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Book: The power of positive thinking

CHAPTER: A peaceful mind generates power

Hello everyone. Today, we are going to discover that a peaceful mind generates
power. So how could you make your mind peaceful?

Firstly, you should empty your mind and fill it with new positive
I am asking you this simple question: would you be able to study and focus on a messy
room? Of course, no one at least you wouldn’t feel at ease just by sitting there and you need
to organize your space and to empty it from all the unnecessary stuff. And just like the
human mind needs to be emptied.
I guess here everyone knows Bruce lee, Bruce lee says, “Empty your mind, be formless,
shapeless like water”. And if you ever heard about the famous series movies The Matrix,
one of its famous quotes is “free your mind”. Free your mind from what? Free your mind
from all the fears, all the insecurities, all the hates. Empty it from all the unhealthy and
negative thoughts.
For some people, emptying their mind is to be able to talk about everything that is troubling
their mind to somebody they trust. It tends to give them a sense of relief.
Let’s back to our example, emptying the room isn’t enough. if all the curtains and windows
are closed there would be no light in the room, but by opening the curtains the room will be
filled with lights. And just like your mind it cannot stay empty for a long period of time, it
needs to be filled with new positive, healthy, creative, and happy thoughts.

Secondly, be aware of the impact of our and other people’s words

Thirdly, use the technique of suggestive articulation

Finally, The daily practice of silence

Personally, I do this habit in my balcony, and when my flat mate or a friend notice that, he
calls me freak and deep guy.

Following what I said before, you will be able to enjoy a peaceful mind that generates power
for you.

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