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Module 6 Lesson 1 Seatwork 3 Submit in PDF

1) Explain why air pollution is considered the greatest environmental risk? Cite at least three (3)
references to support your answer.

⎯ Air pollution is a mixture of dangerous elements that come from both natural and man-
made sources.The chief sources of human-made air pollution include vehicle emissions,
fuel oils and natural gas used to heat houses, by-products of manufacturing and electricity
generation, particularly coal-fueled power plants, and odors from chemical production.

⎯ Air pollution is one of the greatest scourges of our day, not only because of its impact on
climate change, but also because of its impact on public and individual health due to
increased sickness and death.

⎯ Air pollution is caused by the presence of hazardous compounds in the atmosphere, which
are primarily created by human activity, however natural occurrences such as volcanic
eruptions, dust storms, and wildfires can also degrade air quality.

⎯ Air pollution has a variety of negative health consequences. Even on days when air
pollution is low, vulnerable and sensitive people's health can be harmed. COPD (Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, asthma, respiratory
disease, and high hospitalization rates are all linked to short-term exposure to air pollution
(a measurement of morbidity). Chronic asthma, pulmonary insufficiency, cardiovascular
illnesses, and cardiovascular mortality are all long-term impacts of air pollution. Diabetes
appears to be induced following long-term air pollution exposure, according to a Swedish
cohort study. Furthermore, air pollution appears to have a number of negative health
impacts in early human life, including respiratory, cardiovascular, behavioral, and perinatal
abnormalities, which can lead to infant mortality or chronic disease later in life.

⎯ Air pollution mostly affects people who live in metropolitan cities, as traffic emissions
contribute the most to air pollution degradation. There is also the risk of industrial
accidents, in which the spread of a poisonous fog can be devastating to the local populace.
Many factors influence pollution dispersion, the most important of which are atmospheric
stability and wind speed.

• Front. Public Health, 20 February 2020|
2) What is your advocacy to help solve the issue on climate change?

“Keep an open mind, and let the green revolution commence.”

This is the tagline that I will use to promote my climate change campaigning. Climate change is
the long-term altering of a location's temperature and usual weather patterns. Climate change could
have an impact on a small place or the entire world. The increase in greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere over the last century is due to human activity. The burning of fossil fuels for electricity,
heat, and transportation is the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activity.

Climate Change Impacts

⎯ Climate change caused by humans comprises of:
• Maximum and minimum temperatures are rising.
• Sea levels are rising.
• Ocean temperatures are rising.
• An increase in the amount of heavy rain.
• Glaciers that are shrinking.
• Permafrost defrosting.

⎯ The indirect effects of climate change on humans and the environment

comprises of:
• Hunger and water shortages, particularly in developing countries, are major concerns.
• Heatwaves and rising air temperatures pose a health risk.
• Climate change-related harm has a financial impact.
• The spread of pests and pathogens as a group
• Biodiversity loss owing to living organisms' low flexibility
• Rising hydrogen carbonate concentrations in the water as a result of increased carbon
dioxide concentrations cause ocean acidification.

Climate Change: Simple Solutions

⎯ Because the impact of climate change is real, here are some easy ways of
preventing it:
• Water should be conserved.
• Instead of using plastic bags, carry your groceries in a reusable bag.
• Get behind the green revolution.
• When not in use, unplug appliances.
• Reduce the amount of garbage produced.
• Become a proponent of environmental preservation.
3) Design a plan to promote your advocacy in your own community.

Issue: “The intensifying environmental problems due to climate change.”

Advocacy Goal: Stopping/Preventing Climate Change

Activities Target Audience Organizers
January 05, 2022
Tree Planting 100 Brgy. Officials
8:00am – 10am
Proper Waste Disposal January 10, 2022
100 Brgy. Officials
Seminar 8:00am – 9:00am
January 15, 2022
Clean-Up Drive 100 Brgy. Officials
8:00am – 10am

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