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Irnawan darsah A1M2 19 043

Meylana Wulandari P.H A1M2 19 095

Yogi Dwi Satrio A1M2 19 079

Muharam Surya Pribadi A1M2 19 097

Nur Ain A1M2 19 103




A. The definition of Pidgin and Creole

The term pidgin (pidjin) is described as a language created due to communication factors
between speakers of different languages. In this case, the speaker creates a certain language
system by utilizing the language elements that exist and are used by the two speech communities.
Therefore, the Pidjin have simplified the rules in order to fulfill the aspect of ease of
communication. Meanwhile, the term Creole (creole) is described as a continuation of the pidjin
which has native speakers as a new official language and has undergone changes in form and
function. The difference between pidjin and creole can be illustrated in the following table:

 The Differences between pidgin and creole

1) Pidgin is a linguistic communication that comprised of components of two or more
other languages and is used for communication among people. It can also be called
business language. It is not a first language. Whereas, creole is a language that was at
first a pidgin but has “transformed” and become a first language.

2) Structural difference: Creole languages have the “Subject Verb Object” word order
whereas Pidgin can have any possible order. Also, reduplication is a common and general
process in Creole languages but its very not very often found in Pidgins.

3) One important difference between Pidgins and Creoles is that pidgins do not have first
language speakers while creoles do. However, this is not easy to make out because there
are more and more extended pidgins beginning to acquire native speakers. Extended
pidgins refer to when a pidgin becomes a creole. The cultural “side” of a pidgin usually
defines this. This means that more pidgins are becoming first languages.

4) Another difference is that creoles may originate through abnormal transmissions but as
children acquire them, they must, therefore, comply with the ‘blueprint’ of language that
can also be referred to as how the language is going to constructed and formed. Blueprint
here is comparable to how we relate to a blueprint of a house. However, for pidgins, as
they are a result of a second language, although they have to be learnable by adults, they
do not have to be acceptable by children. This means that pidgins do not have to comply
with the ‘blueprint’ of language. Pidgins before they become accomplished languages in
a community, are always second languages and usually after teenage.

One example of creole because the language is taught to children as their mother tongue is
Tok Pisin which is used in the Papua New Guinea area. This language was formed due to the
influence of elements of English and Papuan languages as well as several other Austronesian
languages. In the city center, children from mixed families learn Tok Pisin as their first language.
Therefore, the Pidjin language changed to Creole. Examples of vocabulary from the Tok Pisin
creole are as follows:

nogut('no good') = not good

baimbai('by and by') = soon

sekan ('shake hands') = make peace

kilim ('kill him') = kill him

pisin ('pigeon') = bird

gras('grass') = grass

In terms of word order or syntax, Tok Pisin is almost the same as English, only there are
simplifications in the vocabulary, for example:

1. mi kukim rais I cook rice

2. Em i rhythmically buk 'He's reading a book. 'she was reading a book'

3. Mi no save Ol I wokim dispela thirst. I don't know (that) they work in this house. 'I didn't
know they were working in this house'

By looking at the examples above, the Creole language has undergone significant
changes to the early languages that affect the formation of the creolization of the language.
Therefore, the characteristics of the forming language are not clearly visible. Children who are
taught Tok Pisin as their first language will not know if it turns out that the language used is a
creolization of English. If those who are taught Creole don't learn English, it is certain that they
will not be able to understand and understand English when they meet a native English speaker
for the first time.

Lingua Franca is the language used to communicate between people from different linguistic
backgrounds. Lingua Franca is the language of instruction or social language so that each party
from a different language understands what is being conveyed. The term lingua franca comes
from the name of a particular language spoken around the eastern Mediterranean Sea in the late
Middle Ages, especially during the Renaissance, as the main language of trade and diplomacy.

B. Lingua franca

A lingua franca is a language adopted as a common language between speakers of different

mother tongues. The word lingua means language and franca which means association. Thus
lingua franca is a term that is functionally defined, that is, independent of the linguistic history or
structure of the language.

 Characteristics of the Lingua Franca

The characteristic of the lingua franca is that the language used has developed widely and is a
conductor of communication between all groups. An example of a lingua franca is English
because it is widely used by the international community as a means of communication for trade,
politics, science and so on. In addition, what can be considered a lingua franca are Arabic,
Chinese, Spanish or other languages that have influence and are widely used in certain areas.One
of them is that Malay is the lingua franca in Southeast Asia because it has been used by
Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, etc. as a lingua franca or introduction in the past.

Many regions of the sector are populated through people who communicate diverse
languages. In such areas, in which corporations choice social or industrial communication, one
language is frequently utilized by commonplace settlement. such a language is called a lingua
franca. In medieval instances, a alternate language based largely at the languages that have
become modern-day Italian and demonstratedçal got here into use in the Mediterranean ports.
That language became referred to as Lingua Franca, “Frankish language.” The time period lingua
franca was generalized to different languages further used. therefore, any language can be a
lingua franca. English has been called “the lingua franca of the entire international” and is
standardly used at worldwide enterprise meetings and academic conferences. French, at one
time, turned into “the lingua franca of diplomacy.” Russian serves as the lingua franca in the
nations of the former Soviet Union, in which many extraordinary neighborhood languages are
spoken. Latin was a lingua franca of the Roman Empire and of western Christendom for a
millennium, just as Greek served japanese Christendom as its lingua franca. Yiddish has long
served as a lingua franca amongst Jewish people, allowing Jews of different nationalities to
speak with one another. more often, lingua francas function trade languages. East Africa is
populated by way of masses of villages, each speakme its very own language, but maximum
Africans of this place study at least some Swahili as a second language, and this lingua franca is
used and understood in almost each market. A comparable scenario exists in Nigeria, wherein
Hausa is the lingua franca. Hindi and Urdu are the lingua francas of India and Pakistan. The
linguistic scenario of this location of the arena is so complex that there are frequently local
lingua francas—commonly a neighborhood language surrounding a commercial middle. as a
consequence the Dravidian language Kannada is a lingua franca for the area surrounding the
southwestern Indian metropolis of Mysore. A similar scenario existed in Imperial China. In
cutting-edge China, 94 percentage of the human beings speak Han languages, which may be
divided into eight major language corporations that for the maximum component are collectively
unintelligible. inside each language organization there are masses of dialects. in addition to the
Han languages, there are extra than fifty “countrywide minority” languages, inclusive of the 5
most important ones: Mongolian, Uighur, Tibetan, Zhuang, and Korean. The scenario is
complex, and therefore the government inaugurated an intensive language reform policy to set up
as a lingua franca the Beijing dialect of Mandarin, with elements of grammar from northern
chinese dialects, and enriched with the vocabulary of modern-day colloquial chinese. They
known as this dialect “Putonghua,” that means “commonplace speech.” The native languages
and dialects are not taken into consideration inferior. as a substitute, the approach is to spread the
“not unusual speech” so that each one may communicate with each other in this lingua franca.
sure lingua francas get up evidently; others are instituted through government coverage and
intervention. in lots of parts of the sector, but, people nevertheless cannot talk with their
acquaintances just a few miles away

English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)

"The status of English is such that it has been adopted as the world's lingua franca for
communication in Olympic sport, international trade, and air-traffic control. Unlike any other
language, past or present, English has spread to all five continents and has become a truly global

G. Nelson and B. Aarts, "Investigating English Around the World," The Workings of Language,
ed. by R. S. Wheeler. Greenwood, 1999

"Even though everybody around the world speaks English—sort of—in their dealings
with American media and business, politics, and culture, the English that is spoken is a lingua
franca, a Bodysnatched English to be carefully scrutinized as to its meanings when it is used by a
foreign culture."

Karin Dovring, English as Lingua Franca: Double Talk in Global Persuasion. Praeger, 1997

"But what do we mean by the term English as a lingua franca? The term lingua franca is
usually taken to mean 'any lingual medium of communication between people of different
mother tongues, for whom it is a second language' (Samarin, 1987, p. 371). In this definition,
then, a lingua franca has no native speakers, and this notion is carried over into definitions of
English as a lingua franca, such as in the following example: '[ELF] is a 'contact language'
between persons who share neither a common native tongue nor a common (national) culture,
and for whom English is the chosen foreign language of communication' (Firth, 1996, p. 240).
Clearly, the role of English as the chosen foreign language of communication in Europe is an
extremely important one, and one that is on the increase. ... It is important to note that this means
that both in Europe as well as in the world as a whole, English is now a language that is mainly
used by bi- and multilinguals, and that its (often monolingual) native speakers are a minority."

C. Pidgin and creole distribution

A pidgin language is a language that is acquired through the interaction of two different
languages. Pidgin languages also do not come from native speakers and do not have native
speakers. The pidgin language was distributed through trade, which in ancient times was often
traded between continents and parts of the world through sea access. Thus, pidgin languages
originally circulated in the equatorial belt around the world, usually in places with direct or easy
access to the sea, though not specifically. Pidgin languages are found primarily in the Caribbean
and around the north and east coasts of South America, around the African coast, particularly the
west coast, and across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are quite rare in the more extreme
northern and southern regions of the world and in the interior of the continent. Pidgins do not
only appear in trading areas and coastal areas, but pidgins can also occur in former colonies and
in areas with heterogeneous communities. Usually, pidgin languages are also found in former
colonies. One example of the famous pidgin variety is the Bislama pidgin in Vanuatu.

Creole is a language derived from the pidgin language that can be the mother tongue for a
group of people who have different regional backgrounds. Creole is distributed through language
habits that continue to be used in the community and become a commonly used language which
is then passed down to their children who immediately accept the language and become their
mother tongue. However, if the pidgin language is not used as their daily language and is used
only in certain situations, for example when trading, then the pidgin language cannot become a
creole which is essentially a derived language. According to Kridalaksana, on the island of Java,
there is a creole used by the Chinese community, namely by using Malay vocabulary with
Javanese grammar and phonology. Other examples of creoles are Tok Pisin in Papua New
Guinea and Papiamentu in Aruba, Curaçao, and Bonaire.

D. Characteristic of pidgin and creole

Basically Pidgin and Creole have the following characteristics:

-      Incomplete clause structure

-     Reduction and omission of syllables, or words

-    Reduction of consonant groups

-    Use of basic vowels (a,e,i,o,u)

-    No tone, as in African and Asian languages

-   The use of separate words to indicate tense, usually brings up verb

- Using reduplication to explain the plural, superlative, and other parts of speech with the aim of
emphasizing the concept.

-   A lack of morphophonemic variation.

Underlying the existence of pidgins are:

-   Tendency of contact from a group of people who speak different languages.

-   The need to communicate between them

-   Accessible interlanguage

Aitchison, J., & Wardaugh, R. (1987). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. In The British Journal
of Sociology (Vol. 38).

Fromkin Victoria, Rodman Robert, Hyams Nina. 2011. An Introduction to Language. Cengage Learning
products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd.

Suraiya, S. (2020). Pidgins and Creoles: Birth of Languages. Jurnal Adabiya, 19(1), 57.

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