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Member of Group 7:

Aziva Muriza Putri (2111212029)

Faradiba Silfilla An’nisa (2111212069)
Fatma Azzara (2111213027)
Rahma Fadhila (2111213001)
Syakira Barara Fauzal (2111213023)





TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION....................................................................................................2

2.1 About Spirulina.........................................................................................................2

2.2 Nutrition Contained in Spirulina...............................................................................3

2.3 Benefits of Spirulina.................................................................................................4

2.4 How to Use Spirulina................................................................................................6

2.5 Member Review........................................................................................................9

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.............................................................................................10




Herbal medicine is the use of medicine to reduce, eliminate disease or cure someone from
disease by using parts of plants such as seeds, flowers, leaves, stems, and roots which are
processed into herbal medicinal plants. Herbal medicine is part of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) defines CAM as a diverse group of medical and health care systems, practices, and
products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.



2.1 About Spirulina

Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as blue-green algae, and is one of the

oldest lifeforms on Earth. Spirulina is a “blue-green” photolithoautotroph, meaning it can derive
energy from sunlight and use carbon dioxide as its carbon source (Perry et al., 2002). Spirulina
grows in both fresh and saltwater sources and is known for its high protein and micronutrient. It
obtains minerals from the inorganic sources of the environment and is similar to other
cyanobacteria. Spirulina is gram-negative with a cell membrane, cell wall, and an outer
membrane. It has been known for its food benefits for numerous years even before its
rediscovery three decades ago (Barnett, 2007).

Among the many varieties of spirulina, the most commonly studied species are Spirulina
platensis (Arthrospora platensis), Spirulina maxima (Arthrospora maxima) and Spirulina
fusiformis (Arthrospora fusiformis). The high nutritive values of spirulina were recognised by
the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Microalgae Spirulina Against Malnutrition in the
1970s, where they launched Spirulina to fight against starvation and malnutrition. 2 Spirulina has
also been recognised and recommended by National Aeronautics and Space Administration and
the European Space Agency for food supplementation during long-term space travels. Since
then, there have been numerous animal and human clinical trials to determine its beneficial
effects as a supplement.

2.2 Nutrition Contained in Spirulina

Spirulina has the main content of Antrospira sp, which contains a variety of important
nutrients with high levels including:

 Blue Algae Protein

 Carbohydrates
 Fatty acids
 Fiber
 A variety of minerals (Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Phosphate,Magnesium, Iron and
 Essential and non-essential amino acids
 Chlorophyll
 Beta carotene

Spirulina also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and antioxidants.

Not only that, spirulina is also known to contain substances that have antibacterial properties,
antivirus, anti-inflammatories and anticancers

In 1 tablespoon of powdered spirulina (7 grams), there are 20 calories and a variety of the
following nutrients:

 4 grams of protein

 0.5 grams of fat

 1.5 grams of carbohydrates

 8.5 milligrams of calcium

 14 milligrams of magnesium

 95 milligrams of potassium

 8 milligrams of phosphorus
 0.7 milligrams of vitamin C

 2 milligrams of iron

2.3 Benefits of Spirulina

Here are some of the benefits of spirulina for the health of the body:

1. Strengthening the immune system

Spirulina contains several types of antioxidants as well as minerals and vitamins, such as
magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which play an important role in
maintaining endurance. Some research shows that spirulina can support the production and
performance of white blood cells and help the production of antibodies, so that the body will be
stronger against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause infection.

2. Maintain heart health

Spirulina is also known to lower triglyceride and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, while
increasing good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. This effect makes spirulina good consumed to
maintain heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart disease.

3. Relieve allergy symptoms

A study mentions that spirulina can relieve allergy symptoms, such as itchy skin and
hives, sneezing, itchy nose, and stuffy nose. This is because spirulina has substances that are
anti-inflammatory. However, the effectiveness of spirulina as a drug to relieve allergy symptoms
still needs to be studied. In addition, some allergy sufferers may also have allergies to spirulina,
so it is not suitable to use such supplements.

4. Reduce the risk of cancer

Spirulina contains antioxidant substances that are quite high. The content is known to
prevent damage to body cells due to exposure to free radicals and prevent the growth of cancer

5. Lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is the cause of various serious diseases, such as
heart disease, stroke, and chronic kidney disease. A study shows that spirulina can increase the
production of nitric oxide which makes blood vessels widen and relax more, so that blood
pressure becomes more stable. In addition, spirulina is also known to contain potassium, a
mineral that plays an important role in lowering and maintaining stable blood pressure.
6. Maintaining the health of the digestive tract

Spirulina is considered good for maintaining gastrointestinal health. A study mentions

that spirulina has a prebiotic effect that can support the performance and number of good
bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Spirulina is also known to improve the work of the digestive
system, so that various nutrients from food and beverages can be absorbed better by the body.
There are still many other benefits of spirulina that are good for health, including keeping blood
sugar levels stable, preventing anemia, increasing energy and stamina, and maintaining an ideal
body weight.

Because it contains protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, Spirulina has a lot to offer
when it comes to skin care. Spirulina has been widely used as beauty products ranging from
masks, supplements and so on. Here are the benefits of spirulina mask for the beauty of your

1. Contains Anti-Aging Benefits

One of the most prominent reasons to use spirulina masks in your beauty routine is
because spirulina is rich in antioxidants that can help defend your skin and body from free
radicals. Spirulina can neutralize free radicals and other toxins that cause signs of premature

2. Protecting the Skin

In addition to neutralizing free radicals with antioxidants, spirulina masks have anti-
inflammatory properties that can also slow down the signs of aging. Some studies report that
spirulina provides powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Both are the main drivers
for reversing skin aging.

3. Detoxify skin color

Spirulina also has detoxifying properties that can be put to good use in skin care.
Chlorophyll provides strong chelating properties. Spirulina attracts and removes heavy metals
from the body before it arrives and is stored in skin tissue.

One of the best ways to reap the detoxifying benefits of spirulina is through a nutrient-
rich face mask. The benefits of spirulina masks are detoxifying pores, exfoliating dead skin,
improving elasticity and providing the skin with an anti-aging nutrient shield that can protect
against various environmental aggressors.

4. Acne Treatment

The antioxidants in spirulina help the body fight free radicals and flush out toxins, which
can have a direct impact on skin health. This marine plant also increases skin metabolism. This
reaction helps remove dead skin cells faster and new skin cells grow.

Spirulina is very rich in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that helps the
body fight inflammation like acne. Spirulina is able to increase skin metabolism to allow faster
skin cell turnover and healing of acne-prone skin.

2.4 How to Use Spirulina

a. Spirulina as a supplement

- How to use :

1 X 2 Capsules a day

- Suggestions:

Drink before eating and drink lots of warm water.

b. Spirulina as a beauty mask

 Tools :

- Small bowl

- Special brush for face/spatula mask

 Material :

- 2 capsules of Spirulina

- Enough water

How to use :

1. Wash your face until it's clean, make sure there's no dirt or makeup residue.

2. Wash your face with warm water to open the pores.

3. Put the Spirulina capsules in a small bowl and pour enough water.

4. Mix thoroughly until it forms a paste, then apply it on the entire surface of the face, leaving
the eyes and mouth.

5. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, until completely dry and absorbed

6.If it's dry, rinse it with cold clean water to close the pores again.
For maximum results, you can use a Spirulina mask 2-3 times a week

2.5 Member Review

1. After using the spirulina mask, the benefits I really felt were that the pimples on my face
began to disappear and the acne scars faded faster. Although the spirulina mask has a strong
aroma, after using the mask, the face feels fresher. (Faradiba Silfilla An'nisa)

2. The use of Spirulina as a face mask brings good effects to my face. This Spirulina mask can
make my acne scars fade and also soothe the skin. But the smell is quite pungent. (Aziva Muriza

3.This spirulina mask can get rid of acne well. After I used it, the acne on my face disappeared
and it was able to get rid of the breakouts on my face. (Rahma Fadhila)

4.the effect that I feel after using the spirulina mask makes my face feel fresher and look brighter
after rinsing it off.(Fatma Azzara)

5. I love this spirulina powder! I’ve been putting it in my smoothies for the past few days.
Overall very pleased! (Syakira Barara Fauzal)



Herbal medicine is the use of medicine to reduce, eliminate disease or cure someone
from disease by using parts of plants. One of the herbal medicine is spirulina. Currently, a lot of
spirulina is being processed into herbal medicinal products because it has many benefits, both for
health and beauty. Spirulina has the main content of Antrospira sp, which contains a variety of
important nutrients with high levels. spirulina is also known to contain substances that have
antibacterial properties, antivirus, anti-inflammatories and anticancers.



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