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File Systems

Operating Systems
File systems
● Way to organize and (persistently) store
● Abstraction over storage devices
○ Hard disk, SSD, network, …
● Organized in files and (typically) directories.
● Examples:
○ NTFS: Windows
○ Ext4: Linux
○ APFS: macOS/iOS

Operating System

I want to read /home/koen/shell.c

User program
HDD, SSD, network, RAM, …

Operating System Buffer cache

FAT driver
Virtual File Page NTFS driver
System cache
Ext4 driver

open, read, write, readdir, ...

User program
Storage Chapter 5 (I/O)
HDD, SSD, network, RAM, … (next week)

Operating System Buffer cache

FAT driver Next FS

Virtual File Page NTFS driver lectures
System cache
Ext4 driver


This lecture
User program (files, directories,
user operations)
● Files and directories + user operations
● File system implementation
● Abstract storage nodes
● File access:
○ Sequential vs. random access
● File types:
○ Regular files, directories, soft links
○ Special files (e.g., device files, metadata files)
● File structure:
○ OS’ perspective: Files as streams of bytes
○ Program’s perspective: Archives, Executables, etc.
○ Is OS ever aware of the file structure?
File Naming
● Different file systems have different
limitations/conventions for file names
● File extensions
● File name length
○ FAT12: 8.3 characters (later extended to 255)
○ Ext4: 255 characters
● Special characters in file names
○ FAT12: No "*/:<>?\| and more
○ Ext4: No '\0' and '/' or the special names "." and ".."
● Case sensitivity
Possible File Attributes
File Operations
● Create/Delete
● Open/Close
● Read/Write
● Append
● Seek
● GetAttributes/SetAttributes
● Rename
File Operations - Unix
● Opening and reading file:
○ int fd = open(“foo.txt”, O_RDONLY);
char buf[512];
ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, buf, 512);
printf(“read %zd: %s\n”, bytes_read, buf);
● Opening a file returns a handle (file descriptor)
for future operations.
● Any function may return an error, e.g.:
○ -ENOENT: File does not exist
○ -EBADF: Bad file descriptor
File Operations - Unix
● Seeking in files:
○ int fd = open(“foo.txt”, O_RDONLY);
lseek(fd, 128, SEEK_CUR);
char buf[8];
read(fd, buf, 8);
● Move current position in file forwards or
File Operations - Unix
● Writing files:
○ int fd = open(“foo.txt”, O_WRONLY |
char buf[] = “Hi there”;
write(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
● O_CREAT: Create file if it does not exist
● O_TRUNC: “Truncate” file to size 0 if it exists
(i.e., throw away current file contents)
File Operations - Unix
● Removing file:
○ unlink(“foo.txt”);
● Renaming file:
○ rename(“foo.txt”, “bar.txt”)
● Change file permission attribute:
○ chmod(“foo.txt”, 0755);
● Change file owner attribute:
○ chown(“foo.txt”, uid, gid);
● Data structures organizing and maintaining
information about files
● Often stored as file entries with special
● Directories are denoted by “/” (Unix) or “\”
● Special directory entries:
○ . Current directory
○ .. Parent directory
Directory Hierarchies
Directory Operations
● Create/Delete
● Opendir/Closedir
● Readdir
● Rename
● Link/Unlink (hard and soft links)
Directory Operations - Unix
● Reading current directory contents:
○ DIR *dirp = opendir(“.”);

struct dirent *dirent;

while ((dirent = readdir(dirp)))
printf(“%s\n”, dirent->d_name);

Virtual File System (VFS)
● Interface between user programs and
underlying file systems
● Programs only see a single file system, e.g.:
○ /: Partition 1 (Ext3)
○ /home: Partition 2 (Ext4)
○ /mnt/usb: USB stick partition 1 (FAT)
○ /mnt/share: Remote network share (NFS)
○ /tmp: RAM (non-persistent) storage (tmpfs)
Virtual File System (VFS)
VFS Data Structures
Storage Chapter 5 (I/O)
HDD, SSD, network, RAM, … (next week)

Operating System Buffer cache

FAT driver
Virtual File Page NTFS driver
System cache
Ext4 driver

This/next lecture
(FS implementation)

User program Last lecture

File System
● How to store files?
● How to implement directories?
● How to manage disk space?
● How to ensure file system reliability?
File System
● How to store files?
● How to implement directories?
● How to manage disk space?
● How to ensure file system reliability?
File System Layout

● MBR: contains boot code to locate the active

primary partition and execute its boot block
● Partitions: primary, extended, subpartitions
● MBR nowadays superseded by GPT
File System Layout
● How to store files on the disk?
○ Contiguous allocation
■ Store files as a contiguous stream of bytes
■ Prone to fragmentation, requires max file size
■ Never used in practice?

○ Block-based strategies:
■ Linked List
■ File Allocation Table
■ i-nodes
File Storage:
Linked List

● Add pointer to next block at start of each block

● Sequential accesses OK, random accesses slow
● Size of stored data no longer power-of-two: inefficient
File Storage:
File Allocation Table
● Store linked-list pointer in separate table (the FAT)
● Efficient random accesses, blocks contain power-of-two
stored bytes
● Does not scale: requires pre-allocated table for every
block on the disk
File Storage:
● Store list of data block addresses per file in an i-node
● Better scalability: only require metadata for files/blocks
that are actually used
● For larger files, one i-node can point to additional blocks
containing more data block addresses

Simple i-node example Complex i-node for large file

File System
● How to store files?
● How to implement directories?
● How to manage disk space?
● How to ensure file system reliability?
● How to store directory information?
● Are attributes stored in directory entries?
● How to find the root directory?
● How to find any other directory?

Storing data in-line Using i-nodes

FAT12/FAT16 Layout
Boot Reserved FAT #1 FAT #2 Root Clusters
Sector Directory

● Reserved later used for FS information

● FAT #1/#2: preallocated File Allocation Tables
● Preallocated root directory
● Clusters represent addressable blocks:
○ FAT contains chains indexed by starting cluster
FAT12/16 Directory Entry
● Filename in 8.3 format
○ Later on, Long File Name (LFN) entries used
multiple entries for a single file, setting several
reserved bits for backwards compatibility
FAT Directory Entry
UNIX Directory Entry

● Directory entry stores only name and #i-node

● Attributes are stored in the i-node
● One i-node per file, first i-node is the root
● Where are i-nodes stored?
UNIX FS Layout
Directory Lookup
File System
● How to store files?
● How to implement directories?
● How to manage disk space?
● How to ensure file system reliability?
Disk Space:
Block Size Impact
● How do to choose the block size?
○ Trade-off between data rate and space overhead

(assumption: average file size is 2KB)

Disk Space:
Tracking free blocks
● Option 1: Linked list of all free blocks
○ Stored in free blocks, less metadata the fuller the
disk gets (except for fragmentation)
● Option 2: Static bitmap with 1 bit per block
○ Size is fixed, even if disk is full
Creating a file system
● Format partition
● Create basic, FS
specific, layout
● Unix: mkfs
● E.g, mkfs.ext4,
File System
● How to store files?
● How to implement directories?
● How to manage disk space?
● How to ensure file system reliability?
File Systems:
Reliability Threats
● Disk failures:
○ Bad blocks
○ Whole-disk errors
● Power failures:
○ (Meta)-data inconsistently written to disk
● Software bugs:
○ Bad (meta)-data written to disk
● User errors:
○ rm *.o vs. rm * .o
○ dd if=/dev/zero of=zeros bs=1M # fill quota
Reliability solution:
Technical aspects
● Incremental vs. full
● Online vs. offline
● Physical vs. logical
● Compressed vs. uncompressed
● Local vs. remote
Image source: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

● RAID 0: Expand file system over multiple disks

(increase storage)
● RAID 1: Duplicate file system over disks
(increase redundancy)
● RAID 3-6: Parity on one disk (increase both)

RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks



● RAID 0 & 2: Expand file system over multiple

disks (increase storage)
● RAID 1: Duplicate file system over disks
(increase redundancy)
● RAID 3-6: Parity on one disk (increase both)

RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks

File System
Integrity check & repair
● Programs like fsck and chkdsk try to find (and
fix) consistency errors in file system metadata
○ Corrupt values
○ Used blocks also marked as free
○ Blocks not marked as free nor used
○ Blocks being used multiple times
○ ...
(a) Consistent (b) Missing block
(c) Duplicate free block (d) Duplicate block

fsck: File System Consistency Check

File System Performance
● Minimize disk access
● Minimize seek time
File System Performance
● Minimize disk access:
○ Caching: buffer cache, inode cache, direntry cache
○ Block read ahead
● Minimize seek time:
○ Try to allocate files contiguously
○ Spread i-nodes over disk
○ Store small file data “inline” in i-node
○ Defragment disk
Minimize disk accesses:
● Buffer cache: Cache disk blocks in RAM
● Page cache: Cache VFS pages (before
going to driver)
● Often contains the same data as buffer cache, so
OSs often merge these
Cache management
● Caches have LRU semantics adapted to:
○ Blocks with poor temporal locality
○ Critical blocks for file system consistency
● Write-through caching vs. periodic syncing
● Disk read-ahead: read blocks into cache that
may be used soon
File System Performance
● Minimize seek time (on traditional HDDs):
○ Try to allocate files contiguously
○ Defragment disk
○ Spread i-nodes over disk
○ Store small file data “inline” in i-node
● Not so much an issue on SSDs
○ Instead, optimize
wear reduction
File Systems
● Idea: Optimize for frequent small writes
● Collect any pending write in a log segment
● Segments contain i-nodes, entries, blocks
● Segments are regularly flushed to disk and
and can be large (e.g., 1MB)
● i-node map to find i-nodes in the log
● Garbage collection to reclaim old log entries
i-nodes Data blocks segment segment

UNIX FS Log-Structured File System

Journaling File Systems
● Idea: Use “logs” for crash recovery
● First write transactional operations in log.
● E.g., removing a file:
a. Remove file from its directory.
b. Release i-node to the pool of free i-nodes.
c. Return all disk blocks to pool of free disk blocks.
● After crash, replay operations from log
● Single operations need to be idempotent
● Should support multiple, arbitrary crashes
● Journaling widely used in modern systems,
e.g., Ext4 and NTFS
Textbook (Chapter 4)
● All sections except:
○ Section 4.5.3
Userspace drivers
Extra material for Asg3 (fs)
● Filesystem in Userspace:
Allow FS drivers implemented in userspace
instead of inside kernel

Buffer cache
FAT driver
NTFS driver
VFS Page
Ext4 driver


read, readdir, ...
User program FUSE driver
● The driver is just a normal userspace
● libfuse talks with the kernel module

Buffer cache
FAT driver
NTFS driver
VFS Page
Ext4 driver


Syscall Normal
syscalls FUSE syscalls (read/write /dev/fuse)
read, readdir, ...
libc libfuse
User program FUSE driver
● Makes driver development much easier
● No permissions required for new FS drivers
● But, slower than in-kernel drivers

● Examples using FUSE:

● sshfs: Mount remote machine over ssh
● ntfs-3g: NTFS on Linux
● exfat: exfat on Linux (in-kernel only since Nov 2019)

● WikipediaFS: “View and edit Wikipedia as files” (??)

● EmojiFS: “Manipulate your emojis on Slack/Discord” (????)
● πfs: “Store files (as offsets) in π” (yes, really... )
Using FUSE
● Compile and link a program against libfuse
● Run binary to mount into VFS
● Callback driven:
● Kernel/FUSE calls you when someone interacts with
your files/directories

FUSE callbacks
● Most important callback: getattr
● Called before any operation on a file
● Retrieves file(/directory) attributes
via struct stat - see man 2 stat
● Directory example: stbuf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0755;
● File example: stbuf->st_mode = S_IFREG | 0755;
● Non-existing entry: return -ENOENT
FUSE callbacks
● Familiar from syscalls:
● readdir: List directory contents
● read: Read file contents
● mkdir: Create directory
● rmdir: Remove directory
● unlink: Remove file
● create: Create file
● truncate: Resize file
● write: Write data to file
● rename: Rename/move file

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