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Zahida Gomez

PHYS 1040

November 24th, 2021

Signature Assignment

Astronomy has always been something I've been interested in but didn’t know much

about. I figured why not have a conversation with people about it, and research more of what I

want to know! For my signature assignment I decided to talk about the moon and how it affects

our mood changes. I know that different moon phases can cause us to act differently and I know

people's behavior changes a lot and we should all be aware of different decisions we make

depending on where the moon is at.

I talked to my cousins Emy and Maritza about this, they also had no idea what this meant

and I also had a conversation with one of my coworkers Shelby. She is very into astrology and

always tells me about how there are certain things she avoids doing depending on where the

moon is placed that day in the sky. I thought, why not have a conversation with people who don't

really know so we all learn something and then have one with someone who knows a bit more

and try to understand it more.

For the first conversation I had, I decided to do a bit of research since I didn’t know

anything about it. I went to a coffee shop called “Sunset Coffee'' . This is one of my comfort

places and somewhere I enjoy doing homework so I invited my cousins over. I decided to have a

conversation with them on October 20th. This day was actually a full moon so I thought this was

a perfect time to have a conversation. We first talked about our zodiac signs, My cousin Maritza

is a Virgo which she tends to be patient and usually keeps to herself, and I’m a Gemini which
most people consider as clever and aware of surroudnings. Lastly, my cousin Emy is a Libra,

they bring more harmony and peace.

Me and my cousin honestly didn’t really know what to talk about since we all didn’t know

much about it. There is an article called “Here’s what the November 4th moon means for the

Earth's sign” which is what my cousin Maritza is, there was a similar article that had to do with

air signs. Me and my cousin both read these before the conversation and talked about it.

The november 4th moon arrived at 5:14 pm and was

in Scorpio. This moon is also called the “Beaver

moon.” On the left is a calendar of the different moon

phases during the month of November. November 4th

was a New moon, and the 19th was a full moon.

My cousin Maritza read the article about earth signs

and read about how the new moon would cause her to be more positive in finding new things

about the people around her. For my article I read about how my sign might want to have a set

fitness goal and set a change where I can better meet my goal. My cousin Emy also read about

this article and for her sign she read about how the new moon would increase her stream of

income. Since we met at the end of that month we decided to talk about whether or not the

change in the moon affected us the way it said that it did.

My cousin Maritza said that she didn’t really feel a change, she has always been closed

off so trying to find new things about the people around her was hard she couldn’t really figure

out if it was something new or a part of them. She said “ I was mostly focused on what I was

feeling around these people and not really anything new, If that is what I was searching for I

might've found something.” However, my cousin Emy thought that the moon change did affect
her. She ended up getting a new job where they pay her more and are very flexible with her

hours. For me, I honestly have had a hard time trying to set a new goal but I did start eating

healthier and started meal planning so I don’t run late to everything. Even though it isn’t really a

fitness goal, I still feel like the moon did affect a goal that I could complete.

I really liked how this conversation went, I feel like we all got some pretty good

information. Although we weren’t quite sure what some things meant we were able to look into it

and figure it out. I feel like we were able to be aware of how the moon can affect us. I don’t think

I would do anything differently during this conversation, I feel like it went by pretty smoothly, it

took us about an hour to talk about all this and I am interested to look at more moon phases on

different dates!

Lastly, I had a quick 15 minute conversation with my coworker Shelby at work. She’s not

someone I really go out with but I know she knows A LOT about the moon so I had a quick

discussion with her. She talked to me about something called the “Mercury retrograde.” This is

something I’ve seen all over Tik Tok so I was curious about what it meant so I asked her what it

was and what happens throughout this. During this time we all feel less energy than what we

are used to, this is when the planet Mercury enters retrograde motion. She said that during this

time we should avoid any toxic behavior because this can lead to bad habits.

I did more research on this after our conversation since I was a bit confused on what this

was. In the article “Mercury is entering retrograde again: This is why people care.” I read that

this is when a planet reverses rotation, Mercury is the planet of communication so during this

period there will be many “negative connotations.” I thought that this was very interesting, I feel

like I would’ve liked to have a longer conversation with her about this since I am curious to know

about more things we should avoid, or things we should pay attention to since she is someone

who has experienced more of these things.

I really enjoyed having these conversations with these people, I don’t think I would

change anything about them, I would just like them to be a bit longer!

Lynne, A. (2021, October 28). Here's what the November 4 New Moon means for Earth,2021,from


Abuhadra, N. (2021, November 1). Here's what the November 4 New Moon means for Air,2021,from


Davies, W. (2021, April 29). Is mercury in Retrograde? what it means and why people



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