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Energy the ability to do work

Energy The ability to do work

Turbine a machine for producing continuous power. A wheel is made to rotate by a fast-
moving flow of water, steam, gas, air or another fluid.

Energy Transformation the change from one form of energy to another.

Energy Conservation the idea that the total value of energy stays constant in a system.

Power Work done in a certain amount of time.

Resource A stock or supply of something. For this unit we're talking about any source of

Renewable Resource A resource that can be replenished over a fairly short period of time, such
as months or years.

Nonrenewable Resource A resource that takes millions of yours to form and accumulate.

Fossil Fuels Non-renewable sources of energy - Coal, Oil, Natural Gas

Coal Forms when plant material undergoes heat and pressure for millions of years. Non-

Oil Forms when plant and animal remains are buried in the sea and become buried by
sediment over millions of years. Chemical reactions convert remains into oil. Non-renewable

Natural Gas Forms when plant and animal remains are buried in the sea and become buried by
sediment over millions of years. Chemical reactions convert remains into natural gas. Non-

Greenhouse gas Gases that trap heat inside Earth's atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is a major
greenhouse gas that is released when coal, oil, and natural gas are used.

Solar Energy The use of sun's direct rays to supply heat or electricity. This fuel is "free" and
non-polluting. Renewable

Wind Energy The use of wind's energy to supply electrical energy. Wind farms are set up in
areas that receive strong, steady wind. Renewable.

Hydroelectric Power The use of running water to supply electrical energy. A dam is built to
store energy in a reservoir to be released when needed to produce electrical power. Renewable.
Geothermal Energy Energy obtained by accessing reservoirs in steam and hot water under
Earth's surface. Renewable.

Biomass The total mass of living organisms

Nuclear Energy Electricity generated through nuclear fission or fusion.

Conserve To carefully use (and not waste) a resource.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle A strategy to conserve resources.

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