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Clinical Anatomy 00:00–00 (2015)


Down Syndrome—A Narrative Review with a

Focus on Anatomical Features
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Applied Medical Sciences,
Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
JSS College of Physiotherapy, Mysore, Karnataka, India
PSG College of Physiotherapy, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Pulmonary Rehabilitation, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research, School of Physiotherapy,
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
RVS College of Physiotherapy, Sulur, Tamil Nadu, India

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common aneuploidy of chromosome 21,

characterized by the presence of an extra copy of that chromosome (trisomy
21). Children with DS present with an abnormal phenotype, which is attributed
to a loss of genetic balance or an excess dose of chromosome 21 genes. In
recent years, advances in prenatal screening and diagnostic tests have aided
in the early diagnosis and appropriate management of fetuses with DS. A myr-
iad of clinical symptoms resulting from cognitive, physical, and physiological
impairments caused by aberrations in various systems of the body occur in
DS. However, despite these impairments, which range from trivial to fatal
manifestations, the survival rate of individuals with DS has increased dramati-
cally from less than 50% during the mid-1990s to 95% in the early 2000s,
with a median life expectancy of 60 years reported recently. The aim of this
narrative review is to review and summarize the etiopathology, prenatal
screening and diagnostic tests, prognosis, clinical manifestations in various
body systems, and comorbidities associated with DS. Clin. Anat. 00:000–000,
2015. VC 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: Down syndrome; trisomy 21; autosomal aneuploidy; phenotype;

morbidity; mortality

Abbreviations used: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AFP, alpha fetoprotein; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; AAI, atlantoax-
ial instability; b-hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin b-subunit; cf-DNA, cell-free DNA; CI, confidence interval; DS, down
syndrome; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; NT, nucal translucency; PAPP-A, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A;
TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; lE3, unconjugated estriol; VSD, ventricular septal defects.

*Correspondence to: Ashokan Arumugam, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Majmaah Univer-
sity, P.O. Box 66, Majmaah 11952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail: or
Conflict of interest: None declared.
Received 12 November 2015; Accepted 19 November 2015
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ca.22672

V 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2 Arumugam et al.

INTRODUCTION an extra chromosome 21 (24 chromosomes in a

gamete) (NDSS, 2012; Hartway, 2009); thus, after
In 1866, John Langdon Down first described the set fertilization, the zygote will have 47 chromosomes
of characteristics of a chromosomal disorder that is instead of 46. As the word implies, translocation refers
now referred to as Down syndrome (DS) (Down, to an additional copy of chromosome 21 that is par-
1866). At that time, Down could only speculate on the tially or fully translocated to another chromosome
etiology of DS; however, in 1959, Jerome Lejeune dis- (Hartway, 2009; NDSS, 2012). In mosaicism, some
covered that an extra copy of chromosome 21 but not all cells carry an extra copy of chromosome
(Hsa21) caused the condition (Patterson and Costa, 21 (Hartway, 2009; NDSS, 2012). Some cases of DS
2005). that result from translocation are associated with a
Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, is the most com- genetic risk. Nondisjunction and mosaicism mecha-
mon aneuploidy of autosomal chromosomes (Lejeune nisms are not usually inherited, but some families are
et al., 1959). The average, non-gender-specific, more susceptible to inheritance of these aberrations
live-birth rate of infants with DS is approximately 1 in (NDSS, 2012). The review by Sheets et al. (2011)
1000 (Fitzgerald et al., 2013). Between 1942 and gives a detailed summary of the cytogenic findings,
1952, the survival rate of children less than 12 months etiology, and recurrence risk associated with the three
of age with DS in the United Kingdom was less than types of mechanisms causing DS.
50% (Record and Smith, 1955). A similarly high death The reasons for the presence of an excess copy of
rate (around 40%) among Swedish children with DS chromosome 21 (of maternal [more common] or
less than one year of age was reported between 1969 paternal origin) remain unclear. Although there is a
and 1973, but by 1999–2003 this had decreased sig- greater risk of DS with increasing maternal age (> 35
nificantly to 4.4% (Englund et al., 2013). As reflected years), most children with DS are born to mothers
by these data, the life expectancy of this population younger than 35 years owing to their higher fertility
has recently increased to approximately 60 years rates. Any child can be affected by DS irrespective of
(Englund et al., 2013). The improved survival rate can ethnicity, socio-economic status, or country of birth
be attributed to factors such as appropriate (early) (Rutter, 2002; NDSS, 2012).
management of congenital cardiac malformations and
infectious diseases, along with a healthier diet and bet-
ter health care (Glasson et al., 2014). SCREENING AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
Individuals with DS present with a plethora of
comorbidities affecting the respiratory, cardiovascular, Prenatal screening, including ultrasound and analy-
sensory (organs), gastrointestinal, hematological, sis of maternal serum, is part of routine pregnancy
immune, endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal and geni- investigation (Khalil and Pandya, 2006; Sheets et al.,
tourinary, and neurological systems (Scherbenske 2011). Non-invasive tests such as the double-marker
et al., 1990; Roizen and Patterson, 2003; Dykens, test are performed during the first trimester while the
2007; Kaski et al., 2010; Bull, 2011; Fitzgerald et al., triple-marker and quadruple-marker (triple marker
2013; Shiang, 2014). The aim of this article is to test 1 inhibin A) tests are carried out during the sec-
review the etiopathophysiology, prenatal screening, ond trimester to rule out aneuploidies (Cole and
diagnosis and prognosis of DS, along with the com- Jones, 2013; Shiefa et al., 2013).
mon structural and functional anomalies of body sys- First trimester screening is conducted between 11
tems and associated comorbidities. and 14 weeks of gestation (Zournatzi et al., 2008).
The tests can include fetal nucal translucency (NT)
and the double-marker test (pregnancy-associated
ETIOPATHOPHYSIOLOGY plasma protein-A [PAPP-A] and free human chorionic
gonadotrophin b-subunit [free b-hCG]). An increased
Two hypotheses have been proposed to account for level of free b-hCG with decreased PAPP-A is sugges-
the role of an additional copy of chromosome 21 in the tive of DS (Wald et al., 1999). Other markers com-
characteristics associated with DS. First, the monly observed during the first trimester with
“developmental instability hypothesis” evokes a loss of ultrasound scanning are a short maxilla, absence of a
genetic balance (among the hundreds of genes) in chro- nasal bone, and abnormal Doppler waveforms in the
mosome 21 leading to an imbalance of gene expression ductus venosus (Cicero et al., 2004; Barlow-Stewart
in pathways that control development (Shapiro et al., et al., 2007). There is a strong association between
1983; Shapiro, 1997). Second, the “gene-dosage effect the absence of the nasal bone in the first trimester
hypothesis” states that the excess of chromosome 21 and trisomy 21 as well as other chromosomal abnor-
genes (three copies instead of the usual two) results in malities (Cicero et al., 2004). Moreover, cell-free DNA
an abnormal phenotype (Patterson and Costa, 2005; (cf-DNA) can be identified in the maternal plasma
Hartway, 2009). It has also been proposed that both from 10 weeks of gestation onwards. This test pro-
these mechanisms could act in conjunction (Patterson vides the most effective method of screening for tris-
and Costa, 2005; Hartway, 2009). omy 21 with a reported detection rate of 99%
The various causes of DS include nondisjunction (Grataco  s and Nicolaides, 2014).
(95%), translocation (3.2%), and mosaicism (1.8%) The second trimester screening tests are usually
associated with chromosome 21 (Kava et al. 2004). conducted between 15 and 17 weeks of gestation, up
Nondisjunction occurs because of aberrant cell division to 20 weeks. They include ultrasound and triple-
during the formation of ovum or sperm, resulting in serum (alpha fetoprotein [AFP], unconjugated estriol
Down Syndrome 3

[lE3], and free b-hCG) or quadruple-serum (AFP, lE3, tion, cognitive impairments and psychiatric disorders
free b-hCG, and inhibin A) marker tests (Barlow- have been documented in these children. Morbidity
Stewart et al., 2007). The levels of maternal AFP and and mortality rates associated with these clinical man-
lE3 tend to be reduced in DS, and free b-hCG and ifestations differ slightly among studies. However, the
inhibin A seem to be increased (Cicero et al., 2004). most common reasons for hospitalization of children
Antenatal ultrasound soft markers indicating DS such with DS are respiratory disorders (predominantly
as a thickened nuchal fold, a hypoplastic nasal bone, because of infection) and congenital heart malforma-
short humerus and femur, hydronephrosis, echogenic tions (Englund et al., 2013; Fitzgerald et al., 2013).
intracardia focus, echogenic bowel, single umblical
artery, and (mild) pyelectasis are also screened during Respiratory Disorders
the second trimester (Bethune, 2007).
The diagnostic tests for pregnant women at a high Children with DS often present with multiple
risk of having a baby with DS include chorionic villus respiratory problems due to the inefficiency of
sampling, done either transabdominally or transvagi- mitochondrial protein function in the respiratory epi-
nally at 12–14 weeks, and aminocentesis under ultra- thelium, neuronal regulation, and immune cells with
sound guidance between 15 and 18 weeks of transcribed human chromosome 21 genes (Pandit and
gestation. Invasive testing has a spontaneous abor- Fitzgerald, 2012; Watts and Vyas, 2013). Common
tion risk of around 1% (Cole and Jones, 2013), so it is respiratory problems include upper respiratory tract
performed only on cases identified by screening as anomalies, recurrent aspiration, obstructive sleep
being at high risk for aneuploidies (Mutton et al., apnea and recurrent respiratory tract infections (Pan-
1998; Ekelund et al., 2008; Gil et al., 2014). dit and Fitzgerald, 2012). Increased oxidative stress
Karyotyping to detect aneuploidy is possible using (Pagano and Castello, 2012) and compromised immu-
a Giemsa banding technique. Its main drawback is nity in the body can (Xu et al., 2013) also add to
that it is time consuming (1–2 weeks). When other morbidity.
screening tests provide strong evidence of a fetal Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common respi-
anomaly, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can ratory disorder, occurring in 30–50% of individuals
be performed instead on chorionic villus or amniocent- with DS (Lal et al., 2015). It can be associated with a
esis samples (Stoian et al., 2007) and the results will narrowed airway, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, mac-
be available within one or two days (Cicero et al., roglossia, mid-face hypoplasia, delayed development
2004). Karyotyping and FISH can also be carried out of oromotor function, and micrognathia (Austeng
postnatally to confirm the clinical diagnosis of DS et al., 2014; Goffinski et al., 2015).
(Sheets et al., 2011). Children with DS can present with obstructive air-
Compared with the commonly-acknowledged risk way disease caused by macroglossia, a constricted
factor of advancing maternal age, screening tests per- nasopharynx, congenital subglottic stenosis, laryngo-
formed with maternal serum markers and ultrasound malacia (‘malacia’ denotes any abnormal softening of
are reportedly more effective and efficient in aiding the tissues), tracheobronchomalacia, and tracheal ste-
the clinical diagnosis of DS (Smith-Bindman et al., nosis (Jacobs et al., 1996; Pravit, 2014). Although
2003). appropriate surgical intervention can decrease airway
obstruction, residual obstruction remains common in
this population (Jacobs et al., 1996). In addition to
PROGNOSIS these factors, poor oromotor coordination (dystonia of
oral muscles) and a reduced gastroesophageal reflex
The most common causes of mortality in DS are
can predispose to recurrent aspiration (Abadie and
respiratory diseases (pneumonia), congenital heart dis-
Couly, 2012).
eases, circulatory disorders, and dementia (ØSter and
Patients with DS have increased levels of inflamma-
Nielsen, 1975; Howells, 1989; Englund et al., 2013).
tory markers such as interleukins (IL-1b, IL-10, and
Children with DS are at increased risk of leukemia and
IL–7), tumor necrosis factor, and cytokines, and
testicular cancer (Roizen and Patterson, 2003), but
decreased levels of immunoglobulins (Pagano and
malignancy is not a leading cause of mortality in this
population (Englund et al., 2013). However, mortality is Castello, 2012). There is also a significant increase in
higher in children with DS than the normal population lipid peroxidation, oxidative DNA damage, and plasma
(Day et al., 2005). The best predictors of survival in levels of uric acid, allantoin, and a decrease in
children with DS are gestational age at delivery, stand- hypoxanthine and xanthine in this population. This is
ardized birth weight, karyotype (trisomy 21/mosaic/ partially explained by the down-regulation of mito-
translocation), and the presence of anatomical anoma- chondrial components and oxidative stress (Pagano
lies (single or multiple) (Rankin et al., 2012). and Castello, 2012).
Low mitochondrial activity in airway lymphocytes
and macrophages can cause a reduced immunological
CLINICAL FEATURES OF DS response in DS (Xu et al., 2013). Infections of the
upper (e.g. sinusitis, rhinitis, middle ear infections,
Various anomalies of the respiratory, cardiovascu- tonsillitis) and lower (pneumonia and bronchiolitis)
lar, sensory (organs), gastrointestinal, hematological, respiratory tract are highly prevalent in children with
immune, endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal and geni- the condition (Bloemers et al., 2010). Respiratory syn-
tourinary systems are characteristic of DS. In addi- cytial virus is the most common cause of lower
4 Arumugam et al.

respiratory tract infection in these children (Bloemers The advent of investigations such as serum marker
et al., 2007, 2010). Poor oral hygiene, innate apopto- tests, amniocentesis, fetal echocardiography, DNA
sis of granulocytes, decreased immune status, and microarray technology, and functional analysis of fetal
recurrent aspiration can lead to recurrent sepsis and hearts has made early detection of congenital cardiac
community-acquired pneumonia (Xu et al., 2013). defects in fetuses with DS possible. Moreover, most of
the anomalies in infants with DS are reportedly suita-
ble for complete surgical correction with single ventri-
Cardiovascular Disorders cle palliation recommended for children with complex
A recent study in the United Kingdom documented cardiac anomalies (Irving and Chaudhari, 2012). Car-
a 42% incidence of cardiovascular abnormalities in a diac transplantation with successful outcome has also
DS population (Irving and Chaudhari, 2012), while the been reported for two children (one with cardiomay-
prevalence of congenital cardiac diseases ranged opathy and the other with end-stage cardiac failure)
presenting with DS (Irving and Chaudhari, 2012). In
between 40% and 76% depending on the cohort stud-
1996–2006, the one year survival rate for children
ied (Paladini et al., 2000).
Ferencz et al. (1989) proposed that “genetic errors diagnosed with cardiac dysfunction was 94% owing to
a reduction in post-operative complications (Irving
of endothelial cells may constitute an initiating sus-
and Chaudhari, 2012). An 8.5 year retrospective
ceptibility to cardiac maldevelopment with possible
observational cohort study highlighted inconsistent
variability in expression”. Moreover, an extra copy of
preventive healthcare for adults with DS, and the
chromosome 21 can lead to at least a 50% increase
authors recommended that appropriate screening and
in RNA in fetal cardiac mitochondria (increased tran-
early identification of comorbidities associated with
scription of Hsa21 genes) and extracellular matrices,
DS and adherence to preventive healthcare recom-
contributing to congenital cardiac defects (Conti et al.,
mendations would improve clinical outcomes in this
2007). Downregulation of mitochondrial proteins in
population (Jensen et al., 2013).
the hearts of children with DS has also been pro-
posed, especially oxidative phosphorylation enzymes,
along with upregulation of extracellular matrix genes Craniofacial Dysmorphia
(Conti et al., 2007). To be specific, it has been claimed Children with DS are predominantly brachycephalic
that reduced mitochondrial membrane potential is piv- (62.3%), but they can also be hyperbrachycephalic
otal in mitochondrial downregulation and impairment (27.3%), dolicocephalic (7.8%), or mesocephalic
of oxidative phosphorylation pathways (Conti et al., (2.6%). In a retrospective analysis of 524 individuals
2007). In general, it has been assumed that impaired with DS, more than 50% were found to have craniofacial
redox and oxidative phosphorylation pathways in defects such as a downward slant of the eye lids medially
heart mitochondria are the main reasons why congen- (83.9%), ear anomalies (66.9%), palpebronasal (epi-
ital cardiac defects develop in children with DS. canthal) folds (56.9%), and a flat face (50.9%) (Kava
In contrast, some researchers have claimed that et al. 2004). In addition, hypertelorism (increased inter-
the mere presence of an extra copy of chromosome ocular distance) and a flat nasal bridge appear to be pre-
21 cannot be the sole cause of cardiac anomalies dominant in this population (Rahul et al., 2015).
because not all children with DS are born with such
anomalies (Li et al., 2012). Using mouse models, Li
et al. (2012) demonstrated the additive effects of Ear and Hearing Disorders
genetic modifiers (mutant CRELD1 and HEY2 genes Ear problems such as inner ear dysplasia/hypopla-
sequenced from humans with DS) in causing congeni- sia, vestibular malformations, lateral semicircular
tal heart defects. anomalies, and conductive, mixed or neurosensory
The chromosome 21 aneuploidy can result in endo- hearing loss are common in patients with DS (Blaser
cardial cushion defects (complete or incomplete) (Fer- et al., 2006). Moreover, a high prevalence of chronic
encz et al., 1989). The congenital cardiac disorders otitis media with effusion ( 60%) has also been
most commonly associated with DS are atrioventricu- reported (Maris et al., 2014), with hearing loss recov-
lar defects (45%) and ventricular septal defects (VSD) ered via insertion of grommets (tympanostomy tubes)
(35%), while abnormalities such as isolated secun- (Paulson et al., 2014).
dum atrial septal defects (8%), isolated tetrology of
Fallot (4%) and isolated patent ductus arteriosus are
Oral Disorders
less frequent (Freeman et al., 1998). The major com-
plication of cardiac anomalies in DS is pulmonary In general, the oral dysmorphic features common
artery hypertension, which can progress to cardio- among people with DS are a fissured tongue and a
genic shock and eventually death (de Rubens Figueroa high arched palate (Shukla et al., 2014; Rahul et al.,
et al., 2003). 2015). In addition to these two traits (each with a
It is said that the incidence of VSD is low because prevalence of 79%), a recent epidemiological survey
VSD close spontaneously as a result of adequate of children with DS (n 5 70) in India noted other oral
available oxygen during early intrauterine life. In high manifestations such as macroglossia (83%), marginal
altitude countries where oxygen availability is low, gingivitis (93%), microdontia (63%), hypodontia
there is sometimes a high incidence of VSD owing to (41%), an anterior open bite (23%) and periodontitis
delayed closure (de Rubens Figueroa et al., 2003). (11.5%) (Rahul et al., 2015). Some of these findings
Down Syndrome 5

are consistent with other reports (Brown and Cunning- ease has been recommended for patients with DS as
ham, 1961; Cohen and Winer, 1965; Undeutsch et al., their risks for autoimmune diseases, anemia, and fail-
1970; Gullikson, 1972; Kava et al., 2004). In addition, ure to thrive are greater than normal (Bonamico
other aberrant oral conditions such as malocclusion et al., 2001).
(between 3% and 55%), congenital absence of teeth
(34%), delayed teeth eruption (10%), angular cheili- Hematological Abnormalities and
tis (22%), and ankyloglossia (13%) have also been
reported in children with DS (Shukla et al., 2014). Immunodeficiency
Abnormalities of the immune system have been
Eye and Vision Disorders associated with DS (Kusters et al., 2009). Moreover,
increased incidences of leukemia, hypothyroidism,
Vision problems evident in DS include severe malnutrition (zinc deficiency), celiac disease and dia-
refractive errors (50%) and cataracts (15%) (Bull, betes mellitus in children with DS aggravate their
2011). In addition, strabismus (47%), nasolacrimal immune deficiency (Ram and Chinen, 2011). Leuke-
duct obstruction (36%), and nystagmus (16%) have mia, for example, is estimated to be 15 to 20 times
been reported (Stephen et al., 2007). Other ophthal- more frequent in children with DS (Whitlock, 2006).
mic conditions such as retinal hemorrhage and macu- Evidence indicates that DS itself is an independent
lar hypoplasia are rare among affected children risk factor for the development of both acute lympho-
(Stephen et al., 2007). For children with DS, standard blastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia
ophthalmological examination around three years of (AML) (Lange, 2000); the presence of an additional
age includes ophthalmoscopy, cycloplegic refraction, chromosome being identified as the underlying basis
and orthoptic assessment with subsequent follow-up if for the increased risk of ALL (Berger, 1997). ALL in DS
required. These assessments are best performed in a is characterized by unique clinical features that include
quiet environment with no distraction using appropri- heightened sensitivity to methotrexate and an
ate procedures (Stephen et al., 2007). increased propensity to infections (Whitlock, 2006);
however, overall survival for ALL is better in children
Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders with DS than in children without DS (Gamis, 2005).
Other autoimmune conditions also have a higher
Gastrointestinal defects such as duodenal stenosis/ incidence among individuals with DS than in the gen-
atresia (3.9%), anal stenosis/atresia (1.0%), Hirsch- eral population. For example, diabetes mellitus (rate
sprung disease (0.8%), esophageal atresia with or ratio 2.8; 1.0 to 6.1, 95% confidence interval [CI])
without tracheoesophageal fistula (0.4%), and pyloric and celiac disease (rate ratio 4.6; 1.3 to 12.2, 95%
stenosis (0.3%) (Freeman et al., 2009) have been CI) are more common in DS cohorts than controls
reported (overall frequency 7%). In 2011, Bull docu- (Goldacre et al., 2004). Along with leukemia, respira-
mented that these malformations could affect up to tory infections such as pneumonia remain major
12% of children with DS. Interestingly, Freeman et al. causes of morbidity and mortality in DS (Yang et al.,
(2009) reported no association between gastrointesti- 2002). A hypothesis proposed to explain the higher
nal anomalies and an extra chromosome (21), mater- rates of infections and autoimmune diseases is abnor-
nal age, or infant sex or age among the children mally precocious aging (Cossarizza et al., 1990,
enrolled in the Atlanta/National Down Syndrome 1991). The higher percentage of natural killer cells
Projects. found in DS is consistent with this hypothesis (Cossar-
The prevalence of celiac disease in DS is about 5% izza et al., 1991). Further, impairments of B-cell, T-
in Italian patients, manifesting in classical form with cell, and phagocytic cell functions have also been
diarrhea and vomiting (65%), a silent form (20%), or noted in DS (Kusters et al., 2009). Altogether, the
with atypical symptoms such as short stature/anemia underlying immune deficiency enhances the increased
(11%) (Bonamico et al., 2001). The etiology of the risk of infection, especially during periods of immune
high prevalence of celiac disease in DS remains uncer- compromise, which occur in ALL and during its treat-
tain (Zachor et al., 2000). On the basis of previous ment. Although intensification of therapy may not be
studies (Iacono et al., 1990; Castro et al., 1993; feasible in this population, non-cytotoxic agents such
Zubillaga et al., 1993), Zachor et al. (2000) claimed as monoclonal antibodies have been recommended
that the expression of histocompatibility antigens of for managing ALL in DS (Kusters et al., 2009).
genetic origin (HLA-DR-3) in DS might cause celiac
disease, but no association between the type of DS Endocrine Disorders
and celiac disease has been advocated. Moreover, no
association between celiac disease and maternal age/ Thyroid dysfunction is the most common endocrine
infant sex/diabetes mellitus (type I) in DS has been abnormality in patients with DS (Hawli et al., 2009;
documented (Mårild et al., 2013). In DS, the screen- Iughetti et al., 2014), but prevalence estimates vary
ing of celiac disease relies on the identification of widely, ranging between 3% and 54% in adults (Hawli
associated serum antibodies (e.g., immunoglobulin et al., 2009). The established risk factors for thyroid
[Ig]A-antiendomysium antibodies) and intestinal dysfunction in DS include old age and female sex
biopsy to confirm villous atrophy (Zachor et al., 2000; (Rose and Brown, 2006). A spectrum of thyroid disor-
Bonamico et al., 2001; Mårild et al., 2013). System- ders have been reported in DS including congenital,
atic screening to ensure early diagnosis of celiac dis- primary or subclinical hypothyroidism, autoimmune
6 Arumugam et al.

thyroiditis, and hyperthyroidism (Tu €ysu

€ z and Beker, resolve neurological symptoms (Kuroki et al., 2012).
2001; Purdy et al., 2014). However, the chances of post-operative complications
Evidence indicates that the frequency of hypothyr- following occipito-cervical stabilization range from
oidism in neonates with DS is 28 times higher than 73% to 100% (Segal et al., 1991; Doyle et al., 1996).
expected in the general population (Purdy et al., Sankar and colleagues (2011) cited studies of the
2014). Recently, a 10-year longitudinal study demon- prevalence of instability of the hip (1.25% to 7%) in
strated that the probability of acquired thyroid dys- individuals with DS. Specifically, the prevalence of
function in DS increased from 30% at birth to 49% at acetabular dysplasia in DS is around 9% (Hresko
10 years of age (Iughetti et al., 2014). Several mech- et al., 1993) and this condition can lead to pain, diffi-
anisms have been proposed to explain the increased culty in gait, and subluxation of the hip joint. Acetabu-
incidence of hypothyroidism in DS, including immatur- lar retroversion has been reported to be the most
ity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (Sharav common cause of posterior subluxation/
et al., 1991), inappropriate thyroid stimulating hor- dislocation of the hip in patients with DS (Sankar
mone (TSH) secretion (Grun ~ eiro de Papendieck et al. et al., 2011, 2012). Complete redirectional acetabular
2002), TSH insensitivity (Gibson et al., 2005), and osteotomy is a promising surgical intervention for cor-
reduced TSH bioactivity (Gibson et al., 2005). Thyroid recting acetabular retroversion and restoring hip sta-
hormone replacement in children with DS can improve bility in these individuals (Sankar et al., 2011). Other
hypothyroidism or subclinical hypothyroidism (Hawli treatment options to manage hip instability such as
et al., 2009; Purdy et al., 2014). capsular plication, innominate and femoral (derota-
tion) osteotomies, and total hip arthroplasty (Bennet
Musculoskeletal Anomalies et al., 1982) have been reported, but there is no clear
consensus about the best treatment option for man-
Abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system have aging hip instability in this population.
frequently been reported in the literature and mostly Other musculoskeletal abnormalities include dislo-
relate to ligament laxity, a distinctive feature of DS. In cation/subluxation of the patella, deformities such as
the cervical spine region, ligament laxity can give rise genu valgum, pes planus, metatarsus primus varus,
to occipitocervical instability and atlantoaxial instabil- and scoliosis (Diamond et al., 1981; Yam et al.,
ity (AAI). Proposed causes for occipitocervical instabil- 2008), all of which have been attributed to ligament
ity in DS include retropharyngeal ligament laxity and/ laxity (Galli et al., 2014). In addition, brachycephaly,
or bony anomalies of the upper cervical spine with or brachydactyly, wide hands, fifth finger clinodactyly,
without aberrant muscle tone (Hankinson and Ander- increased web space between the great and second
son, 2010). Patients with DS have less complete toes, and short stature have been documented as
development of the occipital condyles than healthy possible morphological changes (Roizen and Patter-
children (Browd et al., 2008). This could predispose to son, 2003).
atlantooccipital instability owing to lack of bony con- No articles could be found describing variations in
gruence of the joint. muscle and ligament morphology in DS. Some proposals
About 10–35% of patients with DS are affected by explain the reduced motor skills as resulting from physi-
AAI (Alvarez and Rubin, 1986; Roy et al., 1990; ological alterations or adaptations in DS (Malak et al.,
Cremers et al., 1993) but only 1–2% present with cer-
2015). However, no empirical data are available.
vical myelopathy (Pueschel et al., 1984; Pueschel
et al., 1987; Hankinson and Anderson, 2010). In addi-
tion, os odontoideum (separation of a portion of the Renal and Genito-Urinary Tract Disorders
dens from the body of the axis [C2]) (Semine et al.,
1978), hypoplasia of the atlas (Taggard et al., 2000; On the basis of a retrospective cohort study, Kupfer-
Matsunaga et al., 2007), bifid atlantal arches man et al. (2009) reported a prevalence of 3.2% for
(Menezes, 2008) or ossiculum terminale (congenital renal and urinary tract malformations in DS. They
non-union of the dens from a terminal ossicle located reported a high risk of cystic dysplastic kidney, renal
above the transverse ligament) (Ali et al., 2006) can agenesis, hydronephrosis, anterior urethral obstruc-
coexist in DS. On the other hand, an intrinsic collagen tion, and anterior urethral obstruction in this popula-
deficit could cause transverse ligament laxity (Pue- tion. However, the risk of an ectopic kidney (OR: 1.6
schel and Scola, 1987). As a result, the odontoid pro- [95% CI: 0.2–11.2]) or ureteropelvic junction obstruc-
cess cannot be stabilized against the anterior arch of tion is reportedly low in DS (Kupferman et al., 2009).
the atlas, leading to AAI with a reduction in vertebral Other urogenital anomalies such as cryptorchidism
canal size, which could cause compression of the spi- (undescended or maldescended testes), bladder exs-
nal cord during cervical spine movements in the sagit- trophy, posterior urethral valves, hypospadias (urethral
tal plane (Hankinson and Anderson, 2010). AAI can opening on the inferior aspect of the penis), testicular
be managed surgically by posterior occipitoaxial stabi- microlithiasis, testicular malignancy, and infertility
lization using C2 laminar screws (Kuroki et al., 2012) have also been noted in DS (Mercer et al., 2004;
while atlantooccipital and atlantoaxial subluxation is Vachon et al., 2006; Ebert et al., 2008). Patients with
treated by internal fixation and fusion of the occiput to DS can present with either neurogenic or non-
C3 (Johnson et al., 2013). Surgical stabilization of neurogenic bladder dysfunctions (Ebert et al., 2008). A
upper cervical instability followed by appropriate reha- review of the literature by Mercer et al. (2004)
bilitation can relieve spinal cord compression and reported renal hypoplasia, glomerular microcysts, and
Down Syndrome 7

obstructive uropathy as the most common urological dren under one year of age. This is coupled with
abnormalities in DS. increased longevity, with adults now living to around
In addition to clinical examination, anomalies of the 60 years of age because of advances in prenatal
renal and genitourinary tract in DS must be identified screening and diagnosis, appropriate early medical
early using clinical examination, ultrasound, urody- intervention/care (conservative and/or surgical), and
namic assessment, and other relevant investigations changes in the attitude of the community toward ‘nor-
to diagnose the problem and decide on appropriate malization’ of the lives of individuals with DS (Englund
conservative or surgical measures (Kupferman et al., et al., 2013).
2009; Mercer et al., 2004).

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