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(October 18, 2009 )

This morning is a very special Sunday because we would finally be concluding our wonderful
and challenging Sermon series entitled 'Our Church, God's Home'. And for the past 7 weeks, we have looked into
God's Word and have seen what His intention is for His Church and how we are to therefore live our lives as part
of His Church Family.

Today, we would be looking into the life of the early Church and its humble beginnings and see for
ourselves if these 7 characteristics are evident in them. Later, we also would be looking into the seven Churches
that the apostle John wrote to in the book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Here Jesus Christ Himself rebuked
most of these Churches and commended a few of them because they either lack or excelled in these 7
characteristics of what a Church should be. We would be learning from these Churches so that we could strive to
be the Church God wants ud to be and therefore make our Church a Home for our God.

Text: Acts 2:41-47 - Here we can see the life and begining of the early Church right after the disciples were
baptized with power in the Holy Spirit.

Context: This happened right after Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He left
His disciples with the command to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit, of which they finally recieved in the
upper room on the day of Pentecost. And as people were amazed and wondering what was happening, Peter
boldly stepped forward and gave a powerful testimony that indeed Jesus Christ who was crucified, buried, and
ascended into Heaven, is indeed the Messiah the Jews have been waiting for.

And as they heard this, they were thoroughly convicted and cut in the heart and asked what should they
do (v.37). Peter told them to turn away from their life of sin, turn to God, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus
Christ. And a fter this, the Bible tells us that about 3,000 new Christians were added into the Church!

Let's go through these passages and see them side by side with the seven characteristics of what a Church
should be...

1.) Sanctified Church

v. 43a - a deep sense of awe came over them all...

Acts 5:11 - Right after Ananias and his wife Sapphira sinned against the Lord and died because of this, great fear
gripped the whole Church and all those who heard about this.

Here we can see that because of the great manifestation of God's power and presence, the early Church
was filled with the fear of the Lord and because of this, I believe they were all the more conscious to live in
holiness and with reverent fear. Today, we are to be grateful that God doe not strike us dead whenever we sin and
fail Him. However, we should never take sin lightly nor should continue to live in sin and compromise. God's
grace should all the more motivate us to live in holiness and reverent fear towards Him.

2.) Spiritually United Church

v. 42 - They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles and
v. 44a - And all the believers met together constantly...
v. 46 - They worship together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's supper

Here we can see that there was a sense of belongingness among themselves. They enjoyed being together
as a family in Christ Jesus. There was deep sense of eagerness to be with each other. There is also a deep hunger
for God's Word that was being taught to them by the apostles. Fellowship with one another and corporate
worship was enjoyable and being looked forward to by everyone. This became a normal part of their everyday
way of living.

We need to learn form them. Although we can't meet up with each other everyday due to our personal
daily tasks, but we can look forward to our weekly activities wherein we can be together with one another. We are
to be grateful that aside from our Sunday worship serice, we also have a weekly prayer watch every Tuesday
mornings, midweek fellowships every Wednesday nights, as well as Couple's bonding every other friday. By next
year, I am looking forward to us having cell groups in every home to all the more grow closer with one another.

3.) Serving Church

v. 42b - the apostles were used of God to teach the new believers...
v. 43b - the apostles were used of God to perform signs, miracles, and wonders...

Here we can see that since they were still a young Church, the apostles were the one doing the ministry.
But eventually as they grew numerically and spiritually, they eventually were given the privilege and task of
serving in the ministry.

4.) Symphatizing Church

v. 44-45 ... they shared everything they had, sold their possessions, and helped those in need... they also shared
meals with great joy and sincere hearts...

Here we can see that their love for God and one another is very evident in their actions. They have
learned to truly love and care for one another. They treated each one as family. We too can learn to be like them.
We can help those among us who are in need, care for them and do what we can to help them. One of the things I
enjoy in our Church is when we do share meals and enjoy one another's presence.

5.) Strongly Passionate Church

v. 42 - they were devoted to the apostle's teachings and fellowship with one another...
vs. 46-47 - they constantly met in homes, worshipped and praised God together...

Here we can see that their love for God was surely burning bright. Their zeal to love and serve Him was
so great that worshipping Him became a normal part of their lives. They were sincere in all they do for God and
they treasured God's presence as they seek Him individually and as a corporate body. May we too be like them
and serve God with the same zeal and passion that the early Church had!

6.) Sharply Vigilant Church

v. 42b - they were devoted... in prayer.

Throughout the book of Acts, we can see that the early Church was sincerely prayerful. And I beleive that
what kept them strong in their faith inspite of all the persecutions and hardhips that they faced is their strong
faith and hope in Christ. The apostles faced great opposition from the enemy, but they overcame through the
power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus declared that He will build His Church, and that the gates of Hell shall not
prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)! And we can see this reality in the life of the early Church. They stood strong
by the power of the Holy Spirit, shone brightly in the midst of the darkness, and made a strong impact that is still
felt until this day!

7.) Saving Church

v. 41, 47 - The Lord added daily those who were being saved.
v. 47a - They enjoyed the favor of all people.

Here we can see the dramatic growth that God brought into His Church, and have enjoyed the favor of all
the people. They had a good reputation among people and have been a blessing to everyone. No wonder why
people were just so drawn to the Church as they have sensed the love, acceptance, sincerity, and presence of God
among them. And inspite of severe persecutions, they have spread the gospel all throughout the entire known
>> This time, let's move forward to about 60 years after the birth of the early Church, into the writing of the
apostle John to the seven Churches in Asia minor. We would look at their characteristics of which was either
commended or rebuked by Jesus Christ Himself, the builder and head of His Church.

Characteristics Church & Commendation Church &


> Sanctified Church - Sardis > Some lived holy lives - Pergamum > tolerated sin
- Thyatira >
compromised sin

> Spiritually United Church - Thyatira > some held to God's Truth

> Serving Church - Thyatira > their service to God

> Symphatizing Church - Thyatira > their love

> Strongly Passionate Church - Ephesus > hardwork & perseverance -Ephesus > lost their
first love
- Smyrna > endured sufferings - Sardis > spiritually
- Pergamum > loyal to God - Laodicea >
- Thyatira > faith, service, patient endurance
- Philadelphia > obedience, perseverance

> Sharply Vigilant Church - Ephesus > vigilant & fights for the Truth - Pergamum >
tolerated false
teachings & immorality


We have looked into the life of the early Church and of the 7 Churches and have clearly seen God's
intention for His Church. May we learn from them and imitate their positive characteristics and keep ourselves
from commiting the same mistakes they had. We can truly make WWCF Mandaue as a Home for our God as we
love Him, obey His Word, and cooperate with His Holy Spirit to change us from glory to glory. I am hopeful for
our Church, because I know that as we follow His intentions for us, our Church will experience His power,
presence, and the fulfillment of His promises for us! The best is yet to come as we make our Church as a Home
for God! Amen!

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