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14강 [Chapter II_ Test] Conversation (p.60 & p.


■ 전공결정에 대한 상황과 field trip 공연 ticket 구하기에 대한 문제해결 상황 관련 문제

■ Key words

- double major / extra ticket, field trip,

■ 문제유형

Conversation 1) main idea, cause, opinion, attitude, advantage, function (influence),

Conversation 2) main idea, problem – reason, suggestion – reason, function


■ Note-taking

[Q1-5] 전공결정
Main Idea) major concern
Opinion) I’m a bit biased.
Function(influence) why Business ∵ inspired by CEO
Cause) why Eng. major  English class
Suggestion) double major  both
Art.- creative, imaginative & Business –analytical, strategic

[Q18-22] field trip 공연 ticket 구하기

Main Idea) want to see a performance, extra ticket?
Problem) 1) no extra ticket
2) only enrolled student, You X
3) deadline pass

14강 [Chapter II_ Test] Conversation (p.60 & p.66)

Suggestion) buy your own ticket

Problem) no part time job – no money
Suggestion) volunteer at the arts center
Function) volunteers help out 1) writing concert brochure / newsletter
2) assist audience members to be seated
Suggestion - 거절) heavy course load


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