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Name: Aldin G.

Year: 1st year Philosophy
Subject: Ancient Philosophy
Professor: Rev. Fr. Alwen L. Jimenez
Date: February 05, 2021

1. Philosopher:
Thales of Miletus, (born c. 624–620 BCE—died c. 548–545 BCE), philosopher
renowned as one of the legendary Seven Wise Men, or Sophoi, of antiquity.
He is remembered primarily for his cosmology based on water as the essence of
all matter, with Earth a flat disk floating on a vast sea.
Explanation: Upon reading the philosophy of Thales of Miletus, I learn that His main point
about philosophizing the world is based on water, that the world is compose and made up of

2. Philosopher:
Anaximander, (born 610 BCE, Miletus [now in Turkey]—died 546 BCE), Greek
philosopher who was the first to develop a cosmology, or systematic philosophical view of the
In his cosmogony, he held that everything originated from the apeiron (the “infinite,”
“unlimited,” or “indefinite”), rather than from a particular element, such as water (as Thales had
held). Anaximander postulated eternal motion, along with the apeiron, as the originating cause of
the world. 
As I read, and try to understand the philosophy of Anaximander, His main point is that the
world is not based on elements, but it is coming from “infinite” “unlimited” or “indefinite”, and
He coined the postulated eternal motion.
3. Philosopher:
Anaximenes, flourished in the mid6th century B.C.E. and died about 528. He is the third
philosopher of the Milesian School of philosophy, so named because like Thales and
Anaximander, Anaximenes was an inhabitant of Miletus, in Ionia (ancient
Greece). Theophrastus notes that Anaximenes was an associate, and possibly a student, of
Anaximenes is best known for his doctrine that air is the source of all things.
Anaximenes philosophy, focuses on air as the primary elements that is the source of all
4. Philosopher:

Parmenides, (born c. 515 BCE), Greek philosopher of Elea in southern Italy who

founded Eleaticism, one of the leading pre-Socratic schools of Greek thought. His general
teaching has been diligently reconstructed from the few surviving fragments of his
principal work, a lengthy three-part verse composition titled On Nature.


Parmenides held that the multiplicity of existing things, their changing forms and motion,
are but an appearance of a single eternal reality (“Being”), thus giving rise to the Parmenidean
principle that “all is one.” From this concept of Being, he went on to say that all claims of
change or of non-Being are illogical. Because he introduced the method of basing claims about
appearances on a logical concept of Being, he is considered one of the founders of metaphysics.


Upon reading the philosophy of Parmenides, about the concept of being. As I understand
his main point is that the existence of being is logical, and even change has its single eternal

5. Philosopher:
Heraclitus, also spelled Heracleitus, (born c. 540 BCE, Ephesus, Anatolia [now Selçuk,
Turkey]—died c. 480).
Greek philosopher remembered for his cosmology, in which fire forms the basic material
principle of an orderly universe. Little is known about his life, and the one book he
apparently wrote is lost. His views survive in the short fragments quoted and attributed to
him by later authors.
Heraclitus, philosophize the world as it is changing constantly, so as things, situation and
even human being.

6. Philosopher:
Empedocles, was born in Acragas on the south coast of Sicily. The name Acragas is
Greek, while the Latin name for the town was Agrigentum. Later the town was called
Girgenti and more recently it became known by its present name of Agrigento. It was one of
the most beautiful cities of the ancient world up to the time it was destroyed by the
Carthaginians in 406 BC. It was, in Empedocles time, a rich city containing the finest Greek

was a Greek philosopher who is best known for his belief that all matter was
composed of four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. Some have considered him the
inventor of rhetoric and the founder of the science of medicine in Italy.

Empedocles coined in his philosophy as human and the world, is composed of four
elements and this is fire, air, water and earth.

7. Philosopher:
Anaxagoras, was born in the city of Clazomenae in Asia Minor, during the seventh
Olympiad (between 500-497 or 533 BC).
Philosophy: Anaxagoras’ doctrine of the autonomous, infinite, powerful and eternal Mind,
which is the purest of all things, the master of itself and the ruler on everything, controlling all
the elements and directing all the physical interactions in the universe by the most proper way, is
the most innovatory amazing theory in ancient philosophy.

8. Philosopher:

Democritus, was born about 460 BCE (thus, he was a younger contemporary of
Socrates) and was a citizen of Abdera, although some reports mention Miletus. As well as his
associate or teacher Leucippus, Democritus is said to have known Anaxagoras, and to have been
forty years younger than the latter (DK 68A1). A number of anecdotes concern his life, but their
authenticity is uncertain.
known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the
value of ‘cheerfulness,’ was one of the two founders of ancient atomist theory. He elaborated a
system originated by his teacher Leucippus into a materialist account of the natural world. The
atomists held that there are smallest indivisible bodies from which everything else is composed,
and that these move about in an infinite void. Of the ancient materialist accounts of the natural
world which did not rely on some kind of teleology or purpose to account for the apparent order
and regularity found in the world, atomism was the most influential. Even its chief critic,
Aristotle, praised Democritus for arguing from sound considerations appropriate to natural

As I understand the philosophy of Democritus, I learn from his philosophy, the origin of
man and the world from atom. In which atom contains our Human Body and the world.

9. Philosopher:
Pythagoras, Pythagoreanism is the philosophy of the ancient Greek
philosopher Pythagoras (ca. 570 – ca. 490 BCE), which prescribed a highly structured
way of life and espoused the doctrine of metempsychosis (transmigration of the soul after
death into a new body, human or animal).
a Greek philosopher whose teachings emphasized the immortality and transmigration of
the soul (reincarnation), virtuous, humane behavior toward all living things, and the concept of
“number” as truth in that mathematics not only cleared the mind but allowed for an objective
comprehension of reality.
Pythagoras in his philosophy, believes in reincarnation. Also, He also associate and
philosophize that the world is composed of numbers.

10. Philosopher:
Socrates, of Athens (l. c. 470/469-399 BCE) is among the most famous figures in world
history for his contributions to the development of ancient Greek philosophy which provided
the foundation for all of Western Philosophy. He is, in fact, known as the "Father of Western
Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-
being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than
theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for
happiness. Ultimate wisdom comes from knowing oneself. The more a person knows, the greater
his or her ability to reason and make choices that will bring true happiness. 

Socrates, is one of my favorite, as he say that “The unexamined life is not worth living” and
his humility by saying “All I know is that I know nothing.”

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