can directly share their
view and clarify their own queries with the teachers and on discussion group.

But overall, Distance Learning and Conventional learning are the best way to achieve
the students’ goals since the teacher can lead in the right way, make a good management
system whether it is distance learning or conventional learning. Lastly, interactions with
good teachers help to motivate the students to achieve higher understanding and marks.



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