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Many animals live in small or large groups. As you know, people are animals too.

Some people live alone,

others live as part of a family, and there are tribes of people numbering tens or hundreds that have lived
together in the past and currently live together today.
All animals practice social behaviors as well. Social behaviors are interactions between members of the
same or different species. For example, you may be part of a sport’s team, work with classmates, place an
order with a server at a restaurant, and have conversations with family and friends. All are examples of social

pack. Of course, there are some animals that live a solitary life which is the opposite of living in a group.
Animals such as the polar bear and most amphibians and reptiles spend their time alone.

with the environment together. On the other hand, sometimes living in groups can have a few disadvantages
as well. You may live with a brother or sister, but sometimes you argue, that would be a disadvantage, but
with most people, and other animals that live together, there are many more advantages than disadvantages.

that do live a solitary life sometimes interact with their own and other species. It would be impossible for
any animal to live alone and survive. Some of the advantages of living in a group are the same advantages
that solitary animals experience when they must interact with others.

It is not necessary for every animal in the group to obtain

food because whatever food is obtained can be shared
with the group.


The defense against predators and other enemies

becomes a responsibility shared by the group. Parts of
the group may warn others when danger is near.


The environment of animals often changes, and a group

of animals can deal with changes better than a solitary

Coping with

Social interaction, having help to raise the young, moving

high availability of mates are all additional advantages of

group living.

be able to recognize some of the above advantages for you too. For example, your parents help you obtain
food, it is often safer to walk with your friends when going places instead of alone, and if there are changes
in your life, it may be helpful to talk to your parents or friends who give you support.
In addition, you likely enjoy the social interaction with your friends and family members and may help with
a baby brother or sister. Finally, as with all animals, both those living in groups and alone, interaction with
others is necessary for an increased rate of reproduction.
Of course, there are also some disadvantages to living in a group too.

disadvantages include competition for resources, higher risk of sickness, increased likelihood of being spotted
by predators, and competition for mates.

Resources such as food, water, shelter, and space are

share these resources and sometimes there may not

Resource be enough for the entire group.

Animals living in groups are physically close to one

easily spread from animal to animal.

Risk of

Predation is the preying of one animal on others which

can occur when animals travel in groups. It is more


for Mates

as there are many advantages to human group behavior, there are also some disadvantages. For example,
during natural disasters, some people try to take advantage of others either by charging high prices for basic
needs or by stealing personal items from homes.
Of course, there have also been many wars fought by humans for a wide variety of reasons. In addition,
sometimes people are simply not nice to others.
There will always be animals that live together and some that mostly live solitary lives; however, whether the

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