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Baleen whales eat (and poop) a lot more than we realized

In a single day, a blue whale can gulp down the caloric equivalent of 30,000 Big Macs

Humpback whales feed on sand launce fish in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts.
New research suggests that baleen whales, including humpbacks, eat a lot more food than scientists realized.

By Jonathan Lambert
NOVEMBER 3, 2021 AT 12:00 PM

Whalers have plucked giant whales from the sea for much of the last century, reducing their
numbers by up to 99 percent for certain species. Some scientists thought that krill — the tiny
crustaceans that many whales eat in gargantuan gulps — would explode in number as a
result, mostly free from the feeding pressure of the largest animals that have ever lived.

But that didn’t happen. Instead, Antarctic krill numbers have dwindled since the mid-20th
century, by more than 80 percent in areas heavily trafficked by whalers. Many other
consumers of krill, like seabirds and fish, have suffered too in the absence of the crustaceans
and their giant eaters.
Now, scientists have a clearer idea why this happened: whale poop, or rather, the lack of it.

A new study finds that baleen whales, including blue and humpback whales, eat on average
three times as much krill and other food as previously thought, and more food in means more
poop out. Paradoxically, the collapse of the krill may stem from fewer whales excreting iron-
rich, digested krill, denying these ecosystems some crucial nutrients they need to thrive.
Phytoplankton blooms, which sustain krill and many other parts of the food web, rely on that
iron. Restoring whale populations to prewhaling levels could help bolster these ecosystems
and even store more carbon in the ocean, researchers report in the Nov. 4 Nature.

“It’s hard to know what role whales play in ecosystems without knowing how much they’re
eating,” says Joe Roman, a marine ecologist at the University of Vermont in Burlington who
wasn’t involved in the research. Whale food intake was coarsely understood before, he says,
and this study will “allow us to better understand how the widespread depletion of whales has
impacted ocean ecosystems.”

Assessing the precise diet of Boeing 737–sized creatures that gulp down hordes of
centimeter-long invertebrates far below the surface of the ocean is not a trivial undertaking.
Previous estimates relied on dissections of dead whales or inferring whales’ metabolic needs
based on their size. “These studies were educated guesses, and none were conducted on live
whales in the wild,” says Matthew Savoca, a marine biologist at Hopkins Marine Station of
Stanford University in Pacific Grove, Calif.

But new technology gave Savoca and colleagues “a chance to answer a really basic biological
question about some of the most charismatic animals on earth.”

The researchers needed to know three things: how often whales feed, how big of gulps they
take and how much food is in each gulp. Using sophisticated sensors suction-cupped to the
backs of 321 individuals of seven whale species, the researchers could tell when the whales
lunged for prey, a reliable sign of feeding. Aerial drones snapped photos of 105 whales, which
the researchers used to estimate gulp size. Finally, sonar mapping revealed the density of krill
in key feeding areas.
Researchers approach two humpback whales near the West Antarctic Peninsula in an effort to attach specialized sensors
via suction cup to track the animals’ feeding behavior.
AND 2020-016

Combining these datasets together revealed a more detailed look at feeding than ever before,
says Sarah Fortune, a marine ecologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Winnipeg. Savoca
and his colleagues “measured all the things you need to measure to get an accurate estimate
of consumption,” for baleen whales, she says.

It turns out that, on average, baleen whales eat about three times as much food as earlier
estimates suggested. For example, a blue whale can put down 16 metric tons of krill in a day,
the researchers found. Energetically, that’s equivalent to around 10 million to 20 million
calories, or about 30,000 Big Macs, Savoca says.

Whales aren’t eating that much every day. The animals go for months without a bite when
migrating vast distances. But the sheer volume of food that they consume, and then excrete,
suggests that whales shape ocean ecosystems to a larger degree than previously thought,
Savoca says, making their loss that much more impactful.

That’s because one role whales play is that of nutrient cycler. By feeding on iron-rich krill in
the deep and returning some of that iron to the surface in the form of poop, whales help keep
this crucial element in the food web. Excessive whaling might have broken this iron cycle.
With less iron at the surface, phytoplankton blooms shrink, krill numbers crash and the
ecosystem becomes less productive, Savoca says.

Before industrial whaling killed millions of whales in the 20th century, the researchers
estimate that baleen whales in just the Southern Ocean alone, a key feeding area, consumed
430 million metric tons of krill each year, more than twice the biomass of all krill that’s found
in those waters today (SN: 3/4/21). Even with today’s diminished populations, researchers
estimate that whales prevent approximately 1,200 metric tons of iron from being lost each
year, left to drift down to the dark deep of the Southern Ocean.

Whales are likely not the only factor behind the staggering loss of krill, Savoca says, but the
evidence suggests that “whales play a role here, and when you wholesale remove them, the
system becomes, on average, less productive.”

Some whale populations are rebounding (SN: 11/18/19). If whales and krill could be brought
back to their early 1900s numbers, the productivity of the Southern Ocean could be boosted
by 11 percent, the researchers calculate. That increased productivity would translate into
more carbon-rich bodies, from krill to blue whales, which together would store 215 million
metric tons of carbon annually, the equivalent of taking more than 170 million cars off the
road for a year, the team suggests.

“Whales are not the solution to climate change,” Savoca says. “But rebuilding whale
populations would help a sliver, and we need lots of slivers put together to solve the

M.S. Savoca et al. Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements. Nature. Vol. 599,
November 4, 2021, p. 85. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03991-5.

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