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Possessive adjectives

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1. Where are (you) ____________ friends now?
2. Here is a postcard from (I) ____________ friend Peggy.
3. She lives in Australia now with (she) ___________ family.
4. (She) ___________ husband works in Newcastle.
5. (He) ___________ company builds ships.
6. (They) ____________ children go to school in Newcastle.
7. (I) ___________ husband and I want to go to Australia, too.
8. We want to see Peggy and (she) ______________ family next winter.
9. (We) ________________ winter!
10.Because it is (they) ______________ summer.

2. Write his or her 3.Change to plural

a.Mary has a car. a.Open your book.
____ car is blue. __________________________
b.Jane has a bike. b.Read your letter.
____bike is red. __________________________
c.Paul has a house. c.Your pencil is long.
____ house is new. __________________________
d.Fred has a book. d.Your motorcycle is new
____book is interesting. __________________________
e.Lucy has a friend. e.Your teacher is good.
_____ friend is John. ___________________________

4. Answer the questions using possessive pronouns.

a.My car is yellow. And yours?
b.My name is Mary. And yours?
c.My book is red. And hers?
d.My teacher is English. And his?
e.Our ball is blue. And theirs?

5. Complete the sentences using the possessives its.

a) This is a ball.(color black). _________________________
b) This is a pig.(legs – short). _________________________
c) This is a horse. (ears- long)._________________________

6)Write in the plural. (observe que o adjetivo não varia)

a)This color is very beautiful.
b)This house is very expensive.
c)This boy and that girl are my friends.
d)This boy is happy.
e)This girl is beautiful.
f)That is a new house.
g)That is a happy boy.
h)That is a good teacher.
i)That is a red bird.

7)Traduza para o português.

a)That girl is my friend.
b)These balls are yellow.
c)Those houses are beautiful.
d)This pen is very good.

8) Follow the example:

(apples) => These are apples

orange =====> __________________________________________

book =====> __________________________________________
tables => __________________________________________
pencil =====> ________________________________________________

9) Complete as frases com this ou these.

a)__________is a ball. (bola)
b)__________are trees. (duas árvores)
c)__________is an orange. (uma laranja)
d)__________are apples. (duas maçãs)

10) Traduza as frases para o inglês.

a)Aquele carro está longe.
b)Estes aviões são velhos.
c)Aqueles cadernos são pretos.
d)Isto é um lápis.

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