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Lack of funding

Corona relief tiger force (NGO) does not aim at completing only one project but it faces COVID-19
different variants. Once Pakistan passed through a particular variant wave of COVID successfully and on
other side new variant cases appears in country. That's why, tiger force need consistent policy to face
COVID-19. NGO want to stay in touch with their beneficiaries and see to it that there is continuous
progress. In addition, non-governmental organizations should also be able to help more individuals and
communities depending on their needs. To do this, NGOs need to receive consistent funding. Although
partner organizations and supporters want to consistently support the cause of the NGO, they may find
greater potential in other organizations and decide to fund others instead. Lack of adequate funding not
only makes it difficult to complete projects, but also puts NGOs at risk as there are many operational

Solution: Although tiger force currently has many partners funding their projects, this is not a
requirement to be kind in the search for new opportunities. When you are looking for extra money you
will benefit in the long run, it is definitely not enough. The ultimate goal is always to get funding, and not
get caught by grant agencies. The secret to getting various grants is very simple. Second Thought To
avoid partner companies, make well-designed proposals. Invest in the necessary training if necessary,
because it brings a lot of good opportunities.

2. No strategic plan

A lot of times, very bright thoughts take place but it can cause confusion and distract you from the initial
goal. Even when very good ideas come up, sometimes, they do not always meet the set goals.

Solution: Some companies may already be experienced and their employees may be familiar at all times
about their activities, coaching and training and may still be assisting. In each situation, employees and
volunteers will inevitably pick something up and run it for the further development of the organization.

3. Lack of networking

One vision is for Tiger force to work with other NGOs together to achieve their goals more effectively.
However, some NGOs see it as competitive. For some reason, there are NGOs who believe that being
close to other NGOs or non-profit organizations gives them more competition when it comes to applying
for grants.

Solution: Look at an NGO with the mentality that competition is unhealthy. If other NGOs approve
grants, of course, it should be seen as a partner and an opportunity to learn from them. Using
technology can also help create networks in your space. The Internet keeps us updated on events we
can attend and contacts us with other NGOs and non-profit organizations.

4. Lack of maintenance

Lack of infrastructure is very common problem in Tiger force. Therefore, many NGOs have decided to
address this issue by creating communities that benefit many individuals. In the beginning, the results
are obvious and people live better lives. But it is important to remember that not all societies are
capable of maintaining the same lifestyle as they had. Without proper maintenance, the purpose of their
living standards is temporary. In addition, many projects that do not have permanent results also affect
your NGO's ability to receive funding.

Solution: it is advisable to ensure that there are adequate resources and manpower to continue the
current project and start anew. It is better to have a lasting impact with lasting results than to complete
only a few projects successfully. In the end, the process is slower but definitely more effective than
giving more than your capacity.

Donation Drive

Organizing a donation drive is a great way. Invite friends and fellow community members to donate
items such as vaccine, masks etc. needed by the organization - sky is the limit! This is a great opportunity
for friends and family to pitch and support you for an important cause. Be creative - blood drives of herd
immunity people are also donation drives, and every NGO can use some help.

Influencer marketing

It is one of the most innovative marketing methods. The allocation of major brands uses this type of
marketing to engage large and new audiences; The random person / influencer from every religion and
nation with followers on Social media is becoming an ambassador for tiger force, he's wearing masks,
posting pictures of it on Instagram, and posting a comment to create alertness and says people to follow
SOPs. This type of marketing is most effective because the content is exposed to the target audience by
the target person, depending on the assignment of individuals within the specific industry (or multiple
industries), the affected person's relationship with the target audience is already there to trust him / her
to trust and care about the NGO's perspective Up to the organization to provide support.

Network marketing

Having a network as an NGO is very important, it opens up new opportunities and insights for the
organization. Through networking; Partnerships, sponsorships, funding, etc. can support the
organization and its policy. This is a great opportunity to give a small pitch when the event is public and
better on stage, which makes the organization even better and the organization knows my network for
any vision and mission. As Will Rogers says: "You can never get a second change to make a first

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