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Efi of an automated external defibrillator in the

management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest:
validation of the diagnostic algorithm and initial
clinical experience in a rural environment

ABSTRACT Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) may have advantages over manual defibrilla-
tion in managing prehospital cardiac arrest, particularly in rural communities. We conducted a two-part
evaluation of a commercially available AED. We first established the diagnostic accuracy of the AED's
rhythm recognition algorithm by challenging it with 205 cardiac arrest rhythms previously recorded
from actual patients in the field. The AED demonstrated 100% specificity and 92% sensitivity for
ventricular fibrillation (VF) in this nonclinical setting. We then compared the clinical efficacy of AEDs
in 18 small communities (study group) with that of manual defibrillation in 18 additional communities
(control group) of similar size. Ambulance technicians using manual defibrillators correctly diagnosed
VF more frequently than the AEDs (98% vs 83%; p < .025). Specificity for VF was similar in the two
groups (100% for AEDs vs 94% for technicians; p > .10). AEDs were able to deliver shocks more
quickly than was possible with the manual defibrillators (1.56 vs 2.77 min; p < .001). The ability of the
AEDs to terminate VF was excellent, converting VF in 28 of 29 (97%) patients to some other rhythm
compared with only 37 of 53 (70%) patients in the control group (p < .01). Hospital admission and
discharge rates were similar for the two groups. Ten of the 35 (29%) patients managed with AEDs
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achieved admission and six (17%) were ultimately discharged. In the control group 17 of 53 (33%)
patients with VF were admitted and seven (13%) were discharged (p > .75). AEDs are an effective
alternative to manual defibrillation in small communities.
Circulation 73, No. 4, 701-709, 1986.

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE continues to be the been effective in improving survival after out-of-hos-
leading cause of death in the United States, particularly pital cardiac death in a number of settings," 6,7 they do
sudden cardiac death occurring outside of the hospital. not appear appropriate for most communities with pop-
To effectively manage sudden cardiac death in the ulations of 25,000 and under. Paramedic programs are
community, providers of prehospital emergency care not only expensive,8 they also require that technicians
must arrive within minutes of a victim's collapse and maintain competence in a wide range of complex
competently offer an advanced level of care.1-4 One emergency skills. Maintenance of these skills demands
widely explored response to the sudden cardiac death frequent use,9 which does not occur in medium- and
problem involves training paramedic-level ambulance low-volume ambulance services.
technicians in all techniques of advanced cardiac life An alternative strategy, which was designed to over-
support, according to the standards of the American come the time and expense associated with full para-
Heart Association.' Although paramedic services have medic training as well as the problem of infrequent use
From the Emergency Medical Services Learning Resources Center, of skills, is to train emergency medical technicians
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, and the Cardiovascular Cen- (EMTs) in a single component of advanced cardiac life
ter, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa College of
Medicine, Iowa City. support - defibrillation. Controlled studies have dem-
Supported in part by grants from the Cardiac Resuscitator Corp., onstrated that EMTs trained in 16 hr to recognize ven-
Wilsonville, OR, the U.S. Public Health Service (07 H 000374-01-0), tricular fibrillation (VF) and defibrillate can improve
and the NHLBI (HL 14388).
Address for correspondence: Kenneth R. Stults, B..S., PA-C, cardiac arrest survival in urban,'0 suburban," and ru-
EMSLRC, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA ral4 communities over that possible with basic life sup-
Received Feb. 15, 1985; revision accepted Jan. 16, 1986. port alone. However, maintaining even these relative-
Vol. 73, No. 4, April 1986 701
STULTS et al.

ly simple skills is not easy. Depending on the size of were selected for presentation to the AED that were sufficiently
the community, a defibrillation-trained technician long and free of artifacts (including those due to cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation [CPR]) to give the device a fair opportunity to
(EMT-D) may have the opportunity to use his or her accurately assess and "treat." The minimum length that will
skills in actual patient care only once every several allow the AED's algorithm to recognize VF and commit to
years.4 12 Yet it is imperative that when these skills are delivering a shock is 8 to 10 sec. all rhythm segments presented
were at least 8 sec in length.
required, they be performed quickly and efficiently if The algorithm for recognizing VF and committing to shock
the patient is to have any chance for survival. As a delivery is as follows: (1) The AED will begin to charge if it
result, intense monitoring mechanisms must be in- detects at least two "positive intervals" within a 9.6 sec period.
stalled to continuously assess the competency and, A positive interval is defined as six or more deflections that are
at least 0. 150 mV (1.5 mm trough-to-peak) in amplitude with a
when it occurs, the in-field performance of the EMT- maximum slope of 3.2 mV/sec (termed VF counts) occurring in
Ds. Regular (at least quarterly) mandatory skill re- a 2.4 sec period (rate at least 150/min). (2) The AED will
view sessions have become standard for EMT-D level discharge if it detects a third positive interval within 7.2 sec of
the start of capacitor charging. Thus it takes a minimum of 4.8
ambulance services. 3 sec (2 x 2.4) to begin charging; it requires a minimum of 7.2
Yet another alternative for providing advanced car- sec (3 x 2.4) to commit to a shock after being presented with
diac care outside of the hospital would be to train VF. (For field units it may take as long as 12 sec from the initial
ambulance technicians in the use of an automated ex- recognition of VF to actually deliver the shock because of the
additional time required for capacitor charging.) If the device
ternal defibrillator (AED). If such a device were suffi- has not detected three positive intervals within a 15 sec period,
ciently simple to operate, initial training time could be even if it has begun the charging process, it will abort and begin
significantly reduced even beyond the 16 hr required analyzing again. Therefore the rhythm segments presented
ranged from 8 to 15 sec in length. In addition, the device will
for manual defibrillator training. Furthermore, if it not charge, or the charge will be aborted, if QRS complexes
were possible to relax the stringent rquirements for occur at a rate equal to or greater than one-half that of the VF
maintenance of manual defibrillation skills with the counts. The QRS detector actually has variable sensitivity based
on the previous QRS complex. However, the maximum sensi-
AED while at the same time maintaining an equivalent tivity is specified by a repetitive haversine wave signal with a
survival-to-discharge rate, then the AED would offer 290 ,uV amplitude, a 100 msec duration, and a 1 Hz repetition
low-volume ambulance services an attractive alterna- rate.
tive for providing effective emergency cardiac care. Because the voice/ECG recorders simultaneously recorded
the patient's ECG and the EMTs' voices, it was possible to
We conducted both a preclinical and a clinical eval- reliably identify segments where CPR was stopped and the
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uation of the AED. These evaluations were designed patient was left completely alone while the EMTs interpreted
(1) to evaluate the accuracy of the AED's algorithm for the rhythm. Artifact was further reduced during the recording
process as a result of our protocol, which mandated immediate
recognizing VF and differentiating it from all other application of chest leads and did not allow the use of paddle
rhythms by assessing its responses to a series of heart monitoring by the ambulance technicians. The 205 ECG seg-
rhythms previously recorded during out-of-hospital ments, each associated with a separate resuscitation attempt,
were divided into two general groups: those associated with
cardiac arrest and (2) to compare the efficacy of the patients who were successfully resuscitated in the field by the
AED with that of standard manual defibrillation in EMT-Ds and those associated with patients who could not be
small communities where defibrillation is the only ad- resuscitated. For purposes of this study, successful resuscitation
vanced intervention available out of the hospital. meant achieving hospital discharge. They were further divided
within these two general groups based on our interpretation of
the rhythm as VF, asystole, or pulseless bradycardia.
Methods The diagnostic decisions ("shock" if VF, "no shock" if not
The particular AED evaluated in this study was a commer- VF) of a single AED, which was modified so that it did not
cially available device, the HeartAid 95, manufactured by the actually deliver a shock but did simulate the charge-up and
Cardiac Resuscitator Corp., Wilsonville, OR. Although limited defibrillation process, were compared with decisions made at
clinical use of this device has been reported previously,"1'7 the the scene by EMT-Ds. Each ECG segment was presented to the
logic parameters evaluated in this study and currently in general AED twice.
use are different from those used in the earlier trials. This In addition, interdevice variability of 14 AEDs that had been
evaluation was conducted in two parts. distributed to community ambulance services for the in-field
Algorithm validation. To validate the diagnostic accuracy clinical trials was evaluated. A subset of the original 205 rhythm
of this AED, a single unit was presented with a series of 205 segments was presented to each of these 14 devices once and to
actual patient rhythms previously recorded as part of a study of five randomly selected AEDs twice. This subset was selected in
cardiac arrest in rural Iowa.4 All rhythms were recorded by the following manner: 10 segments each of coarse, medium,
defibrillation-trained ambulance technicians during actual re- and fine VF and five segments of asystole were randomly select-
suscitations in the field. The technicians used manual cardiac ed from the 195 rhythm segments to which the single unit had
monitor/defibrillators equipped with two-track cassette record- responded appropriately. In addition, all 10 segments of fine VF
ers that continuously recorded both the patient's electrocardio- that were missed by the single AED were included. We subse-
gram (ECG) and the voices of the EMTs. All cassette recorders quently eliminated from this subset all ECG segments that were
(LifePak 5, PhysioControl Corp., 450SL, Medical Research shorter than 10 sec in duration, even though they had been
Laboratories) were calibrated at a standard 1 mV. Segments appropriately "shocked" by the single AED. We did this to

provide the AEDs with a fair and realistic opportunity to cor- TABLE 1
rectly assess the rhythm segments. In field use, the protocol for Clinical field trial: population comparisons of study and control
using the AED calls for allowing up to 15 sec for rhythm communities
recognition, charge-up, and shock delivery. For purposes of this
study, it was believed that segments of at least 10 sec duration Community
would be sufficient to reliably test the AED's ability to recog-
nize VF and to begin the charging process. Actual delivery of a Control
shock was not required to receive credit for correct perfor- Experimental (manual
mance. (The 10 segments that had been missed by the single Characteristic (AED) defibrillation)
AED ranged from 14 to 20 sec in length and all were included in
this part of the study.) When the segments that did not meet the Average population 7,690 8,000
10 sec minimum were eliminated, the distribution of 34 rhythm Population range 1,300-31,000 1,400-34,000
segments indicated in figure 1 resulted.
Rhythm segments were designated as coarse, medium, or
fine VF according to the following arbitrary criteria: The great-
est waveform amplitude occurring in a given ECG segment at a community to form a matched pair based on equivalent popula-
rate of at least 1 00/min was determined. For rhythms designated tions (table 1).
coarse VF, these amplitudes were greater than 0.8 mV; for All ambulance technicians in the experimental group were
medium VF, the amplitude range was 0.4 to 0.8 mV; and for trained to use portable AEDs (HeartAid 95). All AEDs used in
fine VF, the amplitudes were less than 0.4 mV. Amplitudes less this study were equipped with two self-adhesive, dual-function
than 0.1 mV were classified as asystole. In assessment of inter- monitor/defibrillation pads in lieu of both standard monitoring
device variability, no comparison was made with the decisions electrodes and hand-held defibrillation paddles. These pads
of EMTs made in the field at the time of the recording. It was have been previously shown to be an effective alternative to
simply noted whether the devices responded appropriately to the paddle defibrillation in the hospital setting. 18 One pad is placed
rhythms presented, i.e., did they "shock" VF and refrain from over the apex, the other on the upper chest just to the right of the
"shocking" rhythms other than VF. Whether the recorded sternum. Excellent artifact-free ECG tracings resulted from this
rhythm actually was VF or not was determined by two of the pathway. The AEDs used in this study were modified to deliver
authors (R. E. K., D. D. B.) by consensus. only 335 J shocks.
Sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy scores were de- With rare exceptions, these EMTs had no prior training in the
termined. For the comparison of two proportions, the chi-square use of defibrillators of any type, and in all cases the AED was
test appropriate for paired proportions was applied. the only source of defibrillation out of the hospital in these
Clinical field trial. From May 1, 1984, through June 30, communities throughout their participation in the study. Ambu-
1985, 36 rural cornmunities from all regions of Iowa participat- lance technicians in the control group continued to use standard
ed in the defibrillation study in either the control group (18 manual monitor/defibrillators (Lifepak 5) also equipped with
communities) or the experimental group (18 communities). two-channel cassette recorders. The training program and skill
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Communities in the experimental group were selected from a maintenance requirements for the control group have been pre-
larger list of applicants on the basis of the following criteria: viously described.4 Briefly, the skills of cardiac monitoring,
local physician support, EMT commitment to employ the AED recognition of rhythms associated with cardiac arrest, and defi-
in all cardiac arrests according to a strict study protocol, and brillation were taught in a 16 hr course. All EMT-Ds were
community size. Control communities were assigned by the required to successfully manage a simulated cardiac arrest pa-
study staff from a large pool of Iowa communities already tient, demonstrating their ability to deliver a shock within 90 sec
providing out-of-hospital defibrillation by otherwise basic level of arrival at the "patient's" side while making no important
EMTs. A control community was assigned to each experimental errors of omission or commission, to complete the course and

Subset of 34 Rhythm Segments

- 1 1 1
' .
1. Coarse Ventricular Fibrillation . . A
Amplitude Range*: >0.8mV A .-li J.. . ir, . 11 ( .- I k / . ._
irli hi
Frequency Range: 20040Oppm**

2. Medium Ventricular Fibrillation - 8

Amplitude Range: 0.4-0.8mV A
Frequency Range: 200-400ppm ___t___ ___-_, ____

3. Fine Ventricular Fibrillation 16 L

Amplitude Range: 0.10-.3OmV
Frequency Range: 100-40Oppm JC

fl~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. .. .. I ... .. ..

4. Asystole .. ..
fl I i
.. ..
.. ..
.. .. .. .. ..

Amplitude Range: r0.1OmV

Frequency Range: < 1 OOppm

*See METHODS for determination of VF waveform amplitude.

**ppm = peaks per minute
FIGURE 1. Classification of VF and asystole.

Vol. 73, No. 4, April 1986 703

STULTS et al.

receive certification. After completion of the course, each of CPR was estimated by the EMTs through questioning of
EMT-D was required to recertify according to these same stan- bystanders. Time from ambulance arrival to defibrillation was
dards every 30 days to maintain these critical but infrequently measured directly from the cassette recordings made at the
used skills. scene of the arrest.
Training for the experimental group (n = 341 EMTs) consist- All cardiac arrest tapes from both the experimental and con-
ed of a 4 hr course conducted in the local community devoted trol communities were reviewed by the authors, and written
almost exclusively to the operation of the AED according to a summaries and comments regarding performance of the proto-
strict protocol. No attempt was made to teach any aspect of col were submitted to the local ambulance service and medical
cardiac rhythm assessment. At the completion of training a directors. Each rhythm segment upon which either the AED or
practical examination was given limited to assessing the stu- the EMT-Ds based a treat/no-treat decision was interpreted in-
dent's ability to attach the device to a CPR mannikin and to dependently by two of the authors (R. E. K., D. D. B.) who, at
operate it according to the study protocol. the time of rhythm interpretation, were blinded to the actual
The EMTs in the control group (manual defibrillation, n = treatment decisions made in the field.
324 EMTs) were authorized to deliver up to three 300 J shocks Although the EMT-Ds in the control communities were re-
for VF. Up to three additional shocks were authorized if a quired to perform the defibrillation protocol adequately in a
patient's rhythm reverted to VF after previous conversion to an simulated cardiac arrest situation monthly (as previously de-
organized, perfusing rhythm. EMT-Ds in this group were also scribed), no such requirements were made of the technicians
authorized to shock what they considered to be asystole; this using the AED. In fact, throughout the period of the study, no
was done to maximize their sensitivity for fine VF, which might formal retraining was conducted for the AED technicians after
be interpreted as asystole. The protocol encouraging shocks for the initial 4 hr training program.
asystole had been implemented before the beginning of this Univariate statistical techniques, including chi-square tests,
AED study and was simply continued. Fisher's exact test, and t tests, were used to analyze differences
In the experimental communities, the emergency technicians in the two groups of communities. Specifically, chi-square tests
attached self-adhesive monitor/defibrillation pads upon verifi- and Fisher's exact test were used, as appropriate, when compar-
cation of cardiac arrest, stopped CPR, and switched the device ing two proportions such as admission and discharge rates,
to the automatic mode. The patient was left completely alone sensitivity and specificity, etc. Two sample t tests were used for
and the EMTs counted to 15. If, during that count, the algorithm all comparisons of distances and elapsed time.
for VF was satisfied, the device warned bystanders to stand
clear through a voice synthesizer and automatically delivered a
shock of 335 J. The study protocol called for up to eight shocks Results
to be delivered in pairs with 1 min of CPR between each pair. If. Algorithm validation. The single AED correctly rec-
after any count of 15, no shock was delivered and the patient
remained pulseless, CPR was resumed for 1 min and the AED ognized and delivered a simulated shock to all 33 seg-
was given another opportunity to treat. If the AED did not ments of VF recorded from patients who had been
deliver a shock on the second opportunity, the patient was successfully resuscitated in the field by EMT-Ds. It
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transported immediately to the hospital. also correctly recognized and "shocked" 79 of 89 seg-
Data were collected from written ambulance run reports,
voice/ECG cassette tapes, and interviews with the EMTs. The ments of VF that had been recorded from patients who
information retrieved from both groups included the ambulance could not be resuscitated in the field. The ambulance
response time (the time from the call to the arrival of the ambu- technicians, on the other hand, had correctly recog-
lance), whether the arrest was witnessed, whether CPR was
performed before arrival of the ambulance and by whom, the nized and shocked 88 of these 89 rhythms. However,
proximity of the collapse to the local hospital (in miles), the the ambulance technicians also shocked nine of 83
cardiac rhythms (initial rhythm and rhythm after each shock), rhythms interpreted by us to be asystole. The AED
elapsed time from ambulance arrival to delivery of the first
never "shocked" a rhythm other than VF (table 2).
shock, and elapsed time between subsequent shocks. Outcomes
were recorded for each patient: hospital admission or death Overall, the AED demonstrated 92% sensitivity and
before admission, and discharge or death in the hospital. The 100% specificity in the diagnosis of VF compared with
return of spontaneous pulse and blood pressure at any point,
with or without assisted ventilations, was also recorded. Ambu- 99% sensitivity and 90% specificity for the ambulance
lance response times, time at the scene, and transport time were technicians. The AED and the technicians had identi-
determined from official dispatcher records. Time to initiation cal accuracy scores of 95%. The AED was insensitive

Algorithm validation: performance of AED vs manual defibrillation by EMTs

"Shocked" shocked
by AED by EMTs
Group I Successfully resuscitated (n = 33)
VF 33/33 33/33
Asystole/pulseless bradycardia 010 0/0
Group Ii Nonsurvivors (n 172)
VF 79/89 88/89 (p < .025)
Asystole/pulseless bradycardia 0/83 9/83 (NS)
704 ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CIRCULATIO

only to very fine VF, consistent with the parameters of TABLE 4
its recognition algorithm (see Methods), which en- Clinical field trial: sensitivity and specificity of AED and EMT-Ds
(by patient)
sures 100% specificity at the expense of some sensitiv-
ity. This single AED was consistent on both trials with AEDA EMT-DsA
all ECG segments. Rhythm (correct/total) (correct/total) Significance
With respect to interdevice variability, each of 14 VF 29/35 53/54 p < .025
AEDs correctly recognized and "shocked" all five seg- Asystole 0/39 45/47 NA
ments of coarse VF and all eight segments of medium Organized 0/27 3/50 p > .10
VF. Of the 16 segments of fine VF, five were Sensitivity 83% 98%
Specificity 100%B 94%B
"shocked" by all 14 devices, seven were "shocked" by
some devices and not by others, and four were not NA = not applicable.
recognized as VF by any of the AEDs. None of the 14 AResults are reported as number of patients shocked/number of
units responded to any of the five segments of asystole patients with the indicated rhythm at any time during their management.
Therefore the totals are higher than the actual number of patients.
(table 3). When the 34 rhythm segments were present- BSpecificity for EMT-Ds using manual defibrillators was calculated
ed a second time to five randomly selected AEDs, 31 as the proportion of organized rhythms not shocked, since these were
of the 34 segments were correctly recognized by all the only rhythms the EMT-Ds were trained not to shock. For the AED,
five devices. Two of the devices responded consistent- specificity is the proportion of all non-VF rhythms not shocked.
ly on each trial to all 34 segments, while one was
inconsistent on three segments and two were inconsis- Of the remaining 114 cases with good documentation,
tent on one segment each. All inconsistencies occurred 53 (46%) patients had an initial rhythm of VF, 43
with rhythm segments demonstrating fine VF. (38%) had an initial rhythm of asystole, and 18 (16%)
Clinical field trial. Between May 1, 1984, and June presented with an organized rhythm.
30, 1985, AEDs were applied in 80 cases of cardiac Sensitivity and specificity. All AEDs exhibited 100%
arrest due to heart disease. Mechanical failures pre- specificity, i.e., no rhythm other than VF was shocked
cluding both rhythm documentation and AED treat- (table 4). They exhibited moderate sensitivity to VF
ment occurred in eight cases. In four others the AED whether considered by patient or by segment (tables 4
apparently functioned normally, but failure of the and 5). The AEDs were occasionally insensitive to a
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voice/ECG cassette recorder prevented documentation fairly wide amplitude range of VF segments (<0. 2 mV
of the cardiac rhythm and the events surrounding the to >0.8 mV), although all patients in coarse VF (>0.8
resuscitation. Of the remaining 68 cases, 35 (51%) mV) and all but one patient in medium VF (0.4 mV to
patients had an initial rhythm of VF, 21 (31%) had an 0.8 mV) received at least one shock. Five patients in
initial rhythm of asystole, and 12 (18%) had an orga- five VF (<0.4 mV) received no shocks (table 5).
nized initial rhythm. By comparison, EMT-Ds using manual defibrilla-
In the control communities, a total of 124 cardiac tors were more sensitive to VF of all amplitudes (98%
arrests occurred during the same period. No mechani- vs 83%; p < .025). The only patient in VF who was
cal failures preventing defibrillation occurred, al- not shocked in the control communities was in a coarse
though in 10 cases tape failure prevented documenta- VF interpreted by the EMT-Ds to be an organized
tion of the cardiac rhythm and the events at the scene. rhythm. This high degree of sensitivity for VF is due,
in part, to our protocol, which encourages EMT-Ds to
Algorithm validation: interdevice variability: 14 AEDs presented
shock asystole as well as VF. Therefore EMT-Ds using
with 34 segments the manual defibrillators generally shock all but orga-
nized rhythms and do not attempt to distinguish be-
"Shocked" Not "shocked"
by all Variably by any TABLE 5
devices "shocked" devices Clinical field trial: sensitivity of AED to VF by amplitudeA
Coarse VF 5 0 0 Amplitude of VF By patient (%) By segment (%)
(5 segments)
Medium VF 8 0 0 Coarse (>0.8 mV) 8/8 (100) 15/22 (68)
(8 segments) Medium (0.4 - 0.8 mV) 16/17 (94) 43/48 (90)
Fine VF 5 7 4 Fine (0.1 - 0.3 mV) 5/10 (50) 10/21 (48)
(16 segments) Overall 29/35 (83) 68/91 (75)
Asystole 0 0 5
AResults are reported as number shocked/total VF of given ampli-
(5 segments) tude.

Vol. 73, No. 4, April 1986 705

STULTS et al.

TABLE 6 The EMT-Ds delivered shocks to 53 patients in VF,

Clinical field trial: termination of VF converting only 37 (70%; p < .01) to some other
Manual rhythm. Twenty-three patients (43%) were converted
defibril- Signifi- to organized rhythms.
AED lation cance Speed of shock delivery. Elapsed time from ambulance
No. patients shocked 29 53 arrival until delivery of the first shock was determined
VF terminated 28 (97%) 37 (70%) p < .01 in both groups of communities by timing directly from
No. patients to the voice/ECG cassette tapes (table 7). The mean time
organized rhythm 16 (55%) 23 (43%) p > .10
from EMT arrival to delivery of the first shock by the
AEDs was significantly shorter than for the EMT-Ds
tween fine VF and asystole. Specificity for the EMT-
Ds in the control communities, then, was calculated as using manual defibrillators (1.56 vs. 2.77 min; p <
the proportion of organized rhythms that were not
Admission and discharge rates. Ten of the 35 (29%)
shocked (94%), since these represented the only
rhythms they were trained not to shock. In no case was patients found in VF in the experimental communities
(AED) were admitted to the hospital with a spontane-
a rhythm with a pulse shocked. In two cases the
ous pulse and blood pressure, with or without assisted
shocked rhythms were low-voltage (0.2 mV), irregu-
ventilations. Six (17%) patients were ultimately dis-
lar, wide-QRS complex (>0.16 sec) bradycardias
charged in good condition.
(rates 20 to 25 complexes/min). One was interpreted
In the control group (manual defibrillation), 17 of
by the EMT-Ds as VF, the other as asystole. In the
third case a patient had been successfully converted the 53 (33%) patients with an initial rhythm of VF were
admitted to the hospital, and seven (13%) were dis-
from coarse VF to an irregular, wide-QRS complex
charged alive (figure 2).
(>0.16 sec) rhythm with a rate of approximately 75
Table 7 provides a detailed comparison of important
complexes/min. There was considerable irregular elec-
variables observed in the experimental and control
trical activity obscuring the baseline (amplitude aver-
communities. The only significant difference observed
aging 0.3 mV, rate >300/min), probably representing
atrial fibrillation with superimposed movement arti- is the shorter time from technician arrival to delivery of
the first shock with the AED.
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fact. The EMTs initially reported that a weak pulse

was present. The pulse was subsequently lost, and the
active baseline was incorrectly interpreted as a return Discussion
to VF, although in fact QRS complexes remained visi- There are two principal findings of this study. First,
ble. A single shock was then delivered, which had no we found that the diagnostic algorithm of the particular
effect on the patient's rhythm. AED evaluated, HeartAid, was highly specific and
Conversion rates. A high proportion (28/29, 97%) of sensitive for the diagnosis of VF. Second, we showed
patients in VF who were shocked by AEDs were con- that the AED is an effective alternative to manual defi-
verted to some other rhythm, including asystole (table brillation for the management of out-of-hospital cardi-
6). Sixteen of these patients (55%) were converted to ac arrest in rural communities served by minimally
organized rhythms. trained ambulance technicians. The AED demonstrat-

Clinical field trial: characteristics of patients with cardiac arrest who were initially in VF and the time elapsed before
emergency care

Characteristic AED defibrillation Significance
No. of cases 35 53
Mean age (yrs) 63+ 12 65+ 14 NS
No. of witnessed arrests 25 (78%) 47 (89%) NS
Average time to initiation of CPR (min) 5.28 +4.00 5.44+-- 3.88 NS
Distance of event from ambulance (miles) 3.47 4.20 3.43 + 5.08 NS
Total time from call to first shock (min) 7.43 7.94 NS
Ambulance arrival time (min) 5.87 3.92 5.17 + 3.40 NS
Time from arrival to first shock (min) 1.56 0.89 2.77 1.14 p < .001
Total time at scene (min) 10.03+4.73 10.93+4.62 NS
40 r- the defibrillator), and (4) mechanical failure rate.
rX NS -n o Manual Defibrillation When assessed according to these criteria, the per-
32% * Automatic External
30 I- I1 29% Defibrillation formance of an AED can be analyzed separately from
the emergency medical services system in which it was
20 H rg~ NS--- used and more general observations can be made. For
the remainder of this discussion, we will focus on this
AED's performance in these four categories.
10 H
Accuracy of rhythm diagnosis. In the clinical trial, this
1753 AED was somewhat less sensitive for VF (p < .025),
0 whether considered by patient or by segment, than
Admitted Discharged EMT-Ds using manual defibrillators. However, of the
Patients In Ventricular Fibrillation five patients determined by the authors to have had an
FIGURE 2. Hospital admission and discharge comparisons for patients initial rhythm of fine VF yet who were not shocked by
with an initial rhythm of VF treated with either the AED or standard the AED, three were in such fine VF that the criteria of
manual defibrillation. the AED's algorithm clearly were not met. Such fine
VF rhythms are rarely associated with a positive out-
ed high sensitivity to medium and coarse VF, the car- come even when defibrillated.22 Only two cases gave
diac arrest rhythms most often associated with surviv- cause for serious concern. One was a patient in medi-
al.19' 20 The overall survival-to-discharge rate in um, the other in coarse VF. Both patients were eventu-
communities using the AED was comparable to that ally shocked by the AED, but only after delays of 6 and
previously reported for small communities served by 7 min, respectively, resulting from the first several
EMT-Ds4 as well as to that observed in the manual segments of VF not being shocked. It has not been
control group in this study. possible in either case to determine the cause of these
This initial clinical trial of the efficacy of AEDs in delays, although mechanical failures such as defective
rural communities reaffirms the importance of early monitor/defibrillation pads or cables have been ruled
defibrillation in improving patient outcome after out- out. Although VF was eventually terminated by the
of-hospital cardiac arrest. Hospital discharge rates in AED in both of these cases, neither patient survived to
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both the AED and manual defibrillation communities hospital admission. A similar incident occurred during
were considerably better than those reported for com- the study in the control (EMT-D) group: defibrillation
munities with basic life support alone.4 21 The effec- of coarse VF was delayed in one case for 7 min in a
tiveness of an AED, however, must be judged in large control community because of an EMT-D's uncertain-
part by criteria other than hospital discharge rates. ty concerning interpretation of the rhythm. This patient
Patient outcome after cardiac arrest is a function of also converted from VF but did not survive to hospital
many variables and cannot be attributed solely to accu- admission.
rate diagnosis and defibrillation of VF, whether by It must be strongly emphasized that the high degree
human or machine. The discharge rates reported for of sensitivity for VF exhibited by the EMT-Ds using
both groups in this series, for example, are somewhat manual defibrillators can be attributed in large part to
lower (although not significantly) than those previous- our EMT-D performance protocol, which allows "de-
ly reported for rural communities served by EMTs fibrillation" of asystole in the interest of ensuring that
trained to manually defibrillate4 and considerably low- all VF, including fine VF, is shocked. The relative
er than those reported for EMT-Ds in urban10 and sub- insensitivity of the AED to fine VF, on the other hand,
urban11 settings. It is not possible to ascribe these dif- is a deliberate design trade-off in favor of the observed
ferences to a particular method of defibrillation, 100% specificity. This is a reasonable approach con-
however, until one first controls for such confounding sidering the totally automatic functioning of the device
variables as mean ambulance response times, propor- and the potential, otherwise, for inappropriate shocks
tion of arrests that were witnessed, mean time from and possible harm. By the same token, the specificity
collapse to initiation of CPR, etc. of the two approaches cannot be compared except as it
Rather, an AED must be judged by variables specifi- relates to shocking of organized rhythms. In this regard
cally related to its own performance: (1) accuracy of the AED was, again, 100% specific for VF, whereas
rhythm diagnosis, both by segment and by patient, (2) the EMT-Ds manually shocked three pulseless but or-
rapid shock delivery for VF, (3) ability to convert VF ganized rhythms (specificity 94%; p > . 10).
to any other rhythm (which rhythm is not a function of Rapid shock delivery. The AEDs were consistently
Vol. 73, No. 4, April 1986 707
STULTS et al.

able to deliver shocks to patients in documented VF rhythm assessment and shock delivery) when com-
more quickly than could EMT-Ds using manual defi- pared with EMT-Ds using manual defibrillators (10 of
brillators (table 7). Since the total time that a patient is 124 or 8%; none prevented rhythm assessment or
in VF before defibrillation is probably the most impor- shock delivery; p < .001). Each failure in this series
tant determinant of outcome.3" this consistent differ- was evaluated as thoroughly as possible. In one case, a
ence may have important clinical significance. We broken pin on the patient cable connector prevented
have observed in another setting that when ambulance both rhythm assessment and the opportunity for treat-
response times are short (mean 4.0 min) and controlled ment had the rhythm been VF, which could not be
for, the elapsed time from EMT arrival to delivery of determined. Rhythm assessment, and thus any possi-
the first shock is an important predictor of successful bility of treatment, was also precluded in seven cases
resuscitation (Stults and Brown: unpublished data). where no malfunction of the AED or its patient cable
The explanation for the observed difference in the could be discovered.
time required to defibrillate is probably related to the In these cases we believe that the self-adhesive mon-
greater number of tasks that must be accomplished itor/defibrillation pads failed. The most likely causes
when using a manual defibrillator. The elapsed time to of pad failure are dried conductive gel and/or a broken
first and subsequent shocks using manual defibrillators wire in the pad itself. Our practice early in the study of
encompasses (I) assessment of the rhythm followed by storing the pads rolled or folded in the lid of the defi-
resumption of CPR while the defibrillator is prepared. brillator was the most likely cause of at least some of
(2) application of conductive medium and charging of the failures. Steps to prevent such problems were sub-
the defibrillator, (3) placement of paddles and careful sequently taken, including storing pads flat (never
assurance that nobody is in contact with the patient at folded). In 32 consecutive cases since taking these
the time of defibrillator discharge. Once the self-adhe- steps, there has not been a malfunction that prevented
sive monitor/defibrillation pads used with the AED AED rhythm assessment or defibrillation.
have been applied and the device is switched to the Failure of the cassette voice/ECG recorder prevent-
" auto" position, nothing remains to be done but ensure ed rhythm and performance documentation in four
that everyone is clear and allow 15 sec for the AED to cases where the AED apparently functioned normally.
perform. Cassette failure occurred in an additional five cases,
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Ability to terminate VF. The VF termination rate ob- but continuous paper recordings allowed us to docu-
served with the AED (97%) was much better than that ment the presence or absence of VF and the AEDs'
observed with manual defibrillation (70%) (table 6). It treatment decisions.
was not possible in this study to determine the reasons If one excludes from consideration the failures that
for this difference. One hypothesis is that there is resulted from monitor/defibrillation pad malfunction,
greater variability and error in defibrillation technique the rate of failures that prevented patient assessment
(paddle placement, paddle pressure, conductive medi- and treatment was quite small (1 of 80), even when
um) using standard hand-held paddles than with self- compared with the manual defibrillators that exper-
adhesive monitor/defibrillation pads. Another possible ienced no such failures.
explanation is the more rapid shock delivery with the Training requirements. The incidence of cardiac ar-
AED. These explanations are not mutually exclusive rest is low in small communities, whereas the average
and, in fact, both may contribute to the observed im- number of volunteer EMTs per ambulance squad is
provement. The difference in conversion rates prob- high. As a result, an individual EMT can be expected
ably cannot be ascribed to the AED self-selecting pa- to use his or her defibrillation skills in actual patient
tients with more easily terminated coarse VF. The care only once every several years.4 12 It has therefore
mean amplitude of the VF to which the AED was been found necessary to require EMT-Ds trained in 16
insensitive was <0.3 mV (fine VF), whereas the mean hr to manually defibrillate to recertify every 30 days
amplitude of the VF that could not be converted by through a rigid practical examination conducted by the
EMT-Ds using manual defibrillators was 0.5 mV (me- local medical director. Such periodic recertification
dium VF). Whatever the reason, the ability of this has been determined to be an essential component of
AED to terminate VF was excellent. manual EMT-defibrillation programs.'3 Not only was
Mechanical failure rate. The total failure rate, includ- initial training time shorter for the AED in this study (4
ing all AED malfunctions that prevented rhythm as- vs 16 hr), but formal periodic sessions for skill mainte-
sessment, shock delivery, and/or rhythm documenta- nance were not required at all. Critical EMT perfor-
tion, was high (12 of 80 or 15%; eight preventing mance variables (elapsed time from arrival to shock
delivery, adherence to protocol, etc.) did not measur- 2. Cummins RO, Eisenberg MS, Hallstrom AP, Litwin PE: Survival
ably deteriorate with the passage of time in communi- of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with early initiation of cardiopul-
monary resuscitation. Am J Emerg Med 3: 114, 1985
ties using the AED. We do not wish to imply, howev- 3. Eisenberg MS, Copass MK, Hallstrom A, Cobb LA, Bergner L:
er, that no periodic activities for skill maintenance Management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: failure of basic
emergency medical technician services. JAMA 243: 1049, 1980
were undertaken by the EMTs using the AED, but that 4. Stults KR, Brown DD, Schug VL, Bean JA: Prehospital defibrilla-
no formal sessions were required or monitored as must tion performed by emergency medical technicians in rural commu-
nities. N Engl J Med 310: 219, 1984
be done with manual EMT-defibrillation. In fact, the 5. McIntyre KM, Lewis AJ: Textbook of advanced cardiac life sup-
EMTs reported practicing on their own an average of port, 1981. Dallas, 1983, American Heart Association, Inc.
6. Myerburg RJ, Conde CA, Sung RJ, Mayorga-Cortes A, Mallon
every 6 weeks. Such practice should be strongly en- SM, Sheps DS, Appel RA, Castellanos A: Clinical electrophysio-
couraged. As these programs are implemented on an logic and hemodynamic profile of patients resuscitated from pre-
hospital cardiac arrest. Am J Med 68: 568, 1980
on-going basis, it seems only prudent that a more for- 7. Lewis RP, Stang JKM, Fulkerson PK, Sampson KL, Scoles A,
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proved patient care protocol should be conducted as coronary care system. JAMA 241: 1902, 1979
8. Urban N, Bergner L, Eisenberg MS: The costs of a suburban
often as once each quarter. The observed reduction in paramedic program in reducing deaths due to cardiac arrest. Med
the time required to acquire and maintain defibrillation Care 19: 379, 1981
9. Stross JK: Maintaining competency in advanced cardiac life sup-
skills with the AED may make this approach particu- port skills. JAMA 249: 3339, 1983
larly attractive to low-volume, volunteer ambulance 10. Weaver WD, Copass MK, Bufi D, Ray R, Hallstrom AP, Cobb
LA: Improved neurologic recovery and survival after early defibril-
squads as well as first-responder units of larger tiered- lation. Circulation 69: 943, 1984
response ambulance systems. 11. Eisenberg MS, Copass MK, Hallstrom AP, Blake B, Bergner L,
Short FA, Cobb LA: Treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
The overall effectiveness of any defibrillator, in- with rapid defibrillation by emergency medical technicians. N Engl
cluding an AED, will be limited by the characteristics J Med 302: 1379, 1980
of the emergency medical services system in which it 12. Ornato JP, McNeill SE, Craren EJ, Nelson NM: Limitation of
effectiveness of rapid defibrillation by emergency medical techni-
is used. Particularly in rural areas staffed by part-time cians in a rural setting. Ann Emerg Med 13: 1096, 1984
volunteer ambulance technicians, for example, ways 13. ACT Foundation: Statement on EMT-defibrillation. JEMS 8: 37,
must be found to reduce the average time from patient 14. Diack AW, Welborn WS, Rullman RF, Walter CW, Wayne MA:
collapse to arrival of a defibrillator-bearing EMT. An automatic cardiac resuscitator for emergency treatment of cardi-
ac arrest. Med Instrum 13: 78, 1979
Even with the ambulance response times observed in
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15. Jaggarao NSV, Heber M, Grainger R, Vincent R, Chamberlain

this study, however, early defibrillation by basic DA, Aronson AL: Use of an automated external defibrillator-pace-
maker by ambulance staff. Lancet 2: 73, 1982
EMTs using manual or automatic defibrillators greatly 16. Heber M: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using the "Heart-Aid," an
improves the odds of successful resuscitation from car- automated external defibrillator-pacemaker. Int J Cardiol 3: 456,
diac arrest in small communities over that possible 17. Cummins RO, Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Murray JA: Sensitivity,
with basic life support alone. accuracy, and safety of an automatic external defibrillator: report of
a field evaluation. Lancet 2: 318, 1984
We thank William Clarke, Ph.D., Department of Preventive 18. Kerber RE, Martins JB, Kelly KJ, Ferguson DW, Kouba C, Jensen
Medicine, the University of Iowa College of Medicine, for SR, Newman B, Parke JD, Kieso R, Melton J: Self-adhesive preap-
assisting with the statistical analysis. Bernice Morrison, R.N., plied electrode pads for defibrillation and cardioversion. J Am Coll
and Tom Toycen, R.N., REMT-P, assisted with tape review Cardiol 3: 815, 1984
19. Diamond NJ, Schofferman JS, Elliott JW: Factors in successful
and data retrieval. We are also indebted to Alfred Aronson, resuscitation by paramedics. JACEP 6: 42, 1977
M.D., and Bruce Haggar, B.S., M.S.E.E., for their expertise 20. Roth R, Stewart RD, Rogers K, Cannon GM: Out-of-hospital car-
and enthusiastic support in the initial development of this proj- diac arrest: factors associated with survival. Ann Emerg Med 13:
ect. Our deepest gratitude goes to the hundreds of emergency 237, 1984
medical technicians and their medical directors throughout the 21. Enns J, Tweed WA, Donen N: Prehospital cardiac rhythm deterio-
state of Iowa, especially the volunteers, who have committed ration in a system providing only basic life support. Ann Emerg
themselves to providing the best emergency care possible. Med 12: 478, 1983
22. Weaver WD, Cobb LA, Dennis D, Ray R, Hallstrom AP, Copass
MK: Amplitude of ventricular fibrillation waveform and outcome
References after cardiac arrest. Ann Intern Med 102: 53, 1985
1. Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Hallstrom A: Paramedic programs and 23. Eisenberg MS, Bergner L, Hallstrom A: Cardiac resuscitation in
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Vol. 73, No. 4, April 1986 709

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