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Executive precis

This document is ready economic overall performance of agencies for

the 12 months of 2018 & 2019. The agencies are: (1) Pran Group (2)
Kazi Group & (3) Bashundhara Group of Ltd. To recognize and
compare their economic overall performance we needed to gather the
modern-day `Annual Report of 2018 & 2019` for the chosen 3 agencies.
From those modern-day reviews we've got calculated a few ratios, that
are honestly powerful for assessment and create contrast among the
agencies. The targets are decided on particular time period and
conditions, which describes the destiny opportunities and cutting-edge
dreams to accomplish. This document will clearly assist to perceive
which employer is in higher role and which one is in danger, in all of the
segments. We might be capable of recognise how those agencies have
budgeted their fund; from which sources, their debt and equity, quantity
of shareholders, cutting-edge percentage price, their income, their
expenditure, hobby and different costs and such a lot of things. In all of
those segments, we've got given the real judgment approximately the
higher performer among those 3 agencies. This document has been
organized primarily based totally on 2018 & 2019`s Annual Report.

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