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THEME:The development of
mathematics in centuries




The development of mathematics

The word "mathematics" comes from the ancient Greek language
(μάθημαmáthema), which means teaching, study, science, in addition it has over
time taken on a narrower and more technical meaning meaning "mathematical
study".  Mathematics constitutes a field of abstract knowledge constructed with
the help of logical reasoning on concepts such as numbers, figures, structures and
transformations. Ika Mathematics is distinguished from other sciences for a
special connection it has with reality. It is of a purely intellectual nature, based on
a series of axioms declared true (meaning that axioms are not subject to any
experience but are inspired by experience) or on some laws.  Mathematics deals
with the study of quantitative and qualitative relations of concrete and abstract
objects, as well as with the study of spatial forms. According to the Burbakists it is
a science that studies relations and at its core is the meaning of number.
Mathematics is a deductive science its conclusions are general and are a
logical consequence of axioms.
3. In ancient Greece mathematics experienced an unprecedented development
by a whole constellation of mathematicians such as: Pythagoras, Thales, Pluto,
Eudoxus, Euclid, Archimedes, etc. The ancient Greeks understood mathematics in
the sense of geometry and were the first to prove the mathematical truths which
they called theorems. The mathematical knowledge of the ancient Greeks was
later acquired and enriched by the Arabs who are also called the founders of
algebra. Arabic translations of the works of Greek mathematicians in the Middle
Ages penetrated Europe. Then the push and the development of mathematics
was taken over by the Europeans.
4. Greek mathematician and philosopher, who lived approximately from 570 to
495 BC. Pythagoras is familiar with his Pythagorean theorem and has been hailed
by Aristotle as one of the first initiators in the study and development of the
science of mathematics. It is historically known as the right triangle. The
Pythagorean theorem, is a key role in modern measurements and technological
equipment and is known as the basis for other theories and theorems in
mathematics.  Mathematics is the point where religion, science and art meet
and harmonize. Therefore, his doctrine can be universal and harmoniously
contain the religious concept, scientific research and experiment. And all these
are filled with a set of ethical rules where they also have to do with mathematical
keys and numbers. Mathematical symbols have a great importance in the
Pythagorean doctrine because through them they managed to consolidate in the
displayed world everything they had managed to assimilate. . That is, they could
write, using mathematical symbols, a psychological state or an expression of
5. Thales Theorem: Thales Theorem states that: If A, B and C are points on a
circular line such that the segment AC is the diameter of the circular line then the
angle ABC is a right angle. Thales inverse theorem: The hypotenuse of a right
triangle is the diameter of the inscribed circle. Thales of Miletus was born in
624p.e.s. and died in 552p.e.s., was an ancient philosopher and mathematician.
Author of philosophical works which later by many scientists are taken as the
beginning of their work. HistoryTales is not the first to discover the theorem, it is
known that all theorems were owned by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians
who used proven porpa. Talesi is the first to give her certificate, which is why she
bears his name today.
6. uk Euclid around 365 - 275 BC) is the founder of the axiomatic method in
geometry. He summarized and systematized all the geometric and mathematical
knowledge of his time in 13 books which are known as Elements. Euclid's First
Theorem In right-angled triangles, the height removed by the angle of inclination
of the right angle is the proportional mean between the floors with the
hypotenuse. CD2 = AH * BH Euclid's Second Theorem In right-angled triangles,
each floor is the ratio of the hypotenuse to its projection on the hypotenuse. AC2
= AD * AB
7. Archimedes lived around 287 p.e.s. It is said by some historians and
mathematicians that he was the greatest mathematician of antiquity. was bathing
in a bath (went out on the street shouting "Eureka (evrika)" - (I found it)
8. Geometry is the branch of mathematics that studies the figures of plane and
space and the relations between them. The word geometry comes from the
Greek and means "measurement of the earth" this word was created by
Herodotus. Geometry is developed from the practical needs of everyday life. in
ancient Greece, Greek scientists discovered the deductive or axiomatic method of
treating geometry (Thales, Pythagoras, etc.). Between the VI and III centuries BC,
in Greek society it takes place

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