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Introduction Unit Short Test 1B

1 Complete the text with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Best friends
Amira is my best friend. We talk all the time and help each other with problems. She
1 2
__________________ (always / be) there for me, and she __________________ (never /
criticise) me. Unfortunately, next summer, she __________________ (leave) our school. Her
new school is in Canada, I think. I’ll really miss her when she 4__________________ (go), but
hopefully we’ll stay friends. Sometimes, she gets annoyed with me because I
__________________ (always / ask) her to go out when she wants to study. When she’s in
Canada, though, I think she’ll really miss me too, and she’ll wish I was there to annoy her.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Circle the correct future form to complete the sentences.

1 I’m sure you ’ll / ’re going to do well in the singing competition. Good luck!
2 There’s been a serious car crash in the city centre. As a result, the traffic will / is going to be really bad this evening.
3 I ’ll / ’m going to post the letter for you if you like.
4 We’ve got tickets for the theatre. We ’ll / ’re going to see Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
5 Oh look! There’s a man over there selling drinks. I’m thirsty. I think ’ll / ’m going to buy one.

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
1 My friends accused me ___ to them.
a of not listening b for not listening c to not listening
2 I expect my best friend ___ sympathetic when I have a problem.
a be b to be c being
3 We didn’t enjoy ___ to wait in the rain.
a having b to have c at having
4 Jo blamed me ___ the screen on her mobile.
a to break b of breaking c for breaking
5 I offered ___ tickets for both my friends.
a for buying b to buy c buying

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests 1 Introduction Unit Short Test 1B

4 Complete the sentences with the correct infinitive or -ing form of the verbs below. Use each verb once.
admit spend tell thank try

1 Did you remember __________________ your aunt for the card she sent you?
2 I don’t mind __________________ to taking £5 from your wallet. I only took it to give to charity.
3 Peter tried __________________ Claire not to use her phone in class, but she refused to listen.
4 George encouraged me __________________ more time doing sport.
5 I’ve stopped __________________ to help Karen. She never listens to anyone’s advice.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests 2 Introduction Unit Short Test 1B

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