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Meaning and dimensions of political culture, meaning and types of political socialization, agencies of
political socialization and their roles, political participation- meaning and types, political apathy,
psychological, social and political determinants of participation.



The term ‘political culture’ is being systematically used in scheme for classifying and describing political
systems. It is also used as a tool for explaining political phenomena. Political culture has got various
components and different variations.


Gabriel is considered as the father of concept ‘political culture’. Almond defines political culture as ‘the
particular pattern of orientation to political objects in which political system is embedded.’ It is to be
noted that the ‘orientations’ are predispositions to political action and are determined by such factors as
tradition, historical memories, motives, norms, emotions and symbols. Political culture simply means a
set of political beliefs, feelings and values that prevail in a nation at given time. It filters perceptions,
determines attitudes, and influence s modalities of participation. Culture is major component of the
political game. It essentially a psychological refers to what people think about politics, to their values and
emotions. It doesn’t refer to the actual political behavior.

Lucian pye defines ‘political culture as “the set of attitudes, beliefs and sentiments that give order and
meaning to the political system and provide the underlying assumptions and rules that govern political
behavior.” It simply stated, a political culture refers to a set of political beliefs and feelings and values
that prevail in a nation at a given time. The political culture is transmitted through various mechanisms.
Such as mass media, education system, church and business organization.

Component of political culture

There are three components of political culture based upon their orientations. They are

1. Cognitive orientation- it refers to the knowledge and awareness of political objects. For instance,
the knowledge about the existence of the political or the state assembles, the executive body and
the judiciary systems and the pressure groups and the interest groups.
2. Affective orientation- it refers to the emotions and feelings about the political object. For example
the support or opposition to the government forms the core of this orientation.
3. Evaluative orientation- it refers to the judgment about the political objects. The political objects
of the orientation include institution as the executive, legislative and the judiciary, the political
parties and pressure groups.

Dimensions of political culture

This extends of information people have about the individual holders of political offices and procedures
and institutions in the government system and salient political issues. People’s beliefs about how the
political system operates and evolutions of the system’s performance, beliefs about what political rules
are valid- people’s values and preferences for settling political matters, their convictions about the proper
or improper “rules of the political game” in society. Attitudes toward public officials and office- what
status do public offices enjoy in the people’s eyes and how do the people award prestige to different
public offices in the political system. Beliefs about how are can participate in political life and related
behavior example how citizens feel they can participate in political life and how they do actually
participate. What people say about the fundamental purpose of government, what they think government
should do?


In short political culture governs the “rules of the political game” in a society. It encompasses beliefs
about the nature of political leadership and authority, about the power and improper way of handling
political affairs and about the proper and improper functions of government. All these orientations and
attitudes are closely interrelated and form part of an individual’s psyche. They constitute the latent
political tendencies, the propensities for political behavior and these are of singular importance for the
survival and stability of a political system.

Determinants of political culture

Political culture is determined by

 Awareness of government
 Expectations of government
 Participation of government

Types of political culture

There are three type of political culture

1. Parochial culture-in this parochial culture the people have low level of awareness and have low
level of expectations and they hardly participations and they hardly participate in politics means
to say they have minimum level of participation. In this model people don’t have any cognitive
orientation towards the political system. People don’t expect anything positive of the government
nor do they participate in the politics as it is seen as the domain of elites. Government is seen as
the enforces of its own rules.
2. Subject political culture- higher level of awareness, expectation and participation is minimal.
People have cognitive orientation towards only the output aspect of the systems. People except
positive actions from the government but doesn’t tend to be political active themselves. See
politics to be a domain.
3. Participatory culture- in this model the citizen has cognitive orientation about both input and
output aspects of the system. Citizens have high expectations of the government and personally
participate in politics. Especially at the time of election in this participation in vibrant.

Importance / conclusion

Public attitude about political system will powerfully affect the working of the system. Political culture
helps to legitimate the political system of a society. When it collapses or is thrown into doubt, a crisis of
legitimacy is created. Crisis, scandals, failures can quickly undermine citizens faith in the whole system.
Preservation of a proper culture is a major concern for the politicians and bureaucrats.



Political culture are transmitted within societies through a process of political socialization whereby
people learn to confirm to social norms, a process that makes possible an eduring society and the
transmission of its culture between generations.

Meaning of socialization

It is a process of learning in a social context or social learning beings. It is the process by which
individuals learn about politics, a process by which values, beliefs and attitudes of a political culture are
transmitted from one generation to the next.

In other words political socialization as the process of induction into a political system. We do this by
acquiring information on political symbols, institutions, rules and procedures. It is a complex process by
which people acquire their political values. It shapes and transmits a nation political culture.


It is a process where the citizens develop the values, attitudes, beliefs and opinion that enable them to
support the political system.-J.M Magstadt 2006

It is process through which individuals acquire political beliefs and values and by which these are
transmitted from one generation to the next. J.B Heywood 2007


It is a process of cognitive learning (process of political education involving dissemination of information

about the political system or training in citizenship) Internalization of norms, values and role expectations
which support existing institutions.


1. Direct and manifest socialization

It is a process in which the content of the transmitted information, values or feeling is clearly
political. One explicitly learns about the pattern and functions of the government the views of a
political party or gets convinced of the superiority of a particular political ideology.
2. Indirect or latent socialization
Individuals as a result of his relationship with parents and teachers may develop an attitude to
authority in general. This attitude may late on be directed to political authority in particular. Thus
orientation to non- political objects is ultimately transformed into political orientations.

Both manifest as well as latent socialization can be intentional as well as unintentional. Teacher teaching
the students to be a law abiding intentional transmission, fear of police by a child because of some ill
treatment to the family is an unintentional transmission of political orientations.


a) Primary socialization
Socialization is a lifelong processes that being at an early stage. Family, peer group, school,
college, work place, political parties, religious institutions and mass media are some of the agents
of socialization. They exercise varying influence on the individual.
 Family
It is first and fore most important influencing agent of socialization on the formation of
the individual. Children first get socialized at home, learning what is permissible and
what obligation he/she has to in family and their rights and privileges. They learn about
loyalty, conflict, power and authority. But some family values run contrary to societal
and bureaucratic values. It performs the task of establishing children’s basic political
orientations and knowledge.
 School/college/universities
These are an excellent medium to promote values that one congenial to political systems.
Schools and colleges help in civic education. History is all about political socialization.
Children are taught to contribute socio-political cohesion. Inculcating societal values and
beliefs of society to the young, leadership roles responsibilities and decision making
skills are developed.
 Peer group
Peer group refers to a group of people who are friends or to people of similar age or
characteristics. Individual members have tendency to identify with group of people like
themselves. Relationship with the members is personal, intimate and emotional. Peer
groups fulfill members need of approval they affect formation of political attitudes and
beliefs. Interpretations and explanations for political content is available in peer groups.
b) Secondary socialization
Membership to secondary groups provides a very good apprenticeship for dealing with
relationship in the political world, equips them with skills, information and predispositions,
political parties, trade unions, membership to clubs.
 Religion
Religion organizations have been one of the dominant agents of political socialization. It
may be direct or indirect, religion being a source of moral authority can reinforce status
quo or be a dissenting voice. Plays important role because they draw religious imagery to
unite citizens, Church in Europe, Hindu, Muslim organization do promote certain beliefs.
 Mass media
Television, radio, the internet, newspapers and magazines all play an important role in
political socialization. Some of them owned by political parties themselves, these media
would our thinking and form opinion. They do these both consciously and unconsciously.

 It brings enlightenment among the people.
 It brings efficiency in the working of the political system
 It provides legitimacy to political system
 It helpful in the formation of the political culture
 It helpful in maintaining political culture
 It prepare the people for political roles
 It provides link between political system and social system
 It provides knowledge about the political matters.
 It provides stability to political system


Socialization is a lifelong inculcation and absorption of beliefs, values and behavioral norms. It begins at
cradle and ends in grave. Difficult agents have varying influence on the individual, at times they may
even play a conflicting or contradictory roles.



Any social system to function effectively participation of people is critical. For a political system
participation is central. In the absence of participation democracy becomes meaningless. Participation
means people have their say in the policy making bodies of the political system. Decentralization is an
important form of participation. Participation is necessary for the stability and legitimacy of a political


According to McCloscky “participation is the principle means by which consent is granted or withdrawn
in a democracy and rulers are made accountable to the ruled.”

Meaning of political participation

Taking part in the political processes which lead to the selection of political leaders and determine the
political activities. It devotes a series of voluntary activities which have a bearing on the political process.
Political process involves issues like the selection of rulers and the various aspects of the formation of
public policy. Activities include voting at polls, supporting possible pressure groups by being a member
of them, personal communication with political leaders, participations in party activities, disseminating
political opinion.

Forms of political participation

 Voting in local or national elections

 Canvassing or otherwise campaigning in elections
 Active membership of a pressure group
 Active membership of a political parties
 Taking part in political demonstrations, industrial strikes with political objectives and similar
activities aimed at changing public policy.
 Membership of government advisory committees
 Various forms of community action, such as those concerned with housing or environmental
issues in the locality.

Types of participation

Based on participation

 Active participation- in which the people actively participate in politics

 Passive participation- in which the people become indifferent to politics

Based on purpose

 Instrumental- it is directed to the achievement of concrete goals like securing party victory or
passage of bills etc.
 Expressive- it is connected with immediate satisfaction or mere release of feelings.

Lester Milbrath classification

 Gladiatorial activities- it is a small number of party activity in which the members are active in
 Transitional activities- it is a types of party activities in which members offend meetings and
contribute to party funds. They sympathies and listen to activities of the party.
 Spectator activities- it is a temporary voting in which people influence others to votes in a
particular way.

Forms of non-participation

Political apathy

It is a type of passivity, lack of interest or lack of concern for political issues. It involves inability and
unchallenging acceptance of constituted authority. It provides support for the regime but enables the
individuals to avoid the politicization of his whole being.

Types of political apathy

A. Parochial apathy or in deliberate apathy- there is lack of information and lack of interest in the
political world. They may not have the capacity or opportunity for participation. Such is found
among uneducated, unarticulated section of society.
B. Deliberate apathy- these people make a conscious choice to be indifferent.

Reasons for deliberate apathy

 Political involvement to such people may appear to be less rewarding than other kinds of
 It may be due to strong feelings that are really makes no sense in investing one’s times and
energy in things that you cannot change political efficiency.
 An individual is too satisfied with the efficiency and efficacy of the political system he belongs.
 Frustration- it may be due to one’s total frustration with the system due to prevailing incorrigible
and corrupt practices in the system.
 Ideological stereotype- there are ideological believes that promotes political apathy and passivity
example moist, naxal.
 Cynicism it is out of certain dislike for politics and politicians. It is a feeling that politics is a
‘dirty business’ politician is not to be trusted etc.


I. Psychological factors
It helps to come out from loneliness and isolation. It provides a platform to share emotions of
anger, sympathy, distress, opportunities to create bonds of friendship, for new associations. It
gives men a new lifestyle by engaging him in political activity and gives him a new purpose. It
enhances one’s self-esteem and boosts his self-image. It helps him to handle his inner conflict
tension and insecurity.
II. Social factors
Education- expands knowledge, understanding and capacity to negotiate and bargain for better
Occupation- people who are in occupation tend to participate more than others. An occupational
requirement lends them the space for participations.
Status- education, occupation and income contribute to one’s status persons who are in high
status tend to participate more than others.
Sex- study revealed that men participated more than women as they are more conservative less
Age- studies showed that the middle age participated more in politics than young and old.
Property ownership increased family responsibility and acceptance of group’s status facilitated
greater participation among the middle aged.
City dwellers- it is seen from study that urban dweller to participate more than the rural folk due
to their increased family exposure to mass media, higher education levels, better understanding of
issues, lesser costs etc.
III. Political factors
Political environment when the country is too large, when people develop a feeling of remoteness
and the machineries of political communication don’t function effectively then the participation
gets hampered. Rigidity of the government and complexity of rules are other reasons for the
decline in participation levels.
Elections- elections rules are simple and voting arrangements are not cumbersome then the
participation in voting will be more.
Government performance- when the government is inefficient and performance is bad then
participation declines. This doesn’t all the same mean that good performance automatically leads
to good participation.
Crisis- crisis in national and international politics may sometimes sharpen the impulses to
participate in the electoral process.
Party- political parties constantly encourage people to participate and provide information and

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