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A Guide to Greek Alphabet

Divination (Runes)


As many may already know, Runes are a popular

form of divination in order to communicate with the
gods! However, aside from the popular Norse runes
(elder futhark) that everyone might be aware of, did
you know that there’s also a form of “rune casting
divination” for the Greek alphabet?

First found inscribed in Olympos, a city in ancient

Lycia, the Greek alphabet divination system uses
the 24 letters from the Greek language and assigns
them meanings, and based on what rune you pull,
can give you advice from the gods on your current

There were many Alphabet Oracles in ancient

Greece, and the idea of reading the Greek alphabet
for signs of the gods is one of the oldest divination
methods that we know of.

How do I create my “runes?”

To create your runes, any way of making them

works! Historically, they would be painted onto
pottery shards, but any way you can think of to
have them accessible to throw/draw is completely
okay. I have personally used black stones with gold
paint on them.

You create one piece per letter, and in total there

will be 24. Each letter will be listed and elaborated
on later on in the post!

I’ve made my alphabet set. How do I use


In order to call upon the Theoi to get an answer, you

can firstly call upon them in an invocation. After you
have called upon them or asked your gods to give
you an answer (sometimes no formal structure is
needed) you can reach into a bag which contains
the letters and pull out one at a time and read that,
or you can grab them and throw them and look for
patterns or groups of letters that are clumped


Α - Alpha - “The God Apollo [Apollon] says you
will do everything successfully.” With his luck
and good fortune, the current thing you are
working on will turn out well and you will be the
leader of your situation and have good
transactions with others.

Β - Beta - “With the help of Tyche, you will have

an assistant [Boêthos], who is the Pythian
Apollon.” You might be at a time in your life
where you’re struggling, but this divine-coded
letter tells you that the gods that you worship are
going to help you soon, so the signs you get
might be more prophetic in nature.

Γ - Gamma - “Gaia [Gê] will give you the ripe

fruit of your labors.” It is time for you to take a
break and admire the hard work you have put in.
Gaia will reward you, and you will have
abundance in happiness, emotional fulfillment,
food, or all of the above.

Δ - Delta - “In customs inopportune strength

[Dunamis] is weak.” Timing is everything. Wait for
the right time to act, and do not act to hastily.
Wait for your time, but at the same time, use
your strength for good to make a change in your

Ε - Epsilon - “You desire [Eraô] to see the

offspring of righteous marriages.” You need to
surround yourself with good friendships,
romances, allies, or relationships in general in
order to get the most out of it. Surround yourself
with positive people or situations to bring
yourself up in a righteous way.

Ζ - Zeta - “Flee the very great storm [Zalê], lest

you be hindered in some way.” If you’re already
struggling, know when to pick your battles.
Sometimes flight is better than fight, and only
you know your own limitations.

Η - Eta - “Bright Helios [Hêlios], who watches

everything, watches you.” Helios knows that in
the past you feel like you have been wronged. As
the enforcer of oaths and promises, if you are
honest with yourself and the situation the truth
will come out and you will be aided.

Θ - Theta - “You have the helping Gods [Theoi]

of this path.” If you are taking a plan of action do
not worry! The Gods are guiding your way and
you are in good hands.

Ι - Iota - “There is sweat [’idrôs]; it excels more

than everything.” Within your situation, there is
going to be a lot of work. The gods recommend
you buckle down and work as hard as you can,
and it will not be easy. But it will be worth it.

Κ - Kappa - “To fight with the waves [Kuma] is

difficult; endure, friend.” Now is not the time. You
should wait until the vicious waves die down,
and then take action.

Λ - Lambda - ““The one passing on the left

[Laios] bodes well for everything.” Something
that may seem really bad currently or in the
future is actually going to turn out to be a
blessing in disguise. Pay attention to your

Μ - Mu - “It is necessary to labor [Mokhtheô],

but the change will be admirable.” You might feel
distressed right now and that nothing is going
right. But keep working to change either your
situation or yourself, and the results will be in
your favour.

Ν - Nu - ““The strife-bearing [Neikêphoros] gift

fulfils the oracle.” Something will be given to you
and enter your life. While it might not be obvious
at first, this is the first domino in a line of
changes that will happen in your life and make
prophecy come true.

Ξ - Xi - “There is no fruit to take from a withered

[Xêros] shoot.” Being bitter and angry is not the
way to go about things. Don’t keep trying to pull
water out of a well that is empty, and know when
to let go.

Ο - Omicron - “There are no [Ou] crops to be

reaped that were not sown.” In order to get
things out of the situation, you have to plan
ahead. What goes around comes around.

Π - Pi - “Completing many [Polus] contests, you

will seize the crown.” After many trials, you will
achieve your goal. Persistence will give you your
rewards, and do not be afraid to use your

Ρ - Rho - “You will go on more easily [Rhaion] if

you wait a short time.” You should act, and
quickly. Now is the best time and waiting longer
is not a good idea. The stars are aligned and
while it not be easy, there is no better time than
the present.

Σ - Sigma - “Phoibos Apollon speaks plainly

[Saphôs], ‘Stay, friend.’” The gods want to inform
you to wait for more information before you
make any decisions. In this time, relax, and let
the signs come to you.

Τ - Tau - “You will have a parting from the [Tôn]

companions now around you.” Soon, people in
your life might not stay the way they are. Friends
might leave or enemies might leave. You might
grow apart or distance or travel might force you
away. Be wary of this, and act accordingly.

Υ - Upsilon - “The affair holds a noble

undertaking [Yposkhesis].” The task at hand is
certainly a grand one, but with confidence, you,
the hero of your own story, can pull through. You
must acknowledge your strength, but also
acknowledge the size of the task.

Φ - Phi - “Having done something carelessly

[Phaulos], you will thereafter blame the Gods.”
Something is going wrong, and you may be
trying to blame other things than the cause of the
problem. Don’t resort to pointing fingers. The
Gods will help you if you do not take out your
anger on them or others needlessly.

Χ - Khi - “Succeeding, friend, you will fulfill a

golden [Khruseos] oracle.” Luck is on your side,
and by mere chance, things might fall into place.
The answer is positive, and you might be
pleasantly surprised at all the riches that the
world gives you in addition to your solution.

Ψ - Psi - “You have this righteous judgment

[Psêphos] from the Gods.” Truth will be brought
forwards, so be careful in your actions. The Gods
are watching, and they will be fair, honest, and
unforgiving to those who deserve it. This
includes those who might be harming you, as

Ω - Omega - “You will have a difficult [Ômos]

harvest season, not a useful one.” The times will
be rough, and you will not get what you wish for
at the end. You also might be forced to make
tough decisions that you are not ready to make.

And those are the letters! Happy letter-


#reblogs #witchcraft #witchblr #wicca #pagan

#witch #Hellenic polytheism #Divination #hellenism
#greek polytheism #greek gods #asklepiad apollon
#source: asklepiad apollon #23rd #December #2019
#December 23rd 2019
8,260 notes Dec 23rd, 2019 "#$


#witchcraft #witchblr #wicca #pagan

#reblogs #witch #Hellenic polytheism

#Divination #hellenism #greek polytheism

#greek gods #asklepiad apollon

#source: asklepiad apollon #23rd



also there’s gonna be some changes going on with

this blog in terms of like, appearances and things - i’ll
keep y’all updated!

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#wiccablr #paganblr #paganism #pagan #2nd #July
#2021 #July 2nd 2021

1 note "#$


I have been gone for what feels like forever but I am

gonna open up my asks again!

Send me any witchy questions you may have!

Also Hi, I missed y'all <3

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#wiccablr #paganblr #paganism #pagan #2nd #July
#2021 #July 2nd 2021


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