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Jhoana Marie S.


BSA A-104

- Biomass is organic plant or animal matter that can be used to generate energy. This
includes many everyday items such as agriculture crops, trees, garbage, algae, animal
manure, and human waste. Electricity generated from biomass is sometimes also referred
to as bio power or bioen.

What can I contribute to minimize pollution in the community? In the country? In

the world?

- For me, I can contribute by avoiding using or doing something that can be harmful to our
earth. For example, when I am at home, I turn off the lights when no one is using them to
save energy because the energy from the lights also contributes to air pollution. Second,
avoid burning garbage and leaves. Back then, we used to burn them, but now we realize
that this is really harmful to our earth. Lastly, my family and I will stop using plastic. We
currently use eco bags.

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