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Result Interpretation
Chest x-ray It shows hyperinflation and right Abnormal
lobe pneumonia

ABG Result Normal Value Interpretation

Ph 7.24 7.35 - 7.45 Abnormal
PO2 35 mmHg 80 - 100 Abnormal
PCO2 60 mmHg 35 – 45 mmHg Abnormal
HCO3 30 22 26 Abnormal
O2 sat 85% 95% -100% Abnormal

Spirometry with FEVI 35% predicted that does not change
significantly after inhaled bronchodilators.

ECG findings Interpretation

ECG  Rightward deviation  Lung hyperexpansion
of the P wave and causes external
QRS axis compression of the
 Low voltage QRS heart and lowering of
complexes, especially the diaphragm, with
in the left precordial consequent elongation
leads (V4-6) and vertical
 With development of orientation of the
cor pulmonale, right heart
atrial enlargement (P  Due to its fixed
pulmonale) and right attachments to the
ventricular great vessels, the heart
hypertrophy undergoes clockwise
 Arrhythmias rotation in the
including multifocal transverse plane, with
atrial tachycardia movement of the right
ventricle anteriorly
and displacement of
the left ventricle
 The presence of
increased air between
the heart and
recording electrodes
has a dampening
effect, leading to
reduced amplitude of
the QRS complexes

Urinalysis Result Interpretation

Volume 10 ml
Color Pale yellow Healthy and Hydrated
Turbidity Clear Normal
Pus cells 1-2 Normal
Epithelial cells 1-2 Normal

Hematology Result Normal Value Interpretation

Hb% 14.8% 12-18% Normal
WBC 6800 cell/ 5000-11000 Normal
Polymorphs 63 40-75% Normal
Lymphocyte 30 20-50% Normal
ESR 15 0-20mm/hr Normal
Platelet 1.9 lakh 1.5-4.5 lahk Normal
GRBS 100mg/dl 70-140 mg/dl Normal
Serum Urea 35mg/dl 20-50 mg/dl Normal
Serum Creatinine 1.1 mg/dl 0.6-1.1 mg/dl Normal

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