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Present simple Present continuous Present perfect
Situación permanente. Ocurre ahora. Comienza en el pasado y sigue.
Algo que siempre es verdad Acciones frecuentes. Acción que aún no ha sucedido
Hábitos y rutinas. Situación que está cambiando. (yet/still).
I/you/we/ they (don’t) work on I’m (not) working this afternoon. I/ you/we/ they have (n’t)
Sunday. You/ we/ they’ re (not) working this talked to Peter.
He/she/it (doesn’t) works on afternoon. She/he/it has (n’t) gone to
Sunday. He/she/ it’s (not) working this work.
Do I/you/ we/ they work on afternoon. Have I/you/ we/ they talked to
Sunday? Am I working this afternoon? Peter?
Does he/she/it work on Sunday? Are you/we/they working this Has she/he/ it gone to work?
Is he/she/it working this afternoon?
Always, usually, sometimes, At the moment, present, now, Have/has, since (no se puede
often, never… tomorrow, this… contar), for (se cuenta).
Entre S y vb: ever, already,
just, recently, lately, never.
Yet/still (al final), how long.

Past simple Past continuous
Acciones pasadas. Acción en progreso en el pasado.
Acciones/ eventos ocurridos antes que otros.
I/he/she/ it was (n’t) at home yesterday. I/he/she/it was (n’t) watching yesterday at 6 pm.
You/we/ they were(n’t) at home yesterday. You/we/they were (n’t) watching yesterday at 6
B Was I/he/she/it at home yesterday? pm.
E ·Yes/No I/he/she/it was (n’t). Was I/she/he/it watching yesterday at 6 pm?
Were you/we/they at home yesterday? ·Yes/No I/he/she/it was(n’t).
·Yes/No you/we/they were (n’t). Were you/we/they watching yesterday at 6 pm?
O I/ you/we/ they/ he/she/ it watched TV ·Yes/No you/we/they were(n’t).
T yesteday.
H I/ you/we/ they/ he/she/ it didn’t watch TV
E yesterday.
R Did I/ you/we/ they/ he/she/ it watch TV
V · Yes/No I/ you/we/ they/ he/she/ it did (n’t).
…AGO. Yesterday, last week… Yesterday at 5 am./ At this time last Monday.
When + Past siempre While / as + Past continuous.
BE CAREFUL! Regular verbs in the past end in –ed (visited, watched, arrived,…).
Irregular verbs (became, cut, ate, felt,…) (lista más abajo).
We often used the past simple and the past continuous together to show that an action happened in the
middle of an activity.
·Example: I was watching televisión when the telephone rang.
Tense Use Examples
Pensamientos no seguros, sobre todo con I She’ll probably pone later. I think It’ll be
think, I hope, I expect, probably y maybe. warmer next week.
Future Predicciones de futuro. The climate will be change.
simple Peticiones, ofertas, promesas, expresar una Will you help me with my homework?
decisión tomada en el momento de hablar. I won’r forget to give you a present.
I’ll buy you a sándwich if you’re hungry.
Predicciones del futuro basadas en Look at the clouds! I think it’s going to
Going to
evidencias presentes. snow.
Planes futuros e intenciones. I’m going to study biology at university.
Present Cosas arregladas entre personas para el I’m seeing the dentist tomorrow – I phoned
continuous futuro. her assistant yesterday.
Present Evento fijado en un horario The flight to Paris takes off at six.

Sabemos al 100%. Leyes de la naturaleza y la ciencia.
Zero If + presente simple, sujeto + presente simple.
If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
Podemos usar: If, when, as soon as (siempre viendo que encajan)
Cosas posibles o probables (50%). Presente o futuro.
If + presente simple, will + infinitivo.
First If I study English, I will pass Aptis exam.
(el más
Podemos usar: If, when, as soon as, until (frase positiva + positiva)
Unless (a menos que) (frase positiva + negativa) Example: Unless you study, you won’t
Cosas improbables, irreales o hipotéticas. Presente o futuro.
If + pasado simple, would + infinitivo.
Second If I were rich, I would have a car.
If I were taller, I would play basketball.
If I were a frog; If I was an pilot. → ¿Puedo serlo?
Cosas imposibles. Habla de eventos hipotéticos en el pasado, y el pasado no se puede
cambiar. Cosas posibles en el pasado, pero no ocurrieron y ahora es demasiado tarde.
If + pasado perfecto, would have + participio pasado.
If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
Se forma la voz pasiva con el verbo auxiliar “to be” y el participio pasado del verbo.
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + participio pasado…
·Example: The speech is written for the president. (El discurso está escrito para el presidente.)
Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta:
1. El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.
2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar “to be”, en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo
principal en participio.
3. El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.
4. Si hacemos mención en la oración del sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), este irá
normalmente precedido por la preposición “by”.
Mark Twain wrote the book. >> The book was written by Mark Twain.
The housekeeper will clean the room. >> The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper.

1. No sabemos quién ha realizado la acción: A civilian has been killed. (Un civil ha sido asesinado.)
2. Dar más importancia a lo que pasó que a quién realizó la acción: The letter was delivered
yesterday. (La carta fue entregada ayer.)

Irregular verbs in English: complete list.

Infinitive Past Participle Translation
awake Awoke Awoken despertar(se)

beat Beat beaten golpear

become Became become convertirse en

begin Began begun empezar

bend Bent bent doblar(se)

bet Bet bet apostar

bid Bid bid pujar

bind Bound bound encuadernar

bite Bit bitten morder

bleed Bled bled sangrar

blow Blew blown soplar

break Broke broken romper

breed Bred bred criar

bring Brought brought traer

build Built built construir

burn Burnt burnt quemar(se)

burst Burst burst estallar

buy Bought bought comprar

cast Cast cast tirar

catch Caught caught coger

choose Chose chosen elegir

come Came come venir

cost Cost cost costar

creep Crept crept arrastrar

cut Cut cut cortar

deal Dealt dealt tratar

dig Dug dug cavar

do Did done hacer

draw Drew drawn dibujar

dream Dreamt dreamt soñar

drink Drank drunk beber

drive Drove driven conducir

eat Ate eaten comer

fall Fell fallen caer(se)

feed Fed fed alimentar

feel Felt felt sentirse

fight Fought fought pelearse

find Found found encontrar

flee Fled fled huir

fly Flew flown volar

forbid Forbade forbidden prohibir

forget Forgot forgotten olvidar(se)

forgive Forgave forgiven perdonar

freeze Froze frozen helar(se)

get Got got conseguir

give Gave given dar

go Went gone irse

I/ you/he/she/ it/ we/ they used to play with dolls.
I/ you/he/she/ it/ we/ they didn’t use to play with dolls.
Did I/ you/he/she/ it/ we/ they use to play with dolls.
Used to se usa para describir rutinas pasadas.
·Example: I used to wear a school uniform but now I don’t.

BE CAREFUL! Used to solo se usa para el pasado. Para hablar sobre cosas que ocurren regularmente,
usamos el present simple + adverbio (usually,…)
Nunca would para:
- Vivir: I used to live in Madrid.
- Estado: I used to be a single.

Acostumbrarse a: Get used to + ing → He got used to getting up early (se acostumbró a levantarse temprano)
Estar acostumbrado a: Be used to + ing. → I am used to getting up early (estoy acostumbrado a levantarme

Habilidad o posibilidad en el presente. Lo traducimos como “poder”
CAN ·Example: I can speak five lenguages.
Can you help me?
Más formal que can en frases interrogativas. Indica posibilidad o habilidad en el
·Example: I couldn’t sleep last night.
Could you help me?
Muy formal en frases interrogativas. Posibilidades en el futuro, como could.
MAY ·Example: I would bring an umbrella. It may rain later.
May I have a glass of water?
Posibilidad en el presente o en el futuro. Posibilidad muy baja.
· Example: I would brin an umbrella. It might rain later.
Obligación, prohibición o necesidad. Puede emplearse “have to” en frases
·Example: You must [have to] read this book, it’s fantastic.
Futuro. Voluntad o determinación.
·Example: I will help you.
Como “will”, se usa para formar frases en tiempo futuro. Ofertas, sugerencias y
preguntas sobre preferencias.
·Example: Chris shall be hapy to see you.
Shall we met at 10 pm?
Obligación o recomedación. Opinion sobre lo correcto. Ought to es menos común.
SHOULD / ·Example: I should call my parents more often.
OUGHT TO She ought to quit smoking.
Should we leave a tip?
Preferencias y preguntar algo educadamente.
WOULD ·Example: Would you help me please?
She woukd like to go New York someday.
Todos los modales son seguidos de un verbo en infinitivo SIEMPRE SIN TO,
excepto: be able to (ser capaz de), ought to, have to.
Se pueden mezclar con otros modales: I will be able to…
MODALES Para indicar pasado.
PERFECTOS Modal + have + participio pasado: I should have eaten breakfast.
A Nombres singular contables que no han sido mencionados antes.
(indef. art.) ·Example: I have a new car.
Mismo caso con “a” pero cuando la siguiente palabra empiece por vocal o h muda.
·Example: She has bought an expensive coat.
(indef. art.) Cuando la siguiente palabra empieza por vocal pero es pronunciada como semivocal,
usamos “a”.
·Example: a euro/ a useful tool/…
Nombres contables e incontables en singular o plural. Ya los hemos mencionado antes
o la otra persona sabe de qué hablamos.
(def. art.)
·Example: the books/ the man/ the money/…
Cuando hablamos de cosas en general.
Zero article
·Example: I really like fruit.
We use “the” for:
- Places: seas (the Mediterranean), rivers (the Senna), áreas (the Artic), some
countries (the UK), public buildings (the cinema), the Earth , the moon,…
- Activities: playing instruments (play the piano), the media, the radio,…
- Time: in the morning, on the 21st may, in the 1920,…
- People: important figures (the King), some organisations (the army),
Special rules
nacionalities (the English).

We use “zero article” for:

- Places: towns and cities (London), most countries (Spain), continents (Africa),
Streets (Backer Street), planets diferent tan the Earth (Mars).
- Activities: go shopping, play tennis, school subjetcts (Maths).
Utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares. Con oraciones agfirmativas emplearemos un tag NEGATIVO y
con oraciones negativas, un tag POSITIVO.
·Example: It’s a beatiful day, isn’t it?
Yo también Yo tampoco
I like chocolate. I don’t like chocolate.
Me/ us/ them/ him too. Me/us/them/him neither.
I like it as weel. I don’t like it either.
Creo que sí: I think so. // Creo que no: I don’t think so // Creo que…: I think (that)…
Common use:
- Doing exercise is beneficial not only for your body but also for your health.
Not only but also

- I not only have to study, but also work!

- She’s not only single, but also pretty!

To emphaise (more formal):

- Not only is doing exercise benefitial for your body, but also for your health.
- Not only do I have to study but I also have to work.
- Not only is she single but also very pretty.

SOME (algunos/as): Cantidad indefinida. En positivo.
·Example: There are some people.
ANY (algún/o/a- algo de): Cantidad indefinida. En negativo.
·Example: There aren’t any tablets.
Contables e A LOT OF (un montón de). Afirmativo
incontables. ·Example:There was a lot of noise here.
A LOT (un montón). Afirmativo.
·Example:I enjoyes the party a lot.
ENOUGH (suficiente). Cantidad de algo.
·Example:There are enough tables.
MANY (muchos).
·Example: They’re many pens.
FEW (no es suficiente). Sentido negativo.
·Example: She has few Friends. Ella tiene pocos amigos. (sentido negativo)
A FEW (es suficiente). Sentido positivo.
·Example:She has a few Friends. Ella tiene unos pocos amigos. (sentido positivo)
MUCH (mucho/a). Frases negativas e interrogativas.
·Example:There’s much juice.
LITTLE (no es suficiente). Sentido negativo.
·Example: There is little food. Hay muy poca comida (no es suficiente, negativo)
A LITTLE (es suficiente). Sentido positivo.
·Example: There is a little food. Hay un poco de comida. (es suficiente, positivo)
Countable Uncountable
Se pueden contar. Tienen forma plural y singular. No se pueden contar. No tienen plural y van con el
·Examples: dos/dogs, baby/babies, dish/dishes,… verbo en singular.
·Example: Money, hair, homework, forniture,
Algunos determinantes que podemos emplear con …smoke, fruit, bread, information,…
estos sustantivos son:
- A/an. Algunas de las expresiones que podemos emplear
- A few, many. con estos sustantivos son:
- One, two, threee, etc. - A little, much, a bit of, a piece of,…

BE CAREFUL!: Existen los sustantivos con

plurales irregulares, como:
- One child/ two children.
- One man/ two men.
- One woman/ two women.
- One foot/ two feet.
- One tooth/ two teeth.
- One person/two people.
- One mouse/two mice.

Which, who, when, why, where, whose (cuyo, tanto para persona como para cosa), What (lo que/ qué).
·Examples: The teacher who/that is wearing a white shirt is my cousin.
The classrroom which/that is near the door is mine.

Podemos omitir which, who, that, cuando detrás va un sujeto.

·Examples: The teacher (who/that) can you see is my cousin.
The classrrom (which/that) you can see is mine.
No podemos omitir:
·Examples: The house where we live is that one.
The teacher whose shirt is white is my cousin.

- What (lo que/qué). I don’t know what you mean.

- Whom (quién). That’s the girl whom I went to Italy.

Por otra parte, existen dos tipos de oraciones de relativo:

- Defining. Dan información necesaria. No llevan comas. The cushions that are on the couch are
purple and Green
- Non- defining. Dan información adicional. Van entre comas. His boyfriend, who is from Madrid,
is studying Maths
Subjetive *Object Possesive Possesive Reflexive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
*Pronombre objeto. Se usan al final de la frase: I like your jeans. Where did you buy them?

Short adjetives Long adjetives
Palabras con una sílaba. Añadimos “-er” al Palabras con más de 2 sílabas. Ponemos la palabra
adjetivo. “more” delante del adjetivo.
·Examples: Hard- harder, small- smaller,… ·Examples: intelligent- more intelligent,…

Si el adjetivo corto acaba en…:

- “-e”. Solo añadimos una “-r”: late- later.
- “-y”. Se transforma en “i” y se añade “-
er”: happy- happier.
- Vocal+ consonante. La consonante se
dobla: big- bigger
Los adjetivos cortos, normalmente van seguido de “than”, más la persona u objeto con el que se
·Example: Dogs are more affectionate than cats.

Si la comparación implica dos personas u objetos idénticos, la estructura es:

As+ adjetive+ as
·Examples: Your job is as enriching as mine.

Short adjetives Long adjetives
Añadimos “-est” Añadimos “most” delante del adjetivo.
·Examples: Frank is the shortest boy in the class. ·Examples: A ouse is the most expensive thing
(Misma regla de final que en comparativos cortos.) ….you can buy.

Adjetive Comparative Superlative
Good Better The best
Bad Worse The worst
Far Further The furthest
Little Less The least
Gerundio: verb + “-ing” (walking, eating,….) Infinitivo: preposición “to” (to walk, to eat, …)
·Example: She hates studying. ·Example: I can’t afford to buy a new car.

Se usa después de preposiciones. Se usa después de adjetivos.

·Example: He’s good at listening. ·Example: I’m glad to see you.

Se usa después de nombres. Se usa después de expresiones o verbos frasales.

·Example: What is the advantage of waiting. ·Example: That movie is not worth seeing.

Podemos usar el gerundio o el infinitivo como objeto, sujeto o complemento de una frase, pero en
general, es mucho más común usar el gerundio como sujeto.
·Examples: I like cooking/ I like to cook. (objeto)
Swimming is good exercise. (sujeto)
The best thing to do when you are sick is to drink a lot of wáter. (complemento)
My favourite exercise is swimming. (complemento)
Con algunos verbos, cuando usamos el gerundio y el infinitivo, el significado cambia.
Forget (olvidar) – Mean (significar) – Remember (recordar) – Stop (parar) …
- Gerundio: I forgot writing that email.(Me olvidé que escribí ese correo electrónico.)
- Infinitivo: I forgot to write that email.(Me olvidé de escribir el correo electrónico.)

Poseedor + 's + cosa poseída.
·Example: This is the bottle of my cousin >> This is my cousin’s bottle.

Si el poseedor es plural (acaba en -s), sólo añadimos apóstrofo. Si el plural es irregular (no acaba en -s)
se deja 's:
·Examples: The students' uniforms/ the children's toys.

Si el poseedor acaba en -s en singular, se deja la -s y se añade 's:

·Example: James's house.
BE CAREFUL! Si el poseedor no es una persona, se usa una construcción con of:
·Examples: the legs of the table, the handles of the clock, the pages of the book,…
Part 1: Contraida. (1- 5 words)
Where are you from? I’m from Jerez.
What’s your favourite pastime?
Tell me about your hobbies.
I’m keen on travelling.
What’s your favourite hobby?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What means of transport do you normally use?
I usually take a bus.
How do you get to work?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s boiling hot.
What’s the weather like in your city?
What are your interests? I enjoy reading adventure books.
What’s your favourite season? My prefered season is summer.
What is the weather like in your country? The weather is pretty nice.
What’s your favourite colour? My prefered colour is pink.
What did you do yesterday?
What do you do at weekend? I went to the beach.
What did you do yesterday?
What’s your favourite time of the year? I’m mad about Christmas.
Who is your favourite singer? My prefered singer is Shakira.
What do you do?
I study on the university
What do you do?
How are you? Today, I feel happy.
I enjoy watching television.
What do you like to do in the evening?

What’s your favourite sport?

I'm interested in running
What’s your favourite physical activity?
Where do you live? I live in a house.
What’s your favourite music? I really like pop music.
Do you work? I don’t work.
How much do you use the Internet? I use it daily.
What did you have for lunch today? I had pasta today.
What’s your favourite film? My favorite movie is “After”.
How much time do you spend at home? I spend a lot of time.
What do you like to do on Saturday? I like go to the cinema
What’s your favourite part of the day? I love the dawn.
When was the las time that you joined a club? I joined six years ago.
Part 2. NO contraída. Please tell us… (20-30 words)
Please write some reasons why you are interested in the fitness club.
When I was 9 years old, I joined at a gym for children. I keep good memories of it and I want to know
more about different sports.

Please write some reasons why you are interested in travel.

When I was a child I used to love travelling up and down the countryside with my family. Back then, we
used to drive because we would take so much stuff with us for camping and other activities.
Why you’re searching a flat.
My husband and I have just married, we need a flat for us. We live in a rented flat, but now we are
searching a flat. Besides, we want our own home.

Part 3. Contraída. (30- 40 words)

What do you think about the club?
The ___ club ticks all the boxes. Members and teachers are wonderful, so I’ll learn a lot. If I were you,
I’d join it! Besides, ---ing also uplifts your mood.
Sam: Hi! Welcome to the club. Can you remember the first time you went on a journey
yourself?What was it like?
Hi. Yes I can. I was about seven and I travelled across the country to stay with my aunt and cousins in
the countryside. I was terrified at first but then started to enjoy the freedom.
Miguel: Welcome! What are the most interesting places to visit in your country?
I think the cities have a lot to offer a tourist. If you don’t speak French, then visiting the
countryside can be difficult.
Michelle: What is the most exciting journey you’ve been on?
I think, definitely, the time I visited Everest. I didn’t go all the way to the top but still the nature and to
be so high up was incredible.
Will you move to….? (Ojo con la ciudad que diga).
I’m to … since I’m used to living at the biggest cities like Cambridge or Oxford. Also I would like to
visit all the monuments.
What’s types of amenities are you searching in a flat?
I would like a huge flat, with five rooms. Besides, I would like to put lots of beds since my friends will
be visiting me at (London). Moreover, I’m searching four bathrooms too.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?
On the one hand, you could find plenty of shops or nightlife, too. In addition, living in a city could help
you to find a good job. On the other hand, the higher cost of living is the first disadvantage and the noise
At On In
Midnight Fridays Años
Christmas My birthday Meses
The weekend Fecha concreta Semanas
Breakfast time Avenidas y calles Paises, ciudades, ríos
Part 4.
QUEJA (feelings) (el que siempre cae)
FRIEND. 50 words. (Contraída)
Hello ___,
What’s up? Have you Heard that the club will go up by X%/ cancelled/ postpone- the training/ the clases/ the club
meeting/…? I’am freaking out man!
What an awful notice! I think, they should contrate new personal/ pospone the meeting/…, shouldn’t they?
Best wishes,
Write back ASAP,
FORMAL. 120 – 150 words. (NO contraída)
Dear Sir o Madam:
I am writing to complain about the decision recently made by the head department about ___.
First of all, I am not content that we were not consulted regarding this decision.
Secondly, in order to minimize inconvenience, I suggest that you introduce new measures as soon as
posible like ________, since we need this service for our future success.
Finally, having givem the previous information, I would kindly suggest informing about changes in
Neverthless, if the problem is not solved, I will be obliged to switch to your competitor.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Anguita.
FRIEND. 50 words. (Contraída)
What’s up? Are you keen on +ing? So lucky you are! My club is fabulous! It ticks all the boxes.
If I were you, I’d join it! Members and teachers are wonderful, so you’ll learn a lot. You could read the
_____’s guide before that, it’s very important.
Write back ASAP,
FORMAL. 120 – 150 words. (NO contraída)
Dear Sir or Madam.:
I am writing to inform you about my current situation concerning the club.
On the one hand, I am afraid that due to personal reasons I have to leave the course since I am moving
to another city for my job.
On the other hand, I would like to thank my experience in here. So delighted I was that I feel really
sorry for that. Teachers, classes, meetings and members are wonderful. What I like best about the club is
its close to my house and thanks to it I have been able to make new friends in my neighborhood.
Finally, do not doubt that I will recommend this club to all my friends and neighbors.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Anguita.
FRIEND. (50 words) (Contraída)
Hello ___,
What’s up? I’ve been toying with the idea of moving and… Guess that? I’ve found the flat of my
dreams! It’s in Flower Street and it’s terrific! It ticks all the boxes.
I’m going to visit it tomorrow. You’re coming with me, aren’t you?
Write back ASAP,
FORMAL. (120 – 150 words) (NO contraída)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing you regarding one of the properties, which you have listed on your website, specifically 8,
Cherry Hinton, in Cambridge.
Hereby, I would like to stay that I have been looking harder at all the pictures and details posted in
relation to this flat, and I really must stay that I did find all this information to be of great help.
By looking at the photos, I could appreciate that the property has two bathrooms and four bedrooms.
Nevertheless, I would like to know how many metres the kitchen has and if it is close to shops.
In view of this, I would be most grateful for a viewing to be arranged at your earliest convenience.
Should you need any further details, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Anguita.


Against Hacer negativa la frase Book Reservar

Approve Aprobar Focus Focalizar
Presume Asumir Involve Envuelve
Compete Competir Complicate Complicado
Lend Prestar Borrow me Pedir prestado

Family and Relationships

Aunt Tía Granddaughter/grandson Nieta/o

Brother Hermano Grandfather/grandmother Abuelo/a
Elder/olderbrother Hermano mayor Grandparent(s) Abuelos
Cousin Primo/a Great-grandchild Bisnieto/a
Daughter Hija Husband Marido
Father Padre Ex husband Ex marino
Godfather/ godmother Padrino/ madina In-laws Familia política
Grandchild Nieto/a Son-in law Yerno
Mother Madre Parents Padres
Niece Sobrina Sister Hermana
Nephew Sobrino Son Hijo
Step- father Padrastro Twins Gemelos
Step- daugther Hermanastra Twin- sister/ brother Hermano/a gemelo
Uncle Tío Widow (woman) Viuda
Wife Esposa Widower (man) Viudo
Ex- wife Ex esposa

Marital relationships

Divorced Divorciado Engaged Prometido/a (adj)

Married Casado/a Separated Separado/a
Single Soltero/a Widowed Viudo/a (adj)


Get divorced from Divorciarse de Get engaged to Prometerse con

Get on (well) with
Get married to Casarse con Llevarse bien con alguien
Start / end a Empezar / terminar una
Marry someone Casarse con alguien
relación con
relationship with

Other related words

Acquaintance Conocido/a Boss Jefe

Colleague Compañero/a Employee Empleado
Employer Encargado Fiancé Prometido
Fiancée Prometida Friend Amigo/a
Best friend Mejor amigo/a Neighbour Vecino/a
Partner Compañero/a (sentimental)

Sightseeing holiday

Abroad Al extranjero Go/do sightseeing Hacer turismo urbano

Have a look around Echar un vistazo alrededor Take pictures Tomar fotografías
Spend money Gastar dinero Get lost Perderse
Have a great time Pasárselo bien Go out Salir
Palace Palacio Market Mercado
Temple Templo Statue Estatua
Castle Castillo Cathedral Catedral
Historic monuments Monumentos históricos Nightlife Vida nocturna
Be worth + -ing Vale la pena (visitar)

Holidays by the sea

Rent an apartment Alquilar un apartamento Go camping Ir de acampada

Seaside resort Complejo vacacional Go to the beach Ir a la playa
Sunbathe Tomar el sol Cliff Acantilado
Yacht Yate Sand Arena
Gentle breeze Brisa suave Rough sea Mar revuelto
Calm sea Mar calmado Have a swim Darse un baño
Get a suntan Ponerse moreno/a Suntan lotion / Sun cream Crema solar
Get sunburn Quemarse
Hotels and restaurants.

A single room Habitación individual A double room Habitación doble

A twin room Habitación con camas gemelas Full board Pensión completa
B&B (bed and
Half board Media pensión Habitación y desayuno
Book (v) Reservar In advance Con antelación
Tip (v) Dar propina Waiter / waitress Camarero/a
Bill La cuenta Wine Vino
Starters Entrantes Main course Plato principal
Dessert Postre How do I get to…? ¿Cómo puedo llegar a…?
There is something Are you ready to
Hay un problema con… ¿Estáis listos para pedir?
wrong with… order?
I’ll have… Tomaré… Where is the toilet? ¿Dónde está el aseo?

At the airport

Departures board Pantalla de salidas Flight number Número de vuelo

Departure time Hora de salida Check-in desk Mostrador de facturación
Baggage / luggage Equipaje Hand luggage Equipaje de mano
Boarding card Tarjeta de embarque Passport control Control de pasaporte
Duty free shops Tiendas libres de impuestos Board Embarcar
Delay Retraso Overhead locker Taquillas superiors
Captain / pilot Capitán / piloto Cabin crew Tripulación de cabina
Fasten your seatbelt Abrocharse el cinturón Take off Despegar
Land (v) Aterrizar Terminal building Edificio de la terminal
Baggage reclaim Recogida de equipaje Customs Aduanas
Hire / Rent a car Alquilar un coche

Entertainment – Adjectives

Exciting Emocionante Thrilling Apasionante

Challenging Desafiante Relaxing Relajante
Competitive Competitivo Frightening Aterrador
Dangerous Peligroso Risky Arriesgado
Exhausting Agotador Demanding Exigente
Nerve-racking Enervante Accurate Preciso
Cooperative Cooperativo Graceful Grácil
Daring Atrevido Determined Determinado
Courageous Valiente Enjoyable Agradable
Awesome Impresionante Emotional Emotive
Energetic Energético Loud Ruidoso
Dull Aburrido, pesado Tiring Fatigoso
Crowded Abarrotado Childish Infantil
Upsetting Perturbador Hazardous (muy) peligroso
Drab Monóton Fit En forma

Balanced Equilibrado Careful Cuidadoso

Well-organised Bien organizado Patient Paciente

Stamp collection Colección de sellos Cards Cartas

Making models Hacer puzles Photography Fotografía
Backgammon Tablas reales /chaquete Chess Ajedrez
Painting Pintura Surfing the net Navegar por internet
Hand crafts Manualidades Sailing Navegar
Running Correr


Top class venue Primera clase Huge tent Carpa enorme

Talented band Banda con talento Funny clowns Payasos graciosos
Excellent sound
Efectos de sonido excelentes Expansive stage Escenario amplio
Experiencia inolvidable Smash hit tunes Canciones de éxitos
Awesome Experiencia
Expansive stage Escenario amplio
Nerve-racking Incredible /
Experiencia angustiosa Increíble
experience unbelievable

Food and drink

Chop Cortar Slice Cortar en rebanadas

Grate Rallar Bake Hornear
Grill Gratinar / parrilla Fry Freir
Roast Asar Boil Hervir
Cook Cocinar / cocinero Cooker Cocina (fogón)
Chef Jefe de cocina Oven Horno
Wash Lavar Hob Hornillo
Kitchen Cocina Cuisine Cocina (estilo)
Lunch Comida (mediodía) Dinner Cena
Plate Plato Bowl Bol
Saucer Platito (té/café) Dish Plato
Vegetables Verduras Vegetarian Vegetariano
Vegan Vegano Fast food Comida rápida
Takeaway Para llevar Kettle Caldera eléctrica
Teapot Tetera Freezer Congelador
Fridge Nevera Mix Mezclar
Stir Remover Whisk Batir
Soft drink Refresco Fizzy drink Bebida con gas
Menu Menú Catalogue Catálogo
Feed Alimentar Meal Comida
Recipe Receta
Health and fitness

Surgery Cirujía Infection Infección

Therapy Terapia Bandage Vendaje
Plaster Escayola Hurt Herir
Pain Dolor Illness / disease Enfermedad
Healthy Saludable Unhealthy No saludable
Injury Lesión Injure Lesionar
Damage Daño Dose Dosis
Fever Fiebre Prescription Receta (médica)
Get over Recuperarse Look after Cuidar
Pass out Desmayarse Appointment Cita
Fit En forma Medicine Medicamento
Addicted to Adicto a Benefit from Beneficiarse de
Allergy Alergia Poison Veneno

Type of houses

Flat Piso Detached Casa separada

Semidetached Pareado Terraced House Dúplex
Cottage Cabaña Villa Casa campo
Storey building Bloque de pisos Castle Castillo
Apartment Apartamento Penthouse Ático


Village Pueblo City Ciudad

Centrally located Céntrico Residential área Zona residencial
Close to the shops Cerca de las tiendas In the suburbs En los suburbios
On the outskirts En las afueras Isolated Desolado
Crowded Lleno de gente In the country (side) En el campo


Small Pequeño Tiny Diminuto

Huge Enorme Average La media
Family-sized Tamaño familiar ½ bedroomed Una o dos habitaciones
Cramped Estrecho Large Grande
Wide Ancho Spacious Espacioso


Cheap Barato Expensive Caro

Lowpriced Precio bajo (media) Overpriced Precio caro (media)
Economical Económico
General description

Nice views Bonitas vistas Rear patio (yard) Patio trasero

Cosy Acogedor Comfortable Cómodo
Secure Seguro Luxurious Lujoso
Well-maintained Bien conservado Fully furnished Completamente amueblado
Airy Aireado Noisy Ruidoso
Cold Frío Brick walls Paredes de ladrillo
Garden Jardín Garage Garaje
Driveway Calzada Porch Porche


Built-in-wardrobes Armarios empotrados Private parking Parking privado

Central heating Calefacción Air conditioning Aire acondicionado
Entrance hall Entrada Fitted kitchen Cocina equipada
Double glazing Doble acristalamiento Security system Sistema de seguridad
Fence Valla Chimney Chimenea

Useful vocabulary.

Living room Salón Dining room Comedor

Kitchen Cocina Bathroom Baño
Toilet Aseo Hall Recibidor
Pantry Despensa Laundry room Lavandería
Cellar Bodega Attic Desván
Basement Sótano Storage room Trastero

In the living room

Fireplace Chimenea Carpet Alfombra

Sofa Sofá Paintings Cuadros
Candlesticks Candelabros Armchair Butaca
Chair Silla Cushions Cojines
Coffee table Mesita de café Curtains Cortinas
Bookshelf Estante Light switch Interruptor
Socket Enchufe (pared) Lamp Lámpara

In the kitchen

Cupboard Armario Worktop Encimera

Cooker Cocina (fogones) Microwave Microondas
Dishwasher Lavavajillas Sink Fregadero
Taps Grifos Freezer Congelador
Fridge Nevera Wastebin Basura
Saucepan Olla pequeña Coffee machine Cafetera
Frying pan Sartén Teatowel Trapo de cocina
In the bath room and bedroom

Double bed Cama de matrimonio Single bed Cama individual

Bedside table Mesita de noche Chest of drawers Cajonera
Wardrobe Armario Mirror Espejo
Bath Bañera Shower Ducha
Washbasin Lavabo Toilet Váter


Nursery school Guardería Kindergarten Jardín de la infancia

Secondary school /high
Primary school Colegio / escuela Instituto
Technical college Escuela técnica University Universidad
State school Escuela / instituto público Private school Escuela privada
Public school (BrE) Escuela pública Boarding school Internado
Faculty Facultad Medicine faculty Facultad de medicina
Open University Universidad a distancia Private clases Clases particulares
Academic year Año académico Term Trimestre Degree Licenciatura Course
Hacer un curso de
Curso/asignatura To do an English course A degree course
Estoy en segundo I
Una carrera Estudio francés en la
I’m in the second year study French at
/licenciatura Universidad
Terminé la Carrera el año
To have a degree in I graduated last year
Ser licenciado en química pasado / me gradué el año
Chemistry (from university) pasado.
She graduated in French Se graduó en francés A dissertation Una tesina
A thesis Una tesis A doctorate / PhD Un doctorado
A master’s degree Un máster

Teachers and pupils

Headteacher / principal Director/a Teacher Profesor/a

Profesor/a de primaria
Primary school teacher (maestro/a) Pupil Alumno/a
A boarder Un/a interno/a Maths teacher Profesor de matemáticas
Classmate Compañero/a de clase A swot (colloq.) Un/a empollón/a
A lecturer (BrE) / a
Teacher’s pet El favorito del profesor Un profesor universitario
professor (AmE)
A professor (BrE:
Freshman Estudiante de primer año Un catedrático
highest academic rank)
At school

A class Una clase A classroom Un aula

The headteacher’s
Staffroom Sala de profesores El despacho del/la director/a
Library Biblioteca Language lab Laboratorio de lenguas
Café Bar Playground Patio
Auditorium / assembly /
Gym Gimnasio Salon de actos
hall / school hall
Desk Pupitre Blackboard Pizarra
Chalk Tiza Board rubber / eraser Borrador
School bag Mochila Book Libro
Exercise book Cuaderno Notebook Libreta
Dictionary Diccionario Pencil Lápiz
Ballpoint pen Bolígrafo Fountain pen Pluma
Rubber / Eraser Goma Ruler Regla
Pencil sharpener Sacapuntas Calculator Calculadora


To go to school Ir al colegio /instituto

/Universidad To study Estudiar
To learn Aprender To do my homework Hacer los deberes
To know Saber To play truant Hacer novillos
To skive off Pirarse To miss class / school Faltar a clase
To swot up Empollar


Presentarse / hacer un
To sit / to take an exam examen To pass Aprobar
To fail Suspender Marks / grades Notas
Oral exam Examen oral Written exam Examen escrito
Multiple choice test Examen tipo test To revise Repasar
To prepare for al exam Prepararse para un examen To repeat a year Repetir curso


Be afraid of Tener miedo de Be aware of Ser consciente de

Be enthusiastic about Estar entusiasmado/a con Be short of Tener poco de
Prevent somebody from
Escape from Escapar de Evitar que alguien haga algo
Save something from Salvar algo de Think about Pensar sobre
Worry about Preocuparse por An increase in Un aumento en

Accountant Contable Actor Actor

Actress Actriz Air hostess Azafata
Architect Arquitecto Astronaut Astronaut
Au-pair, babysitter Niñera Baker Panadero
Bank Clerk Empleado bancario Beekeeper Apicultor
Barbero / peluquero (de
Barber hombre)
Bookseller Librero

Bricklayer Albañil Bus driver Chófer de autobús

Butcher Carnicero Chemist Farmacéutico
Chimney-sweeper Deshollinador Consultant Asesor
Cook Cocinero Customs officer Official de aduanas
Dentist Dentista Disk jockey (DJ) Disk jockey (DJ)
Doctor Médico Driver Conductor
Driving instructor Profesor de autoescuela Dustman Basurero
Electrician Electricista Employee Empleado
Employer Encargado Engineer Ingeniero
Factory worker Obrero Farmer Agricultor
Fashion designer Diseñador de moda Firefighter Bombero
Fisherman Pescador Gardener Jardinero
Graphic designer Diseñador gráfico Hairdresser Peluquero
Inspector Inspector Interior designer Diseñador de interiores
Jeweller Joyero Journalist Periodista
Judge Juez Lawyer Abogado
Librarian Bibliotecario Lifeguard Socorrista
Lorry driver Camionero Mechanic Mecánico
Model Modelo Postman / Mailman Cartero
Nurse Enfermera Office worker Oficinista
Painter Pintor Photographer Fotógrafo
Pilot Piloto Plumber Fontanero
Police officer Oficial de Policía Politician Politic
Psychiatrist Psiquiatra Psychologist Psicólogo
Receptionist Recepcionista Reporter Reportero
Sailor Marinero Salesman Vendedor
Scientist Científico Secretary Secretario
Security guard Guardia de seguridad Shepherd Pastor
Shoemaker Zapatero Singer Cantante
Soldier Soldado Sports instructor Instructor de deportes
Stockbroker Inversor de bolsa Student Estudiante
Surgeon Cirujano Tailor Sastre
Taxi driver Taxista Teacher Profesor / maestro
Telemarketer / telesales Persona que vende por
Technician Técnico teléfono
Tourist guide Guía turístico Translator Traductor
University lecturer Profesor universitario Vet / veterinarian Veterinario
Waiter Camarero Waitress Camarera
Watchmaker Relojero Writer Escritor
Work and employment

Employment Empleo Job Trabajo / empleo (puesto)

Work Trabajo Profession Profesión
Occupation Ocupación Applicant Solicitante Application form
Solicitud CV Currículum vitae Employment agency
Agencia de empleo Employee Empleado Employer
Encargado Boss Jefe Interview
Entrevista Interviewee Entrevistado Interviewer
Entrevistador Introductory /cover letter Carta de presentación Letter of reference
Departamento de
Carta de recomendación Personnel department Qualifications
Títulos References Referencias Responsibilities
Responsabilidades Post Puesto Position
Puesto / posición Vacancy Puesto vacante Salary
Salario / sueldo Salary expectation Pretensiones salariales Wages
Salario / sueldo A day’s wages Jornal Mínimum wages
Salario mínimo Nominal wages Salario mínimo Pay
Paga Payday Día de cobro Payroll
Nómina / plantilla Pay slip Recibo de sueldo Fringe benefit
Beneficios por
Beneficios adicionales Maternity benefits Bonus
Bonificación, plus, Rise/ Raise Aumento (de suelto) Overtime
Horas extra Self-employed /freelance Autónomo Full-time job
Trabajo de jornada Trabajo de media
Part-time job Temporary job
completa jornada
Trabajo temporal Permanent job Trabajo permanente Casual job
Trabajo eventual Shift work Trabajo por turnos Team work
Trabajo en equipo Day shift Turno de día Evening shift
Turno de tarde Night shift Turno de noche Apprentice /trainee
Aprendiz Unemployment benefit Subsidio por desempleo To be on the sick
Estar de baja To apply for a job Solicitor un trabajo To hire somebody
Contratar a alguien To earn Ganar (sueldo) To work Trabajar
Despedir a alguien (del To give somebody the
Dismiss / fire somebody trabajo)
Echar a alguien del trabajo
Dejar / renunciar a un
To lose a job Perder un trabajo To leave / quit a job trabajo
To hand in one’s notice Presentar la renuncia To resign Dimitir / renunciar
To be unemployed / to Estar desempleado/ en el Estar desempleado y cobrar
paro To be on the dole el subsidio de desempleo
be out of work

Phrasal Verbs
(Más comunes, ampliación más adelante)

Blow up Explotar Clear up Limpiar / despejar

Keep out Prohibir la entrada Put out Apagar /extinguir un fuego
Put up colgar Build up Construir (un edificio)

Clima Clima Countryside Campo

Extinct Extinguido Forecast Previsión
Global Mundial / global
Freezing Helado Ola de calor
Insect Insecto Litter Basura Mammal
Mamífero Origin Origen Planet
Planeta Preserve Conservar Recycle
Reciclar Reptile Reptil Rescue
Rescatar Satellite Satélite Solar system
Sistema solar Species Especies Thunder
Truenos Wild Salvaje Wildlife
Vida salvaje Weather Tiempo (atmosférico) Lightning
Relámpago Earthquake Terremoto Drought
Sequía Volcanic eruption ErupciónVolcánica Tsunami Tsunami
Forest fire Incendio forestal Hurricane Huracán
Flood Inundación

Culture and stereotypes

Belief (plural:believes) Creencia Believe Creer

Ethical Ético Ethics Ética
Acceptance Aceptación Civilisation Civilización
Misconceptions Concepto erróneo Diversity Diversidad
Race Raza Cultural shock Choque cultural
Stereotype Estereotipo


Bible Bíblia Church Iglesia

Christianism Cristianismo Catholicism Catolicismo
Christian Cristiano Catholic Católico
Devil Diablo Mass Misa
Faith Fe God Dios
Sin Pecado Hell Infierno
Heaven Cielo Saint Santo
Pray Rezar Prayer Plegaria
Muslim Musulmán Islam Islam
Tunic Túnica

First/ firstly Primero/ en primerlugar Second/ secondly Segundo/ en segundo lugar

Third/ thirdly Tercero/ en tercer lugar Next/ then Seguidamente/ luego
After/ afterwards Después de/ más tarde Finally/ eventually Finalmente/ al final
Altough/ tough Aunque Because/ because of Porque
However Sin embargo Therefore Por lo tanto
Whereas/ While Mientras que Since Puesto/ ya que
Nevertless Sin embargo In order to Para/ con tal de
On the other hand Por otro lado For example Por ejemplo
For instance Por ejemplo Such as Tal como
Like Como Apart from Aparte de
Furthermore/ Moreover/ Además/ es más Not only… but also… No solo/ sino que/ también
In addition
Mostly Mayoritariamente In general En general
That is to say Es decir In other words En otras palabras
As a matter of fact Por cierto/ de hecho Obviously Obviamente
Above all Sobre todo Actually De hecho
In conclusión En conclusión To sum up Para resumir
In short En resumen All in all En suma
In brief En resumen On the whole En general
In spite A pesar de So Así que


Put up Increase Levantar.

Explode Burst Explotar.
Keen Eager Entusiasmado.
Give Provide Ofrecer.
Mad Insane Demente.
Lucky Fortunate Afortunado.
Suffer Endure Aguantar.
Wonderful Malvelous Maravilloso.
Disappear Vanish Desaparecer.
Persuade Convince Convencer.
Make up Invent Inventar.
Obey Abide by Atenerse.
Recover Recuperate Recuperar.
Protect Shield Proteger.
Dizzy Giddy Mareada.
Reckon Believe Creer.
Stubborn Obstinate Obstinado.
Cry Weep Llorar.
Strange Peculiar Extraño.
Con Scam Estafa.
Rich Wealthy Rico.
Boring Dull Aburrido.
Fall Plummet Caer.
Obscure Unclear Oscuro
Buy Purchase Comprar.
Hardworking Industrious Laborioso.
Freedom Liberty Libertad.
Awful Dreadful Horrible.
Anger Rage Rabia.
Anticipate Foresee Antiipar.
Hate Loathe Odio.
Brag Boast Alarde.
Big Large Grande.
Design Plan Diseño.
Policy Approach Política.
Fortune Money Fortuna.
Wonder Surprise Asombroso.
Opportunity Chance Oportunidad.
Oppose Disagree Oponer.
Unite Join Unirse.
Complete Finish Final.
Say Tell Decir.
Vote Choose Elegir.
Eventually Crowded Eventual.
Finally Full Completo.
Overwhelmed Expertise Habilidad.
Moved Proficient Capaz.
Whack Hit Golpear.
Conceal Hide Esconder.
Arrest Catch Coger.
Mend Fix Arreglar.
Walk Stroll Dar un paseo.
Thrill Excite Emoción.
Generic General Genérico,
Provisional Temporary Temporal.
Envision Visualise Visualizar.
Supervise Manage Dirigir.
Create Make Crear.
Choose Decide Elegir.
Close Shut Cerrar.
Improve Develop Elaborar.
Practise Train Ejercitarse.
Tread Step Pisar.
Try Attemp Intentar.
Obligue Compel Obligar.
Restrict Limit Restringir
Boost Increase Aumentar
Generic General Genérico.
Envision Visualise Imaginar.
Impose Enforce Obligar.
Let Allow Permitir.
Mention Speak about Mencionar.
Study Learn Aprender.
Hurry Urge Darse prisa.
Word pairs or word combinations.

Make + the bed Hacer la cama.

Come + close Acércate.
Go + abroad Ir al extranjero.
Take + a photo Tomar una foto.
Have + a drink Tomar una bebida.
Do + the dishes Lava los platos.
Go + online Estar en línea.
Have + fun Divertirse.
Take + a chance Arriesgarse
Get + old Envejecer.
Have + a dream Tener un sueño.
Look + forward to Esperar.
Take + place Tener un lugar.
Fight + back Defender.
Save + engergy Ahorrar energía.
Keep + a promise Cumplir una promesa.
Come + prepared Ven preparado.
Pay + attention Presta atención.
Catch + a thief Atrapar a un ladrón.
Tell + the truth Decir la verdad.
Say + hello Decir hola.
Compulsive + behavior Comportamiento compulsivo
Sore + throat Dolor de garganta.
Large + percentage Gran porcentaje.
Broad + shoulders Hombros anchos.
Completely + obscure Completamente oscuro.
Expensive + taste Gusto costoso.
Bare + wall Pared desnuda.
Commit + fraud Cometer fraude.
One-sided + conversation Conversación unilateral.
Endless + variety Gran variedad.
Artificial + light Luz artificial.
Deafening + noise Ruido ensordecedor.
Something + vital Algo vital.
Skilled+ labor Mano de obra calificada.
International+ organization Organización Internacional.
Human+ rights Derechos humanos.
Natural+ disaster Desastre natural.
Problem+ solving Resolución de problemas.
Artistic + talent Talento artístico.
Adult+ literacy Alfabetización de adultos.
Digital+ camera Cámara digital.
Financial+ support Soporte financiero.
Equal+ opportunity Igualdad de oportunidades.
Close + relationship Relación cercana,
Major + role Rol principal.
Boarding + school Internado.
Take + a shine Referido a una persona especial.
It’s a rip + off Esto es una estafa.
Better safe + than sorry Más vale prevenir que curar.
Hit + the roof Estar my enfadado.
Let the cat+ out of the bag Irse de la lengua.
Washing + my hair Lavando mí pelo. Es una excusa paea declinar una invitación.
What + a messi Vaya lío.
Gale force + winds Vientos huracandos.
Unanimous + decision Decisión unánime.
Horrible + taste Sabor horrible.
Unfortunate + situation Situación desafortunada.
Pungent + smell Olor desagradable.
Completely + amazed Completamente asombrado.
Steady + progress Progreso estable.
Make + mistake Cometer un error.
Unacceptable + behaviour Comportamiento inaceptable.
Strongly +suggest Sugerir fuertemente.
Abstract + painting Pintura abstracta.
Athletics + club Club de atletismo.
Congested + roads Caminos congestionados.
Frantic + efforts Esfuerzos frenéticos.
Housework + tasks Tareas dek hogar.
Adverse + effect Efecto adverso.
Vacant + property Propiedad vacante.
Collaborative + effort Esfuerzo colaborativo.
Unanimous + agreement Acuerdo unánime.
Humble + origins Orígenes humildes.
Millionaire + businessmen Empresarios millonarios.
Epidemic + proportions Proporciones epidémicas.
Diploma + programme Programa de diploma.
Windscreen + wipers Limpiaparabrisas.
Bargain + hunters Cazadores de gangas.
Get + the sack Ser despedido, poner en la calle.
Cross + your finger Cruzar los dedos, desear suerte.
Calm + down Cálmese.
Dess + up Vestirse.
Dess + out Desvestirse.
School + bus Autobús escolar.
Air + pollution Contaminación del aire.
Flight + attendant Asistente de vuelo.
Marriage + proposal Proposición de matrimonio.
Mass + media Medios de comunicación.
White + lies Mentiras blancas (inocentes).
Boot + camp Campo de entrenamiento.
Pen + name Seudónimo.
Baby + shower Fiesta prenatal.
Small-town + mentality Mentalidad de pueblo.
Keep + off Alejarse.
Shake + hands Estrecharse las manos.
Suffer + from Sufrir de.
Lead + singer Cantante principal.
Accept + responsability Aceptar la responsabilidad.
Completely + useless Completamente inútl.
Vigorous + shake Fuerte sacudida.
Throw + a party Dar una fiesta.
Hardly + see Apenas veo (casi ciego).
Provide + accomodation Proporcional alojamiento.
Wide + selection Amplia selección.
Social + experiment Experimento social.
Rise + sharply Aumentar bruscamente.
Well + maintain Buen mantenimiento.
Black + hole Agujero negro.
Book + review Reseña de libro.
Heart + and soul En cuerpo y alma.
Old + english Anglosajón.
Police + dog Perro policía.
Millonaire + bussinessmen Empresarios millonarios.
Epidemic + proportions Proporciones epidémicas.
Diploma + programme Diplomatura.
Smug + grin Sonrisa engreída.
Contagious + disease Enfermedad contagiosa.
Brisk + pace Paso ligero.
Harsh + criticism Dura crítica.
Lame + excuse Excusa débil.
Bake + off Concurso de horneado.
Standing + ovation Ovación de pié.
Bitter + end Amargo final.
Sole + survivor Único superviviente.
Vicious + circle Círculo vicioso.
Sly + grin Sonrisa pícara.
Final + draft Boceto definitivo.
Bushy + eyebrows Cejas tupidas.
Briefly + summarise Resumir brevemente.
Due + date Fecha de vencimiento.
Soul + mate Alma gemela.
Record + breaker Plusmarquista.
Rapid + progress Desarrollo rápido.
Healthy + appetite Buen apetito.
Bumpy + flight Vuelo con turbulencias.
Lost + luggage Equipaje extraviado.


Fear or surprise Amaze Asombro.

Abbsurd and laughable Ridiculous Ridículo.
Suitable for the purpose or use Appropiate Conveniente.
Gained or obtained fairly Honest Honesto.
Emotional and sentimental Moving Emotivo.
Difficult to believe. Implausible. Inverosímil.
A group of politicians form a/an Government Gobierno.
A kitchen utensil for cutting food is a/an Knife Cuchillo.
A very tall building in a city is called a/an Skycraper Rascacielos.
A type of table used for eork is called a/an Desk Escritorio.
A group of people who work together in the same
Colleagues Colegas.
place are
Crown A large group os people together is calles a/an
To go and live somewhere Settle Establecerse.
To buy and sell godos Trade Comerciar.
To control someone Command Controlar a alguien.
To say no Refuse Denegar.
To wrap something Cover Cubrir.
To puto r fit together, put together the parts os is to Assemble Ensamblar.
To move closer ir to Approach Acercarse.
To give orders Instruct Instruir.
To guess something Estimate Estimar.
To discover or perceive after consideration is to Find Encontrar.
To estimate is to Guess Adivinar/ suponer.
To suffer is to Endure Aguantar,.
To refuse is to Decline Rechazar.
To argue is to Disagree Discrepar.
To check is to Examine Examinar.
To restrict is to Limit Limitar.
To ban is to Prohibit Prohibir.
To boost is to Increase Aumentar.
To allow is to Permit Permitir.
To oppose someone is to Challenge Desafío.
To jump on one le gis to Hop Saltar a la pata coja.
To teach someone is to Instruct Instruir.
To accept something is to Approve Aceptar.
To get something is to Obtain Obtener.
To pay someone is to Compensate Compensar.
Wanting to know or learn something Curious Curiosidad.
Not natural or real Artificial Artificial.
Not clear and difficult to understand or see Obscure Oscuro.
Having a flat, even surface Smooth Suave
Having a lot of strong emotion Emotional Emocional.
The group of people who protect a country is a/an... Army Ejército.
A covering for floors is called a/an... Carpet Alfombra.
A type of house in the country is call a/an... Cottage Cabaña.
A large group of people together is called a/an... Crowd Multitud.
A type of table used for work is called a/an... Desk Escritorio.
To look at something is to... Observe Observar.


I’ve got a terrible bruise (moratón) in my shoulder.

That shirt really suits (te ve bien) you. It makes you look 10 years younger.
This piece of research (redescubrir) will change the way we think about dinosaurs.
You can’t believe anything you read in the newspaper. It’s very biased (tendencioso).
The criminal was changed guilty by the court (tribunal).
He had to walk down a long dark ceiling (techo) to get to his room.
The teacher should maintain discipline (disciplina) in the classroom to make the lesson effective.
She opened the wardrobe (armario) and took a coat out of it.
You should cut your fringe (flequillo) regularly otherwise, your hair will get in your eyes.
The local museum (museo) has an exhibit about the history of this area.
Just one more error (error) is enough to end the project.
The jacket has a/an hood (capucha) to protect your head.
The ship sailed into the port (puerto) on time.
The actors read their lines from the script (guion).
The cycling champion (campeón/a) broke the world record.
The board will approve (aprobar) the plan tomorrow.
Can I borrow (prestar) some money from you?
This fact is going to complicate (complicar) everything.
Two teams are going to compete (competir) in the race.
She couldn’t focus on (centrarse en) the question.
I don’t buy organic (orgánica) food because it’s expensive and I think it’s a waste of money.
He was an excitable man and was very vocal (ruidoso) about being unhappy.
It was one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. It was absolutely catch.(captura)
They’d spent a huge amount of money on the wedding. It was very stravagant. (extravagante)
When the player found out he’d lost the point, he was absolutely furious. (furioso)

Part 1 - 3 short questions (info. Personal) - 30 seconds eac
Example of a speaking structure:
In my spare time I like______________.
It is______________, because____________.
I also like to____________, and___________.
I think is fun_________, because_________.
(Conclusion) That’s why free time is important to me

Expanding on a topic.
When I am________________ , I feel___________.
I wish I could ______________ all day, and I even forget about everything else.
I enjoy doing____________ with my friend (friends), because ________________.

Do you study or do you work?/ Tell me about your job./ What do you do?/ What do you do for a
living?/ What’s your job/profession?
I have been an excellent student. Until recently I have been studying at the University of Cádiz to be a
But, nevertheless, today I am not working. Because for that, I need to get an English certificate. That is
why I am doing this exam that I have been preparing for months.
Tell me about the wheather./ What’s the weather like today?/ What’s the weather like in your
Let’s me see. In Jerez, It's boiling hot today, I hope it will cool down a bit in the evening or I won't be
able to sleep well.
It's a lovely day today, bright and sunny with only a few clouds in the sky. The temperature is not too
bad either, it must be around 16 or 17 degrees.
However, there are some clouds, so it wil probably rain later. At least, it’s not cold.
It’s bee raining for two weeks/ I has been raining.
It’s been sunny for some weeks.
What do you do in your free time?/ What do you do in your spare time?/ What do you do to relax?/
What do you do to hang out?/ What do you do in the evenings?/ What do you do at the weekend?/
What are your hobbies?
I usually meet up with my friends, to have some drinks or to go shopping. Sometimes, we gather for
dinner or lunch as well. We have so much fun! Besides, I go to the gym twice a week to do some
Do you play/do/practise any sports?/ Do you do exercise?/ Do you exercise?/ What do you do to
work out?/ Do you work out?/ What’s your favourite sport?/ What’s the most popular sport in
your country?
I usually go to the gym three times a week. There, I practise stationary bicycle and treadmill, among
When I do exercise I feel much better and relaxed. Doing sports is very important to be fit and healthy.
In Spain, the most common sport is football. People are obsessed, particularly men. Running is becoming
very popular too.
Do you like listening to music?/ What type/sort/kind of music do you like?/ Who is your favourite
singer or band?/ Do you usually go to concerts?
I really enjoy listening to music. I mainly like Spanish music, both pop and flamenco. My favourite band
is Estopa, because I feel very identified with the lyrics of their songs.
I usually listen to music when I’m driving. I hardly ever go to concerts.
Do you ever go to the cinema/movies?/ Do you like going to the cinema/movies?/ What’s the last
film/movie you saw?/ What do you usually watch on TV?/ Who is your favourite actor/actress/film
I don’t usually go to the cinema. I prefer watching films at home on TV or on the internet, since the
cinema is too expensive. The last time I went to the cinema was a month ago, to watch Toy story 4
movie. I loved it!
Normally, on television, I usually watch series like The Handmaid's Tale, friends, Big Bans Theory, The
Simpsons, among others. I like them a lot and they are very entertaining.
My favorite actor is Will Smith because he acts very well and is able to adopt very different roles. Some
of my favorite films of this actor are aladin, seven pounds, among others.
What’s your favourite type of food?/ Tell me about a typical dish in your country./ Do you like
cooking?/ What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?/ What type of restaurants do you
usually go to?
My favourite food is Italian food. However, it’s not very healthy so I don’t eat it every day. Instead, I
usually eat Mediterranean food which is typical in my country. My favourite Spanish dish is omelette,
although I’m very bad at cooking so I can’t make it. For breakfast/lunch/ dinner I usually have
toasts/pasta with somatoe sauce/salad.
Do you like reading?/ Tell me about the last book you read./ Do you have time to read?/ Do you
consider reading important (to learn)?/ Who is your favourite writer?
I really like reading because books help you to transpose yourself into new realities as well as improve
your vocabulary a lot. The last book I read was about a girl whose karma guided her life. It was funny,
entertaining and easy- reading. It was written by David Safier. I don’t really have much time to read
though. I’m too busy studying English.
I think reading is important because books help you to transpose yourself into new realities as well as
improve your vocabulary a lot.
My favorite writer is Frederico Moccia because I really like his writing as well as his books about love.
Do you have a large/small family? Tell me about your family/ Tell me about the last wedding you
I have a small family formed by four members: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. We live
in a large house located in the south of the city. However, my extended family consists of at least 20
relatives We are a close-knit family and meet each other for family gatherings at least five times a year
and play board games
The last wedding I attended was my cousin’s. She got married last year, on the 8 th of December. The
church was in Puerto de Santa María and the restaurant was in Jerez. The food was delicious and we
drank a lot. We had so much fun!
Where do you live?/ Where do you come from?/ Tell me about your home town./ Tell me about
your country./ Do you live in a big or small city?/ Do you prefer big cities or small villages?/ Have
you ever lived abroad?/ Have you ever lived away from your home town?
I’ve lived in Jerez since I was born. I really like living in this city because it is not very big but also not
very small and has many shops, entertainment venues and the beach nearby
My country is Spain. In it there is very good gastronomy and an adequare weather.
In addition, what I like the most about my country are the different popular festivals of the different
towns, such as fairs, romerias, among others.
I have never lived abroad, but I would like to live for a while outside my country to improve my English
and know other cultures and meet new people.
Do you watch TV?/ Do you listen to the radio?/ How important is the Internet for you?/ Do you
read the newspaper?/ Do you buy the newspaper?
I like watching TV, although I don’t have much free time nowadays so I usually listen to the radio
instead when I’m commuting. I listen to the news and this way I don’t have to buy the newspaper.
However, I sometimes read the news on the internet as well.
Please tell me about your hobbies and interest?
I enjoy reading books in my spare time. I especially enjoy non-fiction books. I’m also interested in
politics. I love watching debates on TV and trying to mimic the speakers. I love listening to pop music. I
make time to play with my kids on the weekend, and when I can, I usually watch TV, in particular, the
news.When I have the chance I make my own t-shirts and clothes on my old sewing machine. One of my
other interests is camping . I prefer outdoor activities and spend a lot of time gardening. I’m growing
cucumbers this year.
Tell me about your last holiday./ Do you prefer the beach or the mountain?/ Where are you going
for the next holidays?/ What did you do for Christmas?/ What’s your favourite season?
Last summer I went to Venice with my boyfriend. We saw the water canals, the most famous monuments
and the nearby islands.We had so much fun.
I prefer the beach to the mountain because I really like the sun and the sea. It makes me feel relaxed.
The next hollyday I will go to Malaga to sunbathe on the beach and get to know the city and its
During Christmas I don't usually go on vacation because I prefer to stay at home with my family
celebrating the holidays.
My favorite season is summer because I love the beach and I really like the sun and the sea. It makes me
feel relaxed.
Please, describe this room:
This room is not very large. It has a low ceiling, blue walls and a large window at the back. There are a
lot of desks with computers. I suppose the room is always neat and tidy. There’s a printer next to the
main desk.
Tell me about your favourite food.
I have a sweet thooth, so I love desserts, particularly I like chocolate cake with brownie ice -cream on
top. But, at the moment I am on a diet, so I avoid deep fried or sweet foods.
What’s your typical day like?
My typical day starts as I get up early and try to get some bread to have breakfast. Tran I go to my work,
where I sit down and plan the school day. I check my voice mails from kid’s parents. Then I have lunch
with my friend Mary and we eat a salad since we are on a diet, so I avoid deep fried food or sweets.
What is the food like in your country?
I am from Spain. We definitely have all kinds of different types of restaurants with various recipes.
However, the most characteristic of my country is clearly the Mediterranean Diet, consisting of dishes
such as fresh fish, vegetables, among others, cooked with olive oil.
How do you like to spend your holidays?
I usually spend my holidays away from my home. I often go at the camping with my best friends but
sometimes I spend my holidays with my family on my father’s boat. I like camping because I can relax
with my friend and listen music together. I also like travelling by plane. I would like to visit London
since I want to see the Big Ben.
What did you do yesterday?
Yesterday, I woke up early morning at 8 a.m., and I went to a small restaurant for breakfast. After that, I
went to the gym to do some exercises. I came to my house to take a shower and watched my priferd quiz
show on the TV. Then, I wore and took the bus. I went to my favourite shopping centre with my mates,
and we spent a nice afternoon.
What did you for breakfast yesterday?
Yesterday for breakfast, I had toast with jam, a couple of coffee with hot milk and an orange juice. Few
hours later at a mid-morning I ate a small sandwich with beggis and a piece of apple.
Have you got any plans for the weekend?
I’m going to meet up with my boyfriend’s family. His brother, who lives in Seville, just got a baby last
Friday, so we are going to see and give some gifts. Then I’m going to study English with my cousin
James at my house. After, we will play Spanish games or make a barbecue
What was your first school like?
I used to go to a small school for Primary. The teacher was a big fan of Art and Music. I went to see my
school days ago since my sister said to me she saw the school very changed. I really like that school
since I used to spend a great time here.
What are you wearing now?
Now, I’m wearing a white cotton skirt, a black cotton blouse and a brown sandals. I would like to wear a
bikini since today It’s boiling hot so later, I’m going to the beach with my best friend Mary.

*Tip: If you feel nervous: at this point, begin by repeating/ reading out the questions, and then answer it.
If you need time to think, say:

Let me see... >> Hmm... I would probably say... >>Well... >>That's an interesting point!

Part 2 - 1photo + 3 questions. (45 minutes each)

- Introducción (in this picture, I can see,…)
- Preposiciones (next to, at the top,…)
- Present continuous (is/ are + -ing)
- Opinión (I think, maybe,…)

This is a picture of a busy neighborhood. There are five people in the picture. I think they are at a
family event. The man on the right is making a toast. I can see many skyscrapers in the background.
SPECULATE: This is a busy, bustling city. It must be New York.She looks very sad. Perhaps no one
remembered it was her own birthday. I suppose it’s a holiday. They all look very happy. The woman on
the left is wearing skiing gear. They might be getting ready to go on vacation.
The man is wearing a tailored suit and a top hat. He must be Japanese because of the flag on his
briefcase. The woman behind him looks friendly. They are all wearing formal clothes. They might be
getting ready for a wedding. The girl in the middle seems to be excited. She must be getting ready for a
fun adventure.. He must be the child’s father. She could be his grandmother. They seem to be really
relaxed. She looks very sad. She looks surprised. Perhaps she’s meeting and old friend. I get the
impression he is hurt because he is holding his head.
It’s not clear whether it’s a competition or not.

REACT: I like this photo. It reminds me of my family.This photo makes me think of my own mother
and the time we celebrated her winning an award. I would love to try this. In fact, I’m going to try it this
weekend. I like this picture, though I’m afraid of dogs and I am not keen on being around animals.
1. Beginning your description
This is a picture of ... (main topic). -It shows / It is shown... (describe key features). -We can see.

2.Key tenses & structures

Describe the activity Present continuous.
There is/ are + object + verb + ing: She is /They're doing sport

3. Spatial language
There is/ are + object + verb + ing.
In the foreground /background I can see...
On the left/ On the right there is/are...
Next to/ Behind/ In front of there is/ are …
In the middle .

4.Speculating (making guesses)

I suppose, I imagine, I reckon...,I would say that
He/ she/ it/ they might be / must be
He/she looks like + noun
He/she looks + adjective
He/she seems + adjective/ to infinitive
He/she appears to be + adjective / noun / verb

5. Paraphrasing (explaining a word that you cant remember)

It's similar to a ,It looks like some kind of... ,It's a thing that you use for (+ verbo en -ing)...
Describe this picture.
There is a young girl looking at some things inside a glass box – maybe she is in a museum. There is an
adult with her and she is looking in the box too.
Tell me about a time you visited a museum.
I haven’t been to a museum since I was about ten. To be honest, I can’t really remember it – I was with
my school and I just remember the journey back home.
Do you think people should pay to visit museums, or should they be free?
I don’t think anything is free – it must be paid for somehow. In my country guests pay and local people
can go in free.
Part 3 Describe, compare and speculate two photos 3 questions (45 seconds)
1. Beginning your comparison
Both pictures show us... (common topic) -There is/ are in both pictures

2. Contrasting the pictures

In the left picture I can see while/ whereas, in the right picture. . -In the left picture there is/ are on the
contrary/ in contrast, in the right picture

3. Speculating
Imagine it would be (adjective) I suppose - would find it (adjective) - would say that -He/ she/ it/ they
might be / must be

What kind of people play these two sports?

I think very different people play these sports. I think golf is for people who have a lot of money and
time to spare and basketball, although possibly played by everybody, is usually played by busy people
who like to play team sports.

Which of these two sports is more difficult to play?Why?

I think they are so different, a comparison is not really applicable. One is very athletic and a team sport
while the other is solitary and requires long periods of thought and concentration. They are of course,
both sports but they are vastly different.
So, hmm, if you are fit, then I guess basketball would be easier than golf. It seems to be that you can rely
on your teammates a bit, and they can encourage you if you are not playing well.

Describing two pictures: In the first picture, I can see… / In the other picture, there are/is…../ Looking
at the (fist/second) picture I can see…/ Which may show…/ (They/He/She/) may be (verb+ing).
Structures and vocabulary for comparing and contrasting two photographs

Things in common: Both pictures show/have / I think they both are (in/on/of..) / There is/are(_____) in
both pictures… /Similarly in the second picture, the first picture has…
Contrasting the pictures: There are several differences. / In the top picture is(____) whereas, in the
bottom picture.. /In the picture on the right whereas , the picture on the left../ The picture of(___)is… / It
looks like../ However, the picture of(___) looks like…/ They look like..

Highlighting differences: The main difference between the pictures is…. / The main focus of the
(first/top/L/R )picture is (_____)whereas.. /After looking at these images , the biggest difference is ….
Adding ideas: In addition… / What’s more…. / One more thing…

Example Answer:
Both pictures show people at work. There are computers in both pictures. However, there are
several important differences. In the top picture or the picture on the (L/R) the man looks quite
stressed. I think she is probably a manager or a boss, whereas, in the bottom picture the man looks
very relaxed. He probably works as an Artist or in a museum . The woman might be preparing for a deal
or a stressful decision. However, the picture of the man looks like and nice peaceful environment, but
the woman looks like her workplace is a crowded stressful place to work………..
Structures and vocabulary for speculating and choosing Speculating :
I imagine it would be….(adjective)/ I would find it… (adjective) / It might be nice to.. / I could see
myself…./ Perhaps it would be / I suppose … /I guess it would be nice to..

Choosing one image / situation :

I would choose the top/ bottom situation/ image because…/ I think I’d prefer to… (verb) because… / I
think I’d prefer to (verb) because….. /I would definitely choose to…. / It would probably be better to…
because…./ I doubt I would like to _____in picture (1/2) but I would prefer to)_____in picture (1/2)/ In
my opinion (1/2) would be better. because..

Part 4 Long turn > (1 minute to prepare + 2 minutes talking)

Tell me a time when you were on your own. How did you feel about it? What are some of the ways
of passing time on your own? You now have two minutes to talk.
The last time I was on my own was when I was travelling around the country. I wanted to spend some
time up in the hills and forests, just being with nature. I love the sounds, smells, and the feeling you get
and being with other people makes it very difficult to relax and just be with nature.
I felt so very relaxed it was hard when I came back in to the town. I like to be with friends but I do find it
really important to spend time alone and to have only yourself and the ‘birds and the bees’ around.
I have talked about one – relaxing – but another thing that I really enjoy is reading. I love just sitting
with a good book and the feeling of being engrossed in a story without a care in the world and any
distractions. Another way is when I go for drives – I suppose it’s like exploring or finding my town all
for myself I often put some music on and have a sing along too – I never usually sing in front of people –
I guess I must be shy.
Question 1: Personal Experiences/ Recall: Tell me about a time…
Question 2: Emotional Response/Feelings/Opinion: How did you feel about …./ How does this____
make you feel / Explain why you…….
Question 3: Speculation/ Opinion: Why do you think…
Example Question:
Tell me about a personal achievement or award you have received. How did you feel about this
Do awards encourage people to do their best? You have 1 minute to prepare before you answer the
question take full advantage by taking some quick notes for each question
If you have more time try using the following:
Adding more information: Another important point to make is/ thing to say is…

Disagreeing with yourself : On the other hand, sometimes I think that…/

Then again, it’s also true that….. /Then again, it’s also true that….
Giving a conclusion: So in conclusion, I would say… / So it has to be a balance…/It all depends on…

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