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Hot: more sweat is produced so that

evaporation of more sweat removes more
heat from the skin and cools the body.
Cold: less sweat produced so that
evaporation of less sweat removes less
heat from the skin.
Blood flow through capillary loops
Hot: vasodilation increases blood flow through
surface capillaries so that more heat is
radiated from the skin.
Hairs in skin
Hot: hairs lies down flat because of relaxed muscles,
trapping less air next to the skin.
Cold: hairs are pulled straight up by muscles, trapping
a layer of insulating air next to the skin.
Hot: no shivering occurs.
Cold: shivering occurs and respiration in muscles
generates heat.
Hot: metabolism slows down in organs
such as the liver, reducing heat production.
metabolism speeds up in organs such
as the liver, generating heat.
2. The average body temperature of birds is slightly higher than that of mammals because
they have a higher metabolic rate, needed for flight.
b. No there isn’t, For example the temperature of the camel and of the polar bear is the
same, despite their
different habitats.
c. The fur traps air, providing insulation and the color acts as camouflage so they are not
so easily
seen by their preys.

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