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emotion short-term subjective experience that colors perception and influences actions

mood sustained subjective ongoing emotional experience

amygdala detects emotion and social cues

generates feelings of fear and disgust

BA 25 (cingulate cortex) and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus generates sad mood and depression

ventral striatum part of the basal ganglia that includes the nucleus accumbens
reward oriented behavior
responses to conditioned stimuli

anterior insula awareness of emotions and of stimuli inside the body

Somatic marker hypothesis theory that emotions are crucial for sound judgement

Emotional & social intelligence requires input from ventromedial prefrontal cortex,
amygdala, anterior insula

stress responsedisruption of homeostasis based on an individual's reaction to experiences

somatic NS stress response increased muscle tension

ANS stress response sympathetic activity

increased blood to muscles
decreased blood to skin/kidneys/digestion

neuroendocrine stress response epinephrine release by adrenal glands

increased cardiac rate/strength of contractions
increased metabolic rate
relaxation of intestinal smooth muscle

social decisions made using the basal ganglia's behavior flexibility and control loop
recognizes social disapproval, maintains attention, stimulus response learning

unknown outcome decisions made using the basal ganglia's limbic loop
concerned with pleasure seeking
addictive behavior
can sabotage plans (i.e. diet resolutions)

stimulus coding system Ventral prefrontal cortex

determines value of stimulus for decision making

action selection system anterior cingulate cortex

lateral prefrontal and parietal cortices
determine next steps of decision making

expected reward system ventral striatum

ventral pallidum
(both parts of the basal ganglia)

decision making stimulus coding system

action selection system
expected reward system

emotions of decision making imaging consequences

emotional signals (from visceral, muscular, hormonal systems) based on prior experience

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