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With easy and
delicious recipes and
cooking tips

2 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Chapter 1: What’s all this about a Plant Based Diet?
Are There Benefits to Going Vegan?
The Do’s And Don’ts of a Vegan Diet
Chapter 2: Getting Into the Swing of a Plant Based Diet
The Importance of a Proper Mindset
Try My 4 Week Meal Plan
Meal Prepping Tips
Now For the Detailed Recipes!
BONUS: Living Your Best Possible Life
Get Some Workout In With HIIT Exercises!

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 3

4 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Bonjour! I’m Anais Zanotti and I thank you for deciding to give my Plant
Based Nutrition Book a try. I’m excited that you are taking interest in it,
because health and fitness has always been a passion of mine.
Just like you, I’ve always wanted the great body with the lean muscles
and good physique, but I realized that the answer to it lies in my diet.
Your health and wellness ultimately depends on the kind of food that
you eat and the affect that these foods have on the body. This is the
basis for so many diets out there.
Yet for all these diets, many people find themselves back where they
began with no progress made. Fad diets are becoming more unreliable,
lacking any long term sustainability. This is why I want to show you a less
convoluted approach.
If you are not already on a plant based diet, then I’d like to congratulate
you for taking your first step. I would like to share my experience with
you, and in this book I intend to do exactly that. I also want to show you
all the benefits that you stand to gain just like I did, with a plan that is
sure to be successful if all you do is stay 100% committed and dedicated.
So are you ready to give it a try?
Read on to find out all that there is to know about this diet that has the
potential to change the rest of your life for the better, just like it did mine!

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 5

What’s all this about a
Plant Based Diet?
While it is human nature to eat from both plants and animals, it is not
unheard off to live a wholesome and comfortable life off of a plant based
diet alone.
A lot of animal food products have been linked to increased risks of
developing diseases that are ultimately life threatening. Red meat for
instance has been linked to a higher risk of death from up to 8 life
threatening diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.
Processed meats are even worse, with studies linking them to some of
the same, if not more, diseases.
Simply put, your health is one of your most important priorities. As such,
reducing the risk of danger to it by adjusting your diet is definitely a step
in the right direction.
Plant based diets (Vegan diets as they’re more popularly known) have
been linked to significantly reduced risks of disease development, as one
study published in the Public Library of Science found back in 2016. It is
just one of many more that over the years have successfully proven that
plant-based diets are associated with reduced risks of diseases such as
obesity, diabetes and many more.
So if you are looking to live a longer and decidedly healthier life, then a
plant based diet is what you need.

6 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Are There Benefits to Going Vegan?

Before I got started on my own plant based diet, I ate all sorts of things,
and my body paid for it. I had weak nails and even weaker hair. I was a
pescatarian so yes, I ate no dairy, and focused heavily on fish and eggs.
I would work out but never last long because of how quickly I got tired.
But it all changed when I switched to a plant based diet. My hair and
nails are now stronger than they have ever been and I sometimes still
can’t believe how much energy I have. These are just the benefits that I
experienced, but there are so many more.

It is great for your heart

Stroke, heart attacks and heart disease are among the most life
threatening conditions for a large portion of the global population.
Incidentally, animal product consumption increases the risk of them
developing. This is because a lot of them often tend to contain saturated
fats that can accumulate within blood vessels of the heart, constricting
them. The labored passage of blood through the heart can cause heart
attacks which are life threatening.
Plant based diets contain far fewer dangerous fats, or none at all which
makes clogging up your blood vessels nearly impossible.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 7

It improves already existing medical conditions

There are countless studies describing people managing various diseases

better on a vegan diet. If you want to know someone who attests to this,
then look no further than me for proof. I have lived with hypothyroid
issues since I was 15 years old. To manage it, I had been on 175mg of
Levothyroxin medication for 10 years. Fast forward to today, and I’m
living a vegan lifestyle. My medication has dropped to 125mg.
I’ve never seen that before and my health has never been better!

You can better manage your weight

Are you overweight and struggling to lose some extra pounds? Perhaps
you are dealing with issues of obesity. Well the answer to your weight
management problems can be
found in a plant based diet after
all. A lot of plant based foods
are rich in fiber, which make you
feel full for longer periods at a
time after consumption. This is a
great way to curb your appetite,
preventing over eating and
unnecessary snacking which
is one of the leading causes of
weight gain. A lot of plant based
foods also contain a lot of water
which can also assist in helping
you feel sated, preventing
overeating as well.

8 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips
Keeps your blood pressure in check

Remember when I talked about bad fats that clog your blood vessels?
General constriction causes your blood pressure to go up, because
your body is struggling to maintain the same supply of blood through a
now much thinner blood vessel. This leads to problems with high blood
pressure such as hypertension which can cause heart attacks or strokes.
Plant based diets keep your blood vessels unclogged in a number of
ways. For one thing they don’t contain any bad fats that could clog the
vessels themselves. For another, a lot of plants have anti-inflammatory
properties, which opens up blood vessels that are swollen or inflamed
and therefore constricted. This keeps your blood pressure normally
regulated by extension. If you have high blood pressure problems,
consider giving a plant based diet a try.

It is great for the skin

A lot of plant based foods are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins
that are capable of fighting off free radicals that cause your skin to age.
Allow us to better explain.
Within the cells of your body, the Mitochondria manufacture the energy
that every cell needs to survive. This process also creates free radicals,
which tend to do damage to a lot of mitochondria, leading to the
deterioration of the cell as a result.
On the skin, this deterioration is usually most visible in wrinkles, worry
lines and saggy dull skin. This is what makes your skin age and makes you
appear older, sometimes more than you actually are. Plant based foods
such as dark leafy greens contain the antioxidants needed to dispose of
free radicals to prevent this damage, and also stimulate the creation of
new and healthier cells that are much stronger. The result is stunning
skin that looks both beautiful and young!

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 9

Your vision becomes clearer

There is no specific study that points to a plant based diet directly

improving vision. However, the foods that you eat on a plant based diet
contain a lot of nutrients that have been linked with improved eyesight
such as fruits, green leafy vegetables, berries and nuts.
A lot of people on a plant based diet with bad eyesight have reported
notable improvements in their overall vision, some even ending up
abandoning traditional medications and corrective tools such as glasses
and contacts completely!

Reduced risk of diabetes

One of the causes of diabetes is a combination of high sugar (glucose)

levels in the blood, accompanied by increased insulin resistance which
makes it harder for the body to convert the excess sugar to fat. It is safe
to say that foods that cause a spike in your blood sugar levels constantly
put you at risk of developing diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes in this
This is why a lot of plant based foods are amazing because many of
them have low glycemic indices, meaning that they don’t cause a spike
in blood sugar levels as you eat them. This significantly reduces the risk
of developing diabetes, but that’s not all. For people with diabetes, plant
based foods are often a healthy alternative that prevents unwanted
blood sugar spikes that can be dangerous to them.

10 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

The Do’s And Don’ts of a Vegan Diet

Now that you are aware of the benefits that you stand to gain from taking
on a Vegan diet, there are a few things that I’d like you to understand
about what to do and what not to do, once you decide to give it a try.

Do avoid animal products

This is of course the most obvious thing to do. As straight forward as it is,
the scope that entails animal based food products may not be so clear to
most. I know I had my challenges figuring out what to eat and what not
to eat, so I’ll make it clear for you. Avoid
• Meat from any animal, livestock, seafood or otherwise
• Dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter or cream from cows or
• Honey because it comes from bees (a lot of people forget this one)
• Gelatin, because it is made from the skin, bones and cartilage of
• Eggs
• Shellac, from the Iac insect
• Products made to include animal products such as deep fried
foods, bread products, pasta, refined sugar, milk chocolate, pesto
and so on.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 11

Do focus on whole foods with

minimal or no processing
Processing of food aims to alter it for a number
of reasons such as
• To make it less perishable and longer
lasting. This allows it to be more easily
transported over longer distances, or
to be stored for much longer periods of
• To give it a slightly different taste for
diversities in flavor; this can be a draw
for many customers.
A lot of the times, when whole foods are
processed, they lose a lot of nutritional value.
So the nutrients you would get from fresh
produce, you wouldn’t from heavily processed
foods. What’s more, sometimes animal
products are used in processing, such as wax
coating for fruits and vegetables. Go for farm
fresh whole food produce, most often usually
found in your local farmer’s market. It often
comes raw with very minimal to no processing
involved before it is sold to you.

12 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Do drink lots of water

Before I explain why hydration is so important on a
Vegan diet, I think it’s important to know that water
consumption between men and women is not the
same. A man’s body has a different constitution
compared to a woman’s, as men generally tend to
have higher levels of fat. For this reason they need to
drink more water than women in a day.
I would recommend 1 to 2L per day for women and 1.5
to 2.5L per day for men.
As for the importance of this water, well going vegan
means that a lot of your plant based meals will most
often be rich in fiber. After all, your intake of fiber goes
up since a lot of animal based foods are no longer a
part of your daily macronutrient intake.
The thing is, dietary fiber generally needs water for a
couple of reasons.
• The first is to help it effectively move through the
digestive system. Soluble dietary fiber dissolves
in water to become gel-like, a feature that slows
down the rate at which food leaves your stomach
and the rate at which carbs are absorbed. This is
great for keeping blood sugar levels low.
• Insoluble fiber traps water within your digestive
system, giving more moisture and mass to your
waste. This keeps you from being constipated.
In both cases, water is definitely an important factor
and you’re going to have to drink more to accommodate
the increase of fiber in your diet.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 13

Do take it slow
It is certainly not easy switching out to a new diet completely
overnight. This is especially true for somebody that has
been consuming animal products and is looking to go
vegan. It can be a tough because your body certainly needs
time to adjust to your new eating habits, and shocking it
into a sudden change may not be beneficial in the long
run. This is because of a high risk of reverting back to old
ways when your body is not ready.
The best way to envision this is too look at rapid weight
loss for example.
You see your body is like a computer, and you have a
base weight. This means the weight where your body
comfortably carries out its daily functions. Now, a drastic
weight drop is a shock to your systems, and your body will
find a way to gain it all back to maintain your base weight.
It is much better to try to lose weight slowly, by adjusting
your eating habits to influence your body to make
progressive changes and adapt to your new base weight.
As such, I highly advise that you start slow, making your
progress little by little until most or all of your diet is plant
based. Start out by going vegan for a few days, then a few
weeks and just like that it will become a more permanent
lifestyle in the future!

14 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Don’t forget your protein
One of the biggest concerns of people shifting to a vegan diet is the
fact the protein macronutrient can be easy to neglect. I had these same
concerns myself when I was starting out. A large number of
available proteins in general come from animal based food, and herein
lays the belief that you won’t get enough protein when you go vegan.
Well, I want you to know that this is simply not true. Speaking for myself, I
can confidently tell you that I am eating far more protein now as a vegan
than when I was on a normal diet. The truth is that there are plenty of
plants that contain plenty of protein.
Some common sources include soybeans (which make tofu, edamame
and tempeh), beans, lentils, chickpeas, green peas, quinoa, spirulina,
oats and amaranth.
There are many more plant based sources, and they can all make for
delicious meals with the right recipe!

Don’t rely on junk/ processed vegan food

It is no secret that the vegan diet has taken the food industry by storm,
becoming widely famous in many parts of the world. The result of this
is many food companies coming up with a focus on vegan foods and
sometimes processed junk vegan food. Common examples include vegan
biscuits and vegan ice cream, just to name a few. It is easy to become
reliant on these foods as your regular meals, but that is a huge mistake.
Prioritize getting your nutrients from whole minimally processed food
first and foremost, as they are naturally the most nutritious.
Vegan junk food is fine, but in moderation.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 15

Don’t be scared to try new things

It can be daunting when you switch to a plant based diet to develop
the same variety of meals that you had when you still used to consume
animal based products. However, rest assured knowing that it is not
It is easy to fall into the cycle of eating the exact same meals over and over
again, and this can get monotonously boring very fast. We live in the age
of the internet thankfully, and with just a few clicks you can easily find
numerous vegan meal recipes that you can recreate from the comfort of
your own home. In the following chapter I will provide you with a variety
of recipes as part of your meal plan to get you started as well.
So don’t be scared to go out there and try new things, because there
really is so much that you could do!

16 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Chapter 2
Getting Into the Swing
of a Plant Based Diet

So you’re looking to start getting into

a plant based diet. It’s a big step, and I
applaud you for giving it a shot. Before
you begin however, one important thing
to note is that this isn’t just a diet. It is a
way of life that shows not only in the way
you eat, but also the way you think and
Yes, there is so much more than meets
the eye when it comes to adopting a vegan
way of life, and it all rests on the pillars of
mindset, nutrition, exercise.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 17

The Importance of a Proper Mindset

Every single action that you have ever taken or will ever take began or
will begin in your mind. The importance of the brain to the rest of the
body can never be overstated, and your mind will be one of your most
powerful allies if you want to successfully adapt to a vegan way of life.
It all begins with the right kind of mindset, as the following points explain.

Thinking positively

As ridiculously hilarious as the Monty Python TV series was, I find that

one quote from one of its more memorable songs still rings true for
everyone to this day. It says to “always look on the bright side of life”.
This quote enforces one of the better mindset qualities that you will most
certainly need when you are making the transition to a vegan lifestyle;
positive thinking.
It is easier to act on something that you have a positive thought on than
one that you don’t, and that is a psychological fact.
All diets are different, and all of them have an advantage that you stand
to benefit from. It is the internalization of these advantages that helps
to cultivate positive thoughts. The result of positive thinking is of course
an overall positive mindset, which makes it easier to follow through on
as you make your transition into a plant based diet and a vegan lifestyle

18 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Believing in yourself

One of the biggest obstacles in mindset that

most people trying to make the change to
a plant based diet face is actually believing
they can do it. I understand. You may have
gone your entire life with animal based
products being part and parcel of your
regular diet, and the thought of completely
upsetting that way of life, possibly
permanently, can feel unbelievable.
Well, to this I tell you that it is not
impossible. A lot of people have trouble
believing in something until it actually
begins to become a reality for them. They
also believe when they see others who
have managed to achieve the same goals
as them, and succeeded in doing so. We
are all human after all, so what one can do,
another certainly can as well.
Believing that you can do it is an amazing
form of positive reinforcement that makes
your transition into a vegan lifestyle that
much more motivated, and therefore
achievable. So if you need any proof that
it works, look at me! It worked for me, just
like it’s going to work for you. Don’t stop
believing you can do it, especially with all
the amazing evidence that says that you

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 19
Thinking smart

One of the more practical parts of having the right mindset involves having
the mind to actually plan things out. Sometimes the difference between
a successful and failed attempt at a plant based diet is the amount of
preparedness that went into both.
Instead of just deciding to jump into a plant based diet, it is more prudent
to sit down and think on a way to plan your meals that involves you
having an easier time doing everything.
This is why it is important to set aside time to think on goals and objectives
that you wish to achieve by a certain period of time. If you wish to go
vegan for say, a month, then planning out your meals in advance makes
it easier for you to go out shopping for the right food, and preparing it
beforehand. Have a timeline to help you stay focused. Remember that
little manageable goals add up to one big goal, so break down your big
goal into many little ones and work from there. Like prepping your food
today, or going exercising tomorrow. Little goals always add up.
It can be very stressful to think of what to eat on a daily basis, especially if
you don’t know what you want. Think on a meal plan, and follow through
on it by preparing the necessary items in advance. This saves on time,
energy and money in the long run.
So always think ahead. It is a valuable quality for your mindset.

20 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 21
There is something that we all stand to gain from going vegan. I know
that for some of you, it is losing weight so that you can feel comfortable
in your own body again. For this, you’re going to need to pay a bit more
attention to your calorie consumption.
So let’s look at it more closely!
In order to lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake. But
how much should you reduce in order to successfully cut down on a few

For starters, you need to figure out your daily calorie requirement,
or your daily maintenance calorie level. This is how many calories
you need in a day in order to live your normal life. This equation
estimates it fairly well

Body weight x 14 = Estimated calorie

maintenance level
Now, remember that you can pick a
number between 14 and 16 for this
equation to suit your case. Pick a lower
number (14) if your metabolism is slow or
a higher one (16) if it is fairly fast.
For my case,

I weigh 135lbs, so my estimated

calorie maintenance level is

135 x 16 = 2160 calories if my

metabolism is fast
135 x 14 = 1890 calories if my
metabolism is slow

22 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

If you prefer a more detailed and accurate calculation, visit my

website where you will need to add details such as your sex,
height, age and activity level and have a more accurate calorie
count calculated for you.
I plugged in my personal values (135lbs, 35 years old, 5’7’’, and
very active/sporty lifestyle) and my daily maintenance calories
stand at 2361.

Once you know your daily maintenance calorie level, you can now
easily decide by how much you want to reduce it. This reduction
s referred to as a calorie deficit. You are essentially eating fewer
calories than your body requires for daily maintenance, and this
will in turn force your body to turn to its own fat reservoirs for
energy, effectively helping you lose weight.
According to research from many nutritionists, your calorie deficit
should be about 15% to 20% of your daily calorie maintenance

So in my case, I will need to cut out 472.2 calories from

my daily calorie intake.

2361 x 0.20 = 472.2

And so 2361 – 472.2 = 1889
I need to keep my calorie intake at 1889 for weight loss.
And that’s it! It’s that simple!
Now try calculating your own intake and determine your calorie

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 23

Try My 4 Week Meal Plan


Breakfast (7 am) Tofu Scramble with avocado and toast
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of fresh watermelon, Mixed nuts, (unsalted)

Lunch (12 noon) Black lentil bowl, with kale, quinoa, shredded carrots,
cucumber slices and pumpkin seeds, (fresh squeezed
lemon juice and balsamic sauce)

Snack (4 pm) Rice cake with hummus and cucumbers slices

Dinner (8 pm) Baked tofu, quinoa with roasted broccoli and cauliflower

Before bed if hungry 1 cup of Blessed protein blended with water or almond
milk and ice

24 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips
Morning Smoothie:
½ frozen banana
Breakfast (7 am) 1 cup of blueberries
1 cup of kale 1 tbsp. chia seeds 1/3 cup of oats.
Blend with 1 cup of almond milk and ice
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of fresh watermelon, Mixed nuts, (unsalted)

Lunch (12 noon) Baked tofu, quinoa with broccoli and cauliflower

Snack (4 pm) Rice cake with hummus and cucumber slices with a bit of
lemon juice
Dinner (8 pm) Black lentils salad with kale, quinoa, shredded carrots,
cucumber slices and pumpkin seeds. (lemon juice and
balsamic sauce)
Before bed if hungry 1 cup of Blessed protein blended with water or almond
milk and ice.

Breakfast Power Smoothie:
I use Nagoya organic silken Tofu
½ package of silken Tofu
½ tbsp. of chia seed
½ frozen Banana
Breakfast (7 am)
5 frozen blueberries
½ leaf of kale
¼ Tbsp. of mana powder
¼ cup of plant based milk. Blend with ice

Snack (10 am) Small green apple with 2 tbsps. of almond butter

Lunch (12 noon) Roasted chickpeas with quinoa, kale, roasted broccoli and
½ avocado
Snack (4 pm) 1 handful of mixed nuts (unsalted) with ½ of a banana

Dinner (8 pm) Roasted cauliflower, black eye peas, quinoa bowl; add
some pumpkin seeds on top.
Before bed if hungry Carrots with hummus

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 25

Oatmeal with blueberries, chia seeds, cacao nibs, and
Breakfast (7 am)
almond milk
Snack (10 am) Rice cake with hummus and fresh cucumber slices with a
little bit of lemon on top
Lunch (12 noon) Roasted cauliflower, Black eye peas, quinoa bowl; add
some pumpkin seeds on top
Snack (4 pm) Roasted chickpeas mixed with cashews and almonds

Dinner (8 pm) Baked barbecue Tempeh, roasted cauliflower, quinoa bowl

Before bed if hungry Cucumbers slices with hummus

Oatmeal with blueberries, strawberries, chia seeds and
Breakfast (7 am)
almond milk
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of fresh watermelon, mixed nuts ( unsalted)

Lunch (12 noon) Whole grain pasta with sundried tomatoes, asparagus,
pumpkin seeds, cherry tomatoes, grilled tofu
Snack (4 pm) Green apple with almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Baked sweet potato with steamed broccoli and baked
barbecue tempeh
Before bed if hungry Almond yogurt with Blessed plant based protein

26 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Breakfast (7 am) Banana Protein pancake with walnuts

Snack (10 am) Green detox smoothie:

½ cucumber
1 small green apple
½ of banana,
1 tbsp. of almond butter,
1 hand full of kale
Maca powder (optional).
Blend with ice and water
Lunch (12 noon) Baked barbecue tempeh, steamed broccoli with baked
sweet potato
Snack (4 pm) Roasted chickpeas mixed with cashew and almonds

Dinner (8 pm) Black bean, quinoa, corn, broccoli, cherry tomato bowl

Before bed if hungry Almond yogurt with Blessed plant based protein

Tofu scramble with mushrooms and red pepper, slice of
Breakfast (7 am)
multigrain bread
Snack (10 am) Small banana with some almonds

Lunch (12 noon) Seitan, red pepper, quinoa, bok choy bowl seasoned with
soy amino
Snack (4 pm) Rice cake topped with hummus and cucumber slices

Dinner (8 pm) Black beans, corn, steamed broccoli, cherry tomatoes bowl

Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein mixed with almond milk

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 27


Breakfast (7 am) Protein waffle with pecan and cacao nibs
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of Watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Seitan, red pepper, brown rice, bok choy bowl season with
soy amino

Snack (4 pm) Green apple with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) White bean Kale stew (view recipe page )

Before bed if hungry Cucumber slices with hummus

Breakfast (7 am) Snicker doodle Chickpeas smoothie (view recipe page)
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of Watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) White bean kale stew (view recipe page )

Snack (4 pm) Small banana with 2 tbsps. of almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Baked tempeh with asparagus and brown rice

Before bed if hungry Steamed edamame beans

28 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Scramble tofu with mushrooms and red peppers, with
Breakfast (7 am)
multigrain bread and slices of avocado.
Snack (10 am) Small banana with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Greek Chickpea Salad (View recipe page)

Snack (4 pm) Rice cake top with hummus and cucumber slices

Dinner (8 pm) Baked tempeh with brown rice

Before bed if hungry Almond yogurt with 1 scoop of Blessed plant based

Protein oatmeal with blueberries and shredded
Breakfast (7 am)
almonds (view recipe page)
Snack (10 am) Small green apple with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Mashed chickpeas salad sandwich (view recipes page)

Snack (4 pm) Rice cake with almond butter and slices of banana

Dinner (8 pm) Seitan Tacos with side of avocados slides, season with lime

Before bed if hungry Cup of blueberries with mixed nuts

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 29

Breakfast Smoothie:
½ frozen banana
1/3 frozen blueberries
Breakfast (7 am)
½ scoop of blessed plant based protein
1 cup of pea milk 1 tbsp. of chia seeds Blend with ice.

Snack (10 am) Mixed nuts with blueberries

Lunch (12 noon) Seitan Tacos with side of avocados slices; season with lime

Snack (4 pm) Roasted chickpeas with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Big green salad:

1 cup of kale
1 cup of arugula Shredded carrots slides of cucumber
½ tomato
½ avocado
Serve with tofu sesame steaks; season with tahini sauce

Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein mixed with 6 oz. of almond

Protein pancakes with banana and walnut (view recipe
Breakfast (7 am)
Snack (10 am) Avocado toast with whole grain bread

Lunch (12 noon) Baked sweet potato with tofu sesame steaks and steamed
Snack (4 pm) Small green apple with 2 tbsps. of almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Quinoa bowl with mushroom, asparagus and steamed

Before bed if hungry Steamed edamame

30 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Breakfast (7 am) Oatmeal with banana slices and shredded almonds
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Roasted cauliflower, chickpeas and quinoa bowl

Snack (4 pm) 1 cup of strawberries with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Baked sweet potato, steamed broccoli, black beans and
diced of tomatoes, lemon juice to taste with a little bit of
Before bed if hungry Almond yogurt with 1 scoop of blessed protein

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 31
Tofu scramble with mushroom and ½ cup of red
Breakfast (7 am)
Snack (10 am) Steamed edamame with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Roasted cauliflower and broccoli with brown rice and
baked tempeh

Snack (4 pm) 1 small banana with 2 tbsps. of almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Big green salad:

1 cup of kale
1 cup of arugula Shredded carrots slides of cucumber
½ tomato
½ avocado
Serve with tofu sesame steaks; season with tahini sauce

Before bed if hungry Slices of cucumber with lemon juice

Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie:
1 cup of almond milk
½ cup rolled oats
Breakfast (7 am)
1 banana broken into chunks
10 strawberries

Snack (10 am) Rice cake with hummus and slices of cucumber

Lunch (12 noon) Roasted cauliflower and broccoli, baked sweet potato and
Snack (4 pm) Slices of green apple with almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Brown rice, black beans with roasted cauliflower and
Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein with 6oz. of almond milk
mixed with ice

32 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Breakfast smoothie:
1 cup of kale
1 banana
Breakfast (7 am) 1 cup of blueberries
1 cup of Blessed plant base protein
Mix with almond milk and ice

Snack (10 am) Avocado toast with 1 slice of multigrain bread

Lunch (12 noon) Brown rice bowl with asparagus, cilantro, cherry tomatoes,
red pepper, baked tofu cubes; season with fresh lime

Snack (4 pm) Green apple and mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Quinoa bowl with roasted cauliflower and chickpeas

Before bed if hungry 1 protein chocolate coconut pancake (view recipe page)

Tofu scramble with mushroom and ½ cup of roasted
Breakfast (7 am)
red potatoes
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Blessed protein plant based mixed with almond milk and
ice and ½ of a banana
Snack (4 pm) Brown rice, black beans, corn and cherry tomato bowl

Dinner (8 pm) 1 protein chocolate coconut

Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein with 6oz. of almond milk
mixed with ice

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 33

Oatmeal with shredded almonds, blueberries and
Breakfast (7 am)
almond milk
Snack (10 am) 1 small banana with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Whole grain pasta salad, asparagus, cherry tomatoes,
a few small black olives and chickpeas bowl; add some
cilantro on top
Snack (4 pm) 1 rice cake with hummus topping and a few slices of
cucumber; add fresh lemon on top
Dinner (8 pm) Big green salad:
1 cup of kale
1 cup of arugula Shredded carrots slides of cucumber
½ tomato
½ avocado
Serve with tofu sesame steaks; season with tahini sauce

Before bed if hungry 1 scoop of Blessed protein coconut chocolate mixed with
6oz. almond milk or water and ice

Tofu scramble with mushroom and ½ cup of roasted
Breakfast (7 am)
red potatoes
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Blessed protein plant based mixed with almond milk and
ice and ½ of a banana
Snack (4 pm) Brown rice, black beans, corn and cherry tomato bowl

Dinner (8 pm) 1 protein chocolate coconut

Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein with 6oz. of almond milk
mixed with ice

34 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Tofu scramble with mushroom and 1/2 cup of red
Breakfast (7 am)
Snack (10 am) 1 cup of Watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) White bean kale stew (view recipe page)

Snack (4 pm) Slices of apple with almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Quinoa bowl with chickpeas and Italian mixed veggies (
zucchini, red bell pepper, carrots, green beans and lima
beans) add 2 tsp. of basil, 1 tsp. oregano, salt, pepper and
lime to taste
Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein mixed with 6oz of almond
milk and ice

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 35
Oatmeal with slices of banana, shredded almond,
Breakfast (7 am)
cacao nibs and almond milk
Snack (10 am) Rice cake topping with hummus and cucumber slices

Lunch (12 noon) White bean Kale stew (View recipe page )

Snack (4 pm) 1 cup of Watermelon with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Quinoa bowl with sliced of portabella mushroom,

julienned bell pepper, julienned onion; season with a bit of
amino soy sauce
Before bed if hungry Slices of cucumber with a bit of salt and fresh lemon

Breakfast (7 am) Berry Smoothie with Muesli
Snack (10 am) Fruit salad nut and seeds mixed

Lunch (12 noon) Zucchini Pasta with black olive, pumpkin seeds and
sundried tomatoes
Snack (4 pm) Tomato and Strawberry Tahini Toast (view recipe page)

Dinner (8 pm) Black bean tempeh and veggies stir fry with Tahini
Mustard and garlic sauce (view recipe page)
½ cup of corn
½ cup of peas
½ cup of black beans
4 oz. of Tempeh cut in cubs A few slices of red pepper
green onions
Toss everything together on a pan; add some water during
the cooking process
Mix the sauce at the end of the cooking process
Sauce: Tahini Mustard
1 tbsp. of tahini
½ tbsps. of mustard
¼ tsp. of onion powder ¼ tsp. of garlic powder Mix with
Before bed if hungry Coconut yogurt with pumpkin seeds and blueberries

36 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Berry Smoothie Bowl
3.2 oz. frozen mixed berries
½ medium banana
Breakfast (7 am) 7.1 oz. plain almond milk yogurt
4.4 fl. oz. almond milk yogurt
1 tsp. acai berry powder
Top with muesli
Snack (10 am) Cucumber and Strawberry Tahini Toast (view recipe page)

Lunch (12 noon) Cauliflower rice with portabella mushroom, grilled onion
asparagus and slices of avocado
Snack (4 pm) Coconut milk yogurt with muesli
Place the yogurt and maple syrup in a small bowl; mix well
then top with the muesli
Dinner (8 pm) Zucchini Pasta with black olive, pumpkin seeds and
sundried tomatoes
Before bed if hungry Slices of fresh cucumber with hummus

Breakfast (7 am) Tofu scramble with mushroom and toast
Snack (10 am) Small green apple with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Power bowl: Sweet potatoes chopped, roasted chickpeas
with chopped curly kale; add tahini sauce for topping
Snack (4 pm) Small banana with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Veggie bowl: cucumber, roasted eggplant and zucchini,

cherry tomatoes, quinoa and fresh basil, fresh lemon juice
for topping
Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein with 6 oz. of almond milk
mixed with ice

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 37

Breakfast (7 am) Oatmeal with banana slices and shredded almonds
Snack (10 am) Mixed nuts with blueberries

Lunch (12 noon) Quinoa bowl with roasted cauliflower and chickpeas

Snack (4 pm) Small green apple with 2 tbsps. of almond butter

Dinner (8 pm) Baked tempeh, sweet potato with roasted eggplant and
Before bed if hungry Blessed plant based protein with 6oz of almond milk
mixed with ice

Breakfast Power Smoothie:
I use Nagoya organic silken Tofu
½ package of silken Tofu
½ tbsp. of chia seed
½ frozen Banana
Breakfast (7 am)
5 frozen blueberries
½ leaf of kale
¼ Tbsp. of mana powder
¼ cup of plant based milk. Blend with ice

Snack (10 am) 1 cup of watermelon with mixed nuts

Lunch (12 noon) Baked tempeh with bok choy, broccoli and cauliflower rice;
add some liquid amino to season
Snack (4 pm) Roasted chickpeas with small green apple

Dinner (8 pm) Protein bowl: Quinoa, cherry tomatoes, corn, black beans
and slices of avocado
Before bed if hungry Steamed edamame

38 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Green power smoothie:
1 small green apple
½ of cucumber
2 pitted dates
Breakfast (7 am)
10 almonds
1 cup of kale
Blend with ice

Snack (10 am) Coconut yogurt with mixed berries and pumpkin seeds

Lunch (12 noon) Roasted cauliflower, chickpeas and quinoa bowl

Snack (4 pm) 1 cup of waterline with mixed nuts

Dinner (8 pm) Baked tempeh with bok choy, broccoli and cauliflower rice;
add some liquid amino to season
Before bed if hungry Slices of fresh cucumber with hummus


• This 4 week plan can be comfortably repeated for a few months.

• You can adjust your calorie intake accordingly after assessing your
progress over time.
• Have your pre-workout meal, one hour before exercising, to give
the body enough time to digest and produce energy for you.
• Have your post-workout meal 30 to 45 minutes after your exercise,
to give your body time to recover from the exercise session.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 39

Meal Prepping Tips

I’ve mentioned the importance of meal prepping on a vegan diet before,
but what are some specific tips to actually get you started?

Portion containers are your best friend

I cannot express to you the amount of time and effort that it will save
you to just have your meals already portioned out for you when it’s time
to make them is almost unbelievable. For this you need to invest in bags
and containers that you can then portion food into. When you need a
quick meal, just whip out a container and your food will be ready after
just a few minutes of preparation.

40 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Don’t obsess about the numbers and proportions

Many people have found themselves put off by a diet because of strict
calorie counting and specific weighing for the perfect proportions. It can
be cumbersome I know, but with this diet, it doesn’t need to be. A few
things to remember
• A medium potato is about 80 calories on average.
• A pinch is exactly that. How much you can pinch between your
thumb and forefinger.
• A handful is usually about 80 to 100 grams for something like rice
or quinoa, and this is usually about ½ a cup.
At the end of the day, you don’t need to stress about the specifics of the
numbers. Cooking can be easy, and nothing needs to be meticulously
As a note, I would recommend using the MyFitnessPal app to help you
keep track of just how much protein, fat and carbs you’re eating. It only
requires you to enter details on a food item once and that is it. From
there you can comfortably keep track of all your macros without much
hassle. And it also helps you see if you’re eating enough of any particular
That said, it is important to remember your daily macro consumption.
This will usually depend your body type.
• Ectomorph body type – Usually skinny, thin and having a hard time
building muscle. The recommendation for this body type is 25%
protein, 55% carbs and 20% fat.
• Mesomorph body type – Typically muscular and generally more
athletic. For this body type, keep your ratios at 30% protein, 40%
carbs and 30% fat.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 41

• Endomorph – This body type can be described as being broad and

thick usually with a round shape. For this type, stick to 35% protein,
25% carbs and 40% fat

Always cook in large batches

Yet another time saving factor is cooking in large batches. This is

especially true for food items such as starch and grains. Having them
cooked and ready to eat makes it just a simple matter of heating and
mixing them up. Nobody wants to slave away at the kitchen after a
long hard day of work. Precook several servings and you should be

Wash and chop veggies in advance

As soon as you get home from the grocery store with your veggies,
wash, chop and portion them out. You can keep them in the freezer,
and then be pulling out a fresh bag every day of the week without
losing any of its nutritional quality. Always have these veggies in your
freezer and you’ll have a far easier time.
• Chopped onions (not blanched: just chopped and frozen)
• Chopped bell pepper
• Pre-sautéed mushrooms
• Broccoli florets or peeled, chopped stalks
• Cauliflower florets
• Green beans, French, Italian and regular
• Kale, collards or other greens. Quickly blanched and drained well.
• Mixed veggies ( carrots, red pepper, onions, zucchini)
• Frozen precooked beans in 1 1/2 or 3-cup bags

42 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Veggies aren’t the only thing you can keep in your freezer, you can also
• Veggie Burgers, homemade or store bought
• Sweet potato fries
• Frozen Whole Grain Bread
• Save time with a slow cooker
One of the best things about having a slow cooker is the fact that you
can leave it cooking for hours with little to no supervision. You can toss
in some ingredients in the morning, head out to work, and come back
in the evening for a hot plate of an already well cooked meal. Countless
vegan recipes for slow cooker use exist on the internet, so make the
most of them if possible.

Stock up on snacks

Sometimes, snacking is inevitable. It can be easy to succumb to a quick

snack in the course of the day, so why not have it be vegan? I personally
find that fruits are your best bet for a snack, with grapes and berries
being a very popular go to option. Nuts are also very handy and you
can mix them differently every time! You can also bake some snacks
beforehand. Vegan protein bars are a famous recipe, and you should try
it out as a snack. It is very filling and delicious.
Snacks can also be lifesavers on days when you’re too lazy to prepare a
more elaborate meal, or for when you’ve run out and are probably going
shopping on the following day. They really are the best if you think about
it. They require the least amount of preparation, but can still keep your
body nourished regardless of it.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 43

44 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

For years now carbs have gotten a bad rap as the foods that make you fat.
Many diets shun them, but I tell you today that carbs are just as important
as proteins and fat. Remember that your number one preferred source
of energy is carbs. Your brain also needs these carbs in order to function.
Just focus on healthy carbs like broccoli and bananas, instead of empty
calories from carbs like donuts which offer the body nothing in the way
of nutrients.

Now For the Detailed Recipes!

Before we get into the actual recipes, there is a shopping list containing
all the products that you need for each week.
As a note, each weekly shopping list can stand on its own every week.
However, you should review your food stocks at the end of every week
to make sure you are not shopping for something that you already have
the next time you’re out. Focus on food items that have run out instead.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 45

Shopping List
• Tofu • Cashews • Watermelon
• Quinoa • Pumpkin seeds • Bananas
• Oats • Chia seeds • Green apples
• Corn • Cacao nibs • Blueberries
• Whole grain pasta • Almonds • Strawberries
• Multigrain bread • Almond milk • Tomatoes
• Rice Cake • Almond Butter • Sundried tomatoes
• Lentils • Avocadoes • Almond Yogurt
• Chickpeas • Kale • Maca powder.
• Black eye peas • Red peppers • Blessed plant
• Black beans • Cauliflower
• Seitan
• Hummus • Carrots
• Soy amino
• Mixed Nuts • Broccoli
• Lemon juice
• Walnuts • Asparagus
• Cucumber

46 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Tofu Scramble

• 1 block of firm tofu (14

• 1 minced shallot
• 1 tsp. coconut oil
• 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast
• 1/2 tsp. turmeric
• 1/2 tsp. paprika
• 1/4 tsp. sea salt (I use
pink salt) (optional)
• 1/4 cup of plant milk
• 1-2 tbsp. chopped green
onion (optional)
• Ground pepper to taste

1. Rinse and drain the water from the package of the tofu.
2. Pat the brick of tofu with paper towel.
3. Heat a nonstick pan to medium heat, add coconut oil and fry shallots
for 1 minute or until soft.
4. Crumble the tofu by hand onto small pieces into the pan. Heat and fry
together for another 2-3 minutes, and then start adding the spices,
sea salt, and nutritional yeast. Cook another 4 minutes until most
moisture is absorbed and there is some browning of the tofu.
5. Then add the plant based milk and cook for another 2 minutes. You
can add black pepper and green onions during these last 2 minutes.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 47

Avocado Toast

• ½ of an avocado
• 2 small wholegrain bread
(below 60 Cal per serving)
or 1 slice
• Lime juice
• Black and White sesame
• Himalaya pink salt


1. Toast the bread.

2. Mash the avocado with a fork. iii. Squeeze lime on top, sprinkle with
salt (optional).
3. Sprinkle the black & white sesame seed on top.

48 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Roasted Cauliflower and


• Cauliflower
• Broccoli
• Black pepper and cumin
to season
• Coconut oil spray


1. Cut into small pieces and put on a baking pan sprayed with coconut
oil spray.
2. Broil in pre-heated oven for approx. 15 min.
3. Season the veggies with cumin and black pepper.
4. Stick with a fork and test to your desired texture every 5 minutes or

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 49

Roasted Chickpeas

• 1 cup cooked chickpeas/

garbanzo beans
• 1 ½ teaspoons cumin
• 1 ½ paprika
• 1/2 teaspoon cayenne


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). ii. Blot chickpeas with
paper towel to dry them. iii. Use coconut pam oil spray for the baking
2. Spread on a baking sheet with all the spices and bake for 10 to 20
minutes until browned and crunchy.
3. Watch carefully in the last few minutes to avoid burning.

50 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Barbecue Tempeh

• 1 pack of tempeh (8oz)

• 1 garlic glove
• 100ml /0.4 cup soy sauce
(I use Bragg’s Liquid
• ½ tsp. of smoked paprika
• 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Cut the tempeh crosswise into 1/2”
2. Add all the ingredients for the sauce. Mix it together and once it’s mixed,
dip the tempeh both side in the sauce. You can leave it to marinate or
just dip both sides.
3. Spray the baking sheet with coconut pam oil.
4. Place the tempeh on the baking sheet; add the rest of the sauce on
5. Bake for approximately 6 minutes per side.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 51

Banana Protein Pancake

with walnuts

• 1 large banana, mashed

• ¼ cup of walnuts
• 1 tsp. vanilla extract
• 1 cup non-dairy milk
(almond, cashew, pea
milk, etc.)
• 1 cup gluten-free all-
purpose flour
• 1 tsp. baking powder
• 1 tsp. baking soda
• ¼ tsp. cinnamon
• 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
• 30g Blessed Vanilla Chia
Directions Powder

1. Heat pan to medium heat and lightly oil with coconut spray.
2. Place all the ingredients in blender.
3. Add a quarter cup of the batter into the pan. Flip once bubbles have
formed and popped iv. Top with fresh fruits and apple syrup.

52 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Tofu Scramble with


• 1 block of firm tofu (14 oz.)

• 1 minced shallot
• 1 cup of portabella
• 1 tsp. coconut oil
• 2 tbsps. nutritional yeast
• ½ tsp. turmeric
• ½ tsp. paprika
• ¼ tsp. sea salt (I use pink salt)
• ¼ cup of plant milk
Directions • 1-2 tbsps. chopped green
onion ( optional)
1. Rinse and drain the water from • Ground pepper to taste
the package of the tofu.
2. Pat the brick of tofu with paper spices, sea salt, and nutritional
towel. yeast. Cook another 4 minutes
until most moisture is absorbed
3. Heat a non-stick pan to medium and there is some browning of
heat, add coconut oil and fry the tofu.
shallots for 1 minute or until soft.
5. Then add the plant based milk
4. Crumble the tofu by hand onto and cook for another 2 minutes.
small pieces into the pan. Heat You can add black pepper and
and fry together for another 2-3 green onions during these last 2
minutes, and then start adding the minutes.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 53

Shopping List
• Brown rice • Pecans • Lemon juice
• Rice cakes • Cacao nibs • Watermelon
• Oats • Sesame Seeds • Green apples
• Sweet potatoes • Chia seeds • Bananas
• Quinoa • Kale • Blueberries
• Whole grain bread • Bok choy • Strawberries
• Seitan • Arugula • Hummus
• Tofu • Asparagus • Almond butter
• Tempeh • Red Pepper • Almond yoghurt
• Edamame beans • Cucumber • Almond milk
• Chickpeas • Cauliflower • Pea milk
• Black beans • Broccoli • Soy amino
• White beans • Carrots • Blessed plant
• Mixed nuts • Mushrooms
• Walnuts • Tomatoes
• Limes

54 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Protein Waffle with

pecan and cacao nibs

• 1 cup whole wheat pastry

flour (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
• ¼ cup chopped pecans
• 1 tsp. aluminum free baking
powder (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
• 1 tsp. baking soda
• ¼ tsp. salt
• ½ cup unsweetened nondairy
• ¼ cup maple syrup, warmed
up slightly
• 2 tbsps. coconut oil, melted
Directions • 1 tsp. natural vanilla extract
• ½ cup seltzer water
1. Preheat your waffle iron.
2. Combine flour, pecans, baking flour, baking soda and salt in a large
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together yogurt, warm maple syrup, melted
coconut oil and vanilla. Mix well and pour flour mixture. Add seltzer
water and mix until combined.
4. Coat the waffle iron with cooking spray. Working with about ¼ of cup
batter at a time, cook the waffles for 2-3 minutes (time may vary).
5. Serve warm with fresh fruit, cacao nibs, and maple syrup.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 55

White bean kale stew


• 1 tbsp. of olive oil

• ¼ cup (40g) minced onion
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 ½ cups (241g) fresh
• 1 (14.5 oz. or 438g) can
cannelloni or navy beans,
rinsed (or 1 ½ cups or 300g
• 1 cup (138g) sliced carrots
• 1 teaspoon basil
• ½ teaspoon rosemary
• 1 ½ packed cups (100g) fresh
or frozen kale or other green
• Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat the oil in a soup pot over medium heat. ii. Add the onion and
sauce for about 5 minutes. iii. Add the garlic and sauté a minute or two
more. iv. Add tomatoes, beans, carrots, basil and rosemary.
2. Cover, turn the heat to medium-low and simmer until the carrots are
tender, about 15 minutes. vi. Uncover, stir in the kale and cook until
heated thoroughly.
3. Add salt and pepper. viii. Can be served over quinoa or rice.

56 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Snicker doodle
Chickpeas smoothie

• 1 cup of pea milk

• 1 large frozen banana
• ¼ cup chickpeas, drained
and rinsed
• 1/3 cup of ground flax seeds
• 1 tbsp. almond butter
• 1 tsp. cinnamon
• 1 pitted dried fig for extra
sweetness or 2 drop of
maple syrup.


1. Blend everything together with ice.

2. Add some cinnamon, shredded almonds and cacao nibs for topping.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 57

Greek Chickpeas salad


• 1 head of romaine lettuce

• ½ red bell pepper, thinly
• ¼ red onion, thinly sliced
• 1 cup cherry tomatoes
• ½ cucumber, thinly sliced
• For seasoning, use Fresh
lime juice or tahini sauce.


1. Toss everything in a bowl and serve immediately.

58 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Mashed chickpeas

• (15 oz.) can unsalted

chickpeas, drained and
• ¼ cup diced celery
• ¼ cup diced dill pickle
• ¼ cup of Veganaise
• 2 tablespoons minced red
• 1 ½ teaspoons fresh lemon
• ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
• ¼ teaspoon black pepper
• 3 (1 ½ oz.) slices Multigrain
bread, toasted


1. Place chickpeas in a bowl; coarsely mash.

2. Stir in celery, pickle, mayonnaise, onion, lemon juice, salt and pepper. iii.
Add the mashed on the toasted bread. iv. Add some slices of tomatoes
and green lettuce on top.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 59

Seitan Tacos

• 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil

• ¼ small onion, diced
• 4 ounces Seitan, chopped
• ¼ teaspoon ground cumin
• ¼ teaspoon paprika
• 1/8 of a teaspoon garlic
• ¼ teaspoon onion powder
• Juice of ¼ a lime
• 4 hard taco shells


1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat and sauté the onions for 5
minutes, or until they are soft and translucent.
2. Add the seitan, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and lime
juice to the skillet and stir to combine.
3. Sauté until the seitan is golden brown and warmed through, about ten
4. Fill taco shells with seitan mixture, top with some avocado and chopped

60 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Shopping List
• Red potatoes • Almonds • Watermelon
• Sweet potatoes • Pecans • Green apples
• Whole grain pasta • Cacao nibs • Blueberries
• Brown rice • Sesame seeds • Strawberries
• Quinoa • Mushrooms • Lemons
• Tofu • Cauliflower • Onion powder
• Tempeh • Broccoli • Mustard
• Oats • Kale • Apple cider Vinegar
• Multigrain bread • Carrots • Hummus
• Corn • Cucumber • Tahini
• Edamame beans • Asparagus • Almond butter
• Chickpeas • Avocadoes • Almond milk
• Black beans • Arugula/Cilantro • Coconut yoghurt
• Green beans • Red peppers • Blessed plant
• Lima beans • Black olives
• Mixed nuts • Tomatoes
• Garlic
• Bananas

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 61

Roasted red potatoes


• 2 medium red potatoes

• Coconut Spray pan
• 2 tablespoons coarsely
chopped fresh rosemary
• Himalayan pink salt
• 2 tablespoons minced fresh


1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

2. Spray coconut spray pam on the baking sheet.
3. Toss the potatoes and rosemary on the spray sheet in a single layer;
season with salt and pepper.
4. Roast, stirring once halfway through cooking, until potatoes are golden
brown and crisp outside and tender inside. About 30 minutes.
5. Toss with parsley and serve.

62 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Berry Smoothie

• 6 oz. frozen mixed berries

• 1 tsp. almond butter
• 5fl. oz. Almond milk or any
plant milk
• 1 teaspoon of chia seeds


1. Place all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until

2. Pour into a bowl and add some muesli about 1/3 of a cup.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 63

Tahini Mustard

• 1 tbsp. of tahini
• ½ tbsps. of mustard
• ¼ tsp. of onion powder
• ¼ tsp. of garlic powder
• 1/3 tsp. of maple syrup
• Mixed with water


1. Throw all the ingredients together and mix with a little bit of water
until you get the desired texture. I add the water slowly.

64 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Tahini Sauce

• 2 tbsps. of tahini
• ½ tbsp. of Apple cider
• 1 garlic clove
• ¼ tbsp. of onion powder
• 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon


1. Throw all the ingredients together and mix with a little bit of water
until you get the desired texture. I add the water slowly.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 65

Shopping List
• Oats • Kale • Sundried tomatoes
• Quinoa • Bok choy • Bananas
• Rice cake • Portabella • Green apples
• Sweet potatoes • Watermelon
• Cucumber
• Tofu • Blueberries
• Cauliflower
• Tempeh • Strawberries
• Broccoli
• Edamame beans • Hummus
• Zucchini
• Peas • Almond butter
• Asparagus
• Chickpeas • Almond milk
• Eggplant
• Mixed nuts • Almond milk
• Red bell peppers yoghurt
• Almonds
• Lemons • Coconut yoghurt
• Cacao nibs
• Onions • Acai berry powder
• Chia seeds
• Onion powder • Mana powder
• Sesame seeds
• Mustard • Soy amino
• Pumpkin seeds
• Tomatoes
• Dates
• Black olives

66 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Cucumber and
Strawberry Tahini Toast

• See the strawberry Tahini

sauce in the book
• Cut a few slices of
cucumbers, about ¼ of a
• 1 slice of whole grain bread


1. Use the strawberry tahini sauce from this book. Toast the slices of
2. Spread a spoon full of the dressing over the slice of bread.
3. Top with cucumbers; add some fresh lemon juice to taste.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 67

Strawberry Tahini Sauce


• 2 tbsps. of tahini
• ½ tbsp. of Apple cider
• 2 small strawberries
• ¼ tbsp. of onion powder
• ¼ tsp. of garlic powder
• 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice


1. Throw all the ingredients together and mix with a little bit of water
until you get the desired texture. I add the water slowly.

68 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Sesame Tempeh

• 1 pack of tempeh
• 100ml/0.4 cup coconut soy
sauce (I use Bragg’s Liquid
coconut Amino)
• ½ tsp. of black sesame
• ½ tsp. of white sesame
• ½ tsp. turmeric


1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Cut the tempeh crosswise into ½”
2. Add all the ingredients for the sauce. Mix it together and once it’s
all mixed dip the tempeh both side in the sauce. You can leave it to
marinate or just dip both sides.
3. Spray the baking sheet with coconut pam oil.
4. Place the tempeh on the baking sheet; add the rest of the sauce on
5. Bake for approximately 6 minutes per side.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 69

Protein Plant Bowl


• ½ cup of corn
• ½ cup of peas
• ½ cup of black beans
• 8 oz. of tempeh cut in cubs
• ½ of red pepper
• 1 tablespoon of green


1. Toss everything together on a pan; add some water during the cooking
2. Mix the tahini sauce at the end of the cooking.
3. Serve it over a fresh lettuce or kale.

70 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Add some variety to
your menu with the
following collection of
bonus recipes!


With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 71

Grilled Vegetable
• 8 leaves romaine lettuce
• 8 slices tomato
• Ketchup, mustard, or your
favourite condiment
• Lemon-Herb Marinade
• ¼ to ½ cup freshly squeezed
lemon juice
• ½ cup water
• ¼ cup minced fresh herbs
(try basil, thyme, oregano,
and Italian parsley)
Ingredients • 1½ teaspoons Dijon or
stone-ground mustard
• 1 recipe Lemon-Herb
Marinade • ½ teaspoon sea salt
• 1 large zucchini, sliced • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
lengthwise into ¼-inch strips • ¼ teaspoon cayenne
• 1 large red bell pepper, (optional)
seeded and quartered • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
• 1 small yellow onion, sliced (optional)
into ¼-inch rounds • 1 garlic clove, pressed or
• 4 large shiitake mushrooms minced (optional)
• 4 slices pineapple, optional
• 4 whole-grain buns, or 8
slices bread of choice

72 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips


1. Preheat a grill. Combine the marinade ingredients in a large shallow

dish and whisk well. Place the sliced veggies in the marinade for 5
minutes. If you have more time, the longer the vegetables remain in
the marinade, the more of its flavor they will absorb.
2. Remove the veggies and grill, using tongs to flip occasionally, until
char marks appear on both sides. Feel free to baste with olive oil while
grilling. You may also wish to grill your bun. Return the veggies to the
marinade after grilling.
3. Build your sandwich with the remaining ingredients and condiments
of your choosing.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 73

Hummus wrap

• 4 whole-grain flour tortillas

• 1 recipe Traditional
Hummus (recipe follows)
• 8 leaves romaine lettuce,
• 1 tomato, sliced
• ½ cucumber, cut into half-
• ½ cup pitted kalamata olives,
• ½ cup grated carrot

1. Prepare the hummus according to the directions in the following

2. Lay out the tortillas, spread with your desired quantity of hummus,
and top with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives, and carrot, if using.
Fold in the sides toward the center, roll it up, and enjoy!

74 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Traditional Hummus
Makes 1½ cups


• 1 (15-ounce) can garbanzo

• 2 tablespoons tahini
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 tablespoon freshly
squeezed lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon water
• 2 garlic cloves
• ¼ teaspoon sea salt
• 2 teaspoons soy sauce

1. Process all of the ingredients in a food processor until well combined.

You may wish to add more water, for a thinner consistency. Start with
2 tablespoons at a time.
2. It is possible to just mash the garbanzos up with a fork if you do not
have a food processor, then add all of the other ingredients for a
chunkier hummus experience.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 75

Rice Noodles with Mix

• ¼ cup soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon diced red chili,
• ½ teaspoon cayenne
• 3 cups organic mixed greens
or thinly sliced Swiss chard
• 1 medium-size carrot, grated
(1 cup)
• ¼ large cucumber, cut into
thin half-moons Handful of
sunflower or mung bean
Ingredients • 2 tablespoons thinly sliced
green onion
• 4 ounces uncooked rice stick
noodles • ½ cup minced fresh cilantro
• 2 tablespoons brown rice • ½ cup minced fresh Italian
vinegar parsley
• 2 tablespoons agave nectar • ¼ cup minced fresh mint
• 1 tablespoon peeled and • Sea salt
minced ginger
• 2 garlic cloves, pressed or

76 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips


1. Cook the rice noodles according to the package instructions.

2. Combine the vinegar, agave, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and chili, if using.
Whisk well.
3. Place the greens, carrots, cucumber, sprouts, green onion, cilantro,
parsley, mint, and salt in a bowl and toss with half of the vinegar
mixture. Toss the rice noodles in the remaining vinegar mixture.
4. Layer the noodles down on the plate or bowl first and top with the
vegetables. If you are storing this dish for later, it would be a good idea
to add only enough dressing to the noodles as needed to keep them
moist, so they won’t get sticky. The rest should be stored separately
from the vegetables, or the greens will become soggy and wilted.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 77


78 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Tofu–Garden Vegetable

• 1 pound extra-firm tofu,

• ½ cup diced celery
• ½ cup diced green onion
• ½ cup seeded and diced red
bell pepper
• 2 tablespoons diced
Kalamata olives
• ½ cup Vegenaise, vegan
mayonnaise, or other vegan
• 1 tablespoon minced fresh
dill, or ½ teaspoon dry
• 2½ teaspoons Dijon or
Directions stone-ground mustard
• 1½ teaspoons raw apple
1. Combine all of the ingredients in cider vinegar
a large mixing bowl and gently • ½ teaspoon minced garlic
mix well.
• 1 tablespoon soy sauce
2. For additional flavor, if you have • sea salt and black pepper
more time, refrigerate for an
hour before serving.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 79

Warm Spinach Salad


• 8 cups prewashed spinach,

lightly packed
• 4 Cremini mushrooms,
sliced thinly
• ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion
• 2 Roma tomatoes, thinly
sliced into whole circles
• 1½ tablespoons red wine
• 1 teaspoon agave nectar
• 1½ teaspoons Dijon mustard
• 2 tablespoons water
• ½ teaspoon sea salt, or to
• ¼ teaspoon black pepper, or
to taste
• ½ cup chopped walnuts
• 3 tablespoons olive oil

80 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips


1. Place the spinach in a large mixing bowl with the

mushrooms, onion, and tomato.
2. Place the vinegar, agave nectar, mustard, water,
salt, and pepper in a small bowl and whisk well.
3. Place the walnuts in a small sauté pan over
medium heat and dry-toast for 2 minutes,
stirring frequently. Add the olive oil, if using, and
cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add to
the bowl with the liquids and mix well. Pour this
into the large bowl with the spinach and gently
toss well.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 81

Gingered Collard Greens


• 1 tablespoon toasted
sesame oil
• 2 tablespoons peeled and
minced fresh ginger
• 2 garlic cloves, pressed or
• ¼ teaspoon sea salt
• 1½ teaspoons pure maple
• 6 cups collards, cut into
½-inch strips, loosely packed
• 1 teaspoon soy sauce
• 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed
lemon juice

1. Place the oil, ginger, garlic, and salt in a medium-size skillet over
medium heat. Cook until browning, stirring frequently. Add the maple
syrup, and cook for 1 minute more, stirring frequently.
2. Add the collards and soy sauce, and quickly stir (tongs work best for
this) for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the pan while they are still bright
green. Transfer to a bowl and add the lemon juice.

82 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips


With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 83

Vegan Omelet

• 2/3 cup water

• 1/3 cup chickpea flour
(Besan flour)
• 1 tbsp. flax seeds ground
• 1 tbsp. nutritional yeast
• ½ tsp. baking powder
• ¼ tsp. black salt optional -
adds an egg flavor
• ¼ tsp. white pepper
• 1/8 tsp. turmeric
• 1/8 tsp. Celtic sea salt
• ½ tsp. garlic powder
• 1/8 tsp. chili flakes (optional)

1. For this recipe it is nice to have a blender, however, you can mix the
ingredients manually. You will also need a medium sized non-stick pan
with a lid (preferably glass so you can see how it is cooking).
2. Place the ingredients into your blender and blend till smooth.
3. Pour the mixture into the pan and place on a low to medium heat.
Cover the pan with a lid for 3-4 minutes until the top of the omelet has
a sponge-like consistency (quite firm on top like bread).
4. From here you can either fold in your favorite ingredients and serve or
turn over the omelet to brown both sides.

84 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Crispy Kale

• 1 large bunch curly-leaf kale

• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3 tablespoons nutritional
• ½ teaspoon sea salt


1. Preheat the oven (or even a toaster oven for smaller batches) to 350°F.
Use your hands to rip small pieces of the leaves off the stem of the
kale. Arrange them on a baking sheet in a single layer, using two baking
sheets if necessary. When the oven is ready, bake for 12 to 15 minutes
or until your desired crispiness is achieved.
2. Remove from the oven and transfer the kale to a large mixing bowl.
Drizzle with the olive oil, sprinkle with the nutritional yeast and sea
salt, and toss gently with your hands until all the kale is covered. Serve
immediately, or store in an airtight container at room temperature.
3. Please do not refrigerate.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 85

Pita Triangle Tea


• 2 pitas
• ½ cup Vegenaise, or to taste
• 1 tomato, sliced into 8 thin
• 8 slices cucumber
• ¼ cup nutritional yeast
• Sea salt
• Salad


1. Warm the pitas in a skillet. Spread each pita with 2 tablespoons of the
2. Slice into quarters, top with tomato and cucumber slices, and sprinkle
with nutritional yeast and salt.

86 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Vegan Purple Sweet

Potato Brownie

• 2 Stokes Purple sweet

potatoes(350-400 grams
• ½ cup cocoa or carob
powder ¼ cup maple syrup.
• 2-4 tablespoons of almond
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• ½ cup chocolate chips,
• 1/3 cup of shredded

1. Preheat oven to 375F degrees.

2. Wash, peel, and dice purple sweet potatoes.
3. Steam for about 15 minutes or until soft. Add steamed sweet potatoes
to a food processor and blend.
4. Add in cocoa/carob powder, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. If the
mixture is too thick to blend, add milk in small increments. The batter
should be quite thick. (Like I show in the video)
5. If using, add chocolate chips and almonds and stir to combine.
6. Add brownie mixture to a greased 9×9 baking pan and bake for about
40 minutes or until firm. Let cool. Slice, and enjoy.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 87

BONUS: Living Your Best

Possible Life
In the previous chapter, I spoke about how the vegan lifestyle is more
than just a change of diet. The last aspect of this lifestyle change is the
incorporation of exercise into your daily routine as well. After all, nothing
complements a good diet better than a good workout routine, right?
Unfortunately, not everybody can manage to make the time to hit the gym
as much as they’d like, and I understand. Some people have long working
hours that leave very little time for a lot of other personal pursuits. This
is where HIIT exercises have managed to save the day for many people
looking to get a little workout in despite leading busy lives.

88 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 89

Get Some Workout In

With HIIT Exercises!
The acronym HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is a form
of exercise that involves a series of exercises that are performed at the
body’s full physical capacity at high intensity for a short period of time. In
between each exercise type is a short duration of rest during which you
perform light exercise at a more relaxed rate, to give the body enough
time to recover.
HIIT exercises gained prominence after a study by Japanese Professor
Tabata was published in the Journal for Medicine and Science in Sport and
Exercise back in 1996. The study that was carried out on speed skaters
found that subjecting the body to intervals of high intensity exercise
with periods of moderate intensity in between had a startling number of

Improved calorie burning

It has long been believed by many that the amount of calories you burn
correlates to the amount of time you spend exercising to make it so. This
has been why so many people are spending so much time at the gym
trying to work out. However, this and many more studies after it have
proven that HIIT exercises can be even more effective. HIIT exercises
generally take such a short time to complete, and they can burn more
calories than normal exercise in the same amount of time.

90 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

It is less time consuming

Leading from the previous point, a typical HIIT workout can last for as
long as only half an hour and still be more effective than many other
types of exercises that last longer. This is why it is the perfect solution for
people that are too busy to make time for long hours of exercise.

Increased metabolic rate

A general side effect of extreme physical activity such as the kind that is
experienced during the high-intensity exercises revs up the metabolism
significantly. This is because your body needs much more energy in order
to successfully complete high intensity exercises, and your metabolic rate
increases in order to be able to comfortably meet this need. This makes
you feel more energized even long after your exercise session is over.

Better oxygen consumption

Oxygen is an important part of a lot of functions of the body. HIIT exercises
make your body better able to take in even more oxygen, ensuring that
there is no shortage of supply. This makes it easier for you to recover
quickly after your exercises, and allows you to have more stamina
when working out as well. This improves the quality of your workouts

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 91

Reduced blood sugar

Exercise is actually an amazing way to control the overall levels of blood
sugar in your body. The connection is simple; blood sugar is converted
to glycogen which is your primary source of energy every time you work
out. So in this regard the more you exercise, the more blood sugar you
consume for energy. In this way, you probably never have to worry about
your blood sugar levels being too high for a long time to come.
All in all, exercise is an amazing lifestyle change that complements your
new vegan diet perfectly. Together, both work to help you build a much
healthier body, and that’s really all any of us want, right?
So strap in those training boots and get started with this simple 20 minute
HIIT workout that you can do from the comfort of your home!!

Jumping Jacks 45 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Lunges 45 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Pushups 45 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Squats 45 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
High Knees 45 seconds
Rest 15 seconds

92 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

This entire routine makes for one round. The complete
workout should be 3 rounds in total, so please repeat as
Don’t forget to rest. You need rest for your muscles to recover
from your exercise activity, and for them to also continue
burning fat and building muscle. So rest while you can,
because it is that important!
As a last motivational tip,
Find a place where you can receive support for all your efforts.
Make some friends at the gym with people who share your
same goals for fitness. Find communities of people living
a vegan lifestyle. It is easy to quit when you are alone and
things get tough, but having people to support you keeps you
If you don’t have a circle of friends with these interests, then
you have me.
Let me be your motivator. Use me to keep your spirits up.
Check out my Facebook group, and talk with me and other
like-minded people on the same journey as you. I cannot tell
you how much a bit of support did for me, and how much
more it can do for you.

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 93

94 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

Ambika Satija , Shilpa N. Bhupathiraju, Eric B. Rimm et al., (2016): “Plant-

Based Dietary Patterns and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in US Men
and Women: Results from Three Prospective Cohort Studies”. Retrieved
pmed.100203 9
Rashmi Sinha, Amanda J. Cross, Barry I. Graubard et al., (2009): “Meat
Intake and Mortality; A Prospective Study of Over Half a Million People”.
Retrieved from
Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy, Trisha Mandes, Anthony Crimarco, (2017): “A
plantbased diet for overweight and obesity prevention and treatment”.
Retrieved from
no=S_2017030100 6&flag=1
Sarah Alexander, Robert J Ostfeld, Kathleen Allen, Kim A Williams, (2017): “A
plant-based diet and hypertension”. Retrieved from http://www. 9&flag=1
Izumi Tabata, Kouji Nishimura, Motoki Kouzaki et al., (1996): “Effects of
moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on
anaerobic capacity and VO2max.” Retrieved from https://journals.
endurance_and.18. aspx
Falcone PH, Tai CY, Carson LR et al., (2015): “Caloric expenditure of aerobic,
resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic
resistance system in healthy men.” Retrieved from https://

With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET 95

Legal & Disclaimer

The information contained in this book is not designed to replace or
take the place of any form of medicine or professional medical advice.
The information in this book has been provided for educational and
entertainment purposes only.
The information contained in this book has been compiled from sources
deemed reliable, and it is accurate to the best of the Author's knowledge;
however, the Author cannot guarantee its accuracy and validity and
cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Changes are periodically
made to this book. You must consult your doctor or get professional
medical advice before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques,
or information in this book.
Upon using the information contained in this book, you agree to hold
harmless the Author from and against any damages, costs, and expenses,
including any legal fees potentially resulting from the application of any
of the information provided by this guide. This disclaimer applies to any
damages or injury caused by the use and application, whether directly or
indirectly, of any advice or information presented, whether for breach of
contract, tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent, or under any
other cause of action.
You agree to accept all risks of using the information presented inside
this book. You need to consult a professional medical practitioner in
order to ensure you are both able and healthy enough to participate in
this program.

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96 4-WEEK PLANT-BASED DIET With easy and delicious recipes and cooking tips

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