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-These are NOT the daily missions. Rookie missions are under the green button and have
been moved left on the menu, dailies are under the center button.
-Although missions from 2 on also feature sub-missions, you can clear the main mission
(usually asking you to clear a story island) and go on to the next pack. You can clear the
minor ones later.
-Rewards for each mission are in the brackets.
-As usual, when you’re asked to complete FNs you can choose any difficulty you see fit
(except when specified).
-Remember that if you don't clear all missions in a run and forget what are missing you can
just open the Rookie mission overview, then click on any non-cleared quest and then in the
bottom-right orange button, which will take you to the adventure(s) you need to clear. If
you're taken to the Edit crew menu you’ve selected a mission that prompts you to clear a
quest with the Going Merry. Just change your ship and do what the quest asks you to.


1. Clear Alvida's Hideout ch.3 (1x gem)

2. Clear Shells Town ch.9 (1x gem)

2.1 Go on an adventure with 6 crewmates (1x gem)
2.2 Power up chars 3 times (500000 beli)
2.3 Evolve Monkey D. Luffy Gum Gum Pistol (1x gem)
2.4 Clear Chopperman's Special Island no.1 (1x gem)

3. Clear Orange Town ch.13 (FN Kidd)

3.1 Power up chars 3 times (FN Carrot)
3.2 Evolve 1 char (FN Law)
3.3 Clear 1 Evolver island (100000 beli)
3.4 Clear Chopperman Special Island no.2 (FN Reiju)

4. Clear Shiropp village ch.13 (FN Koala)

4.1 Power up chars 5 times (FN Apoo)
4.2 Evolve 3 chars (FN Hawkins)
4.3 Clear Alvida Romance FN 1x (Fat Alvida)
4.4 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.3 (set of Princess turtles)

5. Clear Baratie ch.15 (30 Cola)

5.1 Board on the Merry and clear an adventure! (FN Kaku)
5.2 Clear Kuro’s Masterplan FN 1x (guess who? FN Kuro)
5.3 Clear Ace’s Training Ground beginner FN 1x (FN Ace)
5.4 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.4 (set of Princess turtles)

6. Clear Arlong Park ch.15 (1x gem)

6.1 Clear an adventure with lv 3 or higher Merry (FN Paulie)
6.2 Clear 3 adventures on Extra Island (FN Fukaboshi)
6.3 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.5 (set of Princess turtles)

7. Clear Logue Town ch.12 (FN Shirahoshi)

7.1 Clear Arlong’s Empire FN once (unevolved Arlong)
7.2 Make 30 characters your allies (FN Mansherry, or rephrased: drop 30 chars)
7.3 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.6 (set of Princess turtles + 75.000 EXP from
island [506.250 with Double Neptune and 4th anni ship])

8. Clear Twin Peaks ch.10 (150 cola)

8.1 Make 30 chars your allies (FN Leo, see above)
8.2 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.7 (set of Princess turtles + 25.000 EXP from
island [168.750 with double Neptune and 4th anni ship])

9. Clear Whiskey Peak ch.15 (150 cola)

9.1 Clear an adventure with Lv 6 or higher Merry (FN Crocodile)
9.2 Make 30 chars your allies (FN Marguerite)
9.3 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.8 (set of Princess turtles + 50.000 EXP from
island [337.500])

10. Clear Little Garden ch.15 (FN Sugar)

10.1 Clear an adventure with lv 10 Merry (FN Wanda)
10.2 Clear 5 Extra Island adventures (FN T-Bone)
10.3 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.9 (set of Princess turtles + 50.000 EXP from
island [337.500])

11. Clear Drum Kingdom ch.15 (FN Perona)

11.1 Clear 10 adventures on Extra Island (FN Wicca)
11.2 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.10 (set of Princess turtles + 50.000 EXP from
island [337.500])

12. Clear Nanohana ch.15 (FN Kin’emon)

12.1 Clear Alvida Romance FN once at EXPERT difficulty (10x Slim Alvida skillbooks)
12.2 Clear Kuro’s Masterplan FN once at EXPERT difficulty (10x Golden Pound skillbooks)
12.3 Obtain 1 skill lvl up on any character (1x guaranteed Almighty manual for 4* chars)
12.4 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.11 (set of Princess turtles + 50.000 EXP from

13. Clear Alubarna ch.15 (1x gem)

13.1 Clear 10 adventures on Extra Island (FN Mr. Soldier)
12.2 Obtain 3 skill lvl ups on any character (1x guaranteed Almighty manual for 5* chars)
12.3 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.12 (set of Princess turtles)

14.1 Clear Clash! Mihawk (1x unevolved Mihawk + 1x red Luffy skull)
14.2 Clear Clash! Rampage Chopper (1x unevolved Monster Chopper)
14.3 Clear Clash! Garp (1x unevolved Garp)
14.4 Clear Clash! Doflamingo (1x unevolved Mingo)
14.5 Clear Hawk Training Forest (1x gem)
14.6 Clear Chopperman’s Special Island no.113 (set of Princess turtles)
14.7 Clear all Rookie missions! (5x gems)

A personal piece of advice, although I don’t think it’s that needed. If you clear all main
quests first and unlock all the secondary ones, you’ll be able to complete most of the latter at
once while casually playing (esp. those requiring you to clear a set number of quests on
Extra Island).

Clear 1 adventure! (1x elder turtle)
Clear 3 adventures! (1 gem)
*Clear and adventure with... (2x generic socket tomes)

NOTE: last quest changes every day:

MON - Clear with a party of STR-only chars
TUE - Clear with a party of DEX-only chars
WED - Clear with a party of QCK-only chars
THU - Clear with a party of PSY-only chars
FRI - Clear with a party of INT-only chars
SAT - Clear with a party that only includes Free Spirit, Driven, Cerebral and Powerhouse
SUN - Clear with a party that only includes Fighter, Slasher, Shooter and Striker chars

Last 2 days’ quests work like 6* Franky captain ability: all chars must include at least one of
the mentioned types, so you’re also good to go with a full- (Driven, FS etc.) party.

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