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The universe has always been a fascinating subject to humankind. Since the very first time we looked
at the stars, we take it in magical, religious, philosophical and scientific ways, and it always gets us to ask more
questions about our universe, our world and ourselves. Therefore, because of Space’s multidisciplinarity
potential, it can grasp the attention of anyone who encounters space related subjects at some point. In Brazil, the
teaching of school subjects is still very antiquated and there is little incentive for children to follow scientific
paths. So, by using Space as a tool to better engage students in their own learning processes, the group Ideia
Space created an innovative program that engages middle school students and provides them with scientific
experimentation. Through active methodologies such as PBL and gamification, Ideia Space aims to motivate
students on learning and getting involved in STEAM. The program consists of a 20-hour course that simulates a
space mission using an educational PocketQube satellite model. Students are divided into groups of 4 people
and go through the 5 stages of a space mission. The first stage is the Mission Concept, in which they think
together what kind of data they want to collect and what experiments they will need to make based on their
grade’s curriculum. The second stage is the Mission Calculation, where students choose which sensors their
satellite requires to perform the mission. The third stage is the Project, where they use a provided kit to assemble
the PocketQube for their mission. The kit contains: one 3D printed structure that accommodates the electronics;
batteries and solar panels as the EPS; one CPU as the OBDH; altitude sensor, gyroscope and accelerometer as
the AODCS; antennas and GPS as the TTC; and a group of different sensors and modules of which the students
can choose their payload. After that, the fourth stage begins, which is a drone takeoff with the PocketQube
attached so it can collect the data and simulate a satellite in orbit. With all the data the student collected, the last
stage begins with the analysis of these informations. Through the educational program of Ideia Space, students
can have a first hand experience of a space mission, work interdisciplinary areas of knowledge, engage in
ONU’s SDG number 4 and also improve themselves by working with real problems and building data based
solutions since school’s age.
Keywords: STEAM, education, PocketQube, satellite,

1. Introduction notable that, in Brazil, the teaching of school subjects is

still very antiquated and there is little to none incentive
Education is a subject that nations for children to follow scientific paths. Therefore Brazil
worldwide are concerned about. And because of its cannot ignore the important areas of knowledge
many nuances, problems and possibilities, there are STEAM approaches. So, a research was made relating
several ways to improve education in a country. The investments on STEAM areas (Science, Technology,
first step though, is universal, we need to analyze and Engineering, Arts and Math) and the quality of
compare the education level in different countries to education in other countries. We find out that the
visualize what they have been doing about it. The improvement of education in those fields, particularly
OECD Programme for International Student for minorities and other disadvantaged populations at
the primary and secondary levels, has become an
Assessment (PISA) is a good start point to apply our
increasing concern across the globe, predominantly in
first analysis. The exam seeks to find what students
the United States where STEM related subjects are
know in reading, mathematics and science, and what
deemed as essential to the overall growth and
they can do with what they know. According to advancement of the country. (Xie, Fang,&
OECD [1], “It provides the most comprehensive and Shuman,2015).
rigorous international assessment of student learning With this in mind, a group of students from the
outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the University of Brasilia, in Brazil, began a project called
quality and equity of learning outcomes attained “Ideia Space”. Since Aerospace science encompasses
around the world, and allow educators and policy multiple areas, including all STEM related ones, those
makers to learn from the policies and practices students started building an extracurricular course to
applied in other countries.” motivate students on learning and getting involved in
Following this line of thinking, when we look STEAM. Ideia Space created its program to engage
at Brazil’s position on the last PISA exams, we see that middle school students and provide them with scientific
the country's results are below the average and its experimentation through active methodologies such as
position on the world ranking is very low. It is also PBL (Problem Based Learning) and gamification.
The main goal of Ideia Space is to become a maximum level of proficiency, no Brazilian student was
teaching methodology that connects classroom content able to obtain it.
to space and its technologies by solving real-world The Pisa 2018 database points out a series of
problems with the students as the protagonist. To do so, factors and contexts associated with the numbers and
we need a good understanding of the problem, good averages of Brazilian education, mainly on the subjects
planning and lots of tests and improvements on the mentioned above. The main factor raised is the
program. socioeconomic factor, with students in socioeconomic
advantage surpassing the students in socioeconomic
2. Problem disadvantage by 97 points on the proficiency scale. The
lack of school material, professionals and school
To understand the problem that the Ideia Space segregation between the best and the worst
program wants to face, the PISA exam can be used as a economically acted directly on the low averages that
thermometer of the quality of education in Brazil. The Brazil obtained in Pisa 2018, in relation to other OECD
last exam evaluation was carried out in 2018 and countries and also to other economies.
delivered as a result, in addition to the OECD report, the Finally, an analysis was made in relation to the
National Institute of Educational Studies and Research school climate, that is, situations that the student
Anísio Teixeira - INEP’s study analyzing the exam experiences during the school day. Among the factors,
results. These two studies showed that 68.1% of the main ones are related to the lack of cooperation
Brazilian students, aged 15 years old, do not have basic between classmates and student-teacher interaction. In
knowledge in mathematics and yet 55% do not have percentage terms, according to the Pisa 2018 database,
basic knowledge of science. These numbers, stable 48% of students report that their classmates cooperate
since 2009, show Brazil as a country below the average with each other and 57% report that there is competition
of the countries participating in the Organization for between them. In the student-teacher interaction factor,
Economic Cooperation and Development and the worst 17% of students report that the teacher does not
country in South America in mathematics and science. demonstrate satisfaction in teaching, directly impacting
learning and presence in the classroom.
A plausible explanation for the current
situation is related to the directions of Brazilian
education, which are strongly related to the political
context experienced by the country at each moment in
national history. It is no different with the teaching of
science in the country, it has always been directly
related to public investment policies in education. Since
the democratic model of government was established in
Brazil, in the 1980s, the thinking about science teaching
in basic education is no longer exclusively directed
towards training future workers (KRASILCHIK, 1998)
to become an instrument of critical interpretation of the
world that surrounds them through scientific thought
(CHAUÍ, 1997) and, using the scientific method as a
way to reach the truth, questioning the existing
relationships between science, technology, society and
the environment. Many authors argue that current
science education should incorporate themes related to
social and environmental changes, as they believe that
the potential for change in science can increase its
Figure 1. Brazil mean score in PISA subjects usefulness and foster student interest.

When looking regionally at the result for 3. The Program

Brazil, we see that the less developed regions of the
country (mainly North and Northeast) had much lower Faced with the problem of education in Brazil
results when compared to other regions. Regarding and the opportunity to create something new to help
mathematics, 41% of students who are at the basic level solve it, a group of students from the University of
of knowledge are unable to solve simple questions, with Brasilia in Brazil began a project called “Ideia Space”.
the best performance averages in the south and Since Aerospace science encompasses multiple areas,
southeast regions, followed by the central-west region.
including all STEAM related ones, those students
Regarding science, 19.9% of students were able to use
basic or everyday scientific knowledge to recognize started building an extracurricular course to motivate
aspects of simple and known phenomena. Regarding the students on learning and getting involved in STEAM.
Idea Space created its program to engage middle school
students and provide them with scientific The second test had the same 2 students as
experimentation through active methodologies such as control factors, plus 6 students of varying ages and
PBL (Problem Based Learning) and gamification. profiles. About the diversity of the group of students, it
However, before engaging in the project, it was is worth mentioning a student with a degree of autism,
necessary to test some assumptions and confirm some the difference in age of the students (some 12 years old
hypotheses. For this, two tests were performed, which and others 16 years old) and the fact that most of them
took place at a tutoring school in the city of Águas do not know each other. With this in mind, it was
Claras, near Brasília. The team had the chance to possible to confirm that the class process for different
perform the tests on two different days with different levels of students brings different levels of questioning,
groups of students from the tutoring school. The so the challenge of metaphorizing the language in which
objective of the classes were to test the spatial theme as the spatial concept is being explained becomes
a motivator for the class, generating more student something totally necessary in the class process. In this
engagement, more interactions and more understanding second test, the class was performed differently, this
of the subjects taught. In addition, the objective of those time the teacher formed a circle with the students and
tests were to apply a differentiated class methodology, everyone sat down, including the teacher. At the
with more interactions and conversations with students. beginning of the class, a group dynamic was held to get
For the first test class, there were two students of to know the students better, so that they could get to
completely different profiles and ages. Student number know the teacher better and, thus, “break the ice”. With
1 was a high school student who want to pursue a career this change in class structure, the number of interactions
in the field of law. This student has a history of being were extraordinary and it was possible to confirm the
proactive in class, but a little shy in responding in class. hypothesis that the closer to the traditional class model,
Student number 2 , on the other hand, is a sixth year the less students will interact and participate. Another
student, which is the first year of middle school who addition to this test was the use of social media during
was not quite sure of a chosen career yet but was class. At times, the teacher opened question boxes on
interested in working in some area related to firefighters Instagram and students should interact there and in the
(especially rescue). This student has a history of being classroom as well, which generated an excellent result,
shy in the classroom and having few interactions. The with the more shy students interacting through
test begun with an introduction to space related subjects Instagram until they felt confident to interact personally
and to space environment. Then it followed a more in class also.
interactive lecture on which the students needed to With the completion of these two tests, in
correlate satellites and space technologies that were short, the main hypotheses and motivations for carrying
taught to daily life experiences and technologies. But out the Ideia Space program and creating an
the class had little to none interaction with the students extracurricular program that connect classroom content
and in a conversation after the test they explained the to space and its technologies were confirmed, solving
points we could improve to enhance their experiences. real-world problems. The proposal is for the program to
Given this, the following points about the class were have 20 hours of classes divided between theoretical
considered: for a better class flow, we can prepare the and practical classes, demonstrations and discussions
concepts that will be used and worked on, so that it is addressing the topics of classroom, robotics and
clear to the teacher and the student what each concept programming. To better understand the structure of this
means. And we can also prepare the hooks for how to project, let's divide it into Methodology and
pull from one slide to another and how to transition Technology.
from concepts to an interaction or a curiosity in a way
that doesn't get too abrupt. In addition, a two-teacher 4. Methodology and Technology
lesson model helps break the flow of the lesson and
The Ideia Space methodology is inspired by
make the presentation of concepts more dynamic. From
the PBL (Problem Based Learning) method and tries to
this test, it was possible to confirm the space as a connect the student in the classroom with the solution of
motivator, but it did not have the expected result real problems. The purpose of the program is, through
regarding student participation in the class, the most dynamics and work involving the areas of STEAM,
likely hypothesis being that the class model is very students leave with a mindset focused on analysis and
similar to a traditional class model, so students feel problem solving. The 8 classes run through the 5 stages
trapped in interacting. Therefore, it was necessary to test of building a space mission: Mission Concept, Mission
Calculation, Mission Design, Launch and Data
this hypothesis in the second class.
Analysis. During the course, students are introduced to
concepts related to space and the contents given in the thought and listed within a project is presented. After
daily life of the classroom in a different way. Starting students submit the first list of requirements, the fifth
with the organization of the classroom, where the class begins which introduces the principles of sensing,
teacher does not present himself as a single speaker, electronics, data collection and processing. We
standing in front of the class. Students sit in a circle, introduce students to how a sensor works and how data
with a teacher and mentor sitting in a circle as well. is collected. We then describe to them the sensors they
Alongside with a slide presentation, the first class have available and what data they each collect as well as
begins and, later, the second class in the same model. a demonstration of each sensor. With this, they can list
The objective of the first and second classes is the requirements listed with each sensor and draw up
to contextualize students about the project as a whole. It the final list with the components needed to complete
explains to the students how the dynamics of the the space mission.
program will be carried out and, in addition, an By this class, the first two steps are completed
introduction is made to important concepts that will and students can proceed to build their PocketQube. In
help students to think about their space mission. Among this stage, covered in the sixth class, students receive
the concepts discussed are: space, vacuum, gravity, the PocketQube assembly kit (1 kit per group of
rockets, satellites and space missions. In the students) which contains all the necessary components
introduction to the concept of space, students learn what to assemble the satellite. A step-by-step guide on how to
we consider space and especially why it is an important assemble and how to test each assembly step is
subject in everyday life. In this part of the class, presented, in addition to providing monitors to assist
students understand how the concepts of physics and groups of students. During this class, students have the
chemistry we learn while exploring space can be used in opportunity to deepen their knowledge of electronics
everyday life. After this brief introduction, the concept and programming already applied to their own project.
of vacuum, gravity and orbit is explained. With these Despite being very manual, this step has some
basic concepts of the space environment, we can knowledge pills given during the construction of the
proceed to explain what rockets are and how they work, satellite to complement the skills worked.
and especially the purpose of rockets. Now students are In the seventh class, with the satellites ready,
contextualized to understand the concept of satellites, the launch stage begins. A simulation of the launch of
possible applications, how they are built and how they the satellite is performed. Satellites are moved away
are designed. During these two classes, the content
from the classroom environment and students begin to
presented is related to the topics of the BNCC
(Common National Curriculum Base) and accompanied capture data from the sensors. After collecting the data,
by experiments, videos and other media to illustrate the students separated each of the necessary data based
them and bring them closer to the students' daily lives. on what they determined as they imagined their space
After this contextualization, the third class mission.
begins. In it, the objective is to introduce students to The last class consists of analyzing the data
what space missions are and what possibilities exist in collected and preparing the completion of the space
this environment. In this class, students are divided into
mission. Each group, at the end of the program, will
groups of 4 people who will work together throughout
the program. Then, they are shown some examples of present the data collected and their conclusions about
space missions and how they are designed, from their the space mission to the rest of the class. With all
conception to their realization. With this, the groups are students together, a discussion begins about possible
separated and we can start a brainstorming session in improvements, possibilities and conclusions beyond
each group to decide which space mission they will do. those elaborated by the presenter group. With this, the
At first, this process is not concerned with whether the program is completed and, depending on the contract
mission is possible or not, the goal is to generate as
with the educational institution, students may or may
many ideas as possible. After the groups come up with a
list of missions they would like to do, they must not take the PocketQube built by them home.
eliminate the missions from the list until there is only In summary, the specific skills worked at each
one that will be performed by the group. Then, with the stage in general are:
chosen quest, the party must give that quest a name that
will be the group name as well.
Classes 4 and 5 aim to work with students on
project requirements. In these classes, the main point is
to encourage students to analyze and specify their
mission proposal. Initially, the design requirements are
worked out more generally, focusing on how to make
the space mission as a whole viable. Later the focus
becomes the satellite that the students will build, so the
requirements are now directed towards this step. In class
4, the concept of project requirements and how they are
Table 1 - List of classes and skills connected to printed circuit boards, a system weighing
less than 2 kg, and displaying the sensors for monitoring
Classes Skills worked
the aforementioned parameters.
Introduction to the space environment. Based on the aforementioned requirements, the
1 and 2 Mathematical principles and natural following components were defined: MPU6050,
sciences applied to everyday life and the BME280, GPS GY-NEO6MV2, MICS-6814 and
space environment. Historical context of GUVA-S12SD, and for the definition was taken into
space exploration. Presentation of areas of account mainly cost, technical specifications and power
knowledge that have emerged and that may
consumption . The kit design took into account an
arise from space exploration.
assembly logic that favors the students' understanding of
3 Group work, creative process, problem how the system works and the logic behind this
solving construction. For this, 4 printed circuit boards belonging
to Ideia Space's intellectual property were created.
4 Group work, problem analysis, project
management 6. Conclusions 
5 Group work, problem analysis, project With the Ideia Space methodology and
management, risk analysis, electronics, technology, the next steps begin with applying the
programming methodology in schools in the country, expanding the
scope of the project to address students of a more varied
6 Group work, team management, task age group, improving the technology by incorporating a
sharing, problem solving simulation drone launch and, in the future, a space
launch. The ultimate goal of this project is to become a
7 Data collection, data processing, teamwork teaching methodology in which schools throughout
Brazil can look to provide their students with a school
8 Data analysis, problem solving, group experience that really prepares them for life. Inspired by
work Nelson Mandela's phrase: “Education is the most
powerful weapon you can use to change the world” and
As the Ideia Space program uses the that's the idea.
technology of its PocketQube kit as the main tool in the
students' learning process, one of the project's pillars is
the development of this technology. .For the References
development of this educational kit, several
requirements were listed that the kit should meet. First, [1] PISA 2018 results. [S. l.], 1 jan. 2019. Available at:
the main points related to which points of the teaching
methodology the satellite should cover were defined. s.htm. Accessed on: 16 jul. 2021.
From these points, functional and non-functional
requirements were generated, which could be essential, [2] XIE, Yu; FANG, Michael; SHAUMAN, Kimberlee.
important or desirable. Regarding the functional STEM Education. Review in Advance, [S. l.], p. 1-27,
requirements, there are: an LED to indicate whether the 27 abr. 2015.
system is on or not, battery powered system, ability to
record latitude and longitude, communication between [3] OECD. Programme for International Student
ground station and PocketQube, low noise in received Assessment (PISA) results from PISA 2018. Country
signals, altitude record during the mission, data Note, 2019.
processing at the ground station, monitoring the
temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure of the [4] KRASILCHIK, M. Interdisciplinaridade: problemas
air, monitoring carbon monoxide/dioxide and nitrogen e perspectivas. Revista USP, [S. l.], n. 39, p. 38-43,
dioxide in the air, and finally monitoring ultraviolet 1998. Available at:
radiation. As non-functional requirements, there are:
communication distance between ground station and Accessed on 17 jul.. 2021.
PocketQube of at least 512 meters in diameter, low
power consumption at times when communication [5] Chauí, M. (1997). Comentários. Subjetividades
between PocketQube and ground station does not occur, contemporâneas, (1), 18-25.
low data accuracy monitored, the components must be

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