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Despite the preferences of Jade Lim’s peers, she went to have a jab of Sinovac-

CoronaVac vaccine costing her to pay 10 to 25 dollars. What has had driven her to
choose might also be the same case to other countries.

Other than Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Hongkong also allowed the use
of Sinovac. Other than vaccine hesitancy, the driven stigma put a pause on the
dissemination of the sinovac jabs—plus the limited date published by the Chinese
Government of the said vaccine. It says that the Sinovac vaccine is an inactivated virus
technology that triggers the immune response of the body through the injected dead
particles of the coronavirus. While other vaccines are mRNA based (messenger
ribonucleic acid. In Science 10 class, mRNA simply directs cells to produce a copies of
protein on the outside of coronovirus known as “spike protein”, (Medlineplus, n.d.).

On the story of vaccine preference, the Hongkongers who is experiencing two

pandemics at a time—social movement revolution anguished by the oppression of
Chinese Government and the coronavirus—have obviously choosing vaccines that are
not from the Mainland China—even every Filipinos at the very start of vaccine roll out
but many, like doctors, take it as vaccine works regardless of which country made it—a
very obvious reason why people do not need to queue up overnight as mentioned by
CNA correspondent Wei Du. She pointed out three reasons: (1) general distrust of
mainland China, which led to number (2) boycotting anything from the Mainland, and (3)
people aware other vaccines works better than the Sinovac. Despite of these, there are
still few people who chose Sinovac said David Lam who administers Sinovac vaccines.
He said that the efficacy of preventing hospitalization and preventing death is similar to
other vaccines. These narrative is also the same here in our country—the Philippines.
Vaccines save lives regardless of what and who produced it as it was thoroughly
studied, tested, and reviewed by different agencies like Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and World Health Organization (WHO).

Despite the claim that all vaccines work, the data of Thailand, Malaysia, and, especially,
Indonesia proves the opposite. Indonesia reported that in June, more than 350 medical
workers who had Sinovac vaccine had contracted COVID-19 . Dozens had symptoms
that required hospitalization. Dicky Budiman, an epidemiologists, believes that Sinovac
offers a decrease efficacy after six months of being inoculated. But scientist reiterated
that there are alternatives that can be made by mixing CoViD-19 vaccines or giving
booster jab. As of these time that I am writing this paper, the Department of Health of
The Philippines approved the provision of booster jabs to fully vaccinated individuals.
But, again, like the first roll out of vaccines, there are the priority groups: Health care
workers (A1) and Senior Citizens (A2). While the vaccine differs from efficacy, it is, still,
works. But inevitably speaking, persons with comorbidities are identified as more high
risk of sever CoViD-19.

Whether it is Sinovac or Pfizer, it is still a vaccine against CoViD-19. All of these

vaccines gone through a rigorous process. Also, I would finally be vaccinated tomorrow
afternoon at MMSU Batac—and the same as Jade Lim, I will get the vaccine, whatever
brand it may be, because it is available and vaccine works.

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