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Communication is a process of delivering information (messages, ideas, leadership) from

one party to another. In general, communication is done verbally or verbally which can be
understood by both parties. How not, can talk by involving, communication can still be done
using body movements, showing certain attitudes, for example, smiling, shaking his head,
shrugging his shoulders. This way is called nonverbal communication.

Communication or communicaton comes from the Latin communis which means 'same'.
Communico, communicatio or communicare which means to make the same (make to
common). Simply communicated can occur if there are similarities between the delivery of
messages and people who receive messages. Therefore, communication depends on our
ability to be able to understand one another

Humans communicate to share knowledge and experience. Common forms of human

communication include signaling, speaking, writing, movement, and broadcasting
languages. Communication can be interactive, transactive, purposeful communication,
aiming, or aimless communication.

Through communication, attitudes and feelings of a person or group of people can be

understood by other parties. However, communication will only be effective if the message
delivered can be interpreted the same by the recipient of the message.

Understanding communication according to Ruben and Steward communication is a process

that involves individuals in a relationship, group, organization and society that responds and
creates messages to adapt to each other's environment. Lasswell said that a good way to
explain communication is to answer the following statement "Who Says What In Which
Channel To Whom With What Effect".

Communication is basically a process that explains who? stated what? with what channel?
to whom ? with what impact? So based on the lassuall paradigm, the communication
process is simply that the communicator forms a message delivering it through a certain
channel to the recipient that causes the effect. The communication process can be divided
into 2 stages, namely the primary communication process and the secondary
communication process. The communication function according to William I. Gorden, as
1. As social communication,
2. As expressive communication,
3. As a ritual communication,
4. As an instrumental communication.
Whereas the communication function according to Harold D. Lasswell is as follows:
1. Environmental preservation / supervision,
2. Connecting the parts that are separated from the community to respond to their
3. Reducing social inheritance from generation to the next generation.

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