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HỘI THOẠI TIẾNG ANH ( NHÓM 6 ) ~ Welcoming visitors ~

Dựa vào đoạn hội thoại trang 17 trong file.

Chủ đề: Trọng, một kĩ sư người Việt, đang đến thăm một công ty ở
Dubai. Và Sỹ, chủ tịch ở công ty đó sẽ xuống chào đón vị khách quý của
Sỹ: Trọng, Hi. Nice to see you again.

Trọng: Hi, Sỹ. Nice to see you too. Thanks for coming down to meet me.

Sỹ: Always a pleasure! Actually, after the restructuring last year we all got moved around, so I
wasn't sure you'd be able to find my office by yourself.

Trọng: Oh, really? Where are you now?

Sỹ: On the one hundred floor.In my penthouse! They decided to put sales and marketing together-
at last!

Trọng: That does make more sense, doesn't it? And the reception area looks very nice.

Sỹ: Yes, they finally repainted it in June .... Oh, here's the lift now. After you. Was the driver there
to meet you at the airport?

Trọng: Yes, he was. Thanks so much for arranging that.

Sỹ: It's the least I could do after your early start! You must be exhausted now.

Trọng: Oh, I'm all right. I managed to get some sleep, actually.

Sỹ: Here we are ... . So, can I get you something to drink? How about a cup of that tea you like so

Trọng: That would be wonderful. And maybe a glass of water too?

Sỹ: Coming right up .... Here you are.

Trọng: Oh, thank you.

Sỹ: You're welcome.

Trọng: Mm. You just don't get tea like this in VietNam!

Sỹ: Now let's get on my Rolls Royce and get to the main topic

Trọng: Ok, bro!!!

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