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1-PSYCH-5 M12As1

• Why visiting historical sites, shrines, landmarks, and museums important in the study of
In certain respects.

It is possible that information obtained in museums and historic sites is superior to that obtained on the
internet or in many legitimate books. Furthermore, seeing things in context can aid in the development of
one's understanding of events, people, and so on...

Furthermore, for archeologists, art historians, and other scholars who study "physical" history, being able
to understand how objects were in situ can be quite useful. The placement of some ruins, the contour of a
hilltop, and the style of some house foundations can't be studied any other way, at least not at first.

Finally, seeing such sites can assist stimulate a poor researcher who is having difficulty funding his research
or generating interest in his field of study.

• How has your previous experience of visiting a specific landmark or museum helped you in
understanding of a historical fact or event.

I learned that visiting historical locations may help us not only learn more about a specific historical event,
but it can also help us engage with history in a way that gives us a better sense of place and a visceral
connection to the people who lived through it.

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