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Job Interviews: Most

frequently asked questions

and sample answers
interests the interviewer)

“I have been working as an admin assistant to the

General Manager for just over 3 years. I started as a
receptionist and was promoted after 6 months. I am
passionate about learning new skills and I have
completed a number of training courses. I have
developed a strong skills set including in depth data
management expertise. I am eager to make full use of
this in a larger working environment.”
''Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years

lt is advisable to answer in general terms when faced

with this typical interview question.

"I want to have learned and grown within my work,

to have increased my responsibilities and skills. I
enjoy a challenge and would like to know that I am
constantly meeting new challenges.

My goal is to be the best at whatever level I am

working at within the company"
Tell me something about yourself that isn't in
your resume.

Highlight a positive quality that is relevant to the job

opportunity. “l'm a good cook. I love being creative
and coming up with my own recipes. I enjoy
researching the latest trends and experimenting
with new ideas. One can really get innovative with
Reasons for leaving a Job

For Professional Growth Opportunity

"I feel I have reached the ceiling in my current job

and I am eager for a fresh challenge.

This job really appeals to me because I will be

dealing directly with diverse clients and developing
my customer-service skills.”
When your experience does not apply
directly to the job...
“I am certain that the skills I developed in my
previous position, including my planning and
organizational ability, my problem-solving skills and
my experience working in a diverse team will
definitely transfer into success in this job. I am
excited to combine my set of valuable competencies
with my enthusiasm for this new career field and
quicky become an asset to your company."
Good Example of Weaknesses
“I can find it hard to ask for help. Setting the right
support to complete complex tasks is essential for
success. Realising that most people want to help is
important. I make sure that I am precise and specific
about the exact help I need and carefully consider
who has the right skills and resources to provide
this. This minimizes the impact the request for help
has on my colleagues and is effective in overcoming
my reluctance to ask for help”
Describe yourself in one word
Make it relevant to the job and back it up with a
good example.

"I would choose the word "versatile". I can quickly

adjust to different situations.

In my previous job I successfully dealt with diverse

customers with unique demands.

I continually had to change my approach to meet

their specific needs and get the desired results.
"Reasons for Leaving a Job“

A Change of Career Direction

"I have re-evaluated my career goals and I am

determined to find a position that better fits with my
long term objectives and where I can contribute to
the best of my ability.

Your job opportunity will allow me to develop my

marketing skills while using my customer service
experience to grow a satisfied client base."
5 Shoddy Speech Habits to Avoid in your
1.Avoid meaningless fillers like “um","you know”
and " like"'

2.Sloppy words like "kind of" and "sort of" make you
appear unprofessional

3.Highly-charged negative words like "hate" convey

an impression of poor emotional maturity

4.Display confidence by not using words like

“perhaps”, “maybe” and “hopefully"'

5. Slang words like "freaking“ ,"my bad" and “dude"

have no plate in a job interview
What do you do in your free time? What to
include in questions about your leisure time
- Be honest and realistic in your interview answer

- The interviewer is not expecting you to be changing

the world

-Focus on the interesting things you do in your spare

time such as sports, reading, cooking, hobbies.

"I like to play basketball- it's good fun and keeps me

active. I enjoy playing as part of a team and
challenging myself to constantly improve my game."

I Speak Team Ltda. Argentina|Chile|Perú|México

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