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Andreea Popa

BA Fashion marketing & communication, Level 6, 2019-2022

Module title: 6FAMN010C Business Modelling and Management

Subject Coursework: CWK1

Teachers: Enric Bayó, Mapi Dufol, Edoardo Fano

Business Modelling and Management





- The Consumer: user persona

- Customer Journey


- Competitive Analysis

- Business Model


- Value Added

- Trademark & Exploitation




Although the business world of today faces turbulent and un-
predictable events, the possibility of generating new ideas and
innovative solutions to solve identified consumer challenges is
still present. Understanding and innovating around the 16 me-
ga-trends that define the future of business and consumerism is
an important step in anticipating customer expectations for any
new business. (, 2021)

Regardless of the industry, the consumer is the most important

part of any business. Not only do consumers generate the sales,
but they are the people who are most involved in the business
itself. For this precise reason, any business owner should first
and foremost pay attention to the consumer needs. With time,
however, these needs change inevitably. Ulterior to the events of
2020, human needs were heightened by the pandemic and other
tragic worldwide events, therefore “The New Consumer” was
born. Trend Watching analyses 7 basic human needs when it
comes to consuming goods and foresees that the “New” con-
sumer is more acutely aware of health & wellbeing, prioritizes
trust and fairness of brands, convenience and entertainment of
the services provided by the brand/ business and strives to have
peace of mind.

As the world has entered and is still struggling to get out of

a global pandemic, many peoples attention has turned to the
sustainability behind their actions. As declared by the United
Nation, the goals in terms of sustainable development include:
good health and well-being, quality education, decent work and
economic growth, reduced inequalities and many more. (UNDP,

In order to understand the consumer, a qualitative research was conducted via Google Forms, targeting
young Romanian adults aged 16 – 25 and older, asking questions in regards to their interest in fashion studies
as well as their response to how they see the idea of an online course that facilitates their choice of university.

By studying the market closely, through insight gathered from the observed (analysis of survey)
as well as personal experience, one can deduct that there are no current online courses specifical-
ly created for young women who want to study fashion in Romania. However, one can identify
the same opportunity manifested in different form and business models.

In an objective view, one can state that the competitors in this case should be the following:

- Student counsellor services (private or grouped) offered by different Romanian

companies and NGOs

- International courses shared/ sold by Fashion Universities such as LCF, Conde

Nast College, Parsons, IED, etc. Fashion Courses

- Alumni and persons that publicly show the knowledge required by target
For the positioning chart below, only the most accute competitors were used for the analysis. In Romania,
“student counseling” is still not considered a technical, jurdical or economical term, neither does the coun-
try present an official employment statement for this work (C.O.R. Clasificarea Ocupatiilor din Romania).
Despite this, there is a huge demand from young adults for counseling and academic help in such a large sea
of university choices. Therefore, in the last 20 years many NGOs and companies were established to solve this
need. Apart from them, another competitor would be the student fairs organized nationally, which all con-
tract with universities abroad that want to promote their services.

Listed below, one can see five such examples, of which two, Integraledu and IUF Romania, are positioned
highest in comparison to the others, in regards to pricing and recognizability.

In regards to pricing, there are

some competitors who offer free
services, coming from longterm
partnerships and limiting the
university and degree choices.
( However,
this kind of companies offer a paid
service as well, indeed more in
depth and orientated towards top
students (which fits the budget
the student should have if (s)he
requires to study at a top universi-
ty abroad.

Upon analysing the results of the survey (see Annex),

three different target groups were identified. These
target groups were identified first and foremost by age,
by their interest in fashion and also by their desire in TARGET GROUPS
regards to taking the online course. From these target
groups, three user personas were deducted: the „Re-
searcher”, the „Community Seeker” and the „Business • High-school students (16-19) who had contact
Owner”. By analysing the user’s background, goals, with/ worked in the fashion industry ever since she
motivations as well as their needs and frustrations one was young, learning about the industry through her
can come to a comprehensive conclusion on who the family/ friends and wants help in the admission pro-
user is and ulteriorly, what is their desire. The charts cess and insight on the course structure and content
below are meant to analyse multiple factors: social,
personal and psychological. By taking a look at their • High school students (16-19) who learned
social status, age (life stage), personality, lifestyle and about their interest in fashion via the internet (follow-
beliefs one is able to identify a pattern of behaviour ing the events shown in the accessible media, world-
and use this knowledge to create a well-established wide fashion shows and events), wants to understand
customer journey. how to successfully acquire a fashion degree and meet
people who share the same interest

• Adults (20-25) who are interested in studying

fashion as a second university degree or particularly in
order to learn the base knowledge to build his/her own
It is important to understand what are the exact needs and pain points of the user persona before starting to
think of how they will perform during the customer journey. In this case, the “Researcher” primarily seeks
to convince her parents to finance her studies by giving them real reasons as to why she is choosing to study
fashion. Apart from that, presenting a complex personality and overthinking tendencies, in her quest to
gather more knowledge to support her university choice, she needs to be assured that her questions are not
wrong, but valid and valuable. This is precisely why during the customer journey, the initial contact channels
are chosen specifically to suit her needs. In other words, whether she finds about the opportunity via any of
the social media platforms specified (Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube) she will be contacted by email and finally
added to the closed Facebook group where she can become member of the community.

The onion chart model is helpful in unraveling

relevant hidden information regarding the user
persona. After thoroughly analysing the motivation
and needs of the consumer through the survey and
private interviews, one can deduct the innate fan-
tasies, wishes, explicit and latent needs and expe-
riences of the user. Important insights are useful in
resolving the challenge succesfully and innovating
in the solution.


The Business Model canvas is a significant tool for entrepreneurs and innovators since it allows the discovery
of one’s business’ USP as well as important aspects that help improve the communication to clients.

In the chart below, the answers to topic questions “What”, “How”, “Who” and “Why” have been given. The
USP of the business proposal, as well as its model, has also been acknowledged. The next important deduc-
tion one can make with the help of these findings is whether the business is indeed feasible, desirable and
viable, and which of these three characteristics does it represent the most.

After exploring Bain’s Elements of Value, it can be stated that “WANT TO STUDY FASHION” is a valuable
company since it provides its consumers with the following values:

“VREI SĂ STUDIEZI MODA” translated as
cided as the company name because of how
easy it is to assosciate it with the provided
service. Although it is a descriptive trade-
mark, considered a weak Trademark Tax-
onomy, it works very well in terms of SEO
and generates much online engagement in
Romania. Even the fact that it is a questions
stands for the purpose of the service provid-
ed, which is to answer to the user’s doubts
and uncertaintains in regards to studying at
a fashion university.

The figurative trademark registered is the same

as the one used in logo “VREI SĂ STUDIEZI
MODA”, encompassing the company’s main
attribution to society, a simple objective serving
a great purpose. The company is only protected
in Romania, together with its corresponding
Design, Patent and Copyright.


In order to increase company awareness and grow deeper
interest in the online course, a collaboration with IED Bar-
celona is proposed. IED is a European renowned design
school that aims to grow its student base as well as create a
powerful impact on the world: “All people deserve to live in
a well-designed world.”

The proposal is to create a dedicated module in the course

where instead of the course leader, a IED representative
gives intel on how it is to work in fashion as a career, pro-
mote the schools’ facilities and opportunities as well as
participate in a direct online Q&A with the coursants.
Giovanni Ottonello, Art Director IED
This will require drafting a license agreement, since the IED
(the licensor) module will be kept on for the entire study
process of the first group of participants and the course (the For the special module, the applied theory
licensee) will generate a considerable return on investment. and more will be taught by Giovanni Otton-
ello, Art Director at IED, who has previously
given workshops in Romania at fairs like
“V for Vintage” and participated at national
fashion events such as Feeric Fashion Week.
As he admires the Romania and its people
very much, he would be more than welcome
to star as a guest host of the online course.

In conclusion, this co-branding proposal

would be useful for both the online course
and IED because each of these companies
have to gain capital and more educated and
involved students/ coursants.


In conclusion, the integrated online course “WANT TO STUDY FASHION” represents a desirable service
in the sense that it tackles the challenge that many young Romanian women are facing nowadays, within a
market where there are no such propositions.

The business model tackles the mega trends, briefly described in the Overview, “Helpfull” and “Joyning”, as
well as the consumer needs of Trust, Fairness and Connection (, 2021).

Indeed, the concept of the company includes a well established paid online course, specifically tailored for the
target groups identified in the Opportunity, while also offering free, open and thoughtfully planned online
communication on various social media platforms. This undeniably will create strong customer relationships
and offer quality and unique information, via a welcoming design layout, at a reasonable price.

The KPIs (see Annex), primarily number of customers and social media interactions, will help deduct the
success of the first launch of the course, and make space for improvement in future developments.

It can be observed that “WANT TO STUDY FASHION” is a feasible company because of its key partners, ac-
tivities and resources. All of these elements benefit both the quality and accuracy of the content of the course
and the customer satisfaction alltogether.

As mentioned in the Business Model Canvas, key partners of the company are alumni of Fashion Commu-
nication studies at a renowned university; these partners are people who heard about the project in its initial
stage and wanted to help with insight and creative thinking. Apart from them, in regards to a brand extension
strategy, another key partner would be IED Barcelona as well as Giovanni Ottonello, but since this only rep-
resents an extension of the online course, they were not mentioned in the chart.

The proposed business model aims to encourage the Sustainable Development Goal of “Quality Education”
(see Overview) through open and inspiring online communication in regards to education and its impor-
tance in young womens’ lives.

2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10
December 2021].
2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
BV, T., 2021. TrendWatching | Home. [online] Available at: <https://info.trend-> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
FutureLearn. 2021. Study Fashion Online - Free Fashion Courses from Top Brands & Universities - Future-
Learn. [online] Available at: <
ion> [Accessed 10 December 2021]. 2021. Trademark registration in Romania – IP Guide – IP Coster. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
IUF Romania. 2021. Despre - IUF Romania. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed
10 December 2021]. 2021. Elements of Value interactive graphic - Bain & Company Insights. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
UNDP. 2021. Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations Development Programme. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
Web, M., 2021. inarts | International Education Events. [online] Available at: <https://www.> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
WisdmLabs. 2021. Online Course Marketplaces and Their Business Models. [online] Available at: <https://> [Accessed 10 December 2021].

This survey was conducted in order to analyse how many people are truly interested in studying
at a fashion university. Whether you are studying in your senior year of high school or you had
already finished a degree, if you are a creative person and wish to work in the fashion industry,
please take a moment to respond to the following questions! J

What’s your age group?

• 16-19
• 20-25
• 25+

How did you realize you are interested in fashion?

• Ever since I was young/ I was influeced by my family
• By following what happens in the fashion world via the internet
• By meeting people who work in the fashion industry
• Other...

What are your expectations in regards to studying at a fashion school?

• To learn how to transform my ideas into practice
• To meet new people who share the same interests as me
• To participate in events such as fashion shows or product launches
• To help me obtain an internship/ a job in the fashion industry
• Other...

How do you see yourself at the end of fashion studies?

• „I built longterm relationships, I have gained experience or expertize in relevant
practices and now I am looking to find a job in the fashion industry”
• „I participated in all relevant events promoted at my university, I created longterm
connections with people working in different areas of the fashion industry”
• „I gathered a lot of useful insight to help me build my own business and launch my
own brand”
• „I took advantage of the cultural diversity of the city I am studying in and created
great projects that I can now use in my resume”
• Other...

*The responses are quoted because they reffer to hypothetical situations in the future, upon
completing the online course

Do you think an introductory online course teaching what it means to study at a fashion
school would be helpful for you?
• Yes
• No

What kind of expectations would you have from this course?

- Key Performance Indicators measuring the progress of the strategy –

• Boost credibility of brand ethical values and engage

consumer in “the change”, through actions and events

- Media Coverage Sentiment

- Media Outreach
- Earned Traffic
- Social Shares of related social media
- Media articles Share of Voice
- Advertising Value Equivalent

• Establish new operational practices, optimizing

processes and efficiency

- Quick Ratio after implementation

- Operating Profit Margin
- Net Profit Margin
- Consumer Satisfaction (through post-order
review buttons)
- Employees Satisfaction
- Space Utilization and Storage
- Carbon Footprint
- Energy Consumption
- Saving Levels
- Water Footprint
- Waste Reduction Rate

• Improve customer online journey and increase sales

through website

- Conversion Rate
- Qualified Leads
- Time spent on the website
- Average Order Value
- Customer Satisfaction
- Awareness Level of improvements
- Revenue Growth

• Display actionable results of ethical values and actions

- Top of Mind Awareness regarding

- Functional Associations (traits if the
consumer associates the brand with realistic positive
aspects such as company ethics)
- Emotive Associations
- Brand Consideration for the sustainable aware
- Brand Preference
- Net Trust Score
- Sentiment
- Social Mentions
- Share of Voice
- Media articles Share of Voice
- Media Coverage Sentiment
- Media Outreach

• Integration of consumer mega-trends inside the

communication strategy, with focus on the owned retail

- Number of Customers Retained

- Percentage of Market Share
- Revenue Growth
- Brand Awareness
- Increase in positive Earned and
Shared content and mentions
- Sentiment
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Engagement Rate
- Average Time Spent
- Average Shopping Monetary Value

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